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Kizmaru Senju
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Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:42 pm
Returning her gaze with a different expression, Kizmaru silently watched her, awaiting her decision on the matter he had broached. He had the slight feeling this doctor was a bit too by the book when it came to matters that involved these kinds of situations and wondered if he should have tried a different approach. He was quite positive that everybody's views on transplanted DNA would be similar to his, regardless of how open they may be about it or not. Alas, it didn't really matter to him what their views were. All he wanted was absolute compliance and that's what he was looking for today. Whether the surgery was to be done right this minute, later today or tomorrow, it made no difference to him as long as he obtained the power that he sought. Of course, the doctor had initially declined. This response made Kizmaru narrow his eyes a bit towards the doctor but he had let her continue for the sake of a feasible explanation. Turns out she only did so as a medical professional but was willing to do so as long as standard procedure had taken place. This made Kizmaru fully open his eyes once more, nodding at the question asked about keeping his face sealed. 

The issue the doctor had pointed out was gambling on the separate kidney in order to see if it also matched the DNA of the eyes. Also, something about less risk the less surgeries he has. Well, if it was less risk then he'd decide to take the kidney transplant as well in hopes it'll help regulate the power of the uchiha eyes as well. Well, it seems as if this doctor was more knowledgeable about the procedures, or at least a lot more mindful of the risks, than the previous Aburame doctor. Still, he wished she would be a bit more inconspicuous on how she feels about his given decisions. Alas, it didn't matter how they felt as long as they complied, that is all he asked. Now it seems it was back on the matter of the medical records. Well, there was no way to avoid this one so he decided it was in his best interest to tell her the truth, at least part of it. Blinking slowly, in a quite uncomfortable state, Kizmaru relented since obviously this was a necessary procedure since it did concern his health. Shifting his diagonally to the right, he decided to relent.

 "Fine, I guess it's unavoidable. I knew eventually this day would come and I would have to figure out what to do. Well, if you look at these documents, that means you will also be looking at confidential files, more so than what the hospital considers. So, when you look at them, do not discuss the contents of the files with anybody else, even other medical practitioners. From now on, you're my personal doctor. I don't care if you have other patients but I will always take top priority when it comes to scheduled procedures. Understand?" With that, Kizmaru had voiced his request, more so demands, to the doctor before agreeing to give her access to his medical files. Ironically enough, the files weren't kept separately from any other shinobi medical records. After all he decided to take the 'hide in plain sight' route rather than using an alias for his 'second life'. Either way, all he cared about was getting the procedure done in a timely, safe and secure manner. He had decided to give her the information regarding his previous medical history including the details of having surgery beforehand to 'replace' one of his kidneys due to 'unknown complications'. Of course he had also given her clearance to pull the files up directly if need be but that was only for emergencies or if he was fatally wounded and couldn't tell her details himself.

Now that he had given her what she wanted, or needed, Kizmaru had begun to wait for her to get a room prepared for the surgery to take place. Finally, he would be one step closer to achieving perfection. At least, perfection in his eyes. There had been a few bloodlines he had been interested in for a long time and he's already obtained one of them, now in the process of acquiring another one. Within an hour or so, the preparations for a room were done and a surgical team had been prepared for the procedure. Squinting at the team, Kizmaru hoped these people didn't know anything about him other than the Mizukage needed a new kidney and eye surgery or he'd have to have them 'disappear'. Well, enough of that. He'd been informed that they were ready to start. Giving a slight nod, Kizmaru was ready to follow, if not following them to the allotted destination, the team into the new room they had prepared, Scyxion trailing closely behind concealing his presence still.

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Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:45 pm
A kidney replacement. Quite likely a different transplant, unless the Mizukage's previous kidney had become cancerous or for some other reason had to be removed from the body. However, the mystery involved, and the circumstances of their current meeting lead Mino to the obvious conclusion. This knowledge is, of course, medically useful to her as well - she will operate on the opposite side, so as to not disturb the previous transplant. It occurs to her that it would be most efficient to do another swap, so as to free up Terumi genes for the future, but she makes the call that the Mizukage would not appreciate pilfering his organs unless directly ordered to.

Being assigned as the Mizukage's personal doctor... Mino isn't sure what significance to assign to that yet. For now, she will simply do her job.

Mino ensures that her team are all discrete and have the minimum amount of information they need. They are civilian surgeons, with no knowledge of the nonsense organ swapping shinobi get up to, so they have no reason to suspect something untoward is going on. Though a double transplant procedure is quite odd, odd things are the norm with shinobi.

With the Mizukage's agreement, he will be hooked up to the various bells and whistles within the surgery room, and the anesthesiologist will begin doing her job to put him under for the surgery.

"Count backwards from ten for me, sir," the woman says. He likely will not reach zero before the anesthesia takes hold, rendering him unconscious for the duration of the brief procedure.

Mino does her work quickly. The eyes come first - the Mizukage's natal eyes carefully removed and sealed into the cooler. She shows off a little for the surgical team when she implants the ill-fated boy's eyes. Nerve regeneration is one thing she can do that civilian science has never quite managed, and she ensures she receives her polite, slightly bored 'oohs' and 'aahs' from the team when she uses the Mystical Palm technique to spot-welds the optical nerves of the transplanted eyes to the Mizukage's remaining nerve endings. Then, some time to delicately reattach the muscles, green light effusing their leader's skin. Once they are connected, his eyes are heavily bandaged for their expedited healing process - the old pair goes into the cooler - and Mino moves on to his abdomen.

Kidney transplants are never too much of a pain. A simple incision in the lower abdomen, and she is able to insert the new kidney below his natal (and presumably non-natal) pair, using medical ninjutsu to get blood flowing through the organ before connecting the donor ureter to his bladder. That incision is quick to suture up, as well, and after a day or so should only leave the pale not-quite-scar that only a medical professional could really spot.

The procedure, being so brief (and the Mizukage being a shinobi) will not be too rough on his body. Within a few hours, he'll wake up from the anesthesia, afforded as much privacy as is safe (Mino won't be too far, and Scyxion will of course likely be present). A faint ache accompanies his surgical sites, and the strange feeling of alien eyes may perturb him, but for the moment it seems that everything has gone well.

OOC wrote:WC: 542
TWC: 3244

Mystical Palm costs 40AP, sealing Kizmaru's original eyes into the Organ Cooler costs 20, for a new total of 226 AP for Mino.
Kizmaru Senju
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Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:28 am
Well, Kizmaru's life was now in the hands of his newfound personal doctor. He still wasn't entirely sure how to go about dancing around his medical files but he figured it was best not to withhold information from his new doctor unless he wanted to suffer a major complication in the future. Following the doctor to the assigned room where the operation was scheduled, Kizmaru continued to ponder on the nature of things. Eventually, he figured he was too worked up over nothing and just decided to get this over with. trailing behind him and the doctor was Scyxion, quietly roaming the hospital behind them concealing his presence and still suppressing his chakra. He was of course a man of few words so he didn't speak much unless he was directly addressed or leading his squad for some top secret mission. Arriving at the room, the doctor informed him he would need to be hooked up to a couple of machines that would help speed this process along he assumed. of course, Kizmaru agreed before he was led to the machines and was promptly attached to them, laying down. After this step was completed, he was asked to begin a countdown from ten down. 

He didn't know what it was for but he figured it was a relaxing method before going with the flow. Kizmaru began to count from ten, backward, "Ten, nine,"  Before Kizmaru could say the number that came after six, he felt his body numb to the concept of sensations as he slowly drifted into a rather, heavy sleep. To what felt like mere moments to Kizmaru, he had awoken just as quickly as he had fallen asleep. Keeping his eyes closed, he wasn’t sure what to expect when he finally opened them. He was already experiencing what felt like a different kind of darkness then mhe was used to feeling whenever he closed his eyes if that made any sense to anybody else. Even without opening them, Kizmaru could feel an uncomfortable sensation in his eye sockets that didn’t exactly feel like pain but mild discomfort. Well, it was to be expected after all since he did just have surgery performed on him. He felt a similar sensation from just below his chest as he assumed that’s where the doctor also performed her magic while he went under. Finally ready to test the capability of his new eyes, Kzimaru slowly began to open them.

Opening them slowly, his vision was quite blurry as he made attempts to blink away any discomfort and focus his vision as best he could. Still laying on the machine that he was once attached to during the procedure, he continued to blink as he looked directly up at what he presumed was the ceiling in front of him. Feeling a bit more comfortable, Kizmaru sat upright from where he laid, lifting his left hand and placing it onto his temple before tracing it to where his eye sockets were. It was as if Kizmaru could feel the unnatural connecting between his brain and his new set of eyes. Blinking a bit more, his vision had begun to clear up and now he could make out the shapes around the room as he began to take a look. Looking around the room, he could make out the female lead doctor known as Mino and the surgical team that had assisted in the procedure. Of course he wouldn’t have been able to see or detect Scyxion since his job was to conceal his presence until the need arises to reveal himself. Now placing his left hand onto his stomach, Kizmaru began to trace the area where the incisions had been made in order to perform the kidney transplant. 

He could feel where the scar was but other than that, it was as if he was never cut open in the first place. After making the confirmation of that, Kizamru had quickly lost interest as he rose from where he was sitting in an attempt to find a nearby mirror in the room. Upon locating one, or what he thinks is one, he stared into it for a moment. Focusing his chakra into his eyes, he attempted to go straight into the third tomoe of Sharingan while looking at the mirror. For a brief second, he could make out a brief hue in the reflective surface through his blurred vision before he winced from the pain of attempting to activate and maintain the dojutsu. Well, this was a good enough test for him not to be satisfied before turning to what he assumed was Mino. Nodding his head, Kizmaru began to speak to what he assumed was Mino. “Well, it seems the procedure went well enough and everything seems to be in order. Admittedly, I can’t see too well and everything seems blurry for the most part but I’m sure it’ll get better over time. Now then, there’s the matter of the payment. This wasn’t gonna be for free after all, even if you do get a salary.” 

Kizmaru had then snapped his middle finger and thumb from his right hand, prompting Scyxion to reveal himself with a black case seemingly out of nowhere. Inside of it was a couple thousand ryo, handed over to Mino as payment. Regardless of whether she took the money or not, Scyxion would leave the case on the nearby machine that Kizmaru was laying on a few moments ago. With that, he stepped backwards until he was behind Kizmaru. One thing that puzzled Scyxion though was, who was Kizmaru talking too? As far as he could tell, there wasn’t anybody standing in the general direction he was facing. Reaching out past Kizmaru without touching him, Scyxion could feel a portable coat hanger with a few coats on it. Kizmaru continued, “Now then, remember what we discussed earlier about being my personal doctor and make sure you don’t give out too many details. Only enough vague answers to satisfy curious people.” Now Scyxion was normally the kind of person to take his role very seriously unlike his partner Xijion but even he couldn’t resist cracking a wide grin. Turning away from the general public, Scyxion proceeded to hide his grin before making up an excuse to tell Kizmaru he was late for something important. Kizmaru grunted a bit but he decided it was time for him to leave anyway. 

Nodding once more to the coat hanger, Kizmaru began to make his way to the door. Misjudging the distance between the door and himself, Kizmaru had accidentally bumped into the door before opening it. Scyxion decided playtime was over and took the lead for the current Mizukage as he escorted him out of the room. After all, he was the expert of traversing through his own blindness and decided to help every step of the way. Even though they had made it out, Kizmaru already knew it would be impossible to continue his work in this condition so he figured he would postpone it for the time being due to ‘medical reasons’ and just relax for the time being until he acclimated to his new set of eyes.


T.W.C: 5,343

[Flipping for Bloodline Activation, calling Heads]
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Examination - Page 2 Empty Re: Examination

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:28 am
The member 'Kizmaru Senju' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 2
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Examination - Page 2 Empty Re: Examination

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:30 am
Using 2,000 words for another Coin Flip. Calling the number "1"
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Examination - Page 2 Empty Re: Examination

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:30 am
The member 'Kizmaru Senju' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 2
Kizmaru Senju
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Examination - Page 2 Empty Re: Examination

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:31 am
Using another 2,000 words for a another coin flip, calling the number "1"
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Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:31 am
The member 'Kizmaru Senju' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Kizmaru Senju
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Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:34 am
Ability Claims
Applying 25% Word count discount.
Using 1,300 words in the Lava Element. (1,500/1,500)
Claiming Mangekyou Sharingan
Claiming Uchiha Genetics

Loot Claims
Paying Mino 25,000 Ryo from the treasury.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Examination - Page 2 Empty Re: Examination

Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:17 pm
Mino blinks at the offering of a hefty cash bonus. She will have to discuss with the hospital's leadership what to do with it, given that it was rewarded in plain view of the rest of the surgical team. Perhaps a more discrete form of reward she could have justified to herself keeping for her own gain, but this she will have to figure out a way to reinvest in the hospital in some fashion. She does, of course, offer the proper thanks... and one of the surgical staff weakly suggests that their leader keep the bandages on, but he's already on his way bumping into walls. Well, he'll probably be fine.

Once Scyxion and the Mizukage are safely on their way, Mino slumps into a chair with a sigh and allows her shadow clones to finally dispel. Even with their energy flooding back into her, she's quite tired from the day's events. Perhaps she'll go out for tea.

Later that evening, Kizmaru will receive a copy of the genetic test results, confirming that the eyes and kidney now residing in his body are Uchiha - the rest of the body being of some unknown pedigree, kept archived for future cross-reference. Mino makes sure to request that the Mizukage's copy be made in large print. Accompanied by the test results are a copy of Mino's file and contact information - he had decided to 'promote' her without consulting her resume, which is quite unfortunate, so she will do the honors of making sure he sees it. Huh, there sure are a lot of conduct complaints in there...


OOC wrote:WC: 265
TWC: 3509


25k ryo from kiz

11 stats (5 going into Chakra, 6 going into Strength) putting Mino at maxed stats.
Resurrection previously had 2228 words trained here and here. Putting 772 words into finishing it (with the technique costing 3000 words now with the max stat discount).

Demonic Illusion: Steaming Multistory Building previously had 912 words trained here. Putting 213 words into finishing it (with the technique costing 1125 words now with the max stat discount).

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique previously had 267 words trained here. Putting 483 words into finishing it (with the technique costing 750 words now with the max stat discount).

Putting 1125 words into learning Paralysis Seal, discounted.

Putting the remaining 916 words towards bumping Fuinjutsu Breaking up to S-rank (3416/3750, when taking previous training up to A-rank into account).

Last edited by Mino on Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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