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Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty This Drip Got You in Heat

Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:38 pm
A Rank:

Such a typical day it was as the sun shone its spectacular rays over the shielded Sunagakure. Guren had finished his daily routine earlier than usual, having awoken early in the morning. To be fair, he didn't get much sleep in the first place. He had been too busy tossing and turning, with his mind lamenting over trivial things: 

Was there a home for him in Sunagakure? 
How had he been perceived within the village? 
What was next?

As his mind pondered several more questions of that nature, time flew by. Until he realized that the sun had been rising. Thus, his day began and commenced of exercise, eating, and meditation. The exercise had consisted of a five mile run and numerous sets of push up, sit ups, and squats alike. Following this, Guren stopped by a local restaurant and dined on a modest portion of rice and marinated chicken. He remained there for some time before getting up heading off to the grove. Once among the greenery and scenery, he meditated to gain a better sense of clarity on the questions that he contemplated throughout the night. 

When sufficient time and reflection had passed, Guren took his leave from the grove and embarked off towards the town center. However just before his arrival, a masked man descended from a nearby building right in front of him. Masculine build, stocky yet fit, slightly taller than Guren. He bore a single sword hurled over his back. He arose from his kneeled stance and stood eye level with Guren. 

"G?" he inquired in a hushed tone. It seemed secretive, yet straight to the point. 

"Who's asking?" Guren retorted without diverting his eyesight from the masked man. 

"A servant of the Kazekage. He has a message for you." 

"Huh," Guren paused while thinking of what the message could be centralized upon. Based on their previous conversation, and the company that lied in front of Guren he only inferred that his aid was being requested. And he would be right to do so. "And what is this message?"

"He requires your services. Our forces have captured a criminal to the village. He was wanted and we need him to confess to several more crimes before we can determine a proper punishment. Unfortunately all of our specialists in this sort of thing are tied up at the moment. So we were sent to seek you out."

"Well, if the request is coming from Lord Kazekage then I am obliged. Please, let's get to business." Guren said. 

The masked man nodded then took off, with Guren following closely behind. They would head to the hospital, however taking the uncommon rear entrance. The latch on the door was flung open and the two proceeded inside, down a dimly lit hallway, and through to a door way on the right hand side. The door was opened and a small room resided with another shinobi inside, staring through what appeared to be a one way glass window which offered a view of the adjacent room. Again, the two entered. 

"You see him? On the other side of that window? That's our guest. We need to interrogate him, get him to confess on the things that he has done. Yet he's been tough to crack with conventional methods....I believe Lord Kazekage sought your expertise in Genjutsu, in an attempt to extract this information we're looking for. Do you think you could try?"

Guren nodded, without required to say much more. "I see. Well I can try." Guren said without offering much more. Upon saying so he was motioned to proceed through the bolted and locked door which had led to the adjacent room. As Guren entered, the door behind him was locked and shut closed. Now Guren was able to take a deeper look at the man before him. Chained up with chakra sealing chains, likely via the means of an Uzumaki. He was on his knees, hands suspended up through the air via those same chains. He was bound, likely not much of a threat. And Guren wasn't looking to threaten him either. This was more so centralized on business, not fight. Besides, the fighting had already been done by others at this point. Now was solely the time for investigation. 

"Hey..." Guren began while looking up the chained up man. "So...what are you in for?" he asked, indicating that he was clearly a neophyte to this line of work. Yet perhaps this unorthodox approach would yield unexpected results. 

(WC = 750 Words)
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:37 pm
Here Lies Da NPC:

Such a day it was, once unassuming with the typical radiant sun of Sunagakure showering over the many denizens that lived there, yet some promise for excitement within the day lied deep within the morning's wake. What seemed to be an easy robbery for Kirijo Oda from Sunagakure's bank in the early morning was one stifled with failure...Apparently wearing an extremely long trenchcoat - only to flex - during robberies and tripping on it while being chased by Chuunin and Jounin of Sunagakure after stealing 50000 Ryo from the Sunagakure Bank was not the best execution of his plans. If only he wore a hoodie and some baggy clothes so he could stealthily steal the money and escape with ease, maybe there would have been a chance. Robberies were meant to be planned, not something so you could get out of paying your rent for the month. Nevertheless, Kirijo was easily caught by the shinobi guarding the Sunagakure bank in the early morning and sent to the T&I department for intensive questioning for his actions. "Good grief..." He thought shamelessly as he was dragged by the Chuunin and Jounin who caught him towards the T&I department by the legs. Kirijo was a pretty beefy dude, weighing around 200 pounds of pure MUSCLE so it was quite a feat to drag him towards a building that was about 15 or so minutes away from the bank.

As he arrived at the T&I department, he was met by some cold stares by the working interrogators, as if they were blaming him for making them work so diligently. This didn't discourage Kirijo that much, as he was a man of steel, so no type of contempt could hurt him. "Oi dickheads, stop looking at me and do your work like the slaves of the government you are." The beefy criminal in the trenchcoat said with a lot of baritone in his voice.  Without a word, the interrogators giving him a cold stare would then go back to questioning other criminals that were in the same position as Kirijo. Sighing for a moment, the Chuunin and Jounin sent him to a dark and empty room; unlike the blistering heat of Sunagakure...the temperature had a nice breeze to it. Maybe this criminal life wouldn't be so bad! "Hold still." One of the Jounin demanded before summoning chains of chakra out of thin air, suppressing the minimal chakra of Kirijo spontaneously and suspending the hands of the criminal in the air, forcing him to kneel to the ground. "What did you do to me?" Kirijo muttered, still trying to make sense of the predicament he was in, "YOU BASTARDS?!" He roared such ferocity that the air around them shook. The trenchcoat criminal used all 200 pounds of pure muscular might to shake out of the chains but it was no use. He tried for moments, then it turned to minutes on end to try to break free of the chains and beat the two shinobi into a pulp. The two shinobi were in the room, watching Kirijo until he gave up, sinking onto the ground in defeat and a sweating mess.

"Tch." He sighed, as one of the shinobi told him to wait patiently for an interrogator to question him. Only a few minutes later did the door open before closing. The criminal would lazily look up to see who was the interrogator. "Good grief." He sighed out loud almost instantly with a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, looking at the so-called "interrogator." One thing he could get out of the young boy's appearance was inexperience. He didn't seem like a seasoned interrogator at least, not the ones people would herald about all the time. Did they think Kirijo was that easy to extract information out of? Well, it wouldn't matter anyway. The boy would ask for the reasoning that he was sent to T&I, and the criminal couldn't help but put some sarcasm in.

"Jaywalking," Kirijo said dryly with a deadpan face, sarcasm oozing out of that word. 

WC: 678 (Event Bonus is X2 so TWC is 1356)
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:13 am
Guren watched as the man struggled in place, seeming as if he was just as mentally enchained as he was physically. The strength of the chains was quite impressive, as despite the man's massive and muscular stature they did not budge at even the strongest of his movements. There didn't seem like much benefit in dragging this session out, and so Guren's approach had been quite direct: ask the man what he did. Had he chosen to answer sincerely, this whole ordeal would have been over a lot sooner. Instead it seemed as if the man had found some value in stalling. But inevitably, both men standing in the room knew that he would eventually confess. 

Guren's eyes peered over to the name card that was suspended several feet above the prisoner's head. "Kirijo - 90013-415", it read. Name and prisoner number. What a shame, his actions had reduced him to just a string of meaningless numbers to integrate him into the criminal system. Ironically enough, Guren was not so different than Kirijo, for he too was a criminal. A deserter. A thief. A murderer. The list goes on. The only difference? Kirijo was foolish enough to get caught. 

Guren would sigh at the simpleminded joke that Kirijo would tell. It seemed as if he were a joker. Maybe it would be worth it for Guren to tell jokes of his own. "Jaywalking, huh? What were you too overweight to outrun the Sunagakure Shinobi when they chased after you? Or were you just too dumb to think of doing it?..." Guren began as he leaned back against the wall behind him. He rested his back foot flat upon the wall, and folded his arms. That was when a thought occurred to him. "Hmm, maybe that makes sense. Jaywalking must have been the best idea you would be capable of coming up with for a crime, huh?" 

As Guren continued to antagonize the man, he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the door to retrieve a document taped to it. Its contents indicated the very basics of the crime in question: robbery. "Ohh, bank robbery huh? Interesting. So tell me about it." Guren said while forming the fingers on his right hand to mold into the shape of the confirmation seal. Based on the positioning of Guren's body and his right hand lying behind the document, it would be difficult for Kirijo to see this confirmation seal. However it would also be difficult for him to resist the effects of what came with it. At this point Guren was utilizing his Minor Command technique, effective upon uttering the last 5 words of his speech. Although it was a simple genjutsu, it was an effective one nonetheless. However Guren had other means of genjutsu that would be well suitable for interrogations. His Ketsuryugan genjtusu was probably a bit too overkill for this, yet he was prepared to use it in the case that his other attempts were thwarted. 

After initializing the Minor Command technique while issuing Kirijo to confess the details of his crimes, Guren leaned his right shoulder against the wall adjacent to him. In one motion he swapped the document with the basic crime listed upon it to his left hand and tucked his right hand, which bore the confirmation seal, secretly behind his back. From here he awaited the response of Kirijo to see if he fell victim to the genjutsu, or if he managed to resist its effects somehow. 

(WC = 583 x 2 Event Bonus = 1166. Total = 1916)
Not really combat, but using Minor Command (35 AP Cost) at max stats/power.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:02 pm
It seemed that the interrogator was unfazed with Kirijo's sarcastic quip, usually most would be either visibly annoyed by the criminal or just plain confused at the man's antics. However, the young interrogator kept his calm poker face with only giving a small sigh at the man, as if he knew the reasoning behind the man's intentions: to stall for time. He was good... A small smirk of derided amusement would befall Kirijo's expression, secretly impressed with the interrogator. The criminal could tell that the young man standing in front of him was well versed in...criminal activities but now was not the time for hypothetical thoughts, it was an interrogation, after all. Kirijo's chocolate brown eyes would easily track the young interrogator leaning back against the wall that was behind him whilst comfortably arranging his feet, adjusting quite easily to the rather gloomy atmosphere of the room. He would then shoot back against Kirijo's previous assertion of "Jaywalking" as his crime, insulting his weight and intelligence, basically, a "pick your poison" insult. He would then follow up with another line of banter, seemingly laying in with the insults against Kirijo at this point. The muscular man, surprisingly, didn't mind that much, as back and forth insults seemed to provide forms of amusement for him. Life in Sunagakure was so boring, so maybe being a criminal was a nice change of pace, baring the chains of course. After the interrogator spoke, Kirijo would blink before replying, "Wow. Was that REALLY the best that you could do? Guess the interrogators here are as bad as roasting as they are at doing their job." He sarcastically quipped once more, really getting into the troll persona of his. 

After the interrogator and Kirijo finished exchanging insults, he would then walk over to a document, asking Kirijo about the failed bank robbery that ensued earlier that morning. The beefy criminal could not ascertain nearly everything that was occurring as the interrogator was retrieving the document, but suddenly, after the young man finished speaking those last few words of his, Kirijo was overcome with the feeling of wanting to answer his inquiry about the bank robbery. No matter how much he wanted to resist internally, the urge was too strong, as words began to spit out his mouth like truth masquerading as venom, "...I pay my rent for the week, so I thought an easy way to facilitate that was by stealing from the bank of Sunagakure. I failed...quite piss-poorly at that as two shinobi caught me escaping red-handed and..." Everything else would be incoherent, as Kirijo would forcibly slam his head to the room's ground to intentionally muffle his words, the rest of the sentence being mere muffled gibberish for the interrogator to hear. He would rest the front of his head onto the ground so if he was compelled to say any more words, it would be muffled. He wasn't about to give up that easily!

WC: 493 [2X WC bonus makes the TWC 986]
TWC: 2342
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:33 am
Guren smiled contently as Kirijo began confessing the motive of his crime at his own discretion. It seemed as if Guren's ploy had worked. His intentions were to first get Kirijo to lower his guard a bit and display some confidence and comparability with Guren. Insults and degrading Kirijo were Guren's way of doing so, for he had two possible expectations as results. Either Kirijo, being the massive and muscular man he was would have upmost confidence in himself and thus shrug off Guren's sly remarks or, Kirijo would lose self confidence and begin to feel inferior than he was. The latter outcome was an unlikely one, seeing as most if not all shinobi highly regarded themselves. Thus the result was the first scenario, and so Guren's follow up would be as smooth as butter. Now that Kirijo had lowered his guard, as he was disappointed by the level of insults Guren offered, it would be easy to hit him with something unexpected. This was especially true considering Kirijo's attention was now 100% directed at Guren. Unfortunately for the prisoner, Guren was a genjutsu specialist. Thus he would be more than capable of extracting information through various means, even if that would present itself by the having the guilty party ready to snitch on themselves. 

To Guren's slight displeasure, Kirijo's voice seemed to fade out near the end of his discourse where the only audible dialogue was muddled speech. This was quickly followed by the prisoner inflicting self harm, slamming his head so hard into the ground that a would was formed upon his forehead and was visibly leaking a steady stream of blood. Guren somewhat frowned. "Awh now why did you have to go and do that? Just when we were really getting to know each other!" Guren groaned quite comically, with a sprinkle of satire in his tone. Although Guren was a tad bit disappointed, he still had a back up plan. "Pick yourself up, we have more to discuss," Guren instructed. Although Guren unearthed the motive, there was still a need for the specifics of Kirijo's plan. Sure he had revealed his intentions, but the bank still had some stake in this interrogation as well. They were looking to fortify their defenses a bit further, and understanding what weak spot that Kirijo had exploited would be the first place for them to begin. 

Keeping his current position and maintaining the seal of confirmation behind his back, Guren's voice commanded the room out loud again, "Tell me how you did it." Although he was aware that he was using the same technique as his first command, Guren was confident that it would work a second time. It seemed as if Kirijo was unaware of the genjutsu going on, and instead just felt obliged to begin his story. Perhaps all he needed was a bit more of an incentive to add details, which the compelling nature of the Minor Command genjutsu would be sure to provide. Truthfully Guren did not want to resort to his more powerful genjutsus, as now didn't seem like the time or place. But nonetheless, he was fully prepared to do so if Kirijo's mental fortitude demanded of it.

(WC = 534 x 2 Event Bonus = 1068. Total: 2984)
Minor Command again
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:48 pm
A small smirk would form on Kirijo's expression as he slammed his face onto the ground, drawing blood on his billboard-like forehead upon impact. He could ignore the pain, due to being born in the ghettos of Sunagakure -the poorest of the poor- a simple bleeding forehead was nothing to him. Back before he was old enough to move out of the ghettos, stab wounds, bruises, and scars were the norm for the muscular criminal to the point that not feeling great amounts of pain daily was abnormal for him. It was ironic, as the deadbeat criminals who proliferated the ghettos like the scum they were and were born into by birth, inflicting pain on their neighbors so they could steal some cold hard Ryo was the type of criminal Kirijo was turning into. He swore as a young child, not knowing the way the world works, that he would be part of the Sunagakure Police Force, punishing all criminals who would steal and put their hands on other civilians. But now, Kirijo was a criminal, one who was caught red-handed stealing from the Sunagakure Bank, the taste of irony was great. Realizing this, after he spoke the end of his sentence, appearing as mumbo-jumbo to whoever was unfortunate enough to hear it, the muscular man would take a deep sigh. He wondered what his younger self - around 13 or 14 years old by the time he made that bold declaration about enlisting in the police when he got older would say once seeing that his older self would become a coldhearted criminal, a byproduct of the ghettos he was raised in, reduced to a useless string of meaningless numbers for interrogators to get their paycheck out of, and worst of all, just the same as those ghetto criminals who made his life a living hell. Well, people do say that your environment shapes who you are. People who were born in ghettos are condemned to become lowlives and people who were born into a life of prosperity and riches live lavishly for the rest of their lives. No need to whine about it, it was just the world's truth.

After Kirijo finished his mumbling words and sighing, the interrogator would proceed to unleash a few more of his other quips with hints of satire put into the mix. The muscular man was surprised, he didn't think the interrogator would be this...amusing to talk with. Maybe if they met in different circumstances, they could have been great friends but alas, life was full of missed opportunities. The interrogator would proceed to then instruct Kirijo to pick himself up, making the fatal mistake of not forcing the man to lift his head up via physical force. Kirijo didn't exactly know how the interrogator could basically will him to talk about the events of the robbery at great detail, but he did know this: if the interrogator couldn't decipher exactly what Kirijo was saying, then that ability would be rendered worthless. The criminal would give a great chuckle as the interrogator told him to pick himself up, as if telling the young man with a laugh, "Don't underestimate me!" Kirijo's face would remain on the ground, muffling all of his future sentences should he continue to talk. If the interrogator would unleash his Genjutsu once more and command Kirijo to tell him how he did it, then the criminal would explain the rest of what happened in a muffled voice, indiscernible to others besides himself.

"The two shinobi caught me red-handed and apprehended me, forcing me to abandon my objective as they dragged me over to the interrogation room." Kirijo would explain with an indistinct voice. If Guren wanted to know how the criminal did it, then he would have to force Kirijo to lift his head up.

WC: 637 (2X WC Bonus is 1274 TWC)
TWC: 3616
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:57 am
Guren's attempt at utilizing the second minor command proved to be futile. The man was reluctant, as if he was disappointed in himself. He wouldn't lift his head and although he was mumbling something upon instruction from Guren, it was too quiet for him to hear. Such were the troubles of the minor command jutsu. It was too simplified. Should someone require their target to do anything beyond simple things such as sharing small levels of information, loopholes could oftentimes be found and thus compromise the integrity of the information or action requested. But such is life. One couldn't naturally put all their eggs in one basket and expect things to unravel smoothly. Which is exactly why Guren had other tools at his disposal. Based on Kirijo's demeanor and will, it would seem as if direct means would be invaluable. He was strong willed, strong minded, and strong in general. He was probably quite the shinobi. Yet the circumstances in which the two meant would not allow for an assessment of either of their characters to be performed. All that there was right now was cat and mouse. And in Guren's mind, he was a lot better at his role that Kirijo. Nevertheless, Kirijo was sneaky. Guren speculated that he had at least some awareness that his openness to share information wasn't exactly voluntary. That would explain his reluctance to speaking and posturing up.

Nevertheless Kirijo would add a statement to his confession, which was information Guren already knew. Guren smiled and pushed himself off the wall. Upon doing so he released the confirmation seal and tucked his hands into his pockets. Truthfully he wasn't looking to torment Kirijo here, yet he was fully aware that his mission success depended on an adequate confession. Considering a straightforward interrogation wasn't completely successful, the name of the department he resided in would explain the next means in which Guren would have to implement: torture. Sighing once again as he began his walk over to Kirijo who continued to hang his head low. As Guren walked, he would blink once and his eyes would spiral away from their natural color and pattern into blood red versions of themselves. The Ketsuryugan was now activated, and Guren's preference to keep this mission relaxed would fade away. For the sake of time, Guren needed to force Kirijo into a confession sooner rather than later. And here was the attempt.

Once Guren was in front of Kirijo, he would squat down and grab ahold of Kirijo's chin with his left hand, lifting it up to force the prisoner to look at Guren and make eye contact. Upon the two locked eyes, the jail cell around them would constrain into a tight 2 meter x 2 meter room, which was equipped with nothing except an extremely dim light. Guren would fade out from the room and thus Kirijo remained alone in it. A few moments of silence existed before a faint yet sharp whisper could be heard, but its exact message was unclear. As time went on it began echoing, louder and louder, more and more chilling. Shrieking almost, at times even resembling cries. Although the tone of each voice differed, all of which bore the same message as to the initial whisper: "Please tell us. Tell us what you did." The nature of the genjutsu was sickening, and comparable to being in a psychiatric ward while having a severe episode of schizophrenia. If Kirijo would remain in this for too long, surely his sanity would start to slip. Yet Guren would maintain the genjutsu and leave Kirijo in this state until he would succumb to the instructions within the genjutsu. If he would then Kirijo should find himself in a panic, which would likely yield muttering and uttering of the information Guren was looking for. And based upon how close Guren was to Kirijo in the real world, he would be able to hear and piece together any confession Kirijo would spill. And as soon as that information was required, Guren would release the genjutsu and without a word turn around and walk away from the shackled man. He started towards the door, and once there would pause and look back on Kirijo, "I am sorry" he would say just before opening the door and exiting from the room. The door was immediately locked behind him.

Guren would return to the initial room and disclose all of the information which he had learned. He was promptly thanked and informed that he could have a bright career in the T&I department. Additionally he was handed his reward, straight from the manager of the bank itself. It seemed as if everyone was grateful for Guren's doings, save for Kirijo. Guren felt a bit guilty for the condition he would leave the man in, but in reality it was all a part of the job. He couldn't dwell on this much longer, as he had places to be. Thus he would continue to take his leave from the interrogation room and subsequently the hospital as well. 

(WC = 846 x 2 Event Bonus = 1692. Total: 4676)
- 4000 Ryo x 2 Event Bonus = 8000
- Recommendation for T&I Department
- Chuunin/C Rank payment = 250 x 2 Event Bonus = 500
- 10 AP

4676/100 = 46.7 * 2 ~ 94
Claiming 94 AP
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:14 pm
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:54 pm
It appeared that the interrogator had something else in mind for making Kirijo explain the details of his crimes. The muscular man was strong-willed, endowed well in terms of physicality, and was not about to give up valuable information so easily. Kirijo, after mumbling his words once more, would soon catch up that the only way for the interrogator to make the criminal give up information - without killing, would be torture. However, Kirijo was far too experienced in the ways of torture as his beefy build would tell all about his high pain tolerance, so there would have to be another way. Perhaps emotional torture or fake blackmail? Thoughts on what the torture method - or a more appropriate euphemism being "advanced interrogation methods", would race like shinobi dashing towards a vantage point through Kirijo's head. Being an ex-shinobi meant that the criminal had some experience with dealing in torture, but alas, his military service was caught short due to an impromptu discharge. "What could it be, what could it be?" The beefy man thought, still putting his head down to the ground in case he was forced to speak up once more. Part of him was anxious, awaiting his torture but the other part of him just wanted to see how he could escape from the scenes; however, being tied up with chakra suppression chains made it pretty damn hard to do so. However, all of these questions would be revealed in the next few moments...

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the damp interrogation room, reverberating closer and closer towards Kirijo's area...until the sound was right in front of him. The muscular man initially feared nothing, knowing that he was not about to die from this torture session so it would be foolish to express fear. The interrogator would then bend down, lifting Kirijo's head that was hung low to the ground. The chakra suppression left the beefy criminal somewhat weakened, allowing Guren to lift his head with relative ease no matter how much the man resisted. The blood from his self-inflicted forehead wound would not dry off, trickling down the man's face as if the wound was the catalyst for a morbid "blood fountain." An interesting sight to see indeed, but Kirijo would look up to the interrogator's face, looking at him directly in the eyes. A terrible mistake and a bigger consequence. The blood-red eyes of the interrogator - once normal would peer into the chocolate brown eyes of the criminal. An audible gulp would resound throughout the room, originating from Kirijo. Whether it was a gulp of pure fear from the devilish nature of Guren's eyes, or a gulp to send liquid through the dry throat of the criminal shall never truly be ascertained. As the two locked eyes met, the jail size would immediately shrink to claustrophobic degrees, catching the beefy man off guard. The dim light would remain, only encompassing enough space and light for the two to barely see each other, as if the scene was coming off a horror novel. Kirijo's mind would remain blank, he had seen some messed up things in his 24 years of living so an environmental change would not faze him. But suddenly, Guren would disappear from Kirijo's sight, shocking the man for a moment. A sharp whisper would then be heard, unintelligible at best. As time went on, the whispers would turn to normal voices and then to blood-curdling shrieks akin to if someone was dying right in front of the criminal. It was sickening as the sounds would seemingly beg Kirijo the nature of his crime.

For the first time in a while, Kirijo truly felt fear.

His hands shook, his knees buckled even more, his face turned into a sweating mess and his eyes widened in horror. This had to be an illusion. Yes! That was the only reason for this change in reality. There was no way - no damn way that someone could create noises like that. But, even still, the voices begged for Kirijo to answer one question, one simple question. That should be fine, right? "The two shinobi caught me red-handed and apprehended me, forcing me to abandon my objective as they dragged me over to the interrogation room." Instead of an indistinct voice like last time, it was loud and clear. Kirijo would collapse onto the ground after answering, the interrogator apologizing for using such amoral ways to weed out information from the criminal. All the man could do was sigh, still shaken up by the Genjutsu,

"Good grief..."


WC: 764 (2X WC Bonus is 1528 TWC)
TWC: 5144 

+51 Stat Points for Kamiya Teitoku (at least 10 of those points will go into Vigor so he can learn the following A-rank techs)
(2500/2500) WC Towards Chidori
(2500/2500) WC Towards Chidori Senbon
(144/4000) WC Towards Wind Release

Also claiming all Mission Rewards due to being an NPC'er so 8000 Ryo and +20 AP for Kamiya
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

This Drip Got You in Heat Empty Re: This Drip Got You in Heat

Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:59 am
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