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Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:11 pm
Mika woke up drunk.

Just a bit.

Ok, maybe a bit more than just a 'bit'.

She would swear she wasn't the most alcohol loving of people, but she did like to drink. That was something she could never hide. The woman would wake up in her relatives' home. It was her new home since, her father's death. Mika would awake only to have the sun bite at her irises. The sun was shining inconveniently at the young woman's face as she awoke. The lights fluttered in her head and as she awoke she'd wobble.

Mika's eyes rolled up in the back in her head. As she did, and nearly fell, she realized she was going to have to use a Jutsu. The woman would take a long sip of some water nearby. It would have to be, the Hangover Cure No Jutsu. She had heard about it before, but it was now time to put it to some good use. There were no hand seals involved- thank goodness. Otherwise, she would've fumbled through it.  The woman would channel her chakra with as much thought as she had, then pressed her hand against her forehead.

As she did, she'd look at her vanity mirror. Yes, it had worked. The woman watch and concentrate and soon she gradually got better. Her head stopped swirling, her eyes got no longer blury, her body was more prosed and up.  Now,she'd blink and look at herself in the mirror. Now in a more stable state, she'd brush her hair and had decided she was ready for the day.

Jutsu Learned: Hangover Cure No Jutsu
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 95
Words: 265
Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:27 pm
Mika would travel to a field a bit outside from the mountains of Kumogakure. The young woman's hair swished behind her as she walked. She carried all her weapons and dragged a dummy on a cart. She found it much easier to use the cart then drag a dummy several meters, but maybe that was her being 'lazy'. Although, she didn't consider herself very lazy by a huge denominator. She was considerably quite from being 'lazy' though.


Mika found herself in a grassy field, there weren't too many in Kumo but she liked this particular spot. The platinum-haired woman sat her dummy down before analyzing the area. Not a single other soul to be found.

Except for the long snake, that just randomly popped out of nowhere and sank its small teeth into the girl's calf. Startled, Mika would face around and see a snake that didn't seem poisonous to glare and hiss at her. She'd quickly kick it with her boot and it'd get knocked the other way. It was pissed now, and it was quickly going towards her once more. As it did, Mika would take the time to heal herself.

Her heart wasn't racing. She was lucky it wasn't poisonous. She was so far to receive any sort of treatment and would've likely had died if it were.

So she'd put her hand into boar, then rat, then snake(go figure) to make the seals. Her calf was healed in no inconvenient timeframe so, as the snake lunged she was ready to pull out another Jutsu.

Jutsu Learned: Basic Medical Ninjutsu
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 90
Words: 259
Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:45 pm
After, healing herself, she'd quickly clap her hands. She had remembered this technique from seeing it done by a school nurse on an incredibly ill student with heart problems. Perhaps, she could fry the snake's internal organs by using this ability as well from the inside. Mika would time the attack perfectly.

As the snake lunged, Mika clapped her hands on the side of each's of the snake's head. She could feel the snake's teeth against her skin, but in a split second, it'd all be over.

The snake was fried and she could hear it wiggle from the zap and gave one last hiss before it went limp. Mika would see the snake's body dangle from her hands and she'd toss it to the other side of a river nearby, not wanting a thing to do with it no more.

The young woman would heal herself again, doing the appropriate hand seals. Then, she'd feel nothing else. Her body was complete if you don't consider the bloodiness on her ankle and hands. The blood on her hands was a combination of her own with the snake. She felt more bad for killing an animal than an actual human, but oh well. She wasn't vegetarian or anything, so she'd mentally drop the concept. It felt weird thinking about taking life to such extremes.

Mika would take a look at the water in front of her. She'd then come up with an idea. Perhaps, Mina could practice another lightning jutsu. This would be the perfect time to see it react with water.

Jutsu Learned: Lightning Shock Paddles
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 80
Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:40 pm
Mika would begin to lean over into the river and attempt to cleanse the blood off of her hands. But before her hands would make contact with the blue surface of the liquid, she'd stop. She'd rise back up and would have a second thought. No longer in crouching position, the young woman would do a hand seal. This hand seal would be the Tiger hand seal. It was only one she had to do for such a simple task. As she folded her hands over the other and then release her palms, hard dark iron fell to the ground invisible to the naked eye.

Blood would pop off the newly closed wounds Mika would take a look around. Not a single intruder in sight. Thank god no one saw her little and quick brawl with a fucking snake for that matter. Mika would smile at her small little achievement before letting out a sigh. She had still so much to do in such little time.

The woman would dust imaginary particles off her clothes. She'd approach the cart from earlier and set it on the ground seemingly losing contact of her earlier goal. She'd sit it down on the grassy floor. Then recalled from earlier.

Oh, yeah! The water. Wasn't she going to attempt to fry that as well, much like the snake from earlier? Ok, here we go. Mika would proceed to head towards the river once more and look down at her reflection. She'd attempt to remember the handsea required.

Jutsu Learned: Chakra Cleanse
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 75
Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:52 pm
Mika would walk over to the river and stick her hands into a snake hand seal. The woman would fold her hands and would watch the cone of blue lightning hit the river. The young woman would watch as lightning and electricity of blue would zap towards the body of water. The lightning would strike the water with a strong, fizz noise. She'd watch as the fish within the nearby parameters would snap the fishes' bodies and would cause them to die. The poor little fish would sink to the body of the river.

Gladly, there were no nearby turtles, or birds, or any other intelligent animals.

Mika liked domestic animals. Unlike, snakes that had no feelings whatsoever for their owners. Well, turtles probably didn't either, but they were an exception ok!

The young woman would watch as the lightning fizzed the water a bit. Eventually, the water would settle down. It was a pretty big river and just because it was a jutsu didn't mean it hit every inch of the water. You know how weird and extensive that'd be! The wind for some reason blowing the woman's hair and it'd lash at her face. She'd adjust her hair and stomp over to the dummy. She'd give it a light tap, causing it to rock some before readying her fists. She was so close to wrapping up for the day, but there still needed to be some other things practiced before calling it a day. She'd give a sigh and readied herself for her next jutsus.

Jutsu Learned: Raiton Sparks
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 70
Words: 257

Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Wed Jan 08, 2020 4:15 pm
Mika would punch the dummy, lightly, well, lightly and firmly. As the dummy diagonally jolted back it'd come swing back towards her and launch a little makeshift limb at her. Mika would catch it and close her fist. Mika would gain a + 5 stat increase to power in that quick moment. Her chakra reserves partially emptied themselves as she cast the Jutsu. Her actions would repeat, over and over, and over again.

As she moved, her actions would get quicker and faster. Her reaction times? Quicker and faster as she practiced the movement as she went to her full potential with the Jutsu. Afterward, she'd stop. It wasn't that by using all of her jutsus and chakra she was tired. After all, these were very simple and basic techniques after all!

After a brief pause, she'd look around. Complete silence other than her breathing. She'd pause and after the momentum of the dummy slowed down it'd come to a pause.

'Ok.....quick drink of water.....' she'd think to herself and head to the river. The girl was parched and needed something to drink. The sun's rays poured down on her despite the chilly winds. It was always such a weird dynamic- being so close to the clouds and sun.

Mika would crouch down and cup her hands. She'd bring the water to her lips and it'd tasted pleasant despite what had occurred much earlier with the fish. If she looked hard enough she could see the deceased fish at the bottom of the river.

Jutsu Learned: Inside to Outside Block
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 65
Words: 253

Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:44 pm
Mika would take one more last cup of water to the mouth. It was hot yet, cool outside. A very strange combination, but one typical for living so close to the sun and cool clouds. She was almost through and done for the day but only wanted to still learn 2 more techniques. Mika would walk once more to the dummy. It's fake string embroidered smile was the opposite of Mika's who was frowning. Yet, her eyes spell determination.

And with that she'd feel for her chakra, her insides burned with fury, her reserves gave a slight empty, and she'd raised her hand at the dummy and proceed to make contact with her palm. She'd whack the dummy so hard her light brown palm turned a bright pink hue. The dummy would ricochet back and then bounce right towards Mika who would do the same thing again. Then she'd do it again. It was a simple move, but she was timing her attacks as well. Mika would then give a small smile from her silly accomplishment. It was pretty silly to Mika in her thoughts. Just easily slapping a dummy back and forth was a bit like a child's play. Yet, it was good practice for a taijutsu. It was a way to be a better martial artist. Practicing your moves against a dummy was the closet thing you could get to if you had no access to another living individual. Mika would prepare to picture the last jutsu of the day she had studied a few days ago. Her memory swiftly came back to her with ease.

Jutsu Learned: Disciplinne
Action Cost: 5
Action Points Left: 60
Words: 268
Mika Fukumoto
Mika Fukumoto
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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:01 pm
Mika would see the sun start to set as she was about to practice her final Jutsu. She decided it was best to head home for the night and not scare her relatives senseless. It was the best thing to do after all!  So MIka would go to the river and take her final sips of the water and then put her dummy in the cart. As she rolled the dummy home and took her belongings alongside her she began to wonder to herself if she'd ever be good enough much like her father. Probably never.  For her she was nothing special, nothing good. She was worthless and trying to find something to look forward to each day. But it could get kind of hard.

Mika deep in her thoughts would navigate her ways back home. Her white hair trailed behind her as she walked and thought nothing good or positive. She was sad, rather than happy by executing basic jutsus successfully. Eventually, she'd got home and would put the dummy and cart in the back yard, before heading up to her room and saying a simple greeting without looking at her relatives' eyes. She'd simply go to her room and mourn

Hopefully, someday, she could finally say she was the best shinobi she could possibly be.`


TWC: 2033

-10 stats all to chakra
-Hangover Cure no Jutsu 250 words
-Spanking 250 words
-Medical Ninjutsu 250 words
-Lightning Style Shock Paddles 250 words
-Raiton Sparks 250 words
-Chakra Cleanse 250 words
-Discipline 250 words

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Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1 Empty Re: Mika Fukumoto's Training Session #1

Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:55 pm
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