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Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Empty Shibata: Learning to control Chakra

Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:13 am
Shibata had never really needed to train. This wasn't because of his stellar natural abilities, or his vast knowledge, but rather the immense lack of care Shibata had for being anything more than mediocre in a rigid hierarchy such as a classroom. Training always seemed like a lot of work, for no real pay off. Shibata would much rather take a nap, and just settle for having a passing grade in whatever he was being tested on. As long as he wasn't the worst right? But he noticed some things recently. People all over kept getting more powerful, whereas he had stayed the same, he was stale. When he first asked his father for advice, his father recommended that Shibata join him on a hunting trip for training, but the younger Nara was sleepy, he didn't want to work. 
Shibata Nara was tired of a lot of things. He was tired of always being told what to do. He was tired of being forced to work beneath a chunin or jounin. He was tired of not having an impact on damn near anything in his life save the choice to become a ninja, which he was starting to regret as it just led to him being told what to do by more people, and having to follow more rules. More than anything he was tired of being powerless. He had been lazy, and wished that this power would just come to him naturally by some sort of divine luck, but a long time had progressed, and this wish for power without any sort of work was not fulfilled, so Shibata got to the training fields and decided he was done with being a helpless sop. He was going to put effort into himself. He was going to, for the first time in his life, exert intense effort training under his own command. It started with simple stretching. Shibata cracked his back, his neck, both shoulders, and finally his knuckles before he started a standard strength warm up. He started with push ups, then moved to sit ups. These sit ups were dangerous shit, because they allowed the lazy Shibata to lay down, and if he wasn't careful, he would waste his time just staring at the sky. Eventually he got up, and built up a regiment to start training what he was there for, chakra. It was a simple circuit that was to utilize the techniques he was required to learn to graduate from the academy and become a Genin. It was a simple relay. First, utilizing the tree climbing technique, Shibata was to race up a tall tree, on the top of which would be a clone, made by the clone technique, which he would grapple, dispelling the illusion, before disguising himself as an illusion of his father with the transform technique, ending with him using a substitution jutsu with a log left on the ground where he started to appear back at the beginning. Run on sentence aside, that was simply the first of two major legs. The second would involve using a substitution jutsu on the same log that got him down, to get up the tree, before using the transformation technique to again turn into a disguise of his father; from here he would use the surface walking technique to, after jumping backwards off the tree and performing a moonsault, brace his landing. This landing would have a clone waiting by, just ripe to get stomped on, and dispelled. From here it's back to step one, running up the tree. According to his plan this was to be repeated until he simply couldn't anymore, but, as an incentive, allowed himself a smoke break every 15 cycles. Not only did this provide a natural rhythm for Shibata to fall into, making it easier for him to keep up motivation even when exhausted. The promise of a smoke after didn't hurt a thing either. The training did not come without its faults, however. The physical actions, while very testing of Shibata's ninjutsu ability and control over chakra, did not really push his physical attributes especially far. While he was testing his agility, the training did not quite push to the limits where any sort of fleetness of foot was gained. Along with the failings of the method itself came some failings of the Nara clan's Shibata, although these "failings" were more so signs of intense training with something he had never really done before. There were times where he would be balance on the branch, and have to focus so much of his limited chakra left on creating the illusion of his father overtop of him, he would get so lost in the energy required to accomplish that task, he would completely forget about that the branch he was precariously positioned upon had a pretty petite width and, in fact, required quite a bit of focus to not fall off of. From atop this branch Shibata fell many a time, have disguised as his father. The first few times around it didn't seem like he would ever learn. Each time he would fall down some different way. This time it would be on his face, giving him a bloody nose, that time on his ass, giving him a wicked bruise he made sure to tell no living soul about, but eventually, he got the hang of it. He stopped falling down each time. He stopped needing to have such sharp focus on his chakra to control it. He had reached the training ground at dawn, thinking he would leave at lunch and call it a days work, but he noticed that it had become dark without him knowing it, and it was time to go home. Just within this day of training he had managed to so sharply increase the control over his own chakra. As he headed back home, tired as hell, he tripped on one of the roots infesting the path to his father's hunting lodge. He turned over, facing the sky and watched the clouds in the night sky he watched them for what felt like an hour, but must have only been a moment. His father came out of the lodge and called to his son, who responded with a query. "Hey pa, still got some space on that hunting trip of yours, I could use the training."

1064 words total
1000/1000 10 more points of chakra
64/1000 Shadow Imitation Jutsu
1.5k/1.5k Shadow Clone Jutsu
183/2.5k Shadow Imitation Field Tech

Last edited by ShibataNara on Sun May 10, 2020 2:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Empty Re: Shibata: Learning to control Chakra

Sat May 02, 2020 2:24 am
*looks both ways* I know prim said not to, but I'm assuming that was just for that night. Considering they never got to it, I suppose I can probably bump right? Eh I'll try it, what's the worst that happens, I get flayed?

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Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Empty Re: Shibata: Learning to control Chakra

Sat May 02, 2020 11:13 pm
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Empty Re: Shibata: Learning to control Chakra

Sun May 03, 2020 9:40 am
Sorry was very sick yesterday but back today Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Imagee74
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Shibata: Learning to control Chakra Empty Re: Shibata: Learning to control Chakra

Sun May 03, 2020 10:24 am
Thank you, hope you're feeling better!
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