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Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:15 pm
She had taken his hand and folded their fingers together as she walked next to him while directing their steps towards the centre of town where she aimed to buy some things she would need for the dinner that she was planning on making for him, her father and herself. In her head she was already creating a shopping list as she was thrown off again by something he said. He had never eaten Sushi before? With big eyes she looked at him while her mind seemed to need a moment to wrap around what he had just said. She then slowly started: "Well you take fish, avocado, crab, cucumber all those good things are rolled into a small bundle of rice that will then sometimes be layered with seaweed. Sometimes without but with sesame on top and with soy sauce or terriayki sauce it is amazingly delicious." She was really captivated with telling him about the wonders of sushi and smiled at him while doing so. Promising to him that he would be loving it since it was such a special meal only made to out of the best ingredients that would make a food favourable to anyone who took a bite of it while she was walking towards a shop that was selling fish looking into the outlet. "Maybe you can help me, I need a got salmon and tuna and maybe some crabs", she looked over the fishes.

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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:42 pm
the smell of fish and the busy crowd of the marketing area was a rush. yet all he could hear is sanae speaking of the wonders of sushi. and he was truly captivated. recognizing some of the foods with a nodd with universal rice and the like in question. 

oooooo now this sounds like a luxury dish that... i may actually like!

xuba tried to imagine the tastes of each bit as he  picked out the salmon in question. His eyes with joy ran over the selections as he gripped sanae's hand tightly and smelled the scents. being out in the world he caught his stuff fresh. so the question now which was the freshest bit of fish he could find. sure the sea to the north was unique but xuba caught sight of a fish. Freshly cut and by the sights of it a fresh catch. Tje inards were still ripe and red and he smiled as he dropped a few ryo on the tray and snapped his fingers towards the man to grab the fish.

"Two fresh salmon... heavy duty ill do cleaning later. A big tuna  two. Thick not soft..."

Xuba stated as the man nodded at the ammount he gave to him. A smile on the mans face as xuba with the commanding precense of a lion the men and women glanced at him and stepped back  away as he spotted a few children sneaking away looking scared and taking a few small fish in haste.

"Make that three tuna please..." 

Xuba called to the man as he brushed his hand through sanae's hair to get her attention. The crab was in his sights as he found them unusual but was willing to try them. Fresh from the southern sea. Yet he ducked down to whisper to sanae. 

"Princess sanae. Can you go get the two small children and bring them here to  me really quickly."

Xuba  smiled a warm smile at the girl and slightly brushed her ear to see if see heard him.
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Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:25 pm
Sanae would be standing beside him and watch all the wonderful fishes. She had indeed learned to cook them but the really differ which was the best was not what she was best at. But for this she now had someone joining her that maybe had caught this fish all by himself in the wild and therefore knew which would be the freshest of them all. While she was watching him and what he did she as well saw the children but thought nothing of it but, that she was off duty and would not chase some children who seemed hungry and only trying to get some supper. Normally a shinobis duty would kind of command her to keep thievery from happening but she kind of did not want to since she was in such a good mood. Shortly after that he said to make it even three tuna which was a gigantic amount of fish to be eating even for three people. But then he turned to her and ducked down while once again gently stroking over her head. She closed her eyes for a moment while listening to his whisper. The children were what he wanted? But why?

She nodded shortly towards him: "I'll get the right away Tutamursa-sama." She smiled at him and then left his side only letting go of his hand as it was too far away to take it with her. Then she just mustered up some speed to follow those quick little rascals around the very corner where they had disappeared. The ally in which she entered was quiet and as far as she could listen in there were only whispers around that were trying to hide the presence of the little ally way goblins who were trying to get away from their pursuing shadow that now was walking in the middle. "Come out little mice, don't be afraid and let the Cheshire cat offer you some cheese in return for your bravery. No need to be frightened I would never eat children most frankly I only devour bad dreams like the bad dream of hunger you may have, those tiny fishes won't feed you long", just like a cat she had silently sneaked up to a paper box and as she reached in she could grab something that would start screaming as soon as she pulled up the little girl she was screaming in terror as if she was about to die a terrible death but it would not occur.

It needed taking a few hits from an over protective big bother and simple reasoning for Sanae to make the children believe in her not being the enemy but someone who wanted to help them. One on each hand she left the ally some moment later on going back to the stall where she would go to her prince lightly bowing to him: "Just as you said I got them both back to stand before you", she smiled at him with the happiness of a job well done glowing inside them. The children kind of hid behind her waiting for the scolding they thought to be coming their way.

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Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:58 pm
While sanae decided to head off to go grab the children xuba proceeded to continue studying the food products. It was questionable as the man had quiet a busy market that he glanced at the offerings of two of the tuna that he recived. While one looked fine the scent was that of a slight scent of decay.  Xuba picked tbe fresher of the two as he took a hand in the crab selection. While seeing that he would buy three instead of 2 giant crabs. What for? His eyes now held a twinkle as he spotted sanae comming back with the two children whence he sternly pointed at the fisherman and the children returned their stolen goods. 

"I know the life kids. I also know where it ends... i have seen more things than you can imagine.... but at the cost of my joy. Go to the academy and learn. Be a fisherman even as it may do good to get your legs and begin working hard. You can do better. Now here."

Xuba handed one crab and a salmon bit. 

"Mix them and eat good tonight. For tomarrow you will work and help. Or i will have another word with you... understood?"

The children backed away slowly and with a silent thank you in the eye they scampered off.

"I see myself in them sanae... i was like that. Theiving off hard work. Lying to get away, but lying to live. They cannot follow my footsteps. If i had a second chance i would give myself this fish. And maybe... my heart would not bleed as it does."

Xuba adressed to sanae as he headed towards a shop and in thought told her to wait a moment. and go grab the herbs.

"I gotta go do something really quick princess. Please go grab the herbs. Actually if i may ask. I need a special root for these cuts.  As it might smell bad but it will do good."

When sanae left xuba entered the shop and spotted the figure of an old figure lurking in the shadows with a weezing cough.

The shop was grisley and dirty yet this was unavoidable for xuba as he took a step inside. The dusty interior the old man as he showed a toothy smile.

"Aye ya dont always have thar glare eh uneo, thar foolish trio also earned thar glare as well. Boi what thar do with thar bodies? Mighta earned thar wrath of thar bossith. Don ya thinkth?" 

Xuba said nothing as he  brushed off the table and motioned to the man. To take a seat. He would rather not deal with the past. And instead move on, besides he had other plans.

"I feel like i should not hold such a heavy burden in my heart. But i will need to say that i may need something useful to well. Grow out my beard a little..."

The man shook his head and chuckled.

"Nar here mi lad. Nar here. But perhaps more commin than yar think. Thar seks thar manship stuff. Thar only look in common places.... shopsa closed mate."

Xuba took a step outside and the dusty door slammed closed behind mad laugher. With that he would go off to find sanae unless she returned.

"An old freind on his last legs. I needed some wisdom but he said it was found in common grounds. Well it should be good sanae. What are the stars like here?"
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Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:48 pm
Sanae watched in silence as the children returned what they had stolen and as a reward where give part of what he bought. This was easy to understand at least for what reason even without him explaining, but as he said it his trouble came to mind. Her eyes followed them down the street. She had never really known hardships of street life. Even as in the past, when her father counted as dead, in the days before he returned home there were still her mother and her uncle to take care of everything. Now it was her and her father who was earning quite good money being shinobi and all, maybe at a risk, but this was some risk she needed to take anyways so it was just as it should be.
Seeing those children run away it made the time seem go slow and she tried to remember herself at this age. A short smile struck her face, it was not that long ago, but it seemed to her like centuries had passed since she was that young and small. Now all she wanted was growing up faster since she wanted to reach her full potential soon. As of her body was in a miserable state, not the sweet figure of a child anymore and not yet the sensual form for a grown woman so just the state of a halve baked person. Now she turned her attention to her new found teacher who told her to get some herbs because he needed to grab some stuff and she nodded. "Sure I will, please be careful", she said as he was leaving her.

While he was gone she went on over the market, getting some herbs she would need for the food and to heal him. One most important was ginger and some wasabi to get the full experience of sushi she promised him so that was something she really needed and maybe some soy or tofu for a miso soup or even just as filling components. Also they were good for the Okonomiyaki as well as some cabbage as filling and maybe some other roots as well. She was humming along while she was getting the stuff she wanted and one of the stall owners who knew her from seeing her around noted how light hearted she seemed and if something happened today. "I found a prince", she stated in a cheerful manner and this statement got an all knowing nod and a pinch in her cheek.

As she endured it she turned around seeing Xuba. "There he is, I'll be off thank you!", she said to the saleswoman running towards him: "I have everything now Tutamursa-sama, if you don't have something else to do, let's go home?" The woman followed the girl seeing the quite mature man and raised her eyebrows. Well shinobi, they were weird sometimes.

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Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:07 pm
The woman following sanae got a wink from xuba as he smiled at her. 

"No worries mad'am xuba offered a bow of honesty as she turned away and xuba ran his hands through her hair. 

"You are right i it is getting near dinner time. So we should get prepared for the  shushi! I cannot wait and i thank you soo much." Then he caught scent of the herb and he nodded. 

Yes it smelled but it had healing of a nature remedy. Xuba then knelt down and whispered in sanaes ear.

"And right in time too sanae i with this i shall just need awhile then bandages princess. Your skill is defintley amazing, so i will take it as such to say that you have the fight to survive out there. In time it will come to you your skill as a survivor. I have faith in you. Just like all of my past students. Sadly they ended up using things for wrong and well.... but you have my faith in your abilities. As a teacher i promise to live up to your wishes princess." 

The twilight was apparent as he knew it was getting dark so he held sanae's hand and felt relaxed as it was now that much easier to move still his wounds ached
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Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:58 pm
She rubbed her head against his hand that was running through her hair and smiled happy and glad that they were back together. She felt great since he was back with her and as it seemed she had bought everything they needed and he needed to heal back to health. As he kneeled beside her she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled close as she listened closely what he said to her and smiled at him in the end gently cupping his face and the softly touching his cheek with her lips before whispering: "Thank you but don't live up to my wishes, just live. Sometimes it seems so much harder to stay alive then to just live", she smiled at him and then held onto his hand while they were walking towards her home.

"How do you like bathes? I love them and I would gladly pour you one", she smiled at him, "And I would mhmm give you a massage and brush your back? How does that sound? I still feel bad for hurting you so much", she said with her head down looking at the ground as she came back to the topic and somewhere it stung badly and she held on closer to his arm as they were walking closer to where her clan had his home walking up to the great wooden door behind which the house and garden of the family where hidden.

She opened the door to reveal the small garden with vegetables growing on a small field and an apple tree full of apples was standing there. The veranda circling around the house was freshly cleaned. "There we are", she said smiling at him and the added a gently toned, "welcome home." Then she took him to the front door opening it and letting him into a hallway facing not only some doors left and right but also stairs. Where they were she left her shoes and got into a pair of slippers and handed him some.

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Fri Nov 03, 2017 12:47 am
The sensation of her lips against his cheek stunned xuba as he listened to every vowel and single word she said. It was odd yet he was transfixed as her words drilled into him. Only now did he stop and think.

Live... what does it truely mean to live... here i stand at the shadows of the world. The darkness that drove the child into the depths of the darkness. Neither moon nor sunlight combined... but she peirced the darkness and showed light. Now she pierces consistently.... endevuering full of love and heart. Love? Where did-....

Xuba thought as he held her hand softly her fingers intertwined with his as he after awhile saw the large doors  and heard her tequest. Xuba smiled and then percived her sudden drop in her demeanor. She felt bad.

"Sanae... i love baths. They sooth the soul and heal the weary. They were my scource of warmth when one had nowhere to go. That and the fire for a camp. I... would be honored."

Xuba stated as his heart beat softly and he stopped and cupped sanae's face softly and looked into her eyes. 

" But do this not for me as repayment. But what your heart say's in the depths of who you are. To give and recive a gift. Is like seeing the smile in your eyes. Life radiates in people diffrently. But the disire for forgiveness remains consistant. I forgave you for your attacks because they truely were not to harm. Hence why i stand now is by your hand and care. Why i dont hide away in the shadows is the same reason."

Xuba rested his hand over her hair and like a comb softly stroked it. 

"What is it  that you disire for sanae that is my question. For any request i will make sure even to my last breath i will fufill."

Xuba stated with honestly. A stroll later and xuba needed to make sure his jaw did not break from slightly dropping.

"What... an wonderful home you have sanae. Amazing!" As he with respect took his shoes off before even crossing the doorway and with a bow of generocity accepted the slippers.

"This... is truely a home"
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:05 am
Once again he was cupping her face with his warm hands and she looked into his eyes. Standing like this always made her wish to stretch out to his face. Her eyes trailed over his lips that were now moving as he talked to her. For a while resting upon them before trailing back to his eyes her own lips formed to a smiled all the time, she could not otherwise it was kind of contagious. Her ears took in what he said to her and gently nodded her head as he had come to an end as sign that she had understood him. Smiling she enjoyed him gently combing through her hair as she was in one of this moments where it seemed the time would never go by but almost freeze and everything felt so light as if it was hovering above ground.

"What I desire?", she said again as if it was a charm and then she slowly thought about it. What did she desire? She liked when he touched her like that. She loved t when she was laying in his arms because they had crashed on the ground and she loved feeling his skin on hers. "I desire you", slipped her lips before she blushed heavily and shook her head, "I mean erm I being around you is desirable and well I liked how our day went by." She cleared her throat as they entered just to be happy as she saw his amazement of her home. Well it was big but she was used to it being as it was. She smiled directing him left to the open and friendly kitchen where she instantly started sorting their groceries while she looked at him: "Mhmm I will take some moments to cook, do you want to go to the living room while you wait?" She was already setting up a pot on the stove and started washing the rice for the sushi. "I could bring you some apple juice, we press it ourselves." She motioned a head nod towards the direction were the tree was standing outside.

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Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:26 am
Sanae seemed to have froze as he spoke and she was staring at his lips by the glance.

Darn my savagery i mightve cut it a little...

Xuba thought as he noted the slip of her words of her disire of him. The thought was well a shock he hid well as he smiled and licked his lips to make sure they were chapped.

"Well you defintley have a solid strike of course. Nearly knicked my lips and instead i took a nice attack from you. You truely are wonderful in combat sanae as I wonder how far will you go in your training?"

Xuba whispered to her and nuzzeled her nose with his a lingering touch for but an instant. 

He brushed off his cloak and smiled as with half a ripped shirt his cuts scabbed up slightly and he covered his arms and chest with the now loose grey cloak. 

"I would like to try the.... apple juice.... hm i never had tried that before. But it will be interesting to try. I know apples are sweet, but i lived off honey and water a sweet combination if you ask me. But i will be in the living room area sanae ok?"

Xuba stated as he upon reaching the area  sat down cross legged in the living room area and steadily started to breath in deep meditation. Calming his nerves and his being. The place was massive. His mind however was focused on within himself as he awaited concentration. This day made himself realize how much time has passed. And perhaps he had truely become older on the inside.
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