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Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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Leave It All Behind Empty Leave It All Behind

Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:40 pm
Jakku was standing in front of his house. The voice whispered. “Let’s leave it all behind. No regrets.” It was almost midnight. He had a kunai in hand. The black-haired Uchiha slid open the door. His mom came out of her bedroom, asking, “Jakku! Where were y-”

Her voice was cut off as a kunai slit her throat, instantly killing her. His older brother came out of his room a few seconds later, curious about what the noise was. He saw the body and said, “What happe-”

Jakku pivoted off his right foot and reached his hand around his brother’s neck. He squeezed tight, cutting off his brother's airflow. As his brother passed out, he dragged the unconscious body to his brother’s room. He threw the body on the bed and locked the door. Jakku went to his younger brother’s room and locked the door. The black haired Uchiha hid his mom’s body in a cabinet. He pulled a can of gas from the shelf and started splashing it around the house. Once the floors and frames were soaked through, Jakku sat down and waited.

A voice whispered, “You know, I’m really not your Sharingan.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your parents never told you?”

“Told me what?”

“Ask them yourself.”

It was at that moment his father came into the house and immediately after smelling the gas, he looked at Jakku. Jakku immediately asked, “Dad, what haven’t you told me?”

“Now that I think about it, it’s probably time you knew. As a family, we are very religious.”

“Of course. We all worship together.”

“But, because we hold God so closely, there is a consequence from straying from the path.”

“What is it?”

“If you start to disobey God, or you stray from his wishes, it is his goal to make you suffer as much as possible.”

“What do you mean?”

“He puts a seed of evil in your mind. He makes you kill your loved ones. He makes leave what you hold dear to you. The only way to fix this is to destroy God and/or his worshippers. Why are you asking?”

“He seems to have implanted that seed in me.”

“What do you mean?!”

“I was thinking about the meaning of life-”


His father threw a kunai at Jakku. The black haired Uchiha barely managed to dodge out of the way. Jakku ran into the bathroom. His father broke open the door with his katana and lunged at Jakku. The Uchiha vaulted over the man’s head and landed in the living room, behind his father. He ran out the front door and locked it behind him. He pulled a match from his pocket, lit it, and threw it in the house. Because of the gasoline, the house burst into flames. Jakku ran down the street, trying to keep as far away from the crime scene as possible.


WC: 510
2 stats (2 speed)
500 wc towards Temp. Paralysis
10 wc towards Two Tomoe Sharingan (2565/4000)
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Ryo : 0

Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:12 pm
[Interrupting Exit]

Inhale. Exhale. The Ice Sage sat in a state of sublime meditation, letting the nature energy mix with her normal chakra. Her senses spread out- she practiced this every night from her apartment, about halfway between the T&I headquarters and the living districts. Eventually, though, she pulled herself up- Lachesis was feeling restless. What the hell. Might as well take a walk... The instant she stepped outside onto the pavement, her astute eyes caught a flicker of red- she had been in the field enough to know a fire when she saw one. Fortunately, as someone with a kekkei genkai naturally resistant to the element, she was probably most qualified to put it out. Sage mode flickered around her body, increasing her natural speed to superhuman levels as she dashed down the streets to ground zero. It was in the Uchiha district; perhaps a child was practicing their rite off passage ninjutsu carelessly?... Yet the late hour left something shifting unpleasantly in her stomach. When she arrived at the gates, she flashed through six hand seals faster than most ninja could comprehend. A chilling blizzard swept through the area, substantially draining her chakra. Snow began to fall and the ground seemed to freeze over- the fire would likely extinguish within a couple minutes.

But an unease still sat with her. Was there anyone inside? She extended her senses with her Mind's Eye, finding something very interesting- there was still someone inside, and someone running away. Was this deliberate? She dashed forwards, kicking down the door and practically flying into the room, where she saw all that remained of a charred husk. He was barely breathing, and would likely die within the next few moments. "Who did this?" she coughed through the smoke? "Was it the boy running away?" Her sage mode flitted away from her as the soon to be corpse nodded and took his last breath.

The evidence wouldn't move from this spot, but the culprit would.

She focused in on the chakra signature of the boy who fled, picking up chase at a speed of 100. What he did next was up to him.

WC: 356
Total WC: 356

Old AP: 490
Sage Mode: -40 AP, also deactivating in the same post since I only get one free post of this shit
Absolute Zero: Using at a non-lethal power of 1. -50 AP.
Mind's Eye of the Kagura: -45

Current AP: 355

All actions done at max speed.
Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:02 am
Jakku had chosen his choice of direction wisely. He had been moving in the general direction of the Fire Department. He started to see a light snowfall form. It must be an attempt to put out the fire. No matter. They would all be dead by now.

A woman seemed to be running after him. From what he could see, it is the woman who failed him on his Genin Exam. He would have to stay calm and quell his anger. As he saw the woman coming for him, he said, “Hello! Sorry, but I’m trying to get to the fire department to put out that fire.”

He waited for her to come to him. If she wanted to investigate, she would have to go to him.

WC: 127

TWC: 637
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Ryo : 0

Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:02 pm
Lachesis Onomori would stop ten meters away from the boy. Looking closely, he was familiar- hadn't she failed him on his genin exam? Was this his retaliation? All the better that she hadn't graduated him, then. She stood impassively, her gray uniform still decorated with flecks of blood from work. He was lying- that much she could tell by her Mind's Eye. "You are awfully calm for someone who's house burnt down." she observed coolly. A gust of chill wind blew by, stirring flecks of snow in the air. "That must be very hard on you." she would wait for him to reply before responding. An obviously false smile manufactured for the moment came to her face. "Why don't you come with me down to the station so we can get things sorted. I'm sure your family is very worried. I insist." A pause. This was not a request, of course, but an order. "Or, of course, we could meet in my office. Your choice." By now, the fire had been completely extinguished, and was now blanketed in snow. Perhaps that technique was a bit overkill... She cancelled the technique with a twitch of her fingers, leaving what remained as ordinary snowfall. Of course, she couldn't afford to voice her doubts in front of the boy in front of her.

Given that he was an academy student, she wouldn't be able to use her preferred methods of information extraction. But she was still confident she would be able to get what she needed. "You know, that fire was started with gasoline on the inside of the house. Before we do anything, I must ask if you started it. A simple yes or no would suffice." she was practically daring him to answer falsely or attempt to obstruct the truth. She knew he did it. If she got the confirmation right now, things would likely be easier and less painful on his end. Of course, if he wanted to drag it out... Well, she didn't get the title of senior interrogator by slacking off, after all.

WC: 345
Total WC: 701

Old AP: 355
-25 for Absolute Zero, but I'm shutting it off in this post so eh
-20 for Mind's Eye of the Kagura

Current AP: 310

(editing with permission from Jakku due to a DM conversation)
Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:34 pm
Sigh. This woman would never learn to socialize. Didn’t even respond with a “hi!” She started talking. She first talked about his calmness. Then she wanted to bring her to his office. From the garb she wore, the blood on her uniform, the steel of her will, and her heart of ice, there was only one place she could work. Torture and Interrogation. Then she brought on the real information and questions. She knew how the fire was started and what type of fire. He took a deep breath, and answered her questions.

“Well, the thing is, my doctor says I’m anxious, so he has me do breathing exercises when I’m nervous. You did see how nervous I was at the Genin Exam.”

“Also, I’d be happy to work out the specifics of this at your office.” Even though he knew she was in T&I, he wanted to see the inner workings of her office. It was always good to see how the village was functioning. And she obviously wouldn’t use extreme measures on a 13 year-old Academy Student.

Judging from the soot on her uniform, she had probably entered the building. But all the gas had been burned away by then, judging by the speed she had been running after Jakku at. That means she must have known information from an inside source. His father! He said, “Well, the thing is, it is a little complicated. My dad had put a Genjutsu probe on my mind. He put a kinda, how do I phrase it, seed of evil in my mind. It switches off from time to time, but I protested against my father, and he attempted to kill me. I barely managed to dodge his blows, and after having the gas running, from our gas stove for a while, I managed to kill him by lighting a fire. I know it’s confusing, but I do hope it makes sense.”

He looked at the house, wanting to see how well the fire was burning. It seemed to have been put out a moment or two ago by the snowfall that had appeared.

He finished it off by saying, “Well, thankfully the fire was put out, so we can swing by your office now if you want.”

WC: 379
TWC: 1016
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 0

Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:55 pm
Her Mind's Eye easily picked up on his rapidly fluctuating chakra- no, he was not lying about anxiety; yes, he was lying about the genjutsu; yes, he was lying about the gas stove. Furthermore, he was lying about wanting to go to the fire department in the first place- in short, he had lit the Uchiha compound on fire, murdered at least one person, and his first reaction was not to get help from any of the ninja currently in the Uchiha district, but rather run away from the scene of the crime. She took a step forward. Then another. She was eight meters away with her hands folded behind her back before she spoke up again. "I suppose I wasn't telling the truth," she mused. "We are indeed headed to T&I, but not to my office. You're being placed in a holding cell until further notice for attempting to burn down the Uchiha compound. Should anything else be discovered at the scene of the crime, you will be charged for that as well." The jounin's eyes flickered darkly as she looked down from her full height- she would tower over the academy student. "I'd suggest you don't resist."

Of course, if he did, things would be a lot easier for her- she'd be permitted to use a greater amount of force against one who actively attacked her. The Yuki would hum to herself as she dispersed her Mind's Eye technique. She would proceed to walk forward, if he complied, and would place her hand where his neck met his shoulders. Pushing him along, he would lead him in the direction of the building. "We," she began slowly, letting a flicker of sadism trickle into her voice, "are going to be getting very well acquainted over the next few days."

WC: 300
Total WC: 1,001

(Exit, dragging Jakku into a different topic. Should he resist, I'll stay.)
Claiming 5 stats, and all topic words going into

Edit: Derp, forgot ap.

Old AP: 310
Mind's Eye of the Kagura: -20
Current AP: 290
Jakku Uchiha
Jakku Uchiha
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Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:16 pm
Jakku’s claims were quickly unearthed. Damn, this woman had a job at T&I for a reason. She quickly placed her hands on his shoulders and steered him in the direction. Now, she did lay one false claim. It was only one house he was trying to light on fire. Their house was a little seperate, so the other houses wouldn’t catch on fire. As she stated her last statement, Jakku felt very threatened. This might encounter might have been a mistake. The fire, no. The encounter, certainly.

WC: 88
TWC: 1104


5 stats (speed)
1104 wc to Second Tomoe (3659/4000)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 12000

Leave It All Behind Empty Re: Leave It All Behind

Mon Jun 17, 2019 6:37 am
Approve @ both
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