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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

I'm Back! (pt2) Empty I'm Back! (pt2)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:13 pm
It hadn't been that long since Kinzoku left Konoha, but it sure as hell felt like forever. He needed to get away from the village for a bit, to help re-center himself and clear his mind. Seeing an old friend of his had done exactly that. In all honesty he wasn't even sure why he had gone to see Nobunaga. He was just hoping that in some way it would help and his prayers had been answered. Though he had already been gone for a number of days and couldn't afford to wait any longer. There were things that he needed to do now and they had been put on hold for far too long.

Eventually Kinzoku would find himself walking past the tree line and towards the village gates draped in his usual attire. He made no attempt at hiding his chakra signature or anything of the sort. He knew there was the possibility of him being questioned as to his whereabouts the last few days, with the increase in security and all. He was prepared to answer them if need be. He just wanted to get back in to his home and meet the squad members of the team he was going to be assigned. He didn't know who they would be, but it was past time he met them.

He stopped at a safe distance from the Konoha gates before looking to see who was on guard duty today. If anyone had been there they would no doubt ask him of his business. Kinzoku's Konoha head guard was currently wrapped around his right bicep, indicating he was in fact a member of the village. Though he respectfully waited for the guards to do their job.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:24 pm
Higuto was walking along the top of the gates as he was keeping a watchful eye along the streets leading into and out of the village for anything suspicious. He had his insects flying around the sky, as well, as they were traveling long distances in order to see if anything was going on on the outside. It wasn't long before they alerted him of a person coming in with a seemingly strong aura to them as he looked down and saw who it was. He was delighted to see that it was his team's sensei that was coming in as he dropped down to the ground and landed by the gate. Of course he couldn't be too careful as this could've been an imposter coming up but he couldn't help but feel happy to see him finally back.

"Kinzoku sensei? It's good to see you again. How was your trip?" He would walk forward to Kinzoku as he'd stay a few meters away from him, guard up but with a friendly demeanor, as he'd have a smile for his sensei.
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Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:02 pm
As Kinzoku came to a stop and awaited a guard to greet him, he picked up on the chakra signature of someone up on top of the gates. His eyes slowly drifted over to the location of the signature finding the guard on top of the gates. In terms of the potency of his chakra, it wasn't that high. Had Konoha's ninja been stretched so thin that they had to start deploying anyone and everyone as guards? Either way, Kinzoku was experienced enough to know the strength of someone's chakra did not determine their own capabilities as a ninja. His eyes began drifting from the guard on top of the gates to the environment around the Nazar. Somehow he could sense the guard's chakra all around him almost like it was floating in the air, but he couldn't pick up on anything distinct. Maybe it had been some kind of jutsu he deployed to pick up on the presence of someone. 

His eyes fell upon the guard once more as he jumped down from the gates and made his way over to Kinzoku, stopping a few meters ahead of him. The guard approached with a smile as he greeted the Nazar as 'Kinzoku Sensei'. That caught the Nazar off guard. For one, he wasn't expecting to bump into one of his students at the gates as a guard. And secondly, he had no idea which three genin were assigned to his team. He didn't even know their names yet. Though it seemed the three genin had already been informed that Kinzoku would be their sensei. Kinzoku was going to have to play it cool, as though he knew this were one of his students.

"Nice to finally meet you" Kinzoku would reply with a friendly smile of his own, tipping the rim of his hat as a greetings to his student. "It was... helpful to say the least. Helped clear my head" Kinzoku replied to the question on how his trip went.  As a genin, Kinzoku speculated that Higuto likely couldn't sense chakra signatures and thus had no way of knowing whether Kinzoku was who he said he was. Even though he had his Konoha head guard wrapped around his right bicep, it could be fake. Who would have known his teaching duties would begin before he even made it inside the village.

"Next time, you should probably stay on top of the gate" Kinzoku informed Higuto. "Although you may have some safe measure put in place..." referring to the bugs he had flying around, "it's always safer to question someone from up there." With that Kinzoku would wait to see how Higuto would continue to handle the situation. To see if there was anything else he needed to chime in about.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:58 pm
Higuto nodded as he listened to Kinzoku and smiled upon hearing his teachings as he kept his hands in his pockets and his smile still wide upon his face but his eyes soon became glaring at the ninja. "Yes, sir. I can understand that. But usually the situation we are currently in provides two different possible scenarios. I could simply be a decoy while other, more powerful and higher rank ninja, are hidden around us and waiting for you to make a move. Or I could simply be a shadow clone which you may be surprised to learn that my original knows. Or both as this is frankly a very risky strategy." He scratched the back of his head as he tried to bring back his nice demeanor.

"I mean even you must think it a bit odd that the person to greet you at the gate is no more than a mere Genin. Don't you think those two strategies are indeed plausible?" Higuto would step a bit to the side as he didn't intend to reveal his insects just yet as he kept them flying around the vicinity from afar as he looked back at his, hopefully he thought, teacher. "But I digress such planning is hopefully not needed as I hope you can answer a question or two to indulge me. The village wasn't made aware as to the meaning of your absence and I was wondering if you could explain to me as to what you've been up to?" He kept his kind demeanor up as he looked up to his supposed sensei. "The fact that you knew that this is our first meeting is indeed a plus in determining you're really Kinzoku which makes me happy but, as I'm certain you're aware, we always need to take everything into account when it comes to welcoming those into the village."

Higuto would continue to keep his distance, about 5 meters, from Kinzoku as he questioned him and looked around to the trees. He didn't know if his bluff about there being other ninja around watching would be incredibly apparent to Kinzoku but he had backup plans in case things were to become sour so he kept himself on guard throughout the two ninjas encounter. He turned back to Kinzoku and kept his smile up as he awaited Kinzoku's answer.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:04 pm
Kinzoku listened closely to Higuto's next words wanting to see how the Genin planned on handling the situation. He started by saying he understood what Kinzoku was saying but that he could have a backup plan put in place in case the situation got sticky. He first explained how he could be a decoy, only distracting the Nazar for the hidden shinobi in the woods of higher rank just waiting to attack. That amused the Nazar. He had never known the village to use such tactics. However with the increase in security such a plan of action was possible. He provided the Nazar with a second possible scenario, that he was a shadow clone and the real 'him' was hidden somewhere else. That one Kinzoku knew was a bluff, or so he believed. Unless Higuto knew how to suppress his chakra, which most Genin did not know, Kinzoku would know of the real Higuto's presence. But at the moment all he could feel was the chakra signature of the kid standing directly in front of him.

"What if someone calls your bluff" Kinzoku began, before Higuto had the chance to continue on and ask what Kinzoku was doing. "If I were really an enemy and decided to attack you and there's no one hiding in the woods, what then? See the problem with that plan is, Konoha wouldn't risk one of their Genin as a 'decoy' just to see if someone is going to strike at them. Your job as a Gate Guard is to make sure no one enters unless they're one of our own, which a Genin is fully capable of doing. Not come down here and potentially provoke the suspect. And if something does happen, you're not meant to handle it on your own. You stall for backup, or get backup. Next time, stay on the gate and don't inform someone of your possible strategies." Kinzoku added. That last part was an order and Higuto would know it was by the tone in which it had been said in. "If I were an enemy you just informed me of what could be coming."

The conversation quickly shifted to more important matters as Higuto asked the Nazar to explain why he left and what he had been up to. Kinzoku knew the questions were coming. Just as Higuto had said, no one was informed of his departure. That had been done on purpose. If he had asked for permission he likely would have been denied. It was always easier to ask for forgiveness then it was to ask for permission, right? Kinzoku smiled after Higuto asked the questions, informing the Nazar that he needed to make sure he was who he said. Doing his job right, at least somewhat. "I took a little trip for myself. I didn't inform the village because I didn't want anyone tailing me." He didn't expect Konoha to have even suggested such a thing, but he was still learning the ways in which Kiri worked. So he just wanted to make sure nothing of the sort happened. "I went to see an old friend of mine. His name is Nobunaga Hiyu. I needed to see a familiar face to help clear my mind."

Higuto didn't know this, but this was the second time Kinzoku's home was attacked by a foreign invader. The first time was back at Suna. Although there was no fighting, his Kazekage had disappeared and everyone was forced to flee the village. And now there was this, Kiri attacking and killing many of Konoha's people. Two invasions in such a short time took its toll on Kinzoku, so he needed to get away for bit. "I have my papers if you need to see them" Kinzoku informed his student, ready to take them out of the inside pocket of his jacket if requested. Of course he would do so slowly. He didn't want Higuto to think he was pulling out a weapon. After all his crossbow was on his back.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:07 pm
Higuto kept his smile up as he was explained by Kinzoku what not to do whilst on guard duty. He nodded at his words, hearing the commanding tone within his voice as any sensei to a student would usually utilize, which is what he was going for in order to help determine whether or not it was really Kinzoku. His intention, while he would admit was quite impertinent and rash, was never to place himself in such dangers as he truly believed he never was. Though he kept these thoughts within his mind as he bowed to Kinzoku and stood back up upon his finishing speaking such wisdom of choice when it came to guarding the gate. "I understand, sir. I'll keep it in mind though I can't say that you're entirely right about the 'konoha wouldn't risk one of their genin' as times, unfortunately, have changed since new leadership rolled in."

He listened then to what Kinzoku had to say about his old friend and wanting to clear his mind of something Higuto could tell was eating away at him. He could sympathize with such doubts clouding a person's mind as he himself kept within thoughts of pain and sadness bottled up from others. He wouldn't delve too deep into his sensei's past as that would've been too rude and personal and he would only wait until Kinzoku was ready to discuss such things with him and the others. "I see. I would indeed like to see such papers please. I hope your visit with Mr. Nobunaga was of great help to you. Is he doing well?" He smiled upon asking this as he held out his hand for Kinzoku's papers and waited. His insects continued to fly and watch from above as he spoke while his guard also stayed up in case anything happened.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:02 pm
Kinzoku watched as Higuto bowed to him after he had told him what to do. There was no need to bow, but Kinzoku let the Genin do it. Why not. He spoke again, confirming that he understood but saying Kinzoku wasn't entirely right about Konoha risking their genin since times have changed. Kinzoku decided not to repeat himself as he felt it may cause an unnecessary conversation. He felt quite certain Konoha wouldn't go as far as to use a mere Genin as a decoy. Although they were using Genin to guard the gates, his explanation just moments ago of what they should do when someone approaches still stands. 

The conversation changed upon Kinzoku mentioning that he had his papers as Higuto also asked if Nobunaga was doing well. Odd question to ask how somehow he had never met was doing. Maybe Higuto was just a genuinely kind person and cared about everyone? There would be time later for Kinzoku to get to know his student. But he needed to get into the village first. Reaching inside his jacket pocket he retrieved his papers before approaching Higuto and handing them over to him. It felt kind of strange to have your student be the one verifying you. But Kinzoku needed to see him as a guard rather than his student for the moment. He handed the papers at a pretty reasonable pace as to make Higuto know he wasn't trying anything fishy, as well as the apparent ninja he had "hiding". "He's adapting to this harsh world, just as we are" Kinzoku replied. He too had his home taken from him and now had to live with the very people who did it. "Everything check out?"
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:12 pm
Higuto took the papers from Kinzoku and nodded to his answer about Nobunaga as he smiled softly. "Yes. That is indeed true. But I'm certain we'll all be able to come out of everything stronger in the end just as I'm certain he will." He looked at the papers and scanned over their contents while pulling his hand out of his jacket pocket and pulling out a small scroll and quill as he scribbled something down in it's contents. He handed Kinzoku back his papers as well as soon as he was done jotting down his notes that he had written in the scroll."Well everything seems to check out though I will need you to do something for me, Kinzoku sensei."

Higuto then waved his hand as a few of his kikaichi flew down from the sky and he folded the scroll back and held it up to the kikaichu as they took the scroll and flew off towards the direction of the village with it. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that they were making their way towards the Hokage mansion as Higuto turned back to face Kinzoku. "I'd like to be the first to welcome you back into the village, Kinzoku. While we are happy to have you back regulations state that you will need to report to the kage in case they would like to question you themselves. You will find that they have been informed of your arrival once you get there. If at all possible it would do me a great service if you arrived there as soon as possible."

With that said he turned back to Kinzoku with his hands in pockets as he smiled softly once more. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sensei. I'm certain the others will be wanting to get the chance to meet you as well though it's understandable if you would want to acclimate to being back in the village after your long journey. See you around." He then gave the ninja one last bow before bringing his hands up to form the Ram seal and disappearing using the body flicker technique as he was once again back on the top of the wall. His insects continued to patrol in the air and keep a lookout as he himself walked along the wall and kept watch.

{Exiting thread; Allowing Kinzoku entrance into Village}

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I'm Back! (pt2) Empty Re: I'm Back! (pt2)

Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:03 pm
The Nazar watched as Higuto checked out his papers, pulled out a scroll and began scribbling something on it. Kinzoku wasn't too sure what the scroll was for or why he was writing anything on it, but the kid was doing his job and Kinzoku was going to let him. He was a pretty up-beat kid, telling Kinzoku that they would come out of these hard times stronger. In just this brief interaction Kinzoku had gotten a good feel for Higuto's personality. He was pleased to see that this was going to be one of his students. In no time his papers were handed back to him and all was well. Though Higuto needed something from the Nazar first. That made Kinzoku smile.

He watched keenly as bugs descended from the sky and surrounded the scroll in Higuto's hand. The sight of the bugs made Kinzoku realize that the chakra he had been sensing in the air had come from them. "So he's an Aburama..." Kinzoku said to himself as he watched the bugs snatch up the scroll and fly them into the village. It was pretty obvious where the bugs were going and Higuto confirmed it. They were going to the Hokage's office to inform them of his arrival. "Thank you" Kinzoku replied in response to Higuto welcoming him back, "It feels good to be back home. I look forward to meeting the rest of the team. You'll be hearing from me shortly" Kinzoku finished before Higuto body flickered back on top of the gates. Kinzoku would fold his papers up neatly before stashing them back into his jacket. Adjusting his hat, the Nazar began making his way into the village. Time to report to the Kage's office, not too sure who he was going to meet there. 

[Exit, entering village]
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Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:07 pm
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