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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:54 am
Today was the day. Sanae had early gone to the hospital to not only get her father's stuff, but also him. She would meet the proud Jounin inside his room where she needed to help him dress. In his eyes she could see the despair that filled him while being like he was now. Unable to even dress alone and everything else that would require the use of hands he would just sink his head. He had lost some weight because he ate less. Nurses said they could not get him to eat all too much, not even Sanae bribing him with his favourite food could help it. Now at least he was returning home with his daughter. Slow was the walk they had and even once in a while they stopped so he could rest and then continued. It hurt Sanae to see him like this, to her this man had been everything, mean, caring, strict, fun loving, hard as stone, gentle like a feather and practically indestructible. Now he was broken not only his body but something inside him even more. He shivered like a leave in the wind and looked strangely feeble to her to the extent that she wanted to almost try and carry him.

But she could hold back on this wish so after a while they would have reached home and she would open the door for him. As he was walking towards the front door of the house she could see him look at the garden her mother had planted. His eyes sad and lonely like hers whenever she looked at it. Most times she was in anger over her leaving her, but she had never really thought about him. He had been left for quite some time longer and never had another love he had simply lived for her and his job. Another sting in her heart later she would open the door for him and as she was getting their slippers she would call: "Tatsuma! We're home!" Getting their slippers she would find a cracker inside hers. Strange things she thought as she pulled on it and got engulfed in smoke.

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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:55 am
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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:55 am
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:27 am
Xuba quietly cleaned the house as he made sure to keep it clean and well for sanae's father. The thing was that it was out of pure respect for her father and respectful he was. Even as the man was in terrible shape, especially for a man of his stature. Yet xuba was honest with the emotional pain. It truely hurt as it was the time he was warming up to the man.

He polished the floors doorstep and quarters of the man's room as he heard the gate opend down the stairs and hurried to the door awaiting in a colorful shirt and slightly still wet hands. Xuba had made some treats earlier to try to stave off the anxiety of the man as it would help. He had left them to warm over the warm storm as he had also considered the temperature outside being chilly for the time of the year. No warrior deserved a hospital visit amid returning home due to medical complications from the cold and wounds. The home was warm to greet the two as ot was inviting as he could do. Without  going over the top. He held the warm treats at the ready to treat the man to something home cooked and delicious.

Yet the sight of life in the mans eyes. That firey pride in his home and family seemed to have vanished. Like a dying fire to the gale. One would wonder the true nature of what he encountered. Yet xuba was certain the man encountered a battle that broke, pride and body. His heart sank with greif seeing the man in a broken state. Yet he was aware the man did not eat much nowadays. Perhaps food as one enters home could help.

Broken like the mighty wall. Far worse then i was in kumo. I nearly went mad in the frozen cold... But fear not! Your daughter and I are here.

Xuba thought as he bowed and spoke to the two as they entered.

"Welcome home sir. I am glad you came back. I will at your request have something ready to eat,  and any thing set at your call."

Xuba would state as the man entered although his gaze fell to sanaes as even he could see the tormoil inside her eyes as suddenly there was a puff of smoke comming up from where sanae was.

"Is everything allright sanae, sir?"

He would call out and close the distance after in less then a fraction of a second let placed down the tray of goodies with care and speed. Making sure to catch the man should he fall with hands and arms gentle yet strong. So to not harm him. Nor open or cause any damage to his wounds. His mind went back to the girl he broke in training outside tornadeo country. The guilt even then was a hit to his pride. 

I'll make sure he and sanae are ok.

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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:30 am
With a clap of her hand Sanae would push a small gust of wind from herself and cough lightly. The cracker in her hands had turned into a Christmas hat and she blinked at the thing. "Mhmm another strange present", she put it on her hand looking at her father waving her head from side to side so he could see the tip wave. His eyes looked at her tired and motioning slowly. Then he looked at Tatsuma again who was standing in the hall before them and shook his head. "I want nothing thank you for your effort anyways", he slowly slipped out of his boots as his daughter had opened the clasps of them and got into his slippers. The stumped arms handing to his sides just as lifeless as dead tree branches and Sanae followed him quickly. "Everything almost alright I suppose", she said in a kind of shivery voice. No she was not sure about what she said but still he was home safely and she now needed to do the caring. "I will go sit in the living can someone fetch me a book?", he mumbled as she walked pass them and raised on of the bandaged hands to move aside the sliding door. Has the bandaged stump touched it she could see him flinch in pain and a tear ran down her cheek which she stroke away: "Tatsuma can you still make some finger food so he can eat if he wants?", already regretting she had said finger because he had none anymore and then following her father who had needed this time to open that door and get in.

WC: 276
TWC: 636
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:09 pm
He breathed a sigh of relife as sanae was perfectly fine just another of the unusual presents floating around the village like a pluage.

"Im glad your ok sanae. I understand sir... but to save you the work i will keep things close by for you. The living area was cleaned as i made sure to in your return to make it as comfortable as possible..."

He paused as he watched the man flinch in pain and sanae was near to tears even though she said she was ok. But that was away from the truth. She was truley hurting.

Princess sanae.... im sorry you are in pain like this....

Xuba thought as a small tear nearly formed in his eyes as xuba wordlessly nodded remaining strong for the man and eyed the plate of the pasteries as he regretted brining it out. Not knowing he lost function of his hands, via the loss of fingers.

What in the world happend... to cause this to the head of the house.

Xubas mind went through possibilities as he headed towards the kitchen carrying the plate of pasteries. A man of that mans stature couldve been anbushed, but seen sanae in combat he was certain her father being her teacher of the arts was close to impossible to beat. 

Xuba reached the kitchen as he felt a warmth and clod feeling flow through him. The fact that he would put all of the work he could behind caring for the man while sanae would take lead. They, were family for him.

Family.... i had no father... and murdered my mother..... but i will make sure... this family will stay together.... ill care for them despite sickness or defeat. I promise princess.

Xuba mentally vowed as he prepared a broth and dough. His resolve absolute as the stove soon humned to life with a bubbling concoction of soup broth mixed with veggitables slightly. And dumplings with chicken being put to work. Xuba worked quickly and in silence as if a doctor working on a pacitent as he sweetend the dumplings slightly and added a few healthy herbs into the broth.

Ill make sure to put my all in this. I know sanae is doing her best.... this is her father... this is her dad. So i was not able to save my mother... but ill make sure she will save her father as best i can.

Xuba thought as a small tear fell as he worked and kept to the stirring and setting up a tray for some rasberry tear with lavender, as a work on the stove to heat it up. All relaxation and easing techniques in cooking to use by xuba. To make the meal appitizing to the man as after 30-45 minutes xuba arrived in the living area with the tray of chicken dumplings for sanae, and her father speaking softly.

"For you sir. A meal to a return home for you sir."

Xuba bowed and set the tea and dumplings up on the table in which sanae would proberly have used for food and drinking. His hope and dream to help as best he could. Yet his heart sinking to drive him to tears. 

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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:15 am
Sanae would follow her father into the room and leave the door open. He would shortly after that sit down in his armchair placing that ruptured arms on the sides and closing his eyes. With a sigh he sank into the cosiness of the chair and then looked at her again. Tilting his head to the bookshelf he would think a moment and then say: "Would you hand me 'The ugly duckling' please?" He took a deep breath and Sanae nodded quite unsure why he wanted that children's book. Still if he wanted it he was bound to get it anyways. So she grabbed the book and took it to him along with a little side table. As she turned up in front of him he would motion her to sit on his lap. Usually no big deal, but she was kind of scared to hurt him but a kind of annoyed: "My arms are gone not my legs child", persuaded her to put her worries aside and sit on his lap leaning in. Now she would open the Book and he would start reading aloud. Just has he had done it for several years and Sanae was taken back to an earlier time in this home that seemed so long gone.

A time when he had her younger self on his lap and she was so small that he seemed like a giant, thinking of this made her smile a bit. This story had been one of her favourites by far and who knows how often he had to read it. Most of the times she would have fallen asleep before the end and he would carry her to bed so that the next day she would wake up and wonder how she got there. This time she would not sleep, because it was way too early in the day and she was too old to be put asleep by an old fairytale.
As they were sitting like this Xuba came in and offered them some dumplings. As she was almost used to it smelled delicious. "This is amazing Tasuma-sensei and it smells so good", she said with a hushed voice and the reading stopped for a moment and Suichiro looked at the man beside him: "Thank you Tatsuma, still you don't need to make such an effort, why don't you take a rest?" It almost felt like he was household staff and maybe that was what made it a little uncomfortable but it was just his way of helping out where he could and Sanae was glad he was.

WC: 431
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:49 am
Xuba bowed to them both and nodded to her father speaking to his words. As he took a seat next to sanae and smiled

"Thank you sanae. I wished to make the welcome home as special as i can. And now I will rest indeed. But also there is much that drives me to make sure that not only you, but sanae as well is well. After all i am eternally thankful for everything you provide... its the act of kindness that well keeps giving. So ill keep giving my absolute best for both of you."

Xuba stated as he took a seat noting the book the two were reading. Did his mother ever read to him? This xuba was certain she did not.  Save the few times she was actually sober in life. The few times she did not have a bottle in hand. Yet he had an fire warm and hot for determination to give his best. 

 I was never really thanked for anything... save teaching people to defend themselves. My food only to myself was good... it was like running into a void of no matter your kindness. The harsh reality would shove back. But i still handed out my kind actions and love for the world. Just i hate seeing people on pain like this. Yet... i wonder.... what are the scope of his injuries.

Xuba thought as he with smiling eyes brimming positivity at at sanae and her father although worry gnawed at his heart and soul still. This worry was not shown although by noting the book xuba perhaps it was a thought. But the feeling that he was trying to remind sanae something. A man learns a thing or two after watching people act.

She is all he has left and it makes me glad he truely is digging deep... just sir... the dumplings will do a true sign of reassurance.

"I hope you enjoy the dumplings"

Xuba stated with a kind warm smile.

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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:23 am
Sanae took a sniff at the dumplings and smiled. They smelled delicious so she grabbed one of them and gently blew on it before she tasted it. Those dumplings sure tasted as well as they smelt and gladly she smiled at her father. "You have to try this father", she immediate took a second one and blew on it once more for him to then take a careful bite out of it and he nodded agreeing and looked once again at Tatsuma who had been standing there like he wanted assurance. "They are wonderful really I don't know how ever you do it", he said after chewing and swallowing. But then he returned to the book and the reading picking off where he left the story when Tatsuma had come in. Sanae was smiling as it brought back many pleasant memories she had with him sitting next to her while she tried to sleep. Now she was nuzzling against his shoulder and closed her eyes while listening. Occasionally he would rub his chin against her head and until the story was ended. Then he would ask her to close the book as she would and thank her for listening. Next would follow two next dumplings one for him and one for her. They were simply fantastic.

WC: 216
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba) Empty Re: Homecoming (p,nk, Xuba)

Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:00 am
xuba quietly watched the two as the father read to sane. which was an heart warming experience. something that one who lacked experience in truly could only experience. like reading a book of his own. but he was living it. Being a man whom has traveled he has seen many families through  the years. Although xuba never harmed them. He has taken time to watch and learn.
such joy. this must be what it is like to be so close to a person you love. To simply hold them despite harm, grief, famine, and despair. To tackle the mere touch of one you hold dearest. A father and a daughter. he may have been hard on her... but he loves her. that's why he even now reads and eats despite all of the suffering. love truly drives him to bring back the girl to her childhood. to remind her that she is still his little girl. the very thing a parent, friend, and protector must always do. it is unconditional love. makes a man rise from the edges of death and  guard his children and wife. the mother whom faces down the threat and sacrifices themselves to supply a means of safety, warmth, and protection for the ones they love. It is instinctual, because of the very force that drives the being to protect what it is that is precious. the mother crawling from a fire guarding their children. The animals know it by heart. It lies in all of us. man to insect, plant to the fish, the flame that burns beyond eternity and the heat that flares in the coldest night. A beautiful sight  to behold i hope i can too follow such a suit and step as well. I don't know if my mother was capable....
xuba thought as he flashed back to the night that he took his own mother out by defending himself from death. by beating her with the hot pan in her drunken rage. yet it was as if she did not resist. as he kept hitting her. perhaps there was rage in herself that she resided to her fate at hand. only his yells of rage as she tried to softly hold him close amid rage. till she  lay still a hand softly on his shoulders and the final embrace. the child screamed in the dark for his  mother through tears as the blood dripped from the burn on his chest. He cried over a still mother. The still night turned to dawn as he laid on his mother's still body. the heat from her skin long gone, yet an arm resting over his shoulders soft yet stiff. The cold reality brought a chill that resonated through his being. the small bit of cold deep down, beyond the  heart, from the depths of his mind. deep down deeper then the darkness of the soul. He could feel it. it was like a chisel of permanent ice lodged in the heart of his being. The hands of the blood soaked child were his own.
... she loved me. thats why she did not strangle... nor stop me from the attack. that is why she held me even after death. that is why I feel the cold bit somewhere deep down inside me. it is the last whisper of her act of kindness. to not slay nor stop her child. but free me from the death spiral...despite the darkness. she held back the urge for her life. the precious life... to save me. to guide me to the road. because she wanted me to go home one day...
xuba thought as he watched the father and daughter read. he was back in reality from the dreamscape and hence replied, having heard them.
"i am glad you both love the dumplings. I only put the heart behind what i could've done for my own mother and father. if they were around. anyone who could appreciate the food i will cook day after day for through sickness and health. So it is my eternal gratitude. I am most glad you are eating it sir. because it makes my heart and soul smile. Would you guy's like some tea to drink? i am boiling up some rasberry tea for a good beverage to wash down."
xuba offered as he looked between father and daughter and smiled at the two. gladly willing to offer his services to the two as he resolved himself to move forward.
yes... that's what mother would want. to move forward from the shadows of her grip. To step beyond the curitians and into the dawn... What does it hold? i will never know. i will not know what the second step, the third ste, or fourth step will grant me. but i will not stumble through the shadows any further. the wind has guided me so far. to not be guided...
xuba thought as he smiled a joyful smile towards sanae happy that her father took a bite. His eyes saying and hoping with every fiber in his being.

He will be ok princess.

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