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Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Removing the dead (mission)

Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:46 pm

"Are you fucking kidding me", Thor thought to himself as he remembered that he got stuck with the last mission that was on the board again yesterday. He had been stuck with the task of cleaning bodies off the impaling sticks , allowing them to finally rest in peace. Thor didnt like having to move around dead and decaying bodies just as much as the next person, but what really pissed him off about this mission was the fact that they could of been left there if it was up to Thor. He wasent the type to be merciful unless he had a specific reason behind it and in Thors opinion those men and women might as well be food for the birds. It didnt hit him untill moments later when he realized that this mission could be more exciting than he had thought at first. It had been a while since he got to torture some people and since these people were still slightly alive , it wouldnt hurt anyone if he had a little fun before putting them out of their misery. The thought of going out there had now put a bright smile on Thor's face and joy in his heart. He wasted no time now and got out of bed expeditiously, immediately going straight to shower.   

Thor took around 15 minutes in the shower, taking a little bit longer than normal. He was excited to go but he wasent excited enough to cut short his lovely showers. As he dried off and got ready to go he began to wander if the people he was about to finish off was actually going to beg him for their lives. They had been their for unimaginable amount of time and probably was looking forward to this day , and who could blame them their lives had been a living shit show for quite some time now. Thor had to shake off those negative thoughts and had to hope that it would as fun as he had hope for just moments ago. As he was finally ready to leave his home and start his day , he made sure to grab an orange on his way out the door. Thor left his home with a bright smile on his face and it was something his neighbors knew to well. It had been many times when Thor came home with blood on him and had the same exact smile on his face.  He made his way to a meeting spot , that was there just in case anyone wanted to tag along on the mission with him. He would wait there impenitently , hoping that if someone showed up they would do so soon.

Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:54 pm
Kusari had been assigned a mission, he was to assist today in the removal of the spiked bodies , and if need be, finish putting them out of their misery to allow them to pass on peacefully. Kusari sighed softly, Death was a thing that was known to a Jounin, but this was rather menial work if you ask him, but he was the type that orders was orders. and only under extreme circumstances would be disobey a order from his superior, the Raikage. This was the time in his life when this happened that he did not enjoy at all, and was much happier when the Raikage Youka was over thrown. It had been what, two Raikage now since then, under Max he had done his duties and proved worthy of his current title, how he had a new Raikage he wished to prove his worth to. So without fuss Kusari would accept the mission and head out, he would have a partner with him today it would seem. As Kusari was told that another had also accepted this mission and he would have to meet up with him first.

Kusari arrived at the meeting location shortly after the other man did. He would size him up and down, from the looks he seemed to be another Jounin like himself he wondered what the man was doing on a mission like this pair with another jounin, this was a mission for genin to not only learn how to treat an enemy properly and respectfully, but to learn the hard truth that death is apart of the mission in the long run. Kusari would approach the Jounin and announce himself "Greetings Fellow Jounin, Name is Kusari Uzumaki seems we will be cleaning up together today"

to the man who he was just meeting, Kusari was a long haired red head, with black towards the root, the sides of his head shaved almost completely while the top of his head had the hair. Piercings adorned his ear and his clothing was dark as well, Black with red highlights here and there, long sleeved with a kumo flak jacket on over the top of it. his pants had a chain connecting the front to the back, it was mostly aesthetic but he used it as a symbol of his clan and his capable powers as well. His eyes were blue, a rare combination indeed to mix with red hair. An uzumaki trait or so it seemed.

Kusari would then extend a hand out for a handshake as he spoke aloud. "So what is your name, Im rather curious for future instances we run into each other" and with that Kusari would quiet down and allow the other a chance to speak and ask his own questions. After some time if the male did not say anything, Kusari would suggest about going on and getting the day started, this was going to be a pretty long day indeed. Kusari would then wait for his partner.

WC 500/1000 post 3 of 15
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:07 pm
As Thor was waiting for another person to arrive , he couldnt help but get lost in his thoughts about his plans for the upcoming future. There had been alot of things the jounin would want to get started on , the sooner the better. He knew the task he had lined up were no easy feats and would require someone to be at peak condition if they would to survive it. Thor had planned to undergo rigorous training to get his body in shape for what was next , but he also needed to look for something to give him an edge against his opponents. He knew this mission wouldnt be the training he would need or give him the thing that would give him the upper hand , but hopefully this would be a start. Thor thought Carrying around the dead bodies and moving impaling sticks maybe could prove to be a good day's work , only if the other person was moving like a snail. Thor let out a light sigh in frustration with his current situation , he rather be out doing something a little bit more "Fun". He knew though that sometimes getting stuck with the grunt work like this was only part of the job , and unfortunately for him and whoever was accompanying him, there were no genin currently around to take care of the task.  

After a couple of moments stander there , Thor's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of someone voice. He was hoping that it wuld be the person he was teaming up with because he was in no mood to be bother by anyone else at the moment. He wanted to get this mission over as soon as possible and start on something new. He first looked at the shinobi infront him, Sizing him up. Thor listened as the man introduced himself and stated that he would be teaming up with Thor for the mission. "Looks Like he's a jounin too", Thot thought to himself. He was surprised to see that another jounin had gotten stuck with this minisucle task. Thor was starting to think that someone was playing a bad joke on the two of them for some reason. "Thor Senju , is my name pleasure to meet you", Thor said as he shook the mans hand. He normally didnt give his name out to just anyone but since the man infront of him was of same rank he didnt mind."How about we get on our way and get this shitty job over with", Thor said as he started walking to the mission location. He didnt want to seem rude but he was in a hurry. This mission was to him was either going to be a fun one , or one he wished he declined. 

Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:24 am
Kusari shook the hand of the man, noting the name in his mind , Thor Senju. Then with the handshake broken ,Thor actually wished to get the day over with, Kusari understood this, and he would follow him to the fields that needed to be cleaned of the corpses of one of the previous kage's monsterous actions. He would then form the clone seal, forming two solid clones of himself. He planned on making this a quick thing indeed. He decided he was going to work in stages. One clone, the first one, would go from person to person, unhooking them from the various equipment keeping them in such a sad state of life. The following clone would begin to remove the bodies, going two at a time, and then walking over and placing them in a pile. These people were beyond saving and rather dead by all rights, that stuff kept them barely in exsistance. And finally Kusari himself would walk up, and using his earth release would make the ground pop the log out of the ground, when he would then catch the log in question and carry it over to a pile seperate from the bodies. These things could be used again for any number of things, if even a fire just to help burn the bodies. And Kusari would have this method of cleaning up the bodies help him get things done a lot faster then most might take.

The Sun was finally beginning to set when Kusari released his clones and looked at his progress. He liked to think that maybe he made a good dent in this mission, and that soon others would not have to suffer the gruesome task. Kusari would then, using older methods, use some of the logs to begin a pyre, and started to throw the bodies onto the fire, a sweet relief for those afflicted by the actions of the Kage who did this to them. It was rather sickening to think that a Kage could do this to his people, but then again, he was not a natural Kumogakure ninja, he came from another village and took it by force. Of course he was not alone, but that is not the point, he chose to stay. Though in Kusari's mind it was not for the sake of ruling, but rather to make a statement. But who was he to know, that Kage was long gone and unlikely to return. When Kusari finished throwing the last body of his lot onto the fire, long past ignoring the sickeningly sweet smell of the burning bodies. He would go to fetch his mission partner Thor. He had hoped that maybe Thor had done the same as him maybe? He does not know, but he would let his partner know that he was done for the day. He had done quiet a bit and deserved a break. He had no worries about the fire spreading, for at this time, nothing lived to be able to be burned, but the ashes of the fallen Kumogakurian's would be carried by the wind and seed the ground with the promise of future life, and stronger life.

Twc -1029/1000
claiming Exit, Mission Rewards, 5 Stats, wc towards Adamantine Sealing Chains for once its approved?
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:23 pm
Not sure about the chains, talk to someone about it, but approved at the rewards and stats
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:40 pm
Upon arriving at the mission location Thor went his own way , he didnt see a reason for two jonin to be working together on such a minisucle task as this. He was slightly surprised at how well these bodies were kept alive , he couldnt imagine himself up on a pike.  He rather die in a gruesome way than to have to be impaled here , having to be kept alive like this. He smiled as he summoned two wood clones to come and give him a hand, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible. Once the clones were made he sent them off to start getting bodies down and have the pikes in a nice pile. He felt slightly embarassed as he watched both of his clones poke and mess with the bodies off the already dead people. It was quiye enjoyable to watch his clones get the job done but still find a way to enjoy themselfs, He just wished that the mission could of provided more fun than what it had. It didnt take his clones long to get the job done while he just sat back and relaxed , enjoying the view of his clones doing a hard days work. Once they were done they would come back to Thor and let him know they were and then disappeared. Thor didnt wste time standing around and took his leave. He hope that the other jounin was able to get out of here without to much problems.

Claims:5+ stats, 1159 towards Mayfly (1459/5000),2k Ryo
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Removing the dead (mission) Empty Re: Removing the dead (mission)

Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:27 pm
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