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Madrigal Kaguya
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:49 am
It was a bit later in the morning, the sun was high up in the sky and Valen’s personal training time began about an hour ago. Practicing his personal ninjutsu, working to develop new ones, checking for any imperfections in his weaponry and armor and all around having some time to himself. Soon however, this would end, as he had told one of the only two genin from one of the graduating classes to meet him here on this day. As such, he had made sure to practice her personal jutsu, ones he did not want too many others seeing. Such a Bladestorm, and Reflection Zone, which he was slowly progressing to a much stronger technique then it originally was. Now he was simply going over his equipment, almost as if he were preparing to go on a mission. He always remained prepared in his village, and everywhere else for that matter. It was a matter of pride as a shinobi that he continued to do such even when he didn’t go out on missions any longer.

He was going to test the newly appointed Genin ‘Shanks Graey’ and see if he could help him ascend  into becoming stronger, quicker, attempting to help the older man rise above others in power. With the death of Kotetsu, and the abandonment of the village from Kenshin, they were in need of stronger shinobi now more than ever. For they were still in their infancy as a shinobi village all things considered. While the other three had been villages for so many years only their leaders could count them. Albeit some probably had to relocate at times. Hoshigakure itself however, was only a few years old. It was something that had to come across the minds of other leaders if they knew that at all. It was a risky place to be in militarily, and it was something Valen needed to fix. Valen would continue to consider the matter deeply until he heard someone coming from far off, his combat trained senses telling him of the approaching figure.

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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:46 pm
It was not until about noon that Shanks began to make his way to the Hoshigakure Training Grounds. His breakfast with Olive and her family had set an exciting precedent for the events to come. He previously had been unable to gain access to these stately parts of Hoshigakure. The orderliness of the citizenry pointed to the fact that The Water Gardens was an area delineated for the upper class. It was in stark contrast to where Shanks lived. The well paved streets here did not match the dusty pathways that  carried traffic in and out of his district. The luxuriant cedars and palm trees were planted haphazardly unlike the  electric poles that distributed the power lines to homes in his area. Nor did the durability of these cutting-edge edifices compare in any way to the shabbiness of his district's aging structures. Still Shanks loved his neighborhood all the same. If anything, the glaring difference in living standards was for Shanks, a motivation to rise to a position of authority in which the power to influence the situation of things would be at his disposal. His meeting with the Hogokage today would be a decisive moment to determine what path his progression would take. If he had to pick and choose, he would much rather abolish the Village System right here and now from where he stood under the shade of a palm tree. But he knew that such a 'happy ever after' tale had no place in the world of the shinobi. If he wanted to bring about change, he would have to pay with his blood and sweat. He would even have to put his life on the line in order to obtain the power needed to accomplish such an arduous task. Even then, the work would only be half way done. Executing his plan would be a different thing entire. Shanks was aware that the Kenja would definitely rally together at his call to arms. But if he wanted to make a statement on the world, he needed a group of powerful individuals with goals in alignment with his that will be willing to fulfill that change.

He left the comfort of the palm's shade into the heat of the afternoon sun. He crossed the paved main road and proceeded to enter the spacious street leading to the Training Grounds. Standing in front of all the buildings adjacent to the street were at least a team of two jounin ranked ninja serving as guards. Most of them were members of the police force, and some buildings had up to five surrounding it. One of them had twelve; all armed to the teeth. Nobles certainly knew how to make elaborate statements. Shanks chuckled to himself as he continued walking down the street, taking a left and picking up the pace. He did not wish to be late but he also was in no particular hurry. This was evident as he stopped to flash a dazzling grin at a pretty young woman on the balcony of a resort styled duplex overlooking on the empty street. The building was made purely of polished dark brown wood and its structure was predominantly Japanese; borderline neo nipponic. She was seated cross legged on the balcony railing, dressed in a purple hoodie sweatshirt with white sleeves and a white hood. She had dark blue crop yoga pants which matched her hair and a pair of black sandals to match. Her eyes were milky white with a hint of purple that matched her sweatshirt. She smiled back at Shanks, whilst running her fingers through her lush hair. The breeze of the afternoon caused it to billow from side to side.

A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) 2ad97a875c60e5f00e4bffd8b37fe378

Shanks would have loved to stay and chat with her but he knew he had more pressing engagements.He noted the Hoshigakure head band tied around her neck. She was obviously higher than him in the Hoshi hierarchy despite being younger than him in age. Clearly, the Hyuuga were blessed with exceptional talent due to their bloodline.

"I really would not mind if you watched me train with the Hogokage today, ojou-chan.", Shanks said as he reached for his trusty bottle and took a sip of his woo woo. "Cheers."

A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Giphy

The Kenja would then continue his walk towards the training ground without soliciting a reply from the Hyuuga maiden. He could feel her staring at him from behind as he walked off, but he needed to say nothing more. His message had been passed across and he knew that if she was interested, would have a clear view to the training location. His many years of experience with women gave him the confidence required to make a stellar impact on them within the crucial first seconds of meeting them.

Just another two minutes of leisurely walking, and Shanks could now see the gates to the training grounds. He began to make his way in, knowing fully well that he was right on schedule. However, he hardly knew what to expect of this encounter.

WC- 838
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Madrigal Kaguya
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:15 pm
The sun was high in the sky at this particular point in time, telling Valen that it was noon when he began hearing the footsteps in the distance. He wasn’t quite certain who it was coming but he was only expecting a single individual that morning so he assumed it would be Shanks. The man had been ahead of the others in his class in Valen’s eyes when he had performed the test that the Hogokage had given him. So the teenage leader was more than willing to give him a headstart on his training. He wasn’t sure what the older man wanted to specialize in when it came to being a shinobi, but Valen could at the very least give him the very basics from almost every discipline and intended to do so. It would be a lot for the man to take in, that was for certain. However the ashen haired teen felt he would be able to meet the bar that Valen set as a requirement. Only time would be able to tell that much however and the new appointed genin should be arriving any moment. 

As he waited he allowed his thoughts to travel toward other things. Such as potential new techniques he could create, as well as wondering just where his own personal potential would be reached. He knew he hadn’t reached it yet, knew he could climb still higher in strength. It was an odd feeling, to have come so far, and yet know that you weren’t tapped out yet. This however was irrelevant. It was starting to get to being time for them to begin. Meaning Shanks should be arriving to this particular training field any time now. As well as the other one whom he had invited. One, Yuuma Fujiwara. The teen had met Valen yesterday in the kage’s office where he had requested to become Valen’s student. The man had offered to merely teach him a few techniques, to give him a grounding in the basics and let him build up from there. Had even warned him what had become of his last student, Kotetsu. None of which seemed to change the young man’s mind in the least. It was a reassuring thing, but also potentially the foolishness of the inexperienced. 

It was easy to say you wanted something, that you could sacrifice for it. Yet quite another to actually do so. Every higher ranked shinobi sacrificed something to get to where they were. Be blood, sweat, and tears. Loved ones, mental stability. Or any combination of the three. It was a brutal world they lived in, and only time would tell if Yuuma would rise to it’s demands. 

WC: 448
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:56 pm
Shanks prided himself in the achievements of his father when it came to business. In the life of a man, an ideal role model is always key. Growth can be fostered and greater heights can be achieved or even surpassed when a power-hungry man has a more accomplished man as his target. Shanks believed himself to be the power-hungry man. Valen Akari, he saw as the target which he must surmount. In a small village like Hoshigakure, the strong were not as rampant as the weak. Yet, the weak could hardly be written off as weak-willed for the mere fact that they are weak. No. The state of mind of an individual is just as powerful as their potential physical prowess. For without an iron-will, one cannot muster the courage needed to attain to a higher level of comprehensive development.
A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) G4F8No4

The Training Ground was the ideal environment in which one could begin to surpass their limits, and that was exactly the motive behind Shanks visit today. As he walked into this ideal location, Shanks felt invigorated. The site of the Hogokage Valen Akari, overwhelmed the Kenja Head with a desire to move up the ranks as quickly as possible, and have his strength acknowledged by the world. He glanced around the yard. Its earth was solid, dusty, lifeless; a testament of the multitudinous amount of feet that have forced the complete stoppage of weed growth. Practice dummies filled the area just outside the private dojo. Tree stomps improvised to become targets for projectiles, lined the area near the intimidating wall that sent out one message, and one message only: PRIVACY. Græy made his way towards where the Hogokage was. His masculine stride was laden with grace and purpose.
"Greetings! Valen-sama. I hope I did not keep you waiting too long? My journey was briefly interrupted when I spotted a Hyuuga girl on my way here. Bad habit of mine... But I had to say a few words to her. Nonetheless, I am here. And, I thank you for this opportunity.", said Shanks in a halcyonic tone of voice.

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:47 am
The time had finally come for Yuuma to become actively involved in his own path. No longer could he pretend to be an idle bystander to the world around him, as he had taken too many steps and said too many words to just the right kind of people. Now there were expectations. These were the same thoughts that swirled in the mind of Yuuma as he walked toward the training ground from the city.  He followed a set of directions he had managed to scribbled down the day before and jam into his pocket on the way out the door. A carefully planned breakfast had proceeded a morning run to wake his body from it's resting state. His mind was focused now upon the day ahead of him, and the strain his body was going to endure. The thoughts of these things created an interesting mix of feelings that churned in his stomach. "Is this what people call anxiety?" He asked himself as he passed by other city goers on the streets, looking to each behind his glasses. 

He wondered if they, too, were going some where important. Wondered what they felt about their going daily activities, if they felt this stress, or if people had simply grown numb to expectation over time. Yuuma wasn't even certain he wanted to be able to experience such a thing. While this growing anxiety filled him with a sort of dread, so too did it fill him with an eager anticipation. A yearning to test himself. To go above and beyond tossing salads on the back line, and move ahead to something bigger and better. Behind him, the trail of his steps left a path that left his mind just as soon as it entered. Upon seeing the gates to the training yard, this anxiety began to melt away as his goal was in sight, replaced by a steadily growing excitement.

To the two men on the other side of the gate, however, it might be hard to draw such a conclusion. Yuuma entered the yard wearing his typical, plain work out clothing that consisted of some raggy loose bottom and a tank top that had seen more than a few hard washes, beginning to fade to a grey-ish color. A pair of sunglasses were plucked from Yuuma's face to be tucked into his pockets as he approached the two men. Bright blue eyes turned to the older man with a clean face and red hair. "This must be Shanks." Yuuma thought to himself. "Older than I expected." His feet came to rest among the two others before his gaze would then turn to the ashen haired young man. Valen. "Master." He would greet first, offering Valen a bow.

Once formalities had been settled, he turned back to Shanks. Truthfully, it made him feel much better to see an older man here. Some one older than him, at least. It made him feel like he perhaps didn't have so much to catch up on. "Alternatively, this man could be on a much different level. He is some one Valen picked out along side me. And this man, Shanks, might not even had to ask." These thoughts transpired rather quickly as Yuuma would then bow respectfully to the older man. "You must be Shanks. I am Yuuma Fujiwara. I look forward to learn from and alongside you." He offered politely, steadying his earlier excitement into more tolerable levels for the young man, even if it didn't show all that much on the outside.

WC - 590
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:31 am
Ah, it would appear his musing time had ended. Both of the people he had been awaiting arrived at almost exactly the same time. Shanks would give a brief apology, explaining he got caught up speaking with a Hyuga woman on his way in. To which Valen would give a shrug and a polite nod. It made no difference to him who the red haired man had a dalliance with if it indeed came to that. It making him late to training however would have to be corrected. Yuuma would be quick to greet him after Shanks spoke, referring to him as ‘master’ and sketching a polite bow. Valen would notice Yuuma’s casual analysis of Shanks. The actions bringing a knowing smirk to the face of the ashen haired teen. “Good afternoon, Shanks, Yuuma.” He would say simply before adopting a critical eye and looking toward both of them. “Today I am going to teach both of you a multitude of things. You might find them useless, you might find the live changing. Nothing I’ll be teaching you will be particularly powerful. However you will indeed have a great number of things thrown at you. How well you listen and how quickly you manage to learn will be noticed. At the end of these lessons, should time permit, a spar will occur. Whether or not it will be between you two, or you two and I remains to be seen. However I want you both to understand that this is not a competition. Yuuma has already asked to be my apprentice, and I have accepted. Shanks however, has a great deal of promise and I want to provide a solid foundation for him to build off of for his own endeavors. I hope for both of you to learn a good deal of things before the day of up.” He would say, his voice going no higher than it absolutely had to. 

It was hot today, and it would get hotter right up until the sun went down which of course would bring the cool desert nights upon them. If necessary they could stay here all night until they learned everything he had intended for the day. He hoped it wouldn’t take that long, but one could never be sure. “First, I need to know what you both know. Shanks first, then Yuuma, tell me what you both know already technique wise. You will then proceed to demonstrate each jutsu to the other, on the other. The goal is for you both to start on the same foot when I begin teaching the two of you today. I don’t want to teach a technique you both already know and I certainly don’t want to teach one of you while the other is simply waiting. Obviously don’t kill each other, I don’t think anything either of you know would be enough to cause death quite yet. However just in case, restrain the powers of your techniques to reasonable levels for teaching others. First state the basic elements you can use, there’s no point in Shank’s demonstrating a wind jutsu to Yuuma if Yuuma can’t use it. Unless you’re interested in another element of course.” He would say, raising a quizzical eyebrow toward Yuuma. The purpose of this exercise was simple. For having them teach other wasn’t a sign of Valen’s laziness as a teacher. It was him trying to instill in them the proper abilities and mind set in helping comrades become stronger. A person who was willing to teach those below them to rise, was a valuable component in the workings of the machine that was Hoshigakure.

WC: 607
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:13 pm
Shanks listens to the plan the Hogokage had for them and comes to the conclusion that it was not what he desired at the moment.

Forgive me gentlemen. I've decided that this is not what I need at the moment. It would have been a great honor to learn from you Valen, and with you Yuuma. But there are other pressing things I must do first. I bid you farewell.

And with that, the red haired Kenja who had achieved quite a lot in his time here, would exit the training ground and disappear, never to be seen or heard from again.



Officially leaving the thread and the site. All the best guys!
Violet Terumi
Violet Terumi
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:01 am
Violet had been walking along, note she received from the kage yesterday in hand, as she was making her way to the training grounds she'd been told about while also making certain that she wasn't going to be late. From what she was to understand she wasn't going to be the only one to attend this training session. So on one side she was going to be meeting other ninja like her and be with peers. On the other side she was going to be training with them and showing what she could do. In terms of confidence she knew she was pretty gifted with her capabilities but when it came to comparing herself against other ninja she, ultimately, was still very new and knew she always could possibly mess up at any time. She tried to push such thoughts from her mind, though, as she walked onto the field she was told about and noticed the people she was to meet as she walked over and joined them all just as Valen was finishing his speech. She offered a bow as she feared that she was late. "Hello. Sorry if I'm late." She looked around and felt awkward due to feeling like she's starting off her ninja life with a bang.

(wc 214)
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:32 pm
When the man named Shanks changed his mind and took leave of the two of them, Yuuma was dumbfounded, to say the least. The man had been granted an audience with the Hogokage in a special training session. How was something so valuable simply walked away from? Be that as it may, Yuuma would not allow himself to become distracted by it, and instead allow himself to become distracted by the approaching red-haired figure. Although he didn't recognize her at first look, something about her image tugged at his mind, as if he had seen her before. As she drew closer and spoke an apology for being late, it clicked. She was from the ninja academy. He had seen her before, even witnessed her training in the upper classes with the more adept students. She was on another level than Yuuma. It was not all that surprising, then, when Yuuma realized that Valen had summoned her here in preparation for this man's departure. His gaze would return then to Valen as if his mind had pieced together a rather grand puzzle. "Such foresight. Although I don't know the whole situation, he didn't see fit to mention that she- whatever her name is- would be here. Perhaps this was all just in case something was to happen...and it did. The ability to predict events with such precision. Is this the power of a Hogokage?" Yuuma pondered quietly to himself until he realized that he was being stared at by his master, no doubt with an expectation of his actions.

"Ah, yes." Yuuma would speak finally, bowing then to Violet as he gathered himself. "Thank you for joining us. I am Yuuma Fujiwara. I look forward to learning from you today." He said formally, just as he had to Shanks before. After all, it seemed that his master was doing his best to keep the apprentice on his toes. But Yuuma was not to be tripped up so early. "Master Valen wishes for us to go over the techniques we have available to us, and then asks that we demonstrate on each other without doing each other harm. I hope you will trust that I do not intend to harm you, as I trust you." He said with a firm nod as he stood back up. Now that Violet had been caught up on the lesson focus for the morning, Yuuma would turn so he was able to address both of them. "There won't be much worry about my hurting someone; most the techniques I have learned are just sort of helpful 'sept a couple." Typically, Yuuma did well to hide the hick from his voice by speaking at little as possible, but the more he spoke, the more obvious it became as he fell back into lazy talking habits. "I am good with earth-based jutsu." He said, making the symbol for an earth-release based jutsu, but no further signs came. More so, it was just to give the others an idea of his specialty.

His gaze would flick to Violet shortly before he continued. "I won't bore y'all with the more basic stuff you learn in the academy. Beyond that, I've learned the ability to escape from a rope, heal small cuts and bruises. I can make a cane out of rocks, throw my voice, and uh.." He hesitated, deciding that the ability to cure a hangover probably wasn't really worth mentioning given he had known how to do that for a long time. "Yeah, tha's about all for the more basic techniques. For more advanced stuff, I can make stuff disappear-" he said, pausing to perform the two hand signs needed before a Santa had would appear in his hand as if materializing out of nowhere, only to vanish again,"- and I can paralyze someone with my chakra, and I learned a fancy hand fighting technique." He said, ending the sentence by putting up a hand. "But I'll wait t' demonstrate those. The most advanced techniques I know are Hiding Like a Mole, which allows me t' turn the ground into sand and sink into it. Good for giving myself a minute to think." He nods. "And I also have the ability to suck energy from people with Chakra Absorption. But I haven't gotten a chance to use it on anyone so I don't exactly know how strong it is.." He said trailing off. He was glad to be done talking but didn't rush the answers he had given just to make sure it was clear. Still, he couldn't help but a slight clearing of the throat out of nervousness as being reviewed by not only an advanced peer but the very leader of the shinobi of the village. It felt like a paltry amount of progress in the face of what he had to learn.

"For what it's worth, I've been trying to do a lot of missions as well."
He added on as if that would excuse the misconceived lack of progress he had made thus far. 

WC - 839
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Madrigal Kaguya
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:38 am
Valen would nod toward Violet as she arrived, she wasn’t very late, easily within acceptable limits and Yuuma took charge in explaining what was asked of them. The armored shinobi would raise an eyebrow as Yuuma made the santa hat appear. Stating only that he could ‘make stuff disappear’. The technique was clearly the Storage Displacement Jutsu, and it would probably need a bit more of an introduction than that. He’d allow the young man to continue before explaining it however, interrupting someone while they were talking was rude after all. He was just glad Yuuma had someone to train with. He hadn’t considered that Shanks might leave, he just had a feeling when he proctored Violet’s genin exam that she should come join them so he invited her along. It turned out to bear fruit however, as the older man had left for some reason, leaving Valen and Yuuma behind. ‘Probably to go see that Hyuga from before. See if I invite him along again.’ He would think as he looked between Yuuma and Violet. The young man had just finished speaking and so now it was a good time to cut in and explain the Storage Displacement Technique a bit more thoroughly. 

“That technique he performed when he ‘made something disappear’ is referred to as Storage Displacement. It’s a little more complicated than simply ‘making something disappear.’ You’re actually sealing it in a separate pocket dimension to utilize it again later on. It’s a fairly useful technique to utilize if I’m being completely honest. I myself keep quite a few things stored in my own. You’ll probably find you’ll never stop using it.” He would say as he nodded toward Violet “I know you only graduated yesterday and you probably spent some time celebrating and such so I wouldn’t expect you to have learned a lot of new things since then. This isn’t the point of this training exercise. I intend to teach you a great deal of things today. Once you leave here I hope for you to have a solid foundation of techniques under your belt for you to build off of.” He would say as he essentially told her what she missed. “You’ll both just learn from each other a bit to get more comfortable with each other and it’ll give me an idea of what you both already know so I know what to skip.” He would finish with a small shrug and giving her a small smile. “We’ve all got quite a bit of work to do today eh? Let’s continue on then shall we?” He’d say as he motioned for her to continue where Yuuma left off.

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