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Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:33 am
Kamari Uchiha had made another friend, Snjor “Snow” Yuki, who had a dark and troubled past similar to Kamari himself. Kamari figures that Snow had lost his parents too. He had witnessed him have a mental breakdown during a recent mission where he almost choked out one of his teammates before breaking down into tears. Kamari needed help with that. “It’s a shame he isn’t Uchiha,” Kamari thought. “For all that he’s been through, he deserves the Mangekyou Sharingan.”
Kamari was definitely not going to give his eyes to Snow. Not only was it against the clan rules, but he had already planned a three way eye swap with Tadashi Namikaze, who was half Uchiha, and Sai Uchiha when they all three got the Mangekyou Sharingan so they could all three get eternal. In fact Kamari already had used it once when his parents died. A bolt of black lightning had fired from his left eye and destroyed his parents bodies before engulfing the area in black fire.
“Kaminari,” Kamari whispered to himself. That was what he named that ability. A pun on his own name and an alternate name for the Raijin. Kamari already knew what his other ability was: Tsukuyomi. That in fact was his primary ability. However, Kamari had a mental block on his Mangekyou Sharingan. He couldn’t use it even if he wanted to, even if he needed it. The only way he thought he could ever unlock it was to remove his parents deaths. Again and again and again. Sai could use his Sharingan-based Genjutsu to help him with that. Kamari knew this equates to emotional self harm, but it was the only way he could ever get stronger.
Kamari leaned up against a tree and waited for Snow to arrive. His plan was for them to share their life stories and then spar it out. Fire and illusions vs. water and ice.
WC 318
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:34 am
Snow was surprised when he got a letter under his front door from a fellow Kono nin, Kamari. The letter stated that Kamari wanted to meet up in the training grounds. Snow was going to be there anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered much to him if he was meeting someone or just going there to train by himself. Snow was dressed and ready to go, but he was still unsure about his mental state. He was hallucinating people that weren't there, he already fought one of the possible chuunin's in the village, he tried to strangle Asahi, the shinobi who Snow felt was going to be a powerful ninja one day. He tried to kill his own team, being Akira and Saizou. He was concerned he would lose it again if he was to meet up with Kamari. 

Snow stood at his front door, his father wasn't feeling well that morning, so he decided to sleep in that day. Snow thought for another moment before leaving the house. While he was concerned, he still did need to push on with his training if he was going to be worth anything if the need for combat rose. Snow opened the front door and he left, his destination set for the training grounds. He was dedicated to meeting Kamari there, no matter what may happen or come of their meeting.

When he walked onto the training grounds, Snow was lucky enough to see Kamari was waiting for him in his favorite part of the training grounds. It was a 50 meter circle with a river running through the middle. On both sides of the river there was flat grassland with nothing in the means of obstacles to get from side to side. The river was 10 meters wide and was about 10 meters deep. Snow walked up to the middle of the river, being in the middle of the clearing. "Hey Kamari. We sparring or what?" Snow felt in the mood to spar, he knew that Kamari was a talented genjutsu user. Now it was time to see just how talented he was when applying it to combat. Snow would eagerly wait on the river, awaiting Kamari's response.

Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:41 pm
Asahi was getting more and more used at controlling the fire within him. Taking peace with his past more and more with each and every day the young Meijin was finally starting to move on. It was all part of growing up, progressively becoming mature and turning into a real man. He felt the changes going on with every single day he improved his abilities as he was getting better at mastering his fire element. Being able to feel comfortable using his ninjutsu was something he had long dreamed of. Too long had he been afraid of his own fire. Scared of losing control once again.

In order to completely defeat his own fear Asahi knew he would have to battle the same things he was so afraid of. Fight fire with fire. Turn his weakness into strength. Bring his fire and take his chances. Become the strongest flame the world had ever seen. The scarred shinobi knew more than anyone that he wasn't there yet, far from it. The last couple of days he gained new techniques, new experiences through some missions. Every single one of those assignments had helped him grow stronger, but he knew he couldn't stop there. No, he was aware he had to keep going, to reach out to something higher everyday. 

In search for even more power the Meijin set out to the training grounds where he would continue working on mastering his burning fire. When he arrived at his destination he would notice there were quite a few people around. All looking to improve and become the strongest version of themselves. Exactly how it should be. As he was looking around Asahi could spot some familiar faces. Leaning against a tree was Kamari who seemed to be waiting for someone. The second familiar person would arrive shortly after, making his way towards the tree Kamari was leaning against. It was one of Asahi's friends and partner in crime Snow. From how things were going it looked like the Yuki came out to the training grounds to meet the Uchiha. For now the Meijin decided to just observe and see what the two of them were up to. 

(WC: 364)
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:17 pm
Kamari saw Snow approach the clearing he was in.
“Hey Kamari, we sparring or what?,” Snow asked. Kamari would respond by grinning and activating his sharingan. He would then turn to Asahi, who he noticed out of the corner of his eye, and say “You can watch, just don’t get yourself killed!,”
Kamari would then begin forming hand signs as a ploy to get Snow to look at his hands. If he did, Kamari would activate Ephemeral (jutsu power 30, Kamari’s chakra 52, 40 power applied) and thrust Snow into a trippy black void where kunai would fly at him from all sides and stab him. The illusion would include the pain. If Snow didn’t fall for it, Kamari would use his Sharingan to predict exactly when Snow’s head was open and anticipate every possible counterattack. He would then body flicker into a punch to his face. Whatever Snow does, Kamari will be able to predict it, but not necessarily stop it.
WC 162
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:47 am
Snow took a few steps back when Kamari grinned, being sure that he was going to meet him in the middle. He instead lifted his body off of the tree and pointed in his direction. Being completely confused h remembered something, "Kamari is a genjutsu user." The pointing of his finger was most likely the trigger for the genjutsu that he had attempted to use. Snow then saw him putting his hands together to perform the ram seal. This ram seal was one of the most common hand seals used in ninjutsu, but Snow knew that this ninja needed to get in close due to Genjutsus notoriety being the short range needed to actually make use of its techniques. Snow imediately assumed it was body flicker that the ninja was going after. With just a step to the side to dodge a frontal bull rush, he would already have had the hand seals required for the technique Freezing Aura (A rank) performed when Kamari had attempted to initiate his genjutsu. 

So by the time Kamari did in fact body flicker to being directly behind Snow's previous position, which would have ended up in a total collision that would have most likely hurt them both, Kamari would only be able to stand there. The freezing Aura would swallow him up and freeze him where he stood. Luckily enough, the river beneath him would also freeze, preventing him from drowning. Snow would thank his friend for the spar and would release the Freezing Aura and would lean on the same tree Kamari was leaning on as his fellow Kono nin would thaw out.

Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:17 am
Kamari had made a critical mistake. He had prepared his genjutsu when he was out of range. Kamari predicted that Snow would step to the side and use a series of hand signs. As soon as Kamari exited his body flicker, Snow had sidestepped and done just that. Kamari, seeing in slow motion because of his Sharingan, noticed exactly what was happening. An aura of ice chakra exploded out from Snow and the next thing he knew, Kamari was frozen solid. He cursed himself for his mistake. In a real fight, he would usually pull out his genjutsu when he was in range and since his Sharingan was active, misjudging the range was not an issue. Maybe he was holding back and giving Snow a chance. He didn’t know. Typically, once he had his opponent under his Genjutsu, the fight was already over. Snow leaned against the tree that Kamari was leaning on before as he thawed out. Kamari waited for the ice to go away before turning to Snow, Sharingan still activated, and saying “Normally I don’t tip my opponents off. Since this is a spar, I went easy on you to see what you could do.”
Kamari would then get into a stance and jokingly say “Round 2, FIGHT!,” before zig-zagging his way into Genjutsu range, making his movements unpredictable. As soon as he was within 30 meters, he would make a ram seal and do the false surroundings technique , using it to make himself silent and invisible. He would then close the distance even more to 5 meters, still outside of Snow’s punching range but well within genjutsu range, and drop the invisibility with his finger already pointed directly to Snow’s eyes as soon as he looked his way. The illusion would be the same one he had attempted earlier.
WC 303
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:25 pm
As Snow leaned on the tree behind him, he looked out into the forests, there was a slight angle that allowed you to see almost 100 kilometers to a massive river the rushed by. Snow imagined himself as that river, just flowing through the world without really a care. Many people would dirty the waters, but the river always stays true through it all. He thought of the waters ability to bend and to fit whatever container it may be in, whether it be a stream, or a mighty river, or even the oceans themselves. Water was always something that could bend and from around their situations. Snow wished he could do that, just breathe in all of the problems that he had and bend his own mind around them, maybe he would be able to figure out his problems that way. His mind traveled a little farther to his true chakra nature, ice. 

Ice is hard and rigid, it breaks when put under enough stress or heat. Snow saw the similarities between his own psyche and his chakra nature, he chuckled at the thought behind it. He looked over to Kamari and he noticed that he was beginning to twitch again, the ice was just beginning to melt and he was already trying to get back into the fight. Snow performed the hand seals for Freezing Aura once more, being sure that he was going to want a round 2. Even if he didn't, he want to, then he needed to train the technique either way. 

Kamari was then completely free from the ice and he immediately began running his mouth. He said that he was just taking it easy on Snow, this was unacceptable to Snow. Snow glared at Kamari, he hated it when people would make mistakes, lose, then just blame it on them "taking it easy". Now was the time for Snow to take this up one more notch. 

Kamari shook off the ice and he began sprinting towards Snow, running directly into the Freezing Aura once again. His zig-zagging through the field, trying to get close enough to Snow, but his body froze solid once again. Snow would keep his distance, staying towards the edge of the clearing. His mind was revving hot, he was pissed off at the arrogance Kamari showed when he lost the first time. Snow had began to learn when he got this angry it was best for him to stay away from folks, so he wouldn't hurt whoever it was near him. After trying to strangle Asahi the day before, he was doing his best to keep himself from losing his cool again on another comrade. 

Knowing that he was dealing with a genjutsu user, he would still be in the same position at the edge of the arena. He performed the hidden mist technique and coupled it with the Rain Tiger at will technique. He would keep Kamari frozen for a bit so he could hopefully learn a lesson, while Snow had the chance to cool off. 

Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:01 pm
As Kamari rushed towards Snow, he got frozen again. “Crap,” he thought. “This technique lasts longer than just a few seconds.”
Kamari noticed that Snow was pissed. Kamari honestly didn’t know why. Trash talk had honestly never been something he had known was wrong, especially due to the long periods of time he would spend alone training, not to mention his frequent use of it when sparring other Uchiha. “Maybe Snow doesn’t like trash talk,” Kamari thought. He watched frozen solid as Snow cast the hidden mist jutsu, obscuring his vision even for his Sharingan. All Kamari could do was wait for the moment. Thoughts passed through his head. His inferiority complex was acting up again. That was his biggest flaw. He had to be the strongest. Anything less wasn’t strong enough to protect the ones he loved. Even the smallest failure to him was a soul crushing defeat. Why was he making so many irrational mistakes? The thoughts soon turned to his parents. Vivid flashbacks of their battle and their deaths, their bodies. As the ice slowly thawed, Kamari’s rage built up to extreme levels. He just felt like inflicting so much pain on someone. After the ice thaws, Kamari would sit and wait for the hidden mist jutsu to wear off before checking Snow for the freezing aura. He would then wait for Snow to calm down before walking over to him, Sharingan now deactivated. Kamari would then say the following.
“I have a tortured past. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you if you really want to know, but just know that I just have this problem. I want to be the strongest and I have a really hard time dealing with mistakes I make. A lot of times I go into denial and sometimes it gets even worse. What is that jutsu you did anyway? It looks to me like an absolute defense. We can pick the fight back up after a minute if you want?”
Kamari felt very bad at this point about pissing off Snow. The only people that deserved to be hurt by him were those with evil hearts.
WC 356
TWC 1139
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:28 am
Kamari was frozen solid, and Snow was not going to let him free for a few minutes, but somehow he had freed his head and was still able to speak. The trash talking from people didn't generally bother him, but for some reason it did today. Of course, most things were bothering him lately, well  everything had been bothering him lately. Kamari continued and spoke of his own tortured past, while he wasn't entirely sure what the past was or how he would have been able to help, he was open to listening to someone speak for a little while, it would fill the silence that rang through his mind. Interrupting, albeit briefly, the downward spiral that he was stuck in with little hope of getting out. The sparring was helping, it was allowing him to think of something else. He did hope that this spar was going to get much more difficult soon, for he was still only paying half of his attention to this spar, and the other on his mother. 

Kamari spoke of an issue that he had, a problem with arrogance. While he didn't word it as so, that is exactly what it sounded like to him. Snow finally spoke after he spoke of his problem with accepting failure and spoke with a plain and straight forward tone, the kind and sweet song of a voice that he used to speak with nowhere to be found. "Your problem is a problem of arrogance. You feel as though you are too good to make a mistake, and that is when you begin to have your problems. If you humble yourself, then you will learn to accept your mistakes and short comings." Snow thought for a moment about what he had just said. "Have I too been to arrogant, to accept the fact that I was far to inexperienced to do anything about that Kiri invader? I was still a student at the time." Snow was still depressed about his mother's death, but the hold of shame and guilt that had overcome him had begun to weaken. 

The jutsu that Kamari was stuck within, the Freeazing Aura, was indeed one of Snow's favorite techniques that he had learned. It is a very powerful technique, one that is not lethal, but extremely useful. "The technique that has you frozen is a technique called Freezing Aura. My Ice chakra pulsates from my body to a certain reach, freezing anyone within said reach." Kamari asked about continuing the fight, which sounded fine to Snow. He stood back to his feet and with the rain still pelting them and the mist still filling the arena they stood in, he walked until he was 31 meters away from Kamari. He allowed Kamari to thaw, but he kept the Freezing Aura up, hoping that Kamari would learn from the first two times he ran directly into it. 

"Alright, Kamari I gotta tell you something. I have only been paying half of my attention to this battle. I need some more excitement. Make this a challenge for me." 

Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi) Empty Re: Sparring the pain away (Snjor, Saizou, Asahi)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 2:15 pm
Kamari has managed to free his head but not the rest of his body. He didn’t care and told Snow his story anyway. Snow then responded with an unusual matter of fact tone. He always would talk in an overly nice way, and it surprised Kamari that he did not.
“Your problem is a problem of arrogance. You feel as though you are too good to make a mistake, and that is when you begin to have your problems. If you humble yourself, then you will learn to accept your mistakes and short comings.“
Kamari knew this was the case. He knew he had a severe pride problem. He needed to find a way to get over it.
“You’re right,” Kamari replied, in a friendly, accepting tone. “Even the Kages screw up. Everybody screws up at some point. I can’t be holding myself to these unrealistic standards all the time. It’s just sometimes I subconsciously do. Ever since my parents...” Kamari almost said “killed each other” but stopped himself. “Ever since they died I just felt like I needed to be strong enough to protect everybody I care about. You’re my friend Snow, and if you died in front of me after I had tried my hardest to protect you, I couldn’t live with that. I need to stop treating everything like a life and death scenario.”
Snow then continued with his side of the story. “ Have I too been to arrogant, to accept the fact that I was far to inexperienced to do anything about that Kiri invader? I was still a student at the time.”
“You too, huh,” Kamari commented. “You still have it better than me. I got held back four whole years because my depression got in the way of my schoolwork. Look at me now. I’m 17 and still a Genin. Most ninja would be Jounin by now.”
Kamari tried not to cry, but he couldn’t help himself as tears came out of his eyes.
“The technique that has you frozen is a technique called Freezing Aura. My Ice chakra pulsates from my body to a certain reach, freezing anyone within said reach.”
Kamari realized now what this technique was. That ice chakra should have warned him, especially since his Sharingan let him see it.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for helping me chill out by the way, pun intended.”
Snow then walked away 31 meters. Kamari thawed out and then realized just how large this technique was.
"Alright, Kamari I gotta tell you something. I have only been paying half of my attention to this battle. I need some more excitement. Make this a challenge for me."
“You’re on,” Kamari said as he was now completely thawed. He had to get through that ice aura somehow.
Kamari decided on using what he liked to call the Uchiha Special. He activated his Sharingan and breathed a massive amount of fire out of his mouth (power 20, Kamari’s chakra 52, total power 36) towards Snow. Kamari knew that the range of the technique wouldn’t reach Snow himself, so he did not worry. Kamari would then see if the ice aura was thawed out in any way. The whole time, Kamari would do everything he could not to enter the aura.
WC 546
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