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chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba)

Hikari Namikaze
Satoru Nara
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Travin Uchiha
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chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba) - Page 4 Empty Re: chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba)

Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:11 am
The boy that nearly got roasted by a beast of nature was the lucky winner to appear today. Having teleported at one time in the middle of the fight into the seat. His verdict was as expected from xuba. Although xuba was a bit rough around the edges if it was to kill he would doubt control would have been an issue. 

Incapacitate cole was simply how it works. Granted he should be fine after patching up somewhat. Isnt that what the medics should do?

Xuba thought as he killed one amid one of his money nabbings out there. But the man was a fool by his standards. All in all the international bit was meantioned and well it was a time to represent the nation.  

As the kage finished speaking xuba would nodd showing no indication of his thoughts. The thing was now the kage lacked a medical specialist alone was now a show of concern to xuba. Fact being he was amazed the people were still standing upright.

Well then. Good thing i will not get stabbed anytime soon otherwise i probbably will not make it through the night

Xuba thought as with the man vanishing and xuba leaving. Xabi arrived at the entrance and spoke up.

"Maybe a kunai wound would've done it brother?"

Xabi asked with a simple question as it was waved off by xuba as he smiled.

"If anything. Combat can go many directions when in the heat. Perhaps i went too hard... however, that is nothing to worry much over..  to training we return to xabi. Perhaps this large exam will be a possibility. If you are ready by then."

Xuba stated as the two fused together and headed off for a bite to eat. All the while xabi took a cloth and began to clean the fuma shruiken from coles blood.

(Xuba exit.... eh no gains.)
Yamato Tanaka
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chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba) - Page 4 Empty Re: chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba)

Fri Jan 04, 2019 7:18 am
Xuba's exit is approved.
Hikari Namikaze
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chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba) - Page 4 Empty Re: chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba)

Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:54 am
TWC: 663

All words to Hikariton: Sun Forge

(Also, Satoru has a claim that Nero missed.)
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba) - Page 4 Empty Re: chunin mission Part 2 (Cole, Satoru, Xuba)

Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:08 am
Sorry about that. Hik's claims approved as well.
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