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Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:04 pm
Tadashi would wake up, pretty early in the morning as a bird, with a letter attached to its body would wake him up, to make a long story short, it said that he had to appoint to the Training Grounds early in the morning to meet with 2 other fellow Konoha shinobi the same rank he was and a Jounin to make a Squad that performs missions together. Tadashi despises when he has to wake up in the mornings because unlike a lot of other people he knows, he values sleep time, so whenever anything hinders his sleep, you could imagine he would be pretty pissed. If it wasn't for his common sense, he would have woke up, with his pajamas on and shove that piece of crap of a letter up the Hokage's mouth. But then again, he would go to prison if he did that. So the crimson haired Genin had to suck it up as he took his shower, put on his clothes, ninja tools, and Katana, eat breakfast, as he traveled to the Training Grounds. He checked the clock, it was about 9:00 AM, and surprisingly, Downtown was pretty crowded, probably because people had to go to work, and Academy Students were going to school, so he could understand.

Shortly, he arrived at the Training Grounds, waiting for his team.


Last edited by Tadashi (Tracer) Namikaze on Tue Jan 08, 2019 6:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:37 pm
(Sorry for any typos quite tired right now and want to sleep but I also wanted to quickly write this up)
Nekrun woke up on the couch with a apple still in his hand from the night before, he slowly rolled off the couch and fell onto the ground waking him up enough for him to get ready for the day, but while he was still on the ground a bird came down dropped a piece of paper on his face and started pecking at his nose. Nekrun moved his hand towards the bird and it flew off before being hit, Nekrun picked up the paper and started to read while reading he was ready to finally meet a team so it gave him the motivation to jump up off the ground and run down to Fuyo's room waking him up. After Nekrun woke up Fuyo he told Fuyo about what was happening and he continued to leave the room so Fuyo could get ready and Nekrun yelled.

"I'm heading out"

Nekrun walked out the door wearing his normal atire a black robe with his scythe on his back his ninja tools in the bag on his leg, his mask on covering his mouth and scar across his cheek, Nekrun also had his hair up in a bun. Nekrun walked out until he got to the training grounds, it was just after 9 am and Nekrun saw one genin standing there. It was Tadashi from the 2v2 spar they did. Nekrun walked up to Tadashi and tried to give him a hand shake before continuing to converse.

"Hey what's up, Fuyo said he would be here soon, I wonder who our jounin is, do you know?"


Last edited by Nekrun Uzumaki on Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:53 am
Tadashi would gladly accept the handshake, but when Nekrun asked him who was their Jounin Squad Leader and Sensei, the crimson haired boy would then ponder for a moment, recalling his memories from when he woke up. It would appear the boy forgot all about the Jounin who would be their Sensei, perhaps the letter didn't state who the Jounin was. Anyways after thinking for a moment, Tadashi would look at Nekrun sheepishly as he put his left hand behind his head. "I'm sorry I couldn't get the name of the Jounin who is going to be our squad leader. I might not have gotten the name, but if you're asking who the Jounin is, then that must mean the letter didn't specify the name."
WC: 125
TWC: 395
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:36 am
"You're weak a failure how are supposed to be my legacy if you cant even train!" Fuyo's father screamed at the young boy. The boy got with all of the pain of the cuts from a blade and scars from a whip that covered his body head to toe. "Father pleas-" The man struck his son once more " You be quite a Uchiha never begs you damn foo-" "fuyo Fuyo com'on Fuyo get up were going to meet our team com'on Wake up dude!" Fuyo was startled he shot up and Nekrun explained everything to him. Nekrun left and fuyo got undressed Fuyo took off his shirt and his Memories of his dear old dad were still there the scars remained on his body. Fuyo shook out the thought and put on his shirt and his cloak grabbed his family blade. Then Fuyo picked up Matatabi and placed the Snowy white cat and place her on his Snowy white hair then quickly ran to the training fields ( Where Nekrun told the boy where everyone was going to meet.) And when Fuyo arrived Nekrun and Tadashi-Chan were already getting formal with each other "Hey guys! Whats going on! and do you know were our so called sensei is?"
WC: 207
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:24 pm
(I will be posting tonight and our adventures will begin. )
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:08 pm
Nekrun was ready to hear who this surprise sensei was but to his suprise it seemed that Tadashi didn't know either, Nekrun would soon see Fuyo making his way over to them and realized how fast he got ready, Nekrun thought that Fuyo would be here after the jounin but apparently that wasn't a correct assumption seeing as he got here and the jounin was no where to be seen. Nekrun would anxiously await the jounin's arrival but it seemed that he was running late and they would all have to wait for some time. Nekrun had heard that one of the kage known as Kakashi Hatake was known for being late and only having one team ever pass the bell test. He thought of what it would be like with this jounin if it would be any similar or if it would be immensely different than Kakashi's style of training, his best guess would be the latter. Nekrun knew that they would be there for a while, and while he was thinking he noticed a bit of silence around him this had made the situation kind of awkward considering they all showed up to meet this random jounin assigned as their sensei and he wasn't even there yet. It would be awkward for the jounin obviously seeing as he would probably be about 30 minutes to a hour late compared to when the three genin got their. Nekrun broke the silence with a comment.

"What do you guys think the jounin will be like"

After saying this Nekrun would ponder the idea himself and notice that he should have come up with something that he thought the jounin would be before he asked the question but sadly he didn't think ahead and now was left empty handed to the question that he asked. Nekrun would continue to ponder the question whether someone else answered or not, he would continue to think of a picture in his mind of the jounin before trying to describe it to the rest of the team. Nekrun would obviously have to look down because he was 6'3 while Fuyo was 5'8 7 inches shorter than Nekrun and Tadashi was 4'10 a whole 1'5 shorter than Nekrun, Nekrun's neck started to hurt from looking down, he slowly turned to look towards the sky, it was a beautiful day out no clouds to be seen only the sun, even though they were out in the open and Nekrun was in all black it actually wasn't that hot because the temperature out was about 60 degrees F. There was also a slight breeze blowing to cool the three of them off. Nekrun wouldn't waste anymore time he would turn his head back down to look at the other two and say his opinion on what he thought the jounin would look like

"I think he will be about as tall as Fuyo, and wearing some red but not all red, he must be strong too since he is a jounin"

Nekrun would be pointing out the obvious in this one that since he is jounin he must be strong but, he wanted to make sure the other two knew how much stronger their sensei would be than them, Nekrun would make sure to hear the opinion of the other two on what the jounin would look like so that he could make more conversation out of it and maybe even elaborate on their ideas. By now it had been about 20 minutes and Nekrun was starting to get tired of waiting.

"Where is he at?"

Nekrun would ask the others not knowing himself if the jounin would ever show up. He would hope that the jounin would show but didn't know 100% on anything seeing as it had been 20 minutes already and guess what no jounin to be found. Usually the village is bustling with people and noise, but there was only about one or two people every few minutes that walked by. All the silence put Nekrun on edge and he would look around at any noise that happened no matter how small it was if he could hear it he would look in  hopes that it be the jounin that he have been waiting so long for. He would then wait for any ideas for a conversation to pop up based off of what the others say and hopefully the jounin gets there before they run out of things to talk about. Nekrun saw a stick on the ground and had a idea of how to pass a bit of time, he would pull the scythe off of his back, it was heavier when he first started using it, it would seem or maybe it was just him getting stronger and use to the weight of the scythe. Nekrun threw the stick into the air it would go up about 3 feet then make it's way down spinning while in the air. Nekrun would take a first slash at it making sure he didn't hit anyone and that no one was in the way. The weight of the scythe blade would almost throw itself forward and cut trough the center of the stick leaving it in two equally long smaller pieces of the same stick, Nekrun would barely notice that he even hit the stick because the blade was so sharp it went through the stick like a hot knife through butter. He would continue to do this a few times getting his aim down and control of the scythe better with every try, every once in awhile he would miss the stick completely but he would just pick it back up and try again until he got it, it didn't take long for him to have almost perfect control of the scythe he had always been a fast learner, after he ran out of sticks near him he would rejoin Fuyo and Tadashi in conversation, whatever they were talking about he would just hop in to the conversation and hope he knew what was happening.

[mid thread claim]
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all wc towards Healing Palm (1301/4000)
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Fri Sep 14, 2018 2:00 pm
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:15 am
A boy with black hair watched from a distance as three, fresh out of the academy, Genin made their way to the training grounds. Ita delayed his entrance to allow them time to enjoy their final moments of juvenile and ignorant bliss before becoming tainted with the harsh realities that is the shinobi world. This wasn’t going to be like their first day of the academy. Play time was over.


The Uchiha would now transition from sitting on a high-hanging branch to standing as he prepared to make his debut to the recruits. In a blur of speed, the boy was gone, only to reappear once more in front of the recruits at speeds they could not comprehend. Standing before them was now a boy standing at 5 feet 8 inches tall. His skin complexion was pale, and he had jet black hair that was shoulder length, however it was tied into a small ponytail to the back to prevent his hair from getting in his face. He was wearing a black cloak over his Jounin jacket and black shinobi pants and shoes. Along with his belt was also 2 weapon pouches and his Konoha headband. Observing them all carefully he would begin to speak.


“My name is Ita Uchiha and I am a Jounin of the Hidden Leaf Village. You three have the honor of being assigned to me, but before we get into introductions, I have a little test for you all. If you pass, then I’ll agree to take you on as my students. If you fail, well, you’ll just have to find another teacher.” Ita said as he flashed a light smile before becoming serious again. “About a half days travel into the forest you will find a tree where a hermit lives. He has a weapon of mine that is very important to me and I would like you to retrieve it for me. If you three are able to complete this task successfully I will agree to take you on as my students.”


Ita felt that he had been talking forever and he was sure his new students were eager to march blindly into the forest towards their destiny. “Before we begin there are some rules. Rule number one: if one of you fails you all fail and rule number two: you have until noon tomorrow to return my sword. In order to find the old guy just follow the crows. Also, try not to die.”


Before they could interject, Ita would flash a quick smile and blink twice, giving them a quick glance of his sharingan to entice them between blinks before returning to their normal state. In that same moment, Ita’s body would disappear in a blur once more leaving the prospects to embark on their journey. While out of sight, Ita would transform into a black crow and fly off into the distance in order to observe the genin.


The mountain is 1000m high and at the top there is a flat area of land that is 200m in total. At the center there is a tree that is 100m high and 25m wide with several smaller trees 15m high and 3m wide surrounding. 

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Forest10

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Mounta10

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Tree10


Your task is to work together as a group to travel to a large tree on top of a mountain where you will have to battle against or out-wit a hermit (Ita’s clone) in order to retrieve Ita’s Konoha Katana. Good Luck!


1.       If one person fails, you all fail.

2.       Travel requires at minimum 1 rounds of travel through the forest and 1 round of posts scaling the mountain. (minimum)

3.       Beat or out-wit the hermit/Ita’s clone and retrieve the katana and return it to Ita at the training grounds.

Last edited by Ita on Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:40 pm
Fuyo turned around to see a small child looking man suddenly appear behind Fuyo. Fuyo wasent starttled by many thing anymore because of his corrupted past. Fuyo stared down the Jonin, There was just somthing about him that fuyo just had a weird feeling about him. Fuyo looked into the jonin's eyes Fuyo felt the compleat oppeset of the jonin that gracfuly and proudly presented him self in front of the genin that he knew wernt good as he.“My name is Ita Uchiha and I am a Jounin of the Hidden Leaf Village. You three have the honor of being assigned to me, but before we get into introductions, I have a little test for you all. If you pass, then I’ll agree to take you on as my students. If you fail, well, you’ll just have to find another teacher. The test is about a half days travel into the forest you will find a tree where a hermit lives. He has a weapon of mine that is very important to me and I would like you to retrieve it for me. If you three are able to complete this task successfully I will agree to take you on as my students.” Fuyo frownd but on the inside he was estatic to know that if he completed this task for his mabey or mabey not sensei was related to the young Uchiha. But the part he was not so sure about the Uchiha was that his voice... It was somthing out of his nightmares it was intimidating it reminded him of deamons out of fariy tales and urbend legends. Fuyo tsked in disscust Fuyo grew to be quesy from the Uchiha. The older Uchiha Began to speak once more. “Before we begin there are some rules. Rule number one: if one of you fails you all fail and rule number two: you have until noon tomorrow to return my sword. In order to find the old guy just follow the crows. Also, try not to die.” Fuyo grabed his konoha ninja headband and clutched it in his hands Fuyo tsked again and said "God, Shinobis these days what happend to this privlige..." Fuyo knew that Ita was A sweet rule bidding citezen he proboly loved the ninja way and the will of fire and what not. Fuyo looked up Ita in the perfect time were he saw Ita quickly flashing the Sharingan eye. It Pissed fuyo off so god damn much to see a horrible voice to have such beautiful eyes. Fuyo blinked and Ita dissipated in the rays of the sun In mid air just, Vanished... Fuyo already hated the man for his voice but just showing off that he was on another level pissed him off.
Fuyo tured around to his team mates to see what there reactions were on the new "Man" who has randomly apperd told us to do something and left. Fuyo then put his hed band in a pocket in his cloak and asked them what there ideals of him are.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo) Empty Re: Meet The Team! (Private, Nk, Ita, Nekrun, Fuyo)

Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:09 pm
This was the sensei, huh? Younger than what the crimson haired Genin had expected, the Tracer standing in awe during his appearance almost about the same age as the boys. Tadashi knew that he was coming, with the help of his trusty Chakra Sensory, able to sense the Jounin, but not pinpoint the exact location, lurking amongst the nearly barren Training Grounds, it was still the morning, after all, nearing Midday, in which non-shinobi would enjoy their blissful lives. In a flash, expulsions of chakra would burst, and recollect, almost in an instant. The Body Flicker technique The chakra amount was too large, incalculable, otherworldly. Was this the power, of Jounin? This was how outclassed he was, no... The Genin in general. The tracer's eyes would widen, mouth now agape in shock, at the sight of the Jounin in front of the group of aloof Genin, intrigued at his chakra output, yet shocked at the mysterious man's prowess. Tadashi would try his best to regain himself, still gulping and sweating a bit. The Jounin would explain who he was, and what they were going to do, in a calming, yet soft tone. Ita was his name, a simple Jounin of Konoha. The regular rudimentary stuff.

...But what really intrigued the Tracer was the fact that Ita had a task for them. Early much? They had just met each other. But, the crimson haired Genin was always up for a challenge/task, and the Jounin would continue to explain the task, in a rather sedate tone, something that took aback the young Namikaze. Recover a sword from a Hermit, huh? Easy enough, he had already fought a Missing Nin with Nekrun and Fuyo, and he has done plenty of missions, retrieving a sword in the Konoha Forest, including the mountain that scales above it. Tadashi had no qualms about this task, as he would nod affirmatively, eager to begin. Tadashi wouldn't notice Fuyo's snarkily snide remarks to the Jounin. Before any more questions were asked, Ita would begin to be engulfed and would disappear... In a flock of Crows? He had a Summoning Contract with CROWS???!!! UNBELIEVABLE During that moment, Tadashi observed something in a brief picosecond, something that someone would normally not catch. A blood red iris, with 3 tomoes around the pupil of the eye. No way... This can't be possible... The Sharingan, the same Kekkei Genkai that his deceased friend, Kaze Uchiha had awakened... Ita Uchiha must be his name, how much of a league he must be above the Genin. The moment Ita left the scene, Tadashi would almost collapse to the ground, his hands instinctively holding him up, sweating profusely in nervousness,

"This man, Ita-Sensei... He has Chakra, unparalleled to us. I sensed him with Chakra Sensory, his reserves are so high, I-I can barely comprehend this. His Body Flicker is way too fast, he is so strong. He has a Crow Contract and is proficient with Crow Jutsu... He also has a Sharingan. How can we be even close to him?!" 

Tadashi paused for a moment, grimacing, and holding his clenched fist, only to hit the ground with great force, blood spurting out of his right fist,

"DAMN IT!!! At this rate, I can never be close to him, not even close, how can we get that strong to beat the hermit... It's futile." Tadashi would trail off at his last sentence, his face growing more white at the second. He can't be that strong, never, never, never...

"Tadashi. Never give up." His memories would be filled, of his Mother's last words. That was right, he had to become a Hero, for the world, to help people. This can't be something that stops him...

Silently, the crimson haired Genin would get up, his face, before in a panic, would begin to calm down. More confident, more reassured. This was to show Ita-sensei, what Nekrun, Fuyo, and Tadashi were all about. A fire would erupt in his eyes, his bloodied fist would point forwards, towards the mountains, his face, having a dark look, but determined.

"That's right, I can't be a Hero if I can't beat a simple Hermit. Get ready, cause we're coming for the Sword, you can bet your ass on that." Tadashi would ponder before turning to Nekrun and Fuyo,

"Sorry about that guys, let's get started. I have a feeling about the Mountain since that would be the most logical place for the hermit to reside. If no one has any questions, let's go in."

The crimson-haired Genin would dash in the direction of the Mountain, at a Speed that Nekrun and Fuyo could keep up with, so at a Speed of 40. This is gonna be... Interesting.

WC: 905
TWC: 1300
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