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Violet Terumi
Violet Terumi
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:58 am
Violet made her way to join each of the remaining ninja who were still present as one of them was the very man who had proctored her exams, Valen, while there was another who she must've remembered in passing during their time in the academy. They introduced themselves as Yuuma Fujiwara and said that no one should worry about him harming anyone and that his main affinity was earth. Due to her own studies Violet was able to find out her main affinity happened to be with fire which was known for it's destructive nature while earth, in contrast, helped in it's defensive nature. Violet had no doubt that if either was to come to blows in terms of jutsu clashes it would all depend on who was the wiser with their uses and she still had much to learn... such as a fire jutsu in the first place. She would reciprocate the ninja's kind gesture, however, as she bowed once more. "Nice to meet you. I'm Violet Terumi. If this is to be a training session then pain is going to naturally be the name of the game so I'm not worried. My natural affinity is fire though I've yet to really learn how to control it in the form of a jutsu so I'm hoping to make the most out of this."

Upon saying this she would watch as her training partner would perform hand seals and explain what all he knew so far. The fact that he knew how to utilize the earth to make materials for him to use let her know she was already the outclassed individual in terms of technique prowess. Hopefully she would find a way to change that before the day was done... hopefully. After all the demonstrations she was about to ask about one of the techniques he demonstrated before Valen spoke up and talked about the storage displacement technique that Yuuma showed off. He would then address that he knew Violet was very new and, therefore, probably didn't know a lot of intricate techniques thus far. He would ask her to present to them what all she knew, however, to get a basic idea of what she could do as she nodded. "Well so far my repertoire is very basic. As you already know, lord Valen, I know the transformation and clone techniques. In my spare time, however, I was able to accomplish the act of walking up trees and the surface of water as well as being able to shift and trade places with objects near me in order to get out of the way of an oncoming attack. 'Substitution jutsu' as I believe it's called."

Looking around the field she took note of items of worth that would allow such a technique to flourish as she continued. "I also have a basic knowledge of the Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu aspects. For Fuinjutsu I studied a technique which allows me to place a small seal on someone as a way of marking and tracking them if I so need to. For Genjutsu, while I don't know any Genjutsu myself, I know how to properly escape from one's clutches without the aid of another individual. Even better I was able to finely tune my chakra to allow me to escape Genjutsu without having to rely on the use of the Tiger hand seal. And, lastly, I also have devoted enough time in my physical capabilities where I have learned a way to be able to channel my inner strength upon being attacked in order to hit any opponent with a bit more power. I still have a ways to go with it... but that's basically it for my skillset." She finished and waited patiently for whatever was going to happen next to happen. Hopefully this would turn out to be an awesome training session for her.

(WC 652)
Yuuma Fujiwara
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:20 pm
Primarily focused on Valen's correction of his labeling of the jutsu, Yuuma offered confirmative noises as he nodded his head. Naturally, he should have been more official with the name of the ability he was showing off, though it was an important lesson to learn that Valen would expect things to be addressed formally. A note he would make in his mind for the future as he nodded once more to Valen once the explanation was complete. Although there was not an expression of being impressed, Yuuma would still take small pride in the amount of progress he had managed to make, and the steps he had taken to get this far. But a reminder to himself quickly followed that this was no time to get complacent. Today, especially, would prove difficult if he allowed himself to get too comfortable.

Yuuma's attention turned to Violet then as the torch had been passed along to her, offering her time for an introduction. Once she concluded, Yuuma would respond before the explanation of her skills began. "A pleasure to meet you, as well. I have looked into the many uses of Fire based jutsu. It is a very appealing element." The offering of sentiment was largely just for the sake of non-sequitur, allowing the ice to break between them as they would soon be training together. In his youth, Yuuma had been awkward at first meeting, but a healthy dose of growing up around people who were often his superior in all forms put a habit of polite manners in front of awkward small talk. Still, he was not the overly chatty type, and his responses then after become that of active listening skills with nods and the occasional mumble of acknowledgment. 

Despite the pretense stated by Valen of Violet's recent graduation, it was still a surprise to learn the extent of the advanced student's studies thus far. To Yuuma's best recollection, Violet was one of the better-attended students. One who took the company of the more studious sort. Or at least he had thought. There was certainly a method to it all, however. "Even if I don't understand, it is my duty to learn. I can hardly expect things to be pointed out to me. So I must make note of these things and think upon them later to find the wisdom." Yuuma ultimately reasoned. Once Violet finished the explanation of her skills, Yuuma would look back to Valen expectantly. "I would like to display my abilities first, Master Valen." He volunteered. Unless Valen had something particular in mind, Yuuma was eager to begin the training and eager more so to put the things he had learned into practice. 

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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:01 am
The two would introduce themselves, bowing to one another in greeting before going into detail of what they knew. It wasn’t a whole hell of a lot. That, however, was the entire point of this very day. Violet knew how to escape genjutsu, doing so without hand seals, the basic clone technique, Transformation, Substitution. As well as the Surface walking technique and how to give her taijutsu strikes a tad bit more power. It was far from the worst start he’d ever seen. Yuuma, in comparison knew a great deal more and was ready and willing to demonstrate said techniques with an eagerness he didn’t usually see in people nowadays. “Very well Yuuma, you may begin. I expect you to showcase everything you know that Violet here does not. Hand seals and all. The point is for her to be able to pick up on it and hopefully, perform them all shortly. Then I’ll begin teaching you both techniques that I know that’ll give you the foundations for a successful career. If either way wish to learn each others elements I would also advise teaching each other. I myself am capable of utilizing Lightning, Fire, and Wind. As well as a couple of advanced elements, one of which is a secret I keep to myself. Now both of you, look away from me for a moment.” He would say, the last as he performed the Ram seal. 

After doing so a brilliant flash of light would radiate from a point next to Valen, a clone of himself coming into existence a meter away. “You can turn back now.” He would say, if they hadn’t looked away they would find their vision impaired for a single post. No longer having the ability to see due to the brightness of the light the clone created when it came into existence. His doppelganger would move to stand about 5 meters away from Yuuma, in a location that would require Valen’s student to turn so Violet was safe from anything Yuuma might use to showcase. “My clone here will act as a target for us. I’ll demonstrate my techniques on him as well. Yuuma, use my clone to test your chakra absorbing abilities. You have to make sure you know how much you can drain before trying to use it in actual combat. It’s imperative that you do so or else a technique might not work in quite the same manner that you expected.” He would lecture, nodding to his clone who nodded back. “Now, begin.” He would say, intending to prompt Yuuma to start. 

WC: 431 
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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:16 am
Yuuma's attention was squarely on his master as he responded to everything that had been said, including his own request to demonstrate his abilities first. Thankful, he would nod to Valen and then heed the warning of turning his gaze away. Once before had he been blinded by the dazzling light of the Hogokage, and the purple spots it had created in his vision took a couple days to fade entirely. So when another bright flash of light issued, he was thankful to have taken the warning to heart, looking back only once Valen had given them the okay to do so. A copy stood beside him, one looking durable and solid, not like the clones he could make, and even better than the rock clones he had begun to study. Except this one was made of pure light, he imagined. How such a thing was even possible, Yuuma couldn't fathom. Either way, he regarded the clone in the same respect he did his master, seeing it simply as an extension of his body, treating it like one might treat a sword they were given to practice with. He wasn't certain if he was supposed to act as though this were combat situation or not, but figured since it was just a demonstration, best to make it a moderated pace, but certainly enough to give it a display. When given permission to begin, he bowed then to the Hogokage and turned then to Violet, a stony focus in his eyes. "Thank you."

The first technique he had to show was chakra absorption. A simple technique to explain and show. He regarded Violet seriously, though his tone was not as hard as his expression. "The Chakra Absorption technique is a simple one, a rank C technique. All you must do is focus chakra to a part of your body like such." He displayed, a hand lifted to glow with a soft, golden aura visible even to the naked eye. "There are no hand heals with this move." He added, then turning to clone he was to practice one. With a couple quick steps forward, the youth would throw a punch that the clone around easily catch, the two of them freezing once contact was made. "Once you got contact with 'em like this, you simply want to pull the chakra back into you. Whilst you are touching, the pull of your chakra will pull at the targets." He did a good job of not faltering when he began to absorb chakra from the clone, finding he was able to drain at a full rate, replenishing the energy it had taken to use the ability. [Power 35] Of course, this was Valen not even trying. the Hogokage certainly wouldn't be all that phased by this if this was real combat; all Yuuma had done was put himself into the perfect striking distance of that blade that hung at Valen's side. Standing back, he would turn to Violet again. "Be careful how you use this one. If you get ahead of yourself trying to drain your target, you may put yourself in a bad spot, open to attack." He knew it was supposed to be Valen teaching, but it was an important observation he had made in a pseudo-combat situation. Certainly worth mentioning one way or another.

After the demonstration, Yuuma would take time to answer any question, or go over any information she needed before moving on to the next technique, even willing to go as far as demonstrating once again. "Next I would teach you Hiding Like a Mole, which would allow me to turn the ground around me into sand and sink into it. Then I can move about the underground for a while." He said, gesturing vaguely to the ground. "So instead I'll show you my last C-rank jutsu. Time Reversal Jutsu." He said, making only a single hand mark. Dog. Once contact as made with Valen's clone, a green wave would visibly resonate between them as the jutsu attempted to take hold. "This jutsu is really only useful with willing targets. It allows you to pull memories forward, asking questions of the one affected. I learned this jutsu to better communicate with people that are in too much pain to speak in order to properly tell me what sort of injuries they have, or how they got them." He said, the jutsu failing, and the green waves dissipating from between the clone and Yuuma. "Of course, even as a clone, Master Valen can quite easily ignore the effect with the sort of chakra he has." Once he had explained all he could, he would once more pause to take any questions she might have, even allowing her to do the technique on him if she so wished, having little in the way of unsharable memories.

Either way, the lesson would move on eventually to the lower ranking jutsu that were worth displaying. "Moving forward is my lower ranking technique, but currently my best fighting ability I have learned. It's less of a jutsu, and more a style of fighting." Taking a stance, Yuuma would show a closed fist style of the speed bag. The Chain Fist. A series of quick, battering techniques were performed first on the air. "The chain fist has two styles." He started, displaying a hammering closed fist blow. "Closed Fist." His hands would then slide open into a knife hand, chopping and jabbing through the air in quick, repeating strikes. "Open Fist. The bonus to the technique is the wear and tear it give to the body of your target, affecting their defenses as long as you connect." Turning, Yuuma would then unleash the jab and chops, followed by punches and hammer fists to the clone. Despite the easy blocking, the health would continue to take hit after hit from the attacks, steadily wearing down the clones health by a small amount with some grunts. "This technique is simple in practice but takes a lot of it. Repeat techniques on dummies until the tips of your fingers ache." He chuckled, coming to stand in front of the clone once more.

"You've already seen Displacement Storage, but I will show you once more." The quick hand signals of Rat-Dog before a book materialized in his hand, a jutsu encyclopedia. Another reform of the seals and the book whisked away into nothingness. "And lastly, there is Temporary Paralysis jutsu." A single handseal this time, Tiger, was performed. Though there was no obvious effect, Yuuma would turn back to the clone once more. "Visualize your target's muscles tensing, becoming unable to move, and perform the seal." Once more, Yuuma would do so, despite knowing there was no visible sign. Valen's clone shrugged off the effect like it was nothing, and for just a moment, Yuuma could have sworn he saw the clone smirk. A bead of sweat rolled down his neck as he turned back to Violet. "You...couldn't see it...but it works on targets that have a lower strength. It would take me much more training to be able to display such a skill on Master Valen." He nodded, turning then fully back to both Valen and Violet, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his head from the bit of exertion. 

Clearing his throat, the man would speak once more. "As for the last things I could show you, they are pretty simple. A rope escape technique, which is as easy as calling chakra to your body." He said, demonstrating the minimal skill technique. "Useful to have, embarrassing to not have." he would chuckle to the two of them. Next, his disembodied voice would pop up between the three of them. "I also have a ventriloquism technique." While his mouth did not move, his hands lifted to animate to the speaking. "A very useful technique. You can change your voice to match some one elses. Or imitate a voice you have only just heard." He spoke again, the middling part of the speech sound like Valen flawlessly, while the latter part sounded exactly like Violet. With a clearing of his throat, Yuuma would resume speaking normally as he formed a single hand seal. The seal of Doton. Earth. Beneath him, the ground would swirl and dance as though it was paint being stirred by a brush, coming to rest in its new position after Yuuma dropped the seal. "And last but not least, earth release." He nodded, bowing to the both of them. "Thank you for allowing me to show you what I have learned. I look forward to learning from both of you as well." He said, eyes raising to them, then turning to Violet expectantly.

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Violet Terumi
Violet Terumi
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:38 pm
Violet stood there, making certain to look away upon hearing Valen tell them both to look away, as she would listen to the both of them as Valen provided Yuuma with a clone to demonstrate the jutsus he had learned so far. Most of all he had to show was rather impressive to her. She would make mental notes of all the skills and techniques that she would have to chase after when she had time to herself. Most of the high ranking stuff was right around her wheelhouse of sought after skills but one thing that Yuuma had said in particular was that he knew Earth release which caused her to perk her ears a bit as that was an element she was very much in pursuit of. Upon seeing Yuuma finish speaking she would nod and smile.

"You're already highly skilled. I hope that I'm able to pull off as much some time in the future."

She scratched her head nervously as she felt a little puny in comparison to the company she was within. It was to be expected really. She was a newbie ninja that had most of her training done in an academy where she mainly did reading and passed quizzes. She didn't really put a lot of effort into training during such time besides when she was getting ready to take her exams. So naturally just basic techniques were the only things available to her right now.

"On the note of your Earth element would you be willing to explain to me how you usually channel it? If I understand correctly most techniques that utilize Earth comes from a person's surroundings such as summoning weapons made of rock or things like that. Is everything Earth related usually going to require a rocky surrounding or are there Earth techniques you can do with just your body alone?"

She was waiting for a response and would listen attentively as she was going to make certain she learned everything she needed to in order to acquire this new element.

(WC 346)
Madrigal Kaguya
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A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Push or A Shove, The Right Direction's Above (P)

Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:48 am
The clone would stand, as stoic as it’s original and allow Yuuma to perform the techniques that he desired to showcase. Starting with the Chakra Absorption Technique. The pull on his reserves wasn’t much, only about four percent of its reserves. It was to be expected, but the boy would need to get stronger quickly if he was to really pull enough out of it to be worthwhile. Soon enough though the boy would stop trying to drain him dry of chakra and begin to showcase other techniques. His attempt to cause him damage through his armor with the chain fist technique was amusing to the clone and a small smirk would play on its face as it continued to block and shift the blows aside. Normally, the clones integrity, and for that matter, Valen’s own, would still be damaged by such blows. The teen wasn’t the hardiest of individuals, however he was extremely fast, and generally would dodge blows outright. The lesson however required him to take the blows so the clone would simply block the attacks, his armor keeping it from dispelling in a lethal blast of light at Yuuma. Valen vagueling began to wonder then if using a clone that explodes when it’s dispelled as a test dummy for new students jutsu was a good idea. That thought aside though it seemed all was well and so Yuuma moved to perform his next technique. Storage Displacement was one they had already discussed and the clone smirked as Yuuma tried to put him under the Temporary Paralysis Technique. Something that he didn’t have enough power to utilize on Valen or a clone successfully. 

Rope escape, and Ventriloquism rounded out his demonstration along with a brief explanation of his Earth Element. Something Violet seemed to take a particular interest in. Valen would nod in understanding of what Yuuma knew and Violet could potentially recreate. He’d allow them their conversation about Earth Release but first Valen would motion for Yuuma to move aside. The clone would turn to it’s creator seriously, prepared to play test dummy for him as well. “I will begin by showing you both as many beginner level jutsu I can that Yuuma has not already showcased. My clone here will act as dummy for a few of them. The first is a bit distasteful but could be useful in certain situations. I won’t demonstrate it on my clone though, as it’s embarrassing to say the least. The Thousand Years of Death technique is performed by forming the tiger seal and shoving it into your targets posterior. The point of the technique is to utilize a kunai with or without an explosive tag to assault a targets blind spot. As previously stated of course, it is rather embarrassing to use or have used on you.” He would say as he demonstrated the Tiger seal before moving on. He he did so his clones armor would morph, forming a simple, sleek, helm around his head, covering his entire body. Valen would move closer to it, standing within arms reach before simply reaching out and slapping the hell out of the clone, causing it’s head to turn aside. The clone would remain standing however, the blow not enough to dispel it thanks to the armor that it wore. “Discipline, simple enough in execution I think.” He would say simply before turning to both of the genin and pulling out a scroll and unsealing and sealing random items within them including kunai, shuriken, wire, and a katana. “The Generic Sealing technique allows you to seal objects into scrolls. It isn’t horrible to have but it’s a bit outclassed by Storage Displacement. The same technique that Yuuma demonstrated.” He would say before closing the scroll after sealing up everything inside he had used for the demonstration. 

“Next, is Fuinjutsu Lock. It’s simply a locking technique that prevents anything you wish to remain closed to remain that way unless someone breaks it.” He would say applying the lock to the scroll, index finger glowing blue as he applied a quick, yet simple array to the object before passing it to the clone. The doppelganger would begin trying to open the scroll but be unable to before it’s own index and middle finger glowed blue. “Fuinjutsu Breaking.” It would say simply before touching the fingers to the scroll and the locking seal would break. The clone would proceed to open the scroll normally before closing it up and passing it to Valen, who would promptly put it away. “Mark Seal” Valen would say before reaching out to shake his clones hand. The clone would proceed to shake his hand back and as they shook hands Valen would activate the jutsu. The clone would pull it’s hand away and show it to Yuuma and Violet the seal would only remain visible for a few moments before it disappeared, turning invisible to the naked eye. “A simple seal, it’ll allow you to learn other jutsu that utilize them. One allows you to summon people who you have marked. Another allows you to track them.” The ashen haired kage would say  to which the clone would simply nod. “If one doesn’t have chakra vision, or know enough about Fuinjutsu to know what they’re looking for then the mark is nearly impossible to find and identify.” He would say before reaching down and taking a handful of dirt and let it go over his head, dropping the earthen substance into his hair and armor. “Chakra Cleanse.” He would say as he performed the Tiger seal and the dirt was swept off of him by a thin layer of chakra. “Simply removes stains and residue from your clothes and body. Helpful for getting rid of bloodstains, or if you fall in a river.” He would say with a small shrug before showing them the Tiger Seal again. “This one isn’t visible but I’ll explain it. Inner Flame allows you to mold your fire chakra to keep you warm, preventing you from freezing to death. I’ve found this useful a time or two out in the desert after night.” He would continue, lecturing on as he moved through his jutsu catalogue. “That’s all of the E ranks I know that Yuuma hasn’t already showcased or that I know both of you know already. I’ll move onto my D rank techniques now. I won’t show you any C ranks or higher today, I want you to build your own jutsu repertoire based on what you find useful.” He would say before turning back to his clone. 

Moving close to his double he would perform the hare, ox, and monkey seals and have small blue flames envelop his fingertips. “Chakra Anesthetic causes the target to no longer feel pain for a bit. It’s useful for field medicine and in some cases, torture and interrogation.” He would say before jamming his fingertips into the chest of his clone. He would obviously fail to puncture the armor that was protecting his clone as it was him. “Obviously, this won’t work if you’re patient is wearing armor. You’ll either need to remove it, or they’ll have to deal with the pain.” He would say before he turned to his clone and raised an eyebrow. The copy would nod, ready to go through the next series of techniques swiftly. “We’ll show you a few taijutsu techniques now.” He would announce before turning and stepping away from his clone. He would turn after a few meters and perform a flying jump kick at a slower than normal pace for himself so they could watch. It would also allow the clone to dodge with a bit more of the speed that both of them had, making sure it wouldn’t dispel and expand. “Dynamic Entry!” He would call, telling Yuuma and Violet the name of the technique before landing just behind where the clone has stood. His doppelganger had simply stepped aside but Valen spun and performed a high kick, using his bodies momentum to carry him through the kick into a full circle before unleashing a low kick. “Leaf Whirlwind!” He would announce, still keeping himself at a slower pace, his clone simply moving his head back to dodge the high kick and stepping back a few feet to dodge the low while Valen completed the spin. The original would proceed to stand fully and move after the clone, performing a devastating spinning back kick when he closed the distance “Leaf Gale!” He would call, the clone again, simply moving back to avoid it. After this one Valen would stand fully upright speaking as he did so. “As you can see, this line of techniques isn’t impossible to dodge by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a simple matter of moving back out of the range. Or you could counterattack into the blind spots. My clone obviously didn’t because I needed to show you the completed technique but you need to be careful if you use them. All of those spins take your eyes off of your opponent enough to be dangerous if you aren’t careful.” He would lecture, moving toward the clone and placing a hand on the clones face, squeezing hard as he did so “'Iron Claw' A simple enough technique that grabs the targets face and squeezes. You could easily crush a skull with this technique if you’re strong enough.” He would say as he let go. “Next is one I’ve used as a punishment before, the embarrassment factor involved is quite good in keeping people in line.” He would say as he slammed his fist into the clones face. The clone would proceed to spin out of control through the air, articles of clothing beginning to fly off before it dispelled in midair, the lethal dome of chakra expanding outward at a safe distance from all of them. “By the way, if you ever dispel one of my clones, run.” He would say with a smirk. 

“Next, we’ll go through the Kunai Cutter." He would say as he formed the dog seal and pulled out a kunai from his pouch. Immediately arcing bolts of lightning would radiate off the kunai before Valen through it toward one of the training dummies a couple of meters away. The kunai would sheer through the dummy before the lightning arcing off the blade would dissipate. “It’s much more close range than I generally like, but it can have its uses at times.” He would say before turning to the two of them. “Next is the Flicker Movement” He would say before performing the rat and then the boar seals and beginning to move around. “This technique gives you a small speed boost by augmenting your personal time flow. It’s a very basic space/time jutsu.” He would say, deactivating the technique before pulling out two shuriken and tossing them, one hiding in the shadow of the other, at another nearby dummy. “Shadow Shuriken Jutsu, this techniques hides a shuriken in the shadow of another, causing an opponent to not be able to react to it as well." He would say after throwing them. "Two more jutsu, the first is the Body Flicker, which augments your speed temporarily with your chakra allowing you to move from place to place at an exceedingly fast pace.” He would say, performing the tiger seal and seemingly teleporting across the training field at a speed of 245. In reality he simply moved there himself with the techniques assistance. He’d move back toward the two genin before placing his hands behind his back and nodding. “Finally, the Chakra Disguise jutsu. This allows you to change your chakra signature to prevent others from being able to memorize it and recognize you in the future. You can also make your signature as powerful or as weak as you want.” He would say before he simply made his chakra signature read off as 200 rather than the 100 it usually was. Although the two wouldn’t have been able to feel it. “I suppose I should show you chakra sensory too. Simply work on making yourself more intune with the feel of chakra in the surrounding area. Actively try to sense what’s around you, you can usually sense when someone is around and how powerful they are. Although you won’t be able to pinpoint their location. Meanwhile suppression is a skill that allows you to hide your own signature so others can’t tell when you’re around at all based on your chakra being in the area. You won’t be able to utilize jutsu while you do this though, at least none above E rank jutsu. This puts a severely limiting factor on what you can do with it.” He would say, finally finishing his lecture and demonstrations on the jutsu he was able to teach them. 

It had taken a bit, to be honest Valen didn’t like to talk all that much but it was necessary. It also brought him back to when Kenshin had done the same thing for him so long ago. Teaching him everything he was willing to that Valen didn’t already know. It brought a pang of guilt over his leaving for the actions the village leader had done at the summit. He considered others, Kotetsu, who had trusted him, Hikari, whom he thought might eventually love him one day, hadn’t even returned to the village yet. Those exams had to have been over by now didn’t they? They had never taken this long in Hoshigakure. Had she decided to leave the village too? Just not say a word unlike Kenshin. What of Masashi? Did he choose to abandon the village after his actions too? Mo-ri? He had sent him on a mission to escort Kotetsu’s parents to Konoha. He had yet to return either. Did they all abandon the village? Did they all abandon him because of his leadership? A dark presence would make itself known within his mind as Gobi desired notice. His voice, a dark, smooth voice that emanated from within the back of his mind would radiate throughout his head. ‘And if they did, why should you be held back?’ It would ask, curiosity evident. ‘Why stay in this cesspool of a village? They left because of your leadership, but out of everyone left you’re the only one who can lead while you’re here. So why stay? No one can rightfully blame you for not being leadership material, few truly are. You were thrust into the role you didn’t even want because it was what was needed. Kyousuke, the fool, didn’t even talk to you about becoming the Deputy. He just announced it to the rest of the village. You simply nodded, and did your duty to the best of your ability. Then the coward killed himself, leaving you, untested, untrained, and inexperienced in a position of leadership that you simply were not ready for. Now you’re friends, your shinobi, leave you, abandoning the village left and right while you’re here, continuing to keep the same chain I’ve mentioned before around your neck. Just go, leave, no one could stop you. Imagine the freedom, no missions, political requirements regarding other villages. Just you, any friends you might make, and pure, freedom. Who knows, you might even find your old friends again. They might even accept you if you aren’t leading them. You might even find Hikari again, if she has left and isn’t simply held back in Konoha.’ The beast would say, Valen listening to every work and taking in a deep breath as he nodded. ‘You’re right, There’s nothing for me here. Yuuma hasn’t exactly been my student long and I’m sure he’ll be fine. I have no more ties here except for Hikari and as you say, she might not even be coming back.’ He would say as he spoke allowed to Yuuma and Violet “I’m afraid I’m going to have to return to my office. There’s only so long as I can stay away from the paperwork. I’ve shown you what I can right now. Practice between yourselves, there’s plenty of target dummies around to test things on. Good day you two” He would say before disappearing in a flash of light, heading back toward his office. 


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Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:53 pm
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:20 am
Yuuma had done his best to absorb everything Valen had given him. At the end of the day, he would turn to Violet and bow to her. "Thank you for training with me. Hopefully, there will be a day soon where we can do more." He smiled at her. With that, Yuuma would turn and take his leave from the training grounds.

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Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:58 am
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