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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:13 am
Not far away, the adjacent building, just across the open air/ground between building of the 'document storage room' Allegro had infiltrated, held upon its roof another Genin known as Shinoskay. He had been making his way around town, enjoying the sights and generally just observing the people. At the very moment of commotion's inside the Kage building was about when he was looking over towards the building, an unobstructed view between where he was to every inch of the ground between the two as well as to the kage building wall facing him.
The same wall that Allegro had stated to be escaping from. He found it interesting that no one else had been in this vicinity, no one else was walking the roof tops or even who happen to be passing through the roadway but he didnt know any who had been over here were all running off to find out who, and why, was shouting on the other side of the building.  

It was strange, the commotions going on about the Kage's office, as someone shouted Yen's name from somewhere inside, while about the same time he thought he heard someone else sternly state chakra for whatever reason. The orphan had no reason or interest in doing anything, he was content with just watching whatever happened.

Regardless of the scene that played about before him, he couldnt help but enjoy the feeling of the sun gently warming his back while the wind quickly but, as per usually in konoha, incessantly made its way through the town to cool that which the sun warmed in a perfect and comfortable balance.

((ooc, those downvotes tho, why you all so sour and serious?)

Last edited by Shinoskay on Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:35 pm
Fair enough, thank you @Sakana Meijin 

Edit Summary:

Edited Post:
There must be something in air in Konoha, besides the beautiful songs of birds in the warm afternoon sky. The Hokage somehow could hear even the softest sound through the building walls made from solidified clay. It would seem that there was a hatchling genin village that also had exceptionally keen ears. Yes, in fact, so keen, he sometimes had to dull their super enhanced hearing with a special pair of headphones. Even that was not enough though, apparently, as his ears still picked up the slightest sound in his vicinity. This included the scream from the man downstairs in the reception area with Yensung Aburame. Since the timing was not specified before now, let’s say the man screamed at the top of his lungs about how Yensung was a murderous, comrade slaying, monster almost before Allegro made his move towards the door. This would imply that the sound of the man's shouting was enough to overpower the sound of any other minute sounds in the surrounding environment. From that moment in timeline onward, he performed all of his actions at his maximum speed, due to his sudden spike in urgency and the adrenaline that came with it. Whatever was going on downstairs between Yensung sensei and the random ninja would mean he did not have much time left to gather his intel, and so he booked it. 

Speaking of Yensung Aburame, we cut away to he and the man with the cowboy hat, who did not seem to like the jounin’s flirty advances and strange compliments. It seemed this time he was attempting to engage in romantic eye contact with his weird, lone yellow eyeball. The man took the hat he was now holding in his hand and used it to cover his mouth as he gagged at the thought. Of course, he declined Yensung’s advances and would continue to yell and shout at the top of his lungs from the moment Risako opens her office door.


Perhaps there were some that would feel sympathy for Yensung in the situation. It probably was not the best feeling in the world to constantly be reminded of you actions, be them mistakes or otherwise. Had Allegro been here to witness the scene, he would have. The perceptive young man understood what it was like to regret an action he made, or did not make that resulted in the death of someone who he held dear to his heart. To have no great protector to assure him that even his great pain of loss would be lifted with enough time. But the difference between Yensung sensei and Allegro was that the dread headed male has the ambition to attain the power he needs so that he can be the great protector he needed in his youth, the comforter that could finally let Yensung sensei retire as a shinobi and be at peace with his own actions and their social consequences. The leaf genin’s seemingly shady actions today actually had good intentions behind them, and were an effort towards that lofty goal of his. 

Meanwhile, from the moment of the initial scream, which happened before Allegro began moving, Miko and all who were in the vicinity were shaken by the loud voice. The plump secretary herself saw nothing as Allegro passed her by, but heard the bloodcurdling words of the man downstairs crossed her ears and began moving immediately towards the Hokage’s office. Overcome with fear at the possible source of the disturbance downstairs, she would warn Risako of the potentially dangerous disturbance occurring downstairs that required her immediate and undivided attention. She would get to the door before Risako did because she began moving in response to the scream that occurred before Allegro passed her office, the scream that the Hokage with ultra sensitive hearing seemed to be ignoring. The door to Risako’s office can be assumed to have been closed at first, as Risako was hard at work with her daily duties before she noticed a disturbance. Furthermore, if the door was open, Risako could have just simply claimed to see Allegro run past her open door office. Oh well. This would mean that Risako would have to open the door, and if the kunoichi was not careful, she would open the door outward at her maximum speed and strength, smacking poor Miko dead  in her face. The corner of the door would connect first, leaving a clean crack in the woman’s skull. If this was somehow avoided, Miko would at least meet her at the doorway of her office to warn her. The tubby woman’s bulbous body would get in Risako’s way, preventing her from passing her through the slim doorway. It would be strange to not respond to her own secretary in her alarmed state. For all Risako knew, she was the cause of the sound of a door closing shut just a moment ago, which would naturally end the Hokage’s convenient curiosity.

“Lord Hokage sama, did you hear that?! There’s something going on downstairs! I think it has something to do Yensung-san…”

All the while, Allegro had detected Risako’s chakra, as monstrous as it was, from the moment he moved to go to the documents office. Allegro already knew who that had to be on the other side of that door, and that was also how he knew  where the document storage room was, since it was the only other door around. As he carried out his objective, he thought about the possibility of running into the Hokage. She was a master of fuinjutsu, just like Allegro aspired to be. He would be lying if he said he did not want to at least see that legendary Flying Thunder God technique in action. Maybe even someday learn the technique himself. However, in this current situation, he would do anything to NOT be on the wrong end of any lengendary jutsu, and so he gathered his wits and escaped as quickly as he had entered the room.

Should Risako proceed to the fuinjutsu sealed door at the same speed that threatened to end her own secretary’s life, she would perform at least 2 hand seals to perform the summoning jutsu. However she would find that the jutsu was unsuccessful. She had forgotten to draw blood to offer as tribute for the summon.

Though, even if she had successfully summoned her fox creatures, she would still be unsuccessful in opening the door sealed with fuinjutsu that separated Risako from the document room. The foxes that she attempted to bring forth from the flat of her palm on the floor or a similar flat surface would have had to travel up to their master’s shoulders at their speed after she dictated that they give her chakra in a loud voice. One fox would have been much slower in doing so compared to the other (20 speed). Once on her shoulders, the foxes would have to spend the rest of the post gathering nature energy for Risako to use in her following post after remaining perfectly still for a while. All this is to say, Risako could not summon the fox’s, mount them on her shoulders, and gather enough energy to enter her incomplete sage mode all within 5 seconds of hearing the door close behind Allegro.

And so, from the moment Allegro sensed the Hokage’s chakra, before even entering the document room, he switched his strategy to collect and escape. He gathered the information he was looking for, mentally recorded everything, and then left everything as he had found it, leaving no trace of his presence there before immediately merging into the wall opposite the door via HLAM to exit the building on the other side and make his escape. Because Miko stood in the way of her trajectory, Allegro would be on the other side of the clay walls of the Hokage building before Risako places her hand on the doorknob to realize that it was locked.Even after initially realizing that the door was locked, the Hokage's attempt to summon her foxes and enter sage mode would be a complete failure and the door would remain sealed and completely in tact. The Hokage would be standing there having a panic attack over a simple door that seemed to be locked from the other side. Didn't she have work to be doing somewhere? Hopefully Risako comes to a conclusion that she was making a big deal out of nothing and could return to her work while The boy went on to make a clean getaway, careful to avoid making a sound and hiding his presence to avoid further detection.

[4962 TWC]
[Potential Exit]
[Will do updated claims later]

Last edited by Koaru on Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:20 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:53 pm
(Exit remains same. *Waves*  and now exited)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:48 pm
[I'd like to request an edit or void of the topic then, based on the fact that the files that Kaoru is after have been stated to be kept in the Hokage's Office, and not in some random file room. 

Two topics in the past have stated as such, evidenced here:
The First Storm
 - "Arriving at the door of the Hokage Chamber, she would slide it open and enter the room alone. Her first order of business was to ensure the village secrets were still intact. Walking to the wall to the left of the desk, she formed a combination of handseals in order to unlock the door. Upon completion a meter wide, roughly two meters tall panel slid over to the side. This allowed her to step into the small closet and count ensure the ryo was safe, as well as the various scrolls that detailed the village's secret techniques and the like. Once she was done, the door was sealed shut and she began to do paper work for the next few hours. "

"and the like.", would indicate that I didn't fully detail what was in the closet, where earlier in the paragraph I vaguely stated village secrets rather than specify. I would argue this means that the contents of the closet encompass all village secrets.
And here:
Mr Calcium and Ser H2O
- "Xyxer paused momentarily before he entered into the Hokage chambers after Kotsuzui, taking a glance around the rather sparse room. A wooden desk, that was standard. Windows.. nice. Shelves and drawers with scrolls? Seems like the best place to start. Shifting his feet, Xyxer made his way towards the nearest drawers, throwing them open before he flicked through the records, pulling out an abundance of them which he'd pass to Kotsuzui, repeating the motion multiple times over. Although he was currently trying to know the people, what his heart truly sought were answers.. ones he'd likely never receive given the disappearance of Viper."

My argument is that the village roster would be contained within the closet that holds the village secrets, which would bring up an issue with Xyxer's post as well, which would need to be fixed. The main point I want to drive home is that the files would be in the office. Whatever the mods rule I will concede to.]
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:59 pm
[If I may, I’d like to offer a counter argument for Risako’s claim. In this thread, I claim to learn the whereabouts of Ganki and Konoha’s intention to bring Orokana back to the village. I believe that my mention of the corresponding documents in question are a legal use of vague manipulation for reasons specified below:

— Knock knock…
In this thread, a letter and other information regarding Orokana’s whereabouts are presented to Risako. By the end of the thread, there is no specification on what Risako has done with these documents. I took advantage of the lack of detail here, and vague manipulated the location of these documents to be in a document storage room directly next door to the Hokage’s office. 

— Take Two
Xyxer wrote:"His eyes glanced towards the vault which had contained the ryo of the village; now simply a gaping hole in the wall. Nobody dared steal from his property as they knew the price.”
Risako wrote:”The one foot wide and tall hole in the wall would lead her to believe that the safe had been removed. What a shame, as the safe was for the smaller personal items of the Hokage and Deputy Hokage, such as journals and other personal artifacts."

In this thread, Xyxer references a vault in the Hokage’s office used specifically to store the village funds. In Risako’s reply to this post, she describes the vault’s dimensions and its purpose to store her own personal belongings. Nothing about the official village roster, or any other village secrets for that matter.

Not only is Risako’s description of the storage unit in question inconsistent between all the threads presented so far, she also neglects to specify that she stored the documents given to her regarding Orokana in said storage vault/closet. Please note that both threads I have referenced take place AFTER the threads Charlie has referenced in the timeline of events, and are therefore the most current.

So, in conclusion, I would argue that this thread as a whole is fair game and shouldn’t be voided.]
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:18 am
[I'll concede to that one, that topic slipped my mind. I would still like to argue that the documents are in the Hokage's office, as specified in Xyxer's topic with Kots. None of the topics you have brought up have specified otherwise.


I've noticed a few flaws with the post. 

First I'd like to argue that you controlling Miko in such a way as to slow Ris does not enrich either of our experiences in this topic, therefore I'd like to claim the way she's being used, (to slow Ris down) as void. 

Second, when you're posting in a topic that has two characters opposing one another, you can't use anything claimed after the start of the topic. Your use of suppression at the end is void, your stats would be what they were at the start of the topic, and any use of items or jutsu you've bought or received since the start of this topic are void. 

Third, assuming that both Risako and Allegro have the same speed, (Allegro having a +25 speed item, assuming his speed stat was 75 prior to the topic starting,) I'd argue that he couldn't manage to search an entire file room for the information he wanted, considering that both characters are moving at max speed, in the time it takes her to go from her desk to the room since both rooms are next to one another. 

Fourth, Hiding Like a Mole is meant to be used on the ground, not buildings. "Allows the user to flow their chakra into the surrounding earth."

Once these have been addressed I'll post IC and continue the topic.]
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:25 pm
[Once again, Charlie and I have discussed these issues via Skype, and we have resolved issues #2-4 amongst ourselves. I have edited my post from April 3rd to reflect these changes, as agreed by both Charlie and I. All that remains is issue #1: My manipulation of a reoccurring Konoha NPC (unregistered), named Miko. 

Miko was created by Charlie prior to this topic to serve as her administrative assistant, or secretary if you will.  In this thread’s timeline of events, a disturbance occurs downstairs between Yensung and an unnamed NPC before Allegro moves into documents room. Everyone involved in the thread, except Risako, reacts to this disturbance. This includes Allegro, Yensung, Miko, and even Shinoskay, who was located outside of the building. Instead, the Hokage (who’s ears are “finely tuned machines that couldn’t help but pick up the slightest of sounds,”) completely ignores the cries for help in her own building to investigate the document room. Her reasoning: the sound of a closing door in an office building is more suspicious in comparison to the screams from downstairs. This is a clear instance of meta gaming, as Risako would not know that the disturbance downstairs should be lower in priority to the sound of a door closing without OOC bias. 

So, in response, I manipulated Miko to react to the disturbance downstairs and immediately report it to the Hokage. This action is not unreasonable for this NPC’s purpose; her job is to screen visitors so that one could not just waltz into the Hokage’s office. It stands to reason that if there is someone screaming for help downstairs, Miko’s natural response would be to seek out help from the village’s strongest ninja, located a few feet away from her. This allows Risako to correct the meta game, and thus, enrich the overall RP experience.

I presented this argument to Charlie before posting, who argued that Risako would still be able to sense Allegro’s chakra signature (60+ Chakra), which would raise a red flag. Besides the fact that he never once mentions using the chakra sensory skill IC directly, or with code style RP, Risako also would have no reason to distinguish Allegro’s chakra from the other ninja who allegedly occupy the building. She does not have Allegro’s chakra memorized, and when I originally bring up the instance of meta gaming, Charlie says,

Charlie wrote:"[Risako is] probably under the impression that there's ANBU in the building. If there's something going on downstairs, they can handle it. There's a more immediate threat in the documents room."

If Risako is aware that there are ANBU in the building, how does she immediately know that the chakra signature located in the document room belongs to an unauthorized ninja?

All of this is to say, that my manipulation of Miko is also fair game.]
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Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:39 pm
If you read chakra sensory, chakra's of 60+ are automatically detected. You don't even have to activate the skill.

As to why she would know there is not an anbu in her office and instead is an unknown person. Again, if you read chakra sensory there is a part about memorizing chakra. An anbu would more than likely have a chakra recognizable to the kage as one of the reqs to even be an anbu is CD with the kage. So, the fact that she doesn't recognize your chakra would say I don't know this person.

Here is a link to Chakra sensory

I figured I'd just throw that out there to help as this hasn't been looked at in days. I'll see myself off the thread now.

Using the Back Door - Page 2 Empty Re: Using the Back Door

Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:59 pm
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