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Reclaiming the Throne

Hikari Namikaze
Risako Akara
Uchiha Kisuke
Jason Senju
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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:24 pm
Kisuke always had a way with words, a special way to make a girl's gut wrench and twist. "I probably shouldn't be, but business first."

In truth she had no intention on coming to the office to relieve the current Hokage of his position, such a title was beyond what strength she could muster now. More so, she came to discuss things with Kinzoku and begin to paint a picture of what the current on goings of the village looked like. Rather unfortunately he was away on some invasion that she could only begin to hope wasn't an idea of his. She couldn't fathom the reason he would invade his home village, let alone that the village had anything residing there besides squatters.

Jason or Not Jason, which was still up in the air, began to approach the woman. For now she suppressed the tingly feeling within her intestines and kept an air of friendliness about her, but she would cut to the point. "Sir, you must find this situation a bit awkward. You can forgive everyone for having suspicions that you would come back from the dead so suddenly and find yourself trespassing within our old office?"

Of course she had her doubts, but the individual did capture Jason's aura rather well. Despite Tadashi's flip in stance on the subject at hand, Risako herself would air on the side of caution. "We can perform tests for further proof of identity, but for now we'll default to Kisuke's ruling of the situation as he's the one in charge."

After her arrival a strange but familiar presence in the form of Ita showed up to apparently scold his student and ask Jason if he was remembered by him. Strange reason, but Stranger Things:tm: were afoot.

Since they were so close in proximity, Risako would attempt to ease the boy next to her as she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave the lad a quick nod. "At ease," she said. Hopefully the hand was hers, it would be mighty awkward otherwise.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:08 am
[Sorry mid topic cliam]

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:09 am
(Approved, but you will be unable to use that technique in this thread.)
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:31 pm
A golden flash of light would take its place from behind the desk enveloping the Hokage chambers for a brief moment before it vanished as soon as it appeared, revealing Kinzoku dressed in his usual black attire. He had received Ita's message loud and clear. Apparently there were urgent matters that needed his attention. The Nazar was enjoying a nice stroll through the forest, prior to which he had teleported to Suna to retrieve a marked kunai left behind. He was on his horse when he had received the message and was debating whether he should continue his stroll or not. His first thoughts however, were wondering why Ita was in his office at all. He had been assigned a mission prior to Konoha's departure for Suna. If he was still in the village during that time then he should have also joined their forces in the attack. Yet Kinzoku did not remember seeing or sensing the Uchiha on the front lines. What could he have possibly been doing that was more urgent? Whatever his reasons, Kinzoku could not neglect his duties any longer. It was unfair to Kisuke to leave the command of the entire village to him for longer than need be. Thus, Kinzoku once more found himself in his office.

His eyes slowly scanned the office while his senses picked up on all the chakra signatures present. "Why... are there so many people in my office?" Kinzoku asked himself as he now got a grasp of everyone in the room. Kisuke. Makes sense. He was left in charge of the village while both he and Yen were off to Suna. Tadashi. Not unwarranted. Was most probably intending on reporting to Kisuke and provide him with a status report. Risako. A shocker to say the least. The sight of her had Kinzoku swirling with an array of emotions and questions which would need to be put on standby for the time being. Her presence here however, would go unquestioned 10/10 times. Ita. His presence here was certainly questionable. But he was here now and had been the one to inform Kinzoku that he was needed. That left one last person. The Stranger, standing in front of Risako. Kinzoku had no knowledge of who this one was. Perhaps a newly promoted Genin fresh out of the academy? Or perhaps he was the cause for concern that Ita had contacted him. 

Before saying anything, Kinzoku would go through his usual routine when entering his office. Unstrapping his crossbow, he gently place it against the back wall beneath the windows. He followed by removing his coat and placing it on the backrest of his chair. His hat he placed onto his desk, atop a bunch of scattered papers he incorrectly assumed were Kisuke's doing. Lastly, he propped open a window before lighting a cigar and taking a seat in his chair, behind his desk. There was no sense of urgency behind the Nazar's movements. Having judged the scene in front of him not being that urgent, he felt no need to rush things. Kinzoku's initial thoughts where perhaps Ita merely wanted Kinzoku to be here for the return of the previous Hokage, Risako. After all it was very good news and he did in fact want to be here for her return. Perhaps even the returning of the position to her?

"Good to see you back on your feet, Risako-san" Kinzoku finally spoke as he removed the cigar from his mouth, slicking his hair out of his face with the other hand. His eyes quickly shifted over to Kisuke who would have been the one handling the situation. "What is the meaning of all this?"


Last edited by Kinzoku on Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:31 pm
The Uchiha kept his eyes on the kunoichi kage, still surprised to see her standing before him. "Well..." He would start after she admitted she probably shouldnt be here but apparently she too had business to care of. "Cant believe I'm saying this, but glad to see you boss." With a little nod, Kisuke's eyes would shift over towards the second Uchiha that had now entered the room. "Ok, this fucking office needs a secretary. Risako, you looking for a new job?" Not actually expecting an answer from his rhetorical question, the Uchiha was just making his annoyance clear, pointing out the ridiculousness of how many people now found themselves in Kinzoku's office, or Risako's office, or fake Jason's office. Who knew. 

Due to all the confusion, Risako decided to air on the side of caution despite Ita's seeming belief that this was in fact the real Jason Senju. "The only one making any sense here is the person who just woke up from a fucking comma." Exclaimed the Uchiha, looking around the room, the Genin now bowing. That happened pretty quickly. 

Alas however, coming to his savior was Kinzoku who appeared in a flash of golden light. And that was Kisuke cue. "Fuck, finally!" He would sigh in relief, while simultaneously pulling out the shiny silver container that cased his prized cigarettes. "This is no longer my problem, I'm out people." Walking towards the door, before exiting Kisuke would tap Tadashi on the shoulder "You too kiddo. Let the adults have their alone time." Before exiting the office, Kisuke would plop a fresh cigarette in his mouth and give a wave with his opposite hand. "Kinzoku, Risako, see you around."

Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:29 pm
What seemed like a major headache and unfortunate turn of events was quickly resolving itself as a figure appeared in a flash of yellow light. Clearly not the same technique he used to travel around as the Flying Thunder God, or FTG as it was broadly known, did not announce his presence via loud yellow flashes of light, it seemed useful nonetheless. Either way, the current 'Hokage' had returned to the village. That particular fact was made abundantly clear when Kisuke mentioned this not being his problem anymore and left the room, taking young Tadashi with him. The only ones left were Kinzoku, Risako, Ita, and himself. Seeing as how Lord Kinzoku was who he had actually wanted to speak to and he was undoubtedly going to have some sort of reunion with Risako anyway this seemed to work out in his favor.

Unfortunately, even if young Ita was apparently an ally for himself in the current moment, the boy was not needed for this conversation. "Thank you, Ita, but I need to speak with the Hokage alone now, excepting Lady Risako," he said to the Uchiha whose life he had saved so long ago before turning to address the current Hokage. "My name is Jason Senju. I am the former Sixth Hokage of this village. Risako here used to be a close friend of mine, yet she apparently needs further confirmation aside from my chakra signature and a brief memory of us I have shared openly in order to accept my identity. I would be more than happy to accommodate this and take whatever tests you think will help. Either way, we have much to discuss, Lord Kinzoku."

Jason's eyes never strayed from Kinzoku's own as he spoke. His last words were punctuated by the emerald green of his eyes swirling and taking on a deep crimson hue instead. A lone black tomoe floated along the edges of each crimson sea.
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:19 am
Tadashi responded with reasoning and acknowledgement of his actions which was what Ita had expected. In fact, if Ita had not known the mysterious man who seemed to be the center of attention, then Ita himself may have acted in a similar way. His words were followed with a kind gesture of the most recent Hokage, Risako. However, what happened next definitely made things more interesting.


A flash of golden light would illuminate the room- its origins coming from behind the main desk in the room. The product of this light would be the appearance of, you guessed it, another Hokage; the current Hokage to be exact. There were now three Hokage in the room and it was beginning to get a bit stuffy in here.


Ita’s eyes watched as Kinzoku’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the situation at hand. Afterwards, he would begin making himself at home, resting his crossbow against the wall, removing his coat and placing it on the chair, and finishing up by planting his hat on his desk. It was his office after all. Kinzoku then addressed Risako’s return and proceeded to question what was going on.


By this point, Kisuke has had enough and he understood that the situation no longer required his attention. After several words, he would head towards the door, grabbing Tadashi on his way out. As the two would exit through the doorway, Ita would give Tadashi a wink.


Jason would then address Ita, requesting his departure as well so that the three Hokage could meet in private, which was understandable. However, Jason was not the current Hokage, and Ita was bound by his headband to follow the orders of Kinzoku first most. Ita would wait for further instruction by the current Hokage before replying. If Kinzoku interjected and requested Ita’s precense during the meeting, then he would stay. If not, the boy would reply with a simple:


Understood. Let me know if you need anything.”


Ita’s eyes would shift to Kinzoku’s assuring they were on the same page and then the Uchiha would slip through the doorway of the Hokage’s chamber and out of sight- for now.


Wc: 360

Twc: 502 (after mid claims)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:42 am
Kisuke seemed to be having a lapse in character. Maybe he wasn't all thorns, she thought for once. "Thank you, Kisuke." While he went on to express his distaste for everyone suddenly appearing in the office in jest, she would reply with a smile. She went on to state the things she had said before.

Moving on. In a similar flash of light to her own, Kinzoku would appear to Reclaim the Throne:tm: and bring some order to this increasingly hectic situation. His appearance in this moment was a surprise to her, but a welcome one for sure, so she retained the smile for a bit longer.

"Glad to be back."
She really didn't have much to say until it came to business, so for now she remained fairly to the point. For the moment the ex-kage simply kept to herself, observing the situation at hand as it played out. Kinzoku questioned his subordinate and her fellow for a prompt on what's happening, to which he threw his hands in the either and cleansed himself of the situation. If in his situation, the woman might not have done much different. Jason told Ita that he wished to speak to Risako and Kinzoku by his lonesome, which was in line with her own goals.

Once everyone had left, her old mentor or the copy cat went on to spill the tea. She would interject, cutting him off as to her, his word choice seemed to convey a sort of disappointment in her rejection. "As it stands, Jason has been dead for some time. I've lived the past few years with that being the truth I know, and if it can be proved otherwise then I'll gladly accept this alternative to the events that have played out thus far." After all, no one really wanted their friends or mentors to be dead.

However, "But this raises more questions. Why did you remain inactive if you have been alive all this time?" A bit of a bite seemed to rise in her tone, but she went on to commandeer the conversation into the heart of things. "It seems there's a lot to discuss, Kinz. If you'd like to lead the points, I'd appreciate that. I suspect I'm more feelings than reason at this moment."

[Sorry Tadashi]
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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Sat Sep 14, 2019 10:48 am
Tadashi rose quickly as Risako put her hand on his shoulder as reassurance. It seemed as she didn't take much offense to the ginger's brash threats which calmed his spirits more. It would be a lesson for him to be much more observant than gung-ho on subjects like these. "Yes..." He would reply to Risako's gesture before scanning the room to see what Jason and Kisuke were doing, still extremely cautious of Jason's intentions. Suddenly, a flash of golden light would appear just behind the desk, momentarily blinding the teen. His eyes reopened groggily as the cowboy Hokage's appearance would come into great focus.

"Welp, my job is done." Tadashi thought whilst sighing heavily. He didn't sign up for this, especially after traveling for more than a day. The ginger's head was turning due to the influx of different amounts of chakra signatures he was picking up while being heavily deprived of sleep. Kisuke would tap out of the whole ordeal, ordered the teen to exit too, "What he said." He would announce to the group, not bothering to give a crap about honorifics at this point. If anyone were to question his sudden leave, they would look at his blackish eye bags as a point of reference. If he were less tired, he would attempt to question Jason's intentions once more, but that could wait for another time. The ginger would place his trust in Kinzoku and Risako.

As he left, Ita would "exit" too before giving the teen a wink. Tadashi would smirk back as he left the Hokage tower. Maybe before he got home, he could get that haircut that Yensung wanted him to prepare. 


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Reclaiming the Throne - Page 2 Empty Re: Reclaiming the Throne

Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:44 pm
It seemed the Uchiha could not be happier to see Kinzoku arrive and rid himself of the "problem" as e put it. Kinzoku initially thought it to be an odd choice of word. Although there were a lot of people in his office, how much of a problem could have brewed over with the appearance of one new comer, assuming that was the problem at all. On his way out Kisuke essentially took Tadashi with him in order to let the four remaining shinobi handle the situation at hand. The Nazar nodded in the general direction of both the red haired males, thanking Kisuke for looking after the village in his stead and thanking Tadashi for safely leading the army of Konoha back home. They had both done their village a great service and Kinzoku would remember.  They would be allowed to come and see him for a favor at any moment if they so wished to do so. However the two of them being out of the office would help clear things up. Things soon began falling into place from that moment on.

Loyalty meant everything to the Nazar. It was something that needed to be earned, no matter who the person was or where they stood. Kinzoku needed to prove his loyalty to the village before they could trust and be loyal to him. Judging from his encounters with the many shinobi of the village, it would seem as though Kinzoku had gained that trust.At least from a few. A trust Jason had presumed to still have among the Konoha shinobi. It must have hit him hard when he realized he no longer had it. As he smoked his cigar, Kinzoku watched with amusement as the Stranger attempted to order Ita out of the office as he apparently had business with the Nazar and Risako. He watched Ita for a short moment, waiting to see how he reacted. When they both met eyes, Kinzoku knew Ita was one of those shinobi who's trust he had gained and it pleased him. "Ita stays for the time being" Kinzoku interjected, pulling the cigar from his mouth before blowing a cloud of smoke. "You seem to be the source of the problem, yet I don't know you. I need his opinion on the matter."

It wasn't hard to deduce that the Stranger was the cause of all this. He had been the only one to have his back towards the desk when Kinzoku arrived, meaning he had likely been there previous to everyone arriving. That, coupled with the fact everyone was focused on him made it all the more obvious. To add to it, Kisuke's file was one of the many papers scattered across the desk, leading Kinzoku to believe the Stranger had been going through for information. Why would Kisuke be keeping a file of himself on the desk this entire time? Thus Ita's opinion was of value, . The man knew who Ita and Risako were, perhaps they knew him as well. Or maybe it was knowledge stolen. He finally introduced himself as Jason Senju, the former sixth Hokage. The Nazar simply stared at the man, no hint of emotion being revealed as he continued speaking. What sort of game was he playing at? 

After he spoke, Kinzoku eye's strayed from the Senju's the moment it turned red. He was no fool. He knew not to look into the red eyes belonging to the famed Uchiha clan. What was his move here? Kinzoku saw no other reason than to suggest that it was a threat to him. He would act accordingly. For now his attention turned to Risako and Ita. Risako hit the home run. Everyone knew Jason to be dead for years. Yet this person claimed to be him. So why show up now, relatively four years after his death? Risako gave Kinzoku the lead on this one. Even though she may know the man, she was choosing to opt out due to the fear of having her emotions interfere with rational thought. Kinzoku would look to Ita and hear what he had to say before going on.

"Memories can be extracted and stolen" Kinzoku began, facing Jason yet never meeting his eye. "If all the proof you have is a brief memory then I'm afraid you're going to need to try harder than that." Kinzoku would provide Jason another opportunity to try and plead his case after he were done saying his peace, allowing Risako to vouch for him. As well as Ita assuming he stayed past his initial comments. "I'd like to hear your response to Risako's question. Surely if that's the case, and you've been alive all this time, then you know it'd place you under the classification of a missing nin? What exactly do you hope to gain by coming here today?" The last question was truly confusing Kinzoku as his reply would be quite telling. Either Jason was telling the truth and knew he would only be seen as a missing nin, or he wasn't. If he was someone impersonating the Senju then he only risked his life being here.
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