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Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:33 am
And as it had started, it had come to an end. A silent sadness overcame the girl as she realized there wouldn’t be a second song. The girl would try to hide her despair, returning to the bench and taking a seat once more; She briefly considered wrestling the squirrel however for a quick nut considering she was still hungry after eating that apple… Wait, did that sound dirty? What did I say, get your head out of the gutter.

The freakishly tall musician took a seat next to her. It wasn’t until he approached that Kaya realized the boy was practically a skyscraper. She couldn’t help but stare as if he were some exotic animal at the zoo. This is what ants must feel like when they see a human being, or a puppy looking up at it’s owner. Why must she be the size of a toddler. Maybe she’d grow one day.

She got lost in her thought momentarily before she realized the tree man was talking to her. “Oh my name is Kaya! Kaya Ametsuchi. I’m the daughter of the previous Hokage.” The girl said with pride, a large smile on her face showing her gaps in full glory. The smile slowly faded though her brain emphasized the word previous. She had know idea of what had become of her father. He just… disappeared. Part of her felt like she wanted to cry, but no tears would come. Just a solemn look that reverted back to a smile when the boy offered a fist bump. She’d raised her small little hand that was half his, and bumped it.

It was at this time that the young’un took in the red locks that fell from the male’s head. Right off the fist bump, she couldn’t help but stand on her little feet upon the bench and reach for one of the locks that was in front of his face. “Your hair is so pretty!” She couldn’t help herself but say, giving it a nice squeeze. “I wish I had cool hair.” Kaya said grumpily, scratching her head with her free hand.

Another bulb went off in the girl’s head as she looked passed the Uzumaki and towards the other Genin that was present. “So who are you?” She asked out of sheer curiosity as the boy hadn’t introduced himself yet, all the while still casually playing with Allegro’s hair.
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Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:54 am
The kunoichi introduced herself as Kaya Aemetsuchi, daughter of the previously seated Hokage of the Leaf Village. Allegro’s body language showed no indication of surprise or shock, just his warm smile. Allegro saw that there was much love within her for her family, something that Allegro envied. But at the same time, after growing so close to the members of his team, to the point where he would consider them to be brothers instead of just comrades, he could relate to that feeling. He wondered what it would be like to someday say that his brothers had become Hokage of the village. The thought made him laugh softheartedly as he said,

“I see. Kaya Ametsuchi. That’s a groovy name”

The young Kaya’s sudden change in mood was not lost on Allegro, either. He could hear that the song her spirit was singing alternated between energetic and up tempo to slow and somber. The death of a family member is never easy, even if you have gone through the most vigorous emotional conditioning trainings lead by the village Anbu. Allegro considered his mother to be dead due to the nature of her work. She was a reckless mercenary who had abandoned her son at the gates of Konoha to pursue glory and gold on another dangerous mission. Rumors had  spread later in that same year, eventually making its way back to Konoha. Apparently, a group of mercenaries were ruthlessly slain by a shinobi wielding nothing but a flute. And in that moment, was the only time Allegro had ever felt anything that felt like grief. He was always his mother’s voice of reason, even as a infant still unable to speak. The one time he parted ways with his mother, she died. Coincidence. Allegro did not seem to think so.

Their moment of silent grief was only interrupted when Shinoskay gave Allegro’s fist bump a weird embrace. Allegro kind of just stared at Shinoskay awkwardly before laughing along with him as he apologized for being unusual. Allegro did not mind at all. He was getting the hang of the genin’s behavior. He offered the same fist to Kaya-chan, hoping that she would receive it well. She tapped her tiny little fist on his, making a small thudding sound. Allegro would smile, and look back at Shinoskay now that he and Kaya chan have properly demonstrated what a fist bump is supposed to look like.

“Like that, Shinoskay kun. Ya dig?”

The young boy suddenly felt a tug on his hair. He turned his head to find the source, only to find nothing. Allegro would swing Kaya back and forth while she held onto his hair like Tarzan clung to a vine, attempting to discover what or who was pulling his hair. Finally her voice gave it away when Kaya expressed that she wished for hair like his. Having finally found Kaya to be the source of the discomfort in his neck, Allegro would reach backwards with both hands and attempt to lift Kaya and seat her gently on the bench once more. Allegro’s hair was precious to him to some degree. He can not remember a time he was without his hair. And he had never gotten a haircut before, for that matter. He remembered utterly pummeling the last man to cut even a hair off of his head. He was an enemy ninja after all, and probably hat the beating coming anyway though.

When the Ametsuchi’s attention redirected on Shinoskay, Allegro would turn his head to Shinoskay as well so that he could give him his undivided attention as he introduced himself to the young lady.

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Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:47 am
As Shinoskay watched Allegro approach stop next to the particularly small creature, his eyebrows furrowed as he observed her movements and her own observations of the world around her. She was like some young cat, her head teetering around from here to there, this thing to that thing, whim to whim... it was a somewhat odd site for him. Her look to his size seemed like awe, almost, but it was hard for him to gauge considering how whimsical yet crass she was... an odd combination for shinoskay to take in, to say the least.

When she revealed she was the offspring of the previous hokage... his eyes nearly bugged out "eh, NAAAANNIII!?"

Thankfully the two interacted for a little longer before the senior genin turned once more to the orphan, or else he probably would have been caught off guard, socially, yet again. His facial expression, however, did not reveal he had intently studied the fist bump and instead the bugged out expression become a cross between furrowed eyebrows and stunned shock. The conflicting expressions created a small twitch in his right eye about where the muscle contracted to bring the eye brow in for the furrowing. Equally, his eyes seemed to almost rapidly dart between the small Kunoichi and Allegro's fist.

Though, it seemed things didnt stop there as after the lesson there was a sudden expression on the Uzumaki's face that showed something was off... almost like the kind you may expect from someone who was shocked by the feeling of something striking them somewhere in the back of there body. The sway that followed this expression turned his already conflicted expression into a new blend that included concern... thankfully this worked well with the furrowed eye brow concentration expression and so his twitch he would slowly seem to develop an almost terrified type expression as his furrowed eye brows raised and his mouth gaped as if to want to say something but not been sure what... all it needed was a scream and you would almost thing he was looking at some kind of ghost.

This is what the two would then turn themselves to see, there, before them... a strange, shocked, look of horror upon the young genin's face as he watched the two... his head slightly tilted as he subconsciously tried to get a better angle on what was happening with Allegro's hair.

It would take a few seconds for him to realize that the two had turned there attention on him, when he did he would first look up to the taller of the three's face... locking eyes for a second, his same expression persisting almost as if to ask Allegro what was going on here and if he had passed out during training or something. Though, nothing came out, Instead of speaking he would then slowly shift his glance down towards the smaller of the three as he saw in his peripheral that she was looking at him as well. "ah, eh?" he jumped slightly. Her question slowly caught up with him in his mind as he quickly fought to recall why they were looking at him.

"uh, heh," he shunted himself into a quick bow and an expression of apologetic chuckling "ah, yes, umm," He started scratching the back of his head now "My name is shinoskay, heh, heh," Now standing upright and nervously chuckling.

[wc 564/1379]

Last edited by Shinoskay on Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:48 am; edited 2 times in total
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Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:47 am
“Thanks! I think so too”

The girl would respond to the male calling hern ma groovy. She really did like her name, and despite all the misfortune that has been brought upon her family, she was proud of it. She hoped to one day bring it back to it’s former glory! But it would probably be a long while before that could happen. She was still young after all, and without guidance. Only time would tell what would become of the young Genin.

The young girl squeezed the dreads softly between her small fingers. She was completely fascinated by the male’s hair. She kinda did a little tug, wondering if it would come loose. It was a good thing she was holding onto his hair tight because all of sudden the male turned his head, causing the small weightless girl to go flying off with the direction of the locks.

Taken by surprise by the sudden movement, the girl held on for dear life. She male a sudden battle cry and she envisioned herself in the deeps of an amazon jungle, swinging off the vines alongside her gorilla brethren. She would be Queen of the jungle! That was, until sudden hands grabbed her, removing her from her fantasy.

“Aww.” She muttered to herself, disappointed. That had been the most fun she had in a while. She figured she’d try to sneak on again at some point. It was at this point that she had recalled the third party in this discussion, asking him his name. She came to realize that the boy was a little awkward in nature; probably just introverted or socially awkward.. or both. “Oh well nice to meet you!” The girl replied to the male who was now standing. She’d reach with the palm of her and towards the male before demanding, “Now let me touch your hair too!” She asked, suddenly infatuated with the different textures of hair.
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Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:12 am
As expected, Shinoskay kun continued to act like his typical awkward self, even after demonstrating a proper fist bump with lil Kaya. The tall genin had gotten used to it by now, perhaps Shinoskay was just a shy guy. Allegro had not been paying attention to Shinoskay's muttering anyhow. Something shocking had grabbed his attention. Upon making skin to skin contact with the tiny jinchuuriki, Allegro gained further insight as to what was inside her. He imagined the blood curdling roar of a squishy beast that sent a chill down his spine. The sensation was enough to occupy the genin's thoughts for a spell, until the pain in his neck brought him back to reality. Allegro managed to redirect Kaya's attention to Shinoskay for now, giving the dread head some time to digest his own thoughts.

Allegro thought about how the chuunin exams were coming around the corner. He had worked so hard to prove himself as a genin since the day Yensung Sensei volunteered to proctor his exam, and gave him one that was far harder than the exam most students took on account of the large class size. He had completed many missions and honed his skills in training almost every day. The progress in the boy's strength was remarkable. But of course, one could only wonder if this would be enough. Would the boy be able to fend for himself when he was put to the test in the chuunin exams? He looked to the clear blue sky for answers as he pondered. He noticed a few birds float by, heading towards the village. Allegro already knew this was something he wanted in order to reach his goal. In the Leaf village, the higher your rank, the higher your liberties as a shinobi. Allegro would need higher military clearance in order to see his own dreams to fruition. Plus, the opportunity to impress the village's current Hokage was not to be overlooked by him either. 

Allegro would finally get up from his seat, having had a change in mood. He reminded himself that Kaya and Shinoskay were also genin in the Leaf village, and were therefore eligible to participate in the exams as well. Allegro was by no means competitive by nature, all he cared about was his music. However, that did not mean he would let his peers be stronger than him forever. He reflected back to a time when he felt utterly hopeless in the shadows of his teammates of Squad 7. Higuto Aburame has a large arsenal of jutsu at his disposal, while Jason Senju had unthinkable speed under his belt. Not to mention their unique kekkei genkai that puts them both in the ranks of two of the four noble clans of the village. All Allegro had was his dad, who did not do much except run a small shop to earn their family's keep. Allegro wanted to become stronger as well, and be a figure other people can look up to. While standing next to Shinoskay and Kaya, who were probably wrestling in each other's hair at this point, he cleared his throat and said.

"I originally came all this way to try and do some training for the chuunin exams but got distracted when inspiration hit me for my new song. I should get back to it. Would you care to join me? Shinoskay, you look like you've already been working very hard. It's okay if you'd rather sit this one out."

The boy would look over his shoulder to gauge their answers before walking away for the bench and into the clearing where he would have space to train.

Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:09 pm
This girl was terribly forward, first she acted with no regard to her surrounding... made crass demands of a total stranger, engaged in fantastical dancing with random creatures of strange fantastical nature, then took liberies to engage with Allegro's hair, then she hung from his hair and made some strange animal noise, and now here she was coming for Shinoskay's hair. The much more introverted boy, already in a state of shock, would stare at her hand for a moment while she slowly reached out and made approch for his hair. While with the much taller boy she had the advantage of standing on the bench to reach him or otherwise she wouldnt have made it to his hair... with the young orphan she was significantly less handicapped in that he wasnt much taller then her.

And so, much to the Uzumaki's imagining... As he addressed shinoskay for training he would find Shinoskay had somehow falling backwards from his standing position... further making his hair accessible, while he tried to ward off her hands while attempting to not harm her.

No sooner had the senior genin spoke "Would you care to join me? Shinoskay" he would find that Shinoskay would surge with chakra, though given that he didnt have much control it wouldnt be a terribly impressive surge, before he would shunt from the small girls sight as he moves back two feet to clear her presence in order to not dangerous collide with her before then almost skii'ng across the ground to end up on the opposite side of Allegro in an act of body flickering. While he was just fast enough to disappear from the young girls sight... he was not fast enough yet to do so from allegro's much more well hones senses.

From there, he would bow gently "yes, we should both try our best to be prepared for the exams so that we can both strive to come out as chuunin."

[wc 326]
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Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:53 pm
Like a zombie reaching for human flesh, Kaya reached for the introverted boy’s hair. Wide eyed and crazed looking, she tried to get a grasp of his locks but he held her at bay from grabbing it. When the other boy had asked the two if they would like to train for the Chunin exams, the girl would come to a halt. She placed her right thumb on her bare chin and went into deep thought. Chunin exams? She could recall a bunch of people signing up for something at the Hokage’s office but she didn’t realize what exactly it was for. She just remember putting down her name so she didn’t feel so left out. “Ohhh.” She said to herself quietly as she came to the realization. She had signed herself up for the Chunin Exams and hadn’t even realized it.

Not wanting to bring her ignorance to light, she quickly shook her head in agreement. “I’d love to!” She’d reply, jumping off the bench and landing on her little two feet. At that moment, she felt the beast within her awaken. He had been rather quiet, but always seemed to develop a thirst for participation whenever the small girl was about do any form of chakra training. Using Chakra made it easier for the beast to try and take over her and gain control of the little body. It had occurred many times in the past but the little one was slowly learning how to fully put a leash on the demon.

“I must admit, I’m not very good at the fighting stuff.” She’d say, throwing some fists into dead air. She threw a leg up in the air before losing her balance and falling on her butt. She’d giggle nervously before getting back up. “Wow, You’re pathetic. At this rate, you’re not going to live a very long life.” The beast within her spoke. The girl’s smile faded as so did a part of her large spirit. She rarely paid attention to him but his words rang true. She had great chakra control but very little combat experience. Hell, she didn’t even know a single jutsu besides those she learned in the academy. Most of her days were spent screwing around without any real guidance. She had to use this upcoming chance to prove herself. She had to succeed. “Let’s all do our best!” She’d say, a sudden boost of motivation running through her veins.
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Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:45 pm
It was uplifting to receive words of encouragement from both Shino and Kaya. Even though all three of them would eventually be competition to each other, they also felt enough camaraderie between each other to train and grow stronger together. Such a phenomenon was part of what made Konoha such great city. The will of fire that had been passed down to every konoha ninja and instilled within them the spirit to uplift their village and all that it represents. Allegro stood up from the bench and walked out into the open training field before turning around to face his sparring partners. He would attempt to make eye contact with both ninja white he formed the seal of confrontation, as per village custom. Even though Shinoskay totally misheard him, Allegro did not mind if Shinoskay participated in the training as well. The more the merrier as they say. However since Allegro hoped to test the limits of Kaya’s power, he would try and focus his attention there. If Allegro was successful in bringing out the latent chakra within little Kaya that he was so interested in, he did not want Shinoskay to get hurt in the process. 

Once everyone was ready to spar, Allegro would form the full tiger seal and gather his chakra together so that he could easily dispense it. He was standing about 15 meters from the bench they were all sitting on. He kept his eye on both Kaya and Shinoskay as he continued to build his chakra. The wind seemed to blow in a way that hinted at the action that was about to ensue between the genin. Allegro would stand completely still until the wind finally stopped and a single leaf had blown past his face and landed directly in the middle of the three of them. Allegro would instantly weave a short string of hand seals and clap both palms together, activating his jutsu. To the plain eye, literally nothing would change about Allegro’s appearance, But ultimately, he just became a tank to withstand anything that was coming his way. Since he could sense the immense chakra coming from little Kaya, he knew he had to be prepared. Finally ready, he would simply wag his four fingers with his palm facing upward, challenging the genin to bring it. 

-20 AP for  Chakra Barrier Seal

Row the Boat (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Row the Boat (Open)

Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:56 pm
Shinoskay would participate in this spar, though before Allegro he was much slower and weaker, even the senior genins durability was greater, and so while he could keep going almost no matter what hit him... Shinoskay could do nothing to win and so all he managed was to stand his ground.

In the end, when they finally called the spar finished, the boy would finally fall back onto the ground from all the training he had done throughout the day as if to finally come to face with the punishment dished out by the uzumaki during the three way spar.

And so the day, for shinoskay, could end.

[wc 108/1813]
Exit (if you guys want to actually rp out the fight... go for it... just have shinoskay be a punching bag or a nuances, or whatever... he can take it.)

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Tue May 01, 2018 11:41 am
Approved as well
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