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Stat Page : Gorilla Zo
Mission Record : Zokuro's Journal
Summoning Contract : Sarutobi Weapon Monkeys
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12750

"Enkong" / Blade of the Ashen Ape  Empty "Enkong" / Blade of the Ashen Ape

Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:54 am
Name: "Enkong" / Blade of the Ashen Ape

Trait Activation:
Enkong is a blade of hybrid design, inspired by traditional Dadao Swords and menacing Greatswords. The product is something in between the two, offering the broadness and weight of a greatsword while allowing for the elegant and sweeping motions which a dadao is capable of. Resultantly Enkong fits the category of a Curved Greatsword, which relies more upon dexterity rather than brute force. It is a blade of elegance, but is equally powerful. Its edge is sharply pronounced and wide, allowing for slashes of wonderous magnitude. The curvature upon the blade maintains a level of fluidity to it, to ensure that its user can continuously exert smooth strikes without fatiguing themselves. Finally the hilt itself boasts an elaborate design, akin to a dragon motif where its body rests upon the handle with the head facing out near the guard. The tail of the money coils around the neck of the hilt and extends down to the pommel. The color scheme of the blade, hilt, and sheath utilize shades of grey and black as a representation of the Sarutobi Clan's affinity with Ash Release.

Sword Dimensions:
  • Blade Length: 120 cm, longer than a dadao but shorter than a greatsword
  • Blade Thickness: 1 cm, allowing for the blade's heftiness to be pronounced
  • Blade Width: 8 cm, characteristic of the broad features of both a dadao and a greatsword
  • Hilt Length: 35 cm, roughly a quarter of the blade's length for optional single or two hand grip
  • Hilt Circumference: 15 cm, to allow for a controlled yet agile grip

Scabbard Dimensions:
  • Length: 125 cm
  • Thickness: 1.5 cm
  • Width: 10 cm

The Sarutobi clan branch which migrated to the Land of Lightning created a homestead which bordered a range of mountains of the country's southern borders. Within the nearest mountain, which the branch notoriously referred to as Mount Ensen (Smoke Mountain), the clan carved out a forge. It was worked by a revered blacksmith of the clan, known for his affinity with the clan's Weapon Monkey Summons. This blacksmith was commissioned by the branch's elders for producing a revered weapon that should be passed on to those whom exhibited traits of what they called "Primal Will". And so the blacksmith took to his tools and devised a single Bo Staff of ornate design. Its makeup consisted of various metals, notably adamantium, as well as black ash found within the depths of the mountain. And within the staff he imparted a connection with his Monkey Summoning contract. Thus it transferred the same chakra which the summoning race exhibited, and became a weapon that housed an ancient ape spirit, Enkong.

At the time it was passed down to the branch's leader, who wielded it on multiple occasions to ward off various attackers. During one of these battles, the leader was killed and the weapon was destroyed leaving only a portion of the staff behind. The blacksmith salvaged its remains, reinforced it, and repurposed it serve as the hilt to a blade of meticulous design. It improved upon all of the staff's shortcomings, and became a weapon of magnificent design. It was then given to Zokuro's father, as a symbolic transference of leadership to him. However with no use of the blade given his role as a farmer, he entrusted it to Zokuro along with the future of the branch's prosperity. 
Ryo Value: 15,000
Type: Sharp

Health: 100
Trait: Sarugami ("Monkey Spirit")
  • Enkong is a blade which is riddled with sentience, as a product of it serving as one of the derivative weapons inspired by the Weapon Monkey's Enhanced Transformations. As a result it has the same chakra signature and adamantium makeup as the summoning race, allowing for it to experience sensations, most notably excitement. Thus Enkong allows for the user to communicate with it telepathically, where it presents itself as an Ape spirit known as Enkong. This is purely for CD purposes only. However when the user is under the effects of an Enhancer or when Enkong is under the effects of an Infusion, its blade has the ability to bisect into two blades (effectively doubling its width) and revealing an interior smoldering aura of chakra between the blades. This occurs at a speed equivalent to the blade's health, can be activated at any point during the Infusion's duration, but must expire at or before the Enhancer/Infusion's expiration point. Techniques defeated by a product of this blade during the Enhanced/Infused state are reduced to residual ash piles at their respective dimensions.

Character Requirements: Sarutobi Weapon Monkey Contract, Ash Release
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

"Enkong" / Blade of the Ashen Ape  Empty Re: "Enkong" / Blade of the Ashen Ape

Today at 8:13 pm
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