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Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:28 pm
Seeing how Max was doing okay, Kyson was glad. Hearing the boy speak, he seems pretty mature for his age. Or at least how he looks, since the Hozuki doesn't know his actual age. But all in all, he was managing the best he could after all the events that have taken place. "Yeah, I've been all over this world for the most part. Seems like no matter where you go. Darkness will always find its way towards you." Kyson said.

As he heard Max speak on about Maku. Everything he was saying seemed about right so far. He was noticing all of the things he said about Maku. He would agree he honestly doesn't need bodyguards and always looks for or finds trouble. But one thing Kyson always had a problem with when it came to him was reading his mind. He never knew what he was going to do next. He doesn't know if it is something that will come to him eventually. But trying to figure out what he is thinking is probably something nobody could do. "Wow, you must know a lot about him because everything you said for the most part was spot on. I'm not sure what his true intentions are. But I guess I'll see how it goes. Besides.. I find it more interesting that way." Kyson would say with a smirk.

But seeing the face of Sorrow from Max. Kyson's smirk didn't last too long. Hearing the boy speak, Kyson couldn't help but wonder where he heard all of this from since he was just a genin not too long ago. Or maybe it was Senshi who was the one to fill him in on everything that going on. The young hozuki could only wonder. But then Kyson heard a question from Max, one that he asks himself all the time. To lighten the mood, he wanted to say yes. But knowing damn well that wasn't true, the boy couldn't help but say the truth.

"Hmph, not even close. When my kage back in Suna disappeared and he entrusted me to take over. From that point, I saw power that I never knew exist. Almost felt like all the training I did was for nothing. I've seen the good and the bad of this shinobi. As of right now, I'm somewhere in the middle. But what side I will be in the future? Is still unknown to me." A lot has happen and a lot has been experienced. Which is all part of growing up and seeing the world for yourself. Hearing Max being concerned about Kumo. Kyson couldn't blame him, I mean who wouldn't. After everything they have done and have yet to do. One day they might have to pay for what they have done.

"Future generations huh? Well the way I see it, its all about ones perspective. If your part of a peaceful village and a army intends to kill off your village for power. If your peaceful village ends up killing the enemy. The families of the ones you killed to protect your peaceful home will probably hate your guts and look at you as the monsters. And look at the army who started the fight as heroes who died a honorable death. But if the army were to be successful in taking out your peaceful home. their families would probably feel remorse for taking over your home. You'd be surprise how people feelings can change and differ from one another." Kyson would explain to Max. There will never be peace in this world, its just not how life works. You need the good and you need the bad. Light can't shine without darkness. And Kyson believes that faithfully.
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:56 am
Max would listen to the words of the experienced shinobi, drinking it in and pondering it as best he can. If Maku did manage to bite off more than he could chew, how would the village handle it. Not only will any such loss crush morale, but if we lost any of our key shinobi we likely wouldn't be able to defend ourselves from any type of serious attack. Max has seen firsthand what Maku is capable of, and anyone capable of making him regret his actions would be a force to be reckoned. 

"I can only hope that the ambition of some does needlessly throw away the lives of others. It is a good sign to have added you to our forces. It means that no unnecessary blood was spilled, and while you might not be particularly happy about how it turned out, at least you have your head still to have such thoughts in it." Max would say this, understanding that everything that Kyson was going through must have been difficult. Just a short while ago he would have been considered an enemy of Kumo. Funny how things can go sometimes, isn't it. Funnier still is that he knew that Maku was a monster, and yet that monster showed more mercy to his enemies than Max ever considered showing his own. Of course, Maku had no particular issue with those residents of Suna. Max's enemy had long ago made it very personal, and no such mercy would befall him.

"Once I get back to Kumo, I have a lot of things to prepare. I am a Chuunin now, and I must take more responsibility for the defense and protection of our home. It won't be a simple task, and I may require the help of other Kumogakure shinobi. I hope that I can count on you should I require assistance with these matters." Max knew that something was stirring. Something big was going to happen soon, and he could feel it deep down into his bones. Would increasing our defenses even matter? Who knows. There is only so much one can do to prepare for the oncoming storm once you are at sea.

The boy would wait to see what Kyson's response would be.
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Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:16 am
Hearing Max's words as he was speaking his mind. He was indeed an interesting kid. Spoke really well and seems like a smart kid who thinks a lot different from other kids. He definitely was a lot more different and mature than Kyson when he was his age. The more he spoke to Kumo shinobi, it was like the more it calmed him down. His entire reason for leaving was because of the darkness within the village. Not denying that the village doesn't have that same darkness now. But seeing a lot of strong willed shinobi with a bright mindset makes him wonder if he should have ever left in the first place.

"Yeah, ain't that the truth huh. I don't know.. sometimes I just take things for granted. Its probably a little problem I have." Kyson would say in response to Max. The kid brought up the return of Kumo, that day was coming sooner and sooner. Kyson didn't want to believe, but its been a long 5 years since he visited that place again. But it was soon that he had to face it head on.

"There's a lot to be done in so little time. Well at least for me I suppose. But we'll be heading back shortly." Kyson said as he got up from his seat. And he begins to wake away slowly. And as he walks away, he turns towards Max and keeps walking away. "Catch ya later Max, I got some work that needs to be done before I head back tomorrow. I'll make sure to check on Senshi when I do. Hopefully he didn't do anything crazy.." Kyson said as he waved his hand goodbye and heading back to the slums.

(My WC: 3032)


- 3032 words towards Hydrogen Bomb
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

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Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:29 am
It seemed as if this meeting of the two unlikely allies would now be at an end. Kyson had things that he had to attend to before they had left Hoshi and returned home. Max had no such things to attend to. It was sad, but he felt as though there was so much promise and hope when he was leaving for Hoshi. Now this small chapter in his life had nearly come to a close, and Max felt a bit of disappointment. Very little good came out of this trip it had seemed, but nevertheless Max would accept it and move on. He would get up as well, and say farewell to Kyson.

When Max heard Kyson mention checking on Senshi, a smile almost crept on to his face. Max wanted nothing more than Senshi to be alright, and this whole mission that his brother spoke of to have been an overestimated threat. While it wasn’t much hope to cling to, the boy would clutch on to the thought as though his life depended on it. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Kyson. I’ll see you when we leave for Kumo.” With that said, the boy would lift his hand up to wave and turn back towards Hoshi. He was going to walk around the village some more, hoping that this nightmare would soon be over and that he could wake up and finally be at peace.


Total WC: 2797 


2797 Words Towards Dread Knight
Learning Kyson's Chakra Signature as well (all 2000 words together in this thread)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:50 am
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