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Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Mon May 13, 2019 7:46 am
Max would simply scratch his chin regarding the images of the Sharingan shared by both Mortarion and Maku. Perhaps they knew secrets that even the Uchiha clansmen kept well hidden, which only managed to speak volumes about their sheer understanding and experience of the world as a whole.

The people were circling, and while Max could have his bodyguard check on things he would allow Jiro to do so. It would give the boy a chance to see how he handles the situation. Sadly, Max didn't get the chance to see the man's S/T techniques, but it would seem that the people circling around were simply looking to meet the young Raikage. It was good to see his actions were having an impact both on the landscape around them but also on the morale of the people he is sworn to protect. Without fail he would shake hands, smile, and thank them for their support of his cause. He only wanted a better Kumo, and he would do whatever it took to reach that dream.

Once they left, Max would address Jiro. The staff would be asked nicely to give them some privacy, and they would comply. "Jiro, how would you feel about takinng a trip to Suna?" Max would ask, very plainly to the Uchiha sitting across from him. "I can use someone with expertise in the field of Space and Time Ninjutsu, as it would prove invaluable in getting operatives out safely." Max would be asking the man, as this wasn't yet a full-fledged mission. He was testing the waters to see how Jiro would react to the assignment.
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Wed May 15, 2019 2:52 am
“A trip to Suna, trying to kill me off already.” The Uchiha would state quite aware of what the situation in  Suna was like. A mad man had taken over the place news had stopped coming weeks ago. It would be nice to go back home for a bit even if it was as a spy however. The offer was more tempting than his initial statement would lead one to believe.

“I am willing to go, but your mention of operatives has me nervous.” Maximillion’s words indicated his space/time would be used to transport people would others be going or was he rescuing shinobi in the land of Wind? “Space and time ninjutsu has rules if I come under fire getting myself out is simple a few seals and I’m back here. With others though I have to be touching them and can’t break contact for a short time. Take that into account if things go south.”

Jiro assumed he was asked because he knew the layout. He of course did, but if others were going he would need to go over details. “Anyone going along should also know the layout of Suna either by being a native or just going over plans I can draw up later.

The chuunin of kumo was already thinking of ways into the village without being seen or having to go through the gates. The North east side of the wall there was an opening where the younger ninja would exit and head into the desert to drink illegally. That was where the ninja was thinking for his way in. The walls were well kept in the area, yet due to the construction outside the gate it was difficult to see anyone sneaking out or in for that matter. It would be the perfect place to go.

WC: 304
TWC: 3544
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Thu May 16, 2019 2:37 am
"Your willingness to participate is greatly appreciated. As you said, it will be very dangerous. I suggest that you prepare as best as possible, otherwise you will likely forfeit your life." Max didn't wish to deter Jiro, but he had no intentions of being dishonest with the man, either. This would be a dangerous operation, but would provide much needed intelligence on Kenshin's forces which would allow them to prepare adequately.

"You are a chuunin, Jiro. I have the utmost confidence in your ability to secure an escape for yourself and anyone else sent along with you. I've never known a person with the Sharingan that wasn't more than capable of holding their own." The boy would say, unsure how to feel. On one hand, it was good to have someone with such a powerful doujutsu on their side, but on the other hand everyone that Max had known to hold said doujutsu in the past had become... well, monstrous. 

"Know that you and the others sent will be briefed for the mission, along with time spent detailing out the plan." Max couldn't afford to send many, but at least two shinobi would go, Jiro likely being mostly there for support and transport.
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Fri May 17, 2019 11:53 pm
“You keep speaking of the sharingan as an otherworldly ability, it's quite annoying.” Jiro would say having to hear how great his eyes were for the thirtieth time since he had begun speaking to this kid. “My eyes are special sure, but it doesn’t make me almighty just by their very existence. I am nothing like Youka or Maku, I am only me and me isn’t strong enough to waltz into the layer of an S ranked missing ninja and guarantee my own safety, let alone the safety of another.”

It was time for Max to stop seeing just Jiro’s eyes and look at the man before him. A chuunin of kumo who was not superior to anyone else. Especially, not someone with a bounty as big as Kenshin Uzumaki’s. “Lord raikage, I need you to see beyond the sharingan. Otherwise, you are living your own life in a genjutsu. A delusion where these eyes hold power over you, they do not. I have a duty in kumo and one is to defend you and another is to advise. That is the only advice I have to offer.”

“ I will look into the matter of the odd sharingan. Perhaps, that is where the undeniable strength you seek is housed.” He would add as a quick change of pace to his comments about his own abilities. The words were calm and not said in malice, though by the words it was quite clear Jiro assumed the sharingan produced an undeniable fear within Max. Jiro’s eyes would return to normal as they clearly elicited some negative emotions from the boy. “I think we should walk and talk, as to not keep these peoples business hostage.” He would say looking to the sign that had flipped from open to closed since they had begun speaking seriously.

If Maximillian agreed it was time to move, Jiro would stand and thank the owner for their hospitality before making his way to the door. Once, on the street the sight of people running would draw his attention. He would touch the back of someone's shoulder. “What is going on?” He would ask the person who pointed toward the gates. “Someone from Suna, at the gate!” The person would continue running and Jiro would look to Maximillian. “That's not good.”

WC: 383

TWC: 3927
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Wed May 22, 2019 2:27 am
The young lord would listen as Jiro spoke, his words resonating within. It did feel as though the Sharingan held power over him, a natural response to his interactions with it. Of course, as Max began to truly mull the words over he realized that Jiro was right. The man didn't give off the same feeling of power and awe that any of the others had. He was simply a shinobi that happened to have a potent bloodline. Was the boy overestimating Jiro's capability? Was he assuming that the man was a great deal stronger and more capable simply because of his own biases towards the Sharingan? In reality, he likely was. 

Nevertheless, Jiro was still one of the best candidates for the mission at hand simply due to his prior experience with the village of Suna and his understanding of Space and Time Ninjutsu. He still had all of the pieces needed to make things work even if he wasn't able to simply assume that the Sharingan would pull Jiro through. 

"I apologize if I offended you. Perhaps you are right. I do have some... preconceived thoughts regarding how powerful the Sharingan is." Max would give a light bow after getting up to walk with the man. As they exited the building, people seemed to be in an uproar. 

There was someone at the gates from Suna? Was Kenshin already here? "You are right, it isn't good. It would be best to figure out what is going on. Perhaps a message from Kenshin is at our doorstep..." 
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Thu May 23, 2019 4:36 am
My Sharingan:
It was good that Max was recognizing his faults, hopefully with time he would learn to not be so distrusting of the sharingan and would eventually lose fear of the eyes. Admittedly the eyes were scary, a pair of deep red eyes that shine in the darkness. Among the Uchiha of the leaf village locking sharingan eyes with another member resulted in a fight, with fire and taijutsu. Luckily Jiro did not live there he had no fire style jutsu and his taijutsu was laughable, so sharingan would be scary to him in that sense.

“Apology accepted.” He would say with a smile. Jiro would set his earlier annoyance to the side. If Max was willing to move on, then so should he. It was at this point the duo would take to the streets after Max bowed. “Any message from that guy wouldn’t be a good one.” The chuunin would run alongside the kage until they reached the gates where a crowd was gathered.

“Make a hole, raikage and associate coming through!” He would yell with a deep voice. People moved immediately, once they were at the front of the crowd Jiro could see a woman on the ground. She was covered in a goo and covered in bite marks, her hair was black and her eyes were the shape of Jiro’s. The woman’s breaths were shallow and growing smaller. “Mom?” He would say. The woman turned her face to look at him and smiled. After that she breathed no more.

Jiro would run to the woman and hold her in his arms. The tears in his eyes were warm as blood. The liquid running from his eyes spilt onto his mother's clothes crimson droplets of blood. His eyes were no longer the sharingan Max had seen the pattern had evolved. Into what looked like a circle, surrounded by incomplete moons. The Uchiha would hold her tight as he cried saying nothing while he did so.

The man on guard at the gate would approach the raikage. “I saw the virulent civilians attacking this woman. I stopped them, but it was too late. She had this headband from Suna, said it was her sons. We called a medic, but…” He whispered this to the kage, as to not upset Jiro further.  

There was blood on Jiro’s clothes that had come from the wounds on his mother. “Max you are a medical ninja can you heal her?” Jiro knew the attempt was futile, but he was desperate. There was hope she wasn’t too far gone. “Anything, anything.” He would say still crying while hitting his fist upon the ground. In his heart he knew that she was gone for good, but somehow trying would put him at ease or make him feel worse. “Why didn’t I just bring you guys to Kumo with me? I’m stupid.” He would say burying his face into his mother’s shoulder.

WC: 486
TWC: 4413
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Sat May 25, 2019 6:34 pm
The Little Lord would make his way through the people, hoping with all of his heart that this wasn't an attack of some sort. As they reached the gates though, all Max would see was a woman that Jiro immediately recognized. The Uchiha would waste no time, sprinting to the injured woman, his emotions clear as his breathing grows rapid. 

The woman was attacked by the virulent civilians... and somehow couldn't stand her own? Perhaps she was not a shinobi... but then how did she reach the gates? The guard said he helped defend her, so perhaps he was brought here by him. Still, her surviving all the way here was surprising as well. It was all almost too convenient. 

When Jiro called to him to try and heal her, he knew that it was likely too late. Still, if it would ease the mans suffering he would do so. Max would place his hands on her chest and stomach, flowing his healing medical chakra's into her system. Despite his attempts - just as expected - she didn't stir. Max would try again, focusing once more, but he knew it was futile. He wasn't able to restore the dead to life, despite his repeated attempts and failures. Such a thing was simply beyond him as he learned the hard way firsthand. 

He would look up at Jiro to shake his head, but he would be taken back by what he saw. The man's eyes looked different, much like one of the unique patterns that the others had. Despite knowing it not to be something to fear, a chill would run up his spine momentarily before his gaze hardened and he shook the dark thoughts from his mind. 

"She is dead..."
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Sun May 26, 2019 9:15 pm
Jiro’s watched as Max attempted to heal his mother. He still held her in his arms as he did so. With the kage flowing chakra he could see that color had not returned to his mother’s chakra system it was dark. He hoped he would see the woman’s chest rise and fall to signal breathing, yet there was nothing. When Max pronounced clearly she was dead, the man tightened up.

The way the kage had looked at Jiro had changed somewhere. What once was compassion had turned into something else. The mangekyo faded and the ninja’s eyes returned to normal, but his vision became blurred. He would wipe his eyes off of his coat and see not wet spots, but blood. Had he not been holding his dead mother this would have been a major concern, but he would just say breathing heavily. “My face its bleeding.”

The medics the guard had called for arrived with a stretcher. The two walked over to Jiro and asked if they could move the body. “No, I’ll move her.” He would say tears in his eyes as he picked up the woman and placed her gently on the stretcher. Once, done the ninja would run toward the hospital. Leaving Jiro and Maximillian. “Want to walk to the hospital.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement to himself like if he didn’t hear what needed to be done he wouldn’t have the courage. He also wasn’t ready to say morgue yet and preferred hospital for the time being.

Jiro did not know what burial in Kumo was like he would have to find out. Did they use coffins or were people just chopped up and added to the pit? Thinking about stepping in his mother's remains nearly sickened him to the point of wanting to throw up, but he resisted. “Can we have her cremated? When I go to Suna, I want to spread her ashes in the sands there.” I feel like that is what she would have wanted. “I also have to tell the rest of my family, shit.” Jiro did not even know if the rest of his family was alive if his mother was here and dead what of the rest.

When Max and Jiro made it to the hospital, they were greeted by the medics who had taken Jiro’s mother. “I am sorry for your loss.” They would say, before continuing into their next words. “One more body is on the way they found him further down the road. We hate to ask this, but could you identify him when they arrive?” Stunned the chuunin had nothing to say he simply nodded.

Once, the body was in the morgue they called Jiro and Max. The male the medics had asked him to identify was in far worse condition than his mother. The civilians had clawed and bitten the man even after he was dead, but Jiro could identify the man because of all the tattoos. “That is my dad.” The Uchiha had already expected this when they said there was an unidentified male. Both his parents in one day, Jiro was hoping this day would come to its end soon. Unfortunately, he wanted to talk about the mission to Suna to keep his mind occupied.

“Want to head out and go to the training grounds? I don’t want to think about this.” He would say indicating the corpses before him. He already told the staff to cremate his mother and father after that he would just have to go to the land of wind. What Max would teach him didn’t really matter as long as it kept his mind preoccupied instead of dwelling in the dark.

WC: 618
TWC: 5031

Last edited by Jiro Uchiha on Tue Jun 04, 2019 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Duncan Crawford
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Wed May 29, 2019 1:48 am
The boy would simply allow Jiro to take the lead here, as this moment held far more significance to him that it had to Max. He would remain quiet as they headed to the "hospital", the boy nodding when Jiro spoke of cremating her. Max had no issue with this, as it was the chuunins decision. It was only fitting for someone from Wind to be returned there in death. 

"Yes, let us head to the training grounds. You will have to be in top shape before heading into the mission." The boy would say, hoping to avoid bringing up Suna directly. It isn't easy losing the ones you love, and while the boy could always simply remove the painful memory from Jiro's head, it wasn't something he was sure that he should do. Was it really his place to take away those memories, even if they were bad? Max's heart would sink for a moment as he thinks about what he just considered. Controlling the thoughts of his people was... it was the idea of a controlling tyrant...

"Let's see just how capable you are, Jiro. I'll practice with you. It would give me a good chance to assess your capabilities."
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Removing Doubt (Jiro) - Page 2 Empty Re: Removing Doubt (Jiro)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:32 pm
Moving to the training grounds was good, it would keep his mind off of things. As they moved in silence his mind began to wander into the darkness of what had just happened. Truthfully, the ninja hoped they would train throughout the day and night, it would be preferable than being alone for now he just wanted to break the silence. “I hope not to disappoint, though I am lacking in many ways.” He would say continuing to move.

As they continued he would stop suddenly upon seeing one of the virulent civilians watching people as they passed. Sniffing them to see if their smell was familiar. Jiro just stared at the creature, he didn’t know if this was the one who murdered his family and he didn’t care. If it hadn’t been for the kid who ran up to the grotesque creature and called it dad, Jiro would be using his eyes to torture the creature until it begged its life was over. “It isn’t their fault is it?” He would ask seeing the zombie do its best to give a smile. They were transformed into killers by the tyrant, before they were like everyone else. “I want to find the one who killed my family and then end its life, but then will their family want me dead?” The boys mom was on standby close to the creature along with what appeared to be his shinobi step father. It had to be tough to stay with a creature that could only grunt and puke glue.

You have to pity those creatures just a little. In the beginning of the raikage’s rule many opposed. Those that did had many horrifying things done to them. Some were attached to spikes living, others shredded and placed in a swamp. The worst was the disfigurement and abolishment of free will. “I am glad you are trying to change this place, someone needed to.” He would say not completely sure why he was finding pity for such a thing. There were jobs to take these creatures out at the moment, but it was a hard thing to do when you can see that some of them have families. There were so many that they outnumbered the ninja and with other things happening there were too many to take out in a day.

Once, they got to the training grounds Max mentioned wanting to assess Jiro’s abilities. He wondered how the Raikage planned to test him perhaps he would teach him a few things. Perhaps they would just spar and he would figure things out as they go. Either way Jiro planned to use the time to his fullest, he had a mission and needed work. He also had personal reasons for wanting to go to Suna now. There were things he had to do, like get as much information on Kenshin Uzumaki as possible hopefully some sort of weakness or anything that could give Kumo an edge in battle. “So where do we begin raikage?”

WC: 502
TWC: 5533
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