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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:18 pm
Thankfully for Hato, Max agreed to the yield. He made the fact into another teaching that he could of gone for another hour, showing his stamina abilites. Hato's experience wasn't as much as Max's so it was understandable. In fact, she had only been a shinobi for a little more than a few months, so the progress of her shinobi skills was still impressive at most. It didn't matter, Hato wouldn't talk back to Max and only smile a pretty convincing smile, "Yes sensei."

Max moved over to the broken puppet, which Hato was still impressed that she broke still. Max didn't say anything about but if she was facing someone like that, that wasn't an undead puppet, she would of killed them. And that's at her current statistics. But, again, it didn't matter to much. Hato knelt with Max over his puppet. She found it odd that he was respecting the lifeless puppet.  Following some hand signs, which Hato watched carefully, he started healing his undead puppet. This was a huge surprise because as a medical ninja herself, she knew you could heal the dead like that. Well, to be fair, anyone with common sense would think that. But here Max was, doing what seemed to be the impossible. "Incredible," she noted out load. Max explained that it was the mystic healing palm, a jutsu powerful enough to heal broken bones, tissue and nerves. It was like the Medical ninjutsu Hato already had learned from Max, but on a better level. 

After the healing was done, Hato would ask, "What of any combat medical attacks?" Hato knew there were some out there, she just didn't know if Max could teach them. "After all, I'm going to be battling mostly in the chunin exams. So wouldn't an attack jutsu also very powerful." She then quickly added before she got scolded, "I know the importance to healing others and even myself though, please don't take it the wrong way." This kind act she was putting on was convincing enough to make it seem like she was really wanting Max's teachings. Which, I guess, she did actually want for future intentions. 

WC: 359
TWC: 3183
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:42 am
Max would stretch a bit after repairing the damaged puppet, its shiv now reattached as if never broken in the first place. A fine job indeed. Hato seemed to wish to learn more medical techniques that were offensive in nature. The field was filled with ways to mend bones and patch wounds, but there were few ways to generate them.
“There aren’t a lot of offensive medical techniques, at least that I know of. There is at least one I know of, the Poison Mist, but I cannot seem to grasp the technique in order to fully utilize it let alone teach it to another. Hmm.” Max would think for a moment, his eyes shifting to his hands. If a moment of clarity he would find something to teach the young woman. “There is always chakra absorption. You focus and channel your medical chakras to your hands to pull chakra from anyone you touch.” Max wasn’t very good at explaining it, but he would try his best to aid Hato. There was something about her struggle to advance and succeed that he could connect with and understand. Max also needed to grow stronger, much stronger in fact if he ever planned to actually succeed in his lifelong quest.
“You… well you could sort of envision the chakra built up on your skin as little hooks, that latch on to the chakra of an opponent and pull in out and into you. I don’t know if that really helps explain it, but just try to focus your chakra to your hands and we will go from there. It isn’t as advanced of a technique, but it can still be tricky.” The boy would immediately demonstrate, focusing his pulsing chakra to form a faint coating on his hands made of pure chakra.
“Okay, now you try.”

wc: 304
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:12 pm
Max explained to Hato that there weren't many offensive medical jutsu, which made sense that there wouldn't be much. It was a whole class on healing others. He mentioned how there was the poison mist jutsu, the one she witnessed Saya do when they went on their mission not that long ago but Max didn't know it well enough to teach it. That though her back to when she would dabble with poison in her past, even using it to drug her father and then...well we weren't getting into that. She didn't have much time to dabble in the art for a long time with all her ninja work and life in general. 

To show that there was some offensive jutsu in the medical field, Max explained chakra absorption. It was a jutsu applied by touch, which is good for someone that works on a lot of tai jutsu like Hato. He described it as like little chakra hooks in her hands, which helped but not enough so he just said to channel chakra through her hands. Easy enough. Her hands started to glow a little bit after Max did as well. She awaited for further instructions. 

WC: 197
TWC; 3380
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:56 pm
"Okay, now that you are focusing chakra through your hands, try and pull the chakra of the target in with your own. Its a rather... strange thing to think about, but it is an invigorating experience as you power you own body with the energy of another." Max would place his arm out, allowing Hato to try and absorb some of his own chakra, as there weren't any other targets around. 

"Let me know if you start to feel the energy flowing into your own body." He would say, waiting to allow her to try it out.

If she had been successful, Max would simply smile and nod, silently praising her success. She was developing skill at a fairly quick pace. Perhaps she may end up being a contender in the Chuunin Exams. Who knows?

"Is there anything else you would like me to show you?" Max would inquire, wondering how much she could learn and really absorb in such a short period of time. 

WC: 165

OoC: Sorry for the delay. RL has been taxing.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:16 pm
The younger chunin explained the further after her statement. He said that she would need to focus her chakra in her hands and try pulling the chakra out of the target. It made sense, chakra can only really be touched through other chakra. Hato would need a target for this though, and Max was the only one. So he would have to lessen his chakra so she was able to pull it out.

Hato placed her hand on Max and started to envision the hooks of chakra he explained earlier. Now the game of tug of war. She focused her chakra's strength and started yanking at his chakra. She would't be able to get it right away, she still needed it much stronger. She started to sweat as she continued her focusing and tugging. It wasn't easy but finally, she was able to get a good amount of chakra out of him. 

The blondie smiled as Max gave her his compliment. Then he asked if she wanted learn anything else. Hato wanted to but then she noticed the sun in the sky. That and the fact that she was starving, she needed to get home. "Sorry, maybe more another time," She smiled at Max before weaving the rat hand sign and body flickering out of the field and towards home. 

WC: 220
TWC: 3600

Mystical Palm Technique (2000/2000) Max taught
Chakra Absorption (1000/1000) Max taught
Yin Healing Wound Destruction (600/4000)
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Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Dove flying higher (Max)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Dove flying higher (Max)

Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:35 pm
Approved Hato <3
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