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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:34 pm
The rest of the day passed by in a blur for Anaphiel. He’d spent the entire time plotting; Rayoralia turned out to be a bigger idea than the Hidemori Chuunin had expected. There was paper and scrolls scattered everywhere; different parts of this idea, some barely started or half-finished. Different locations that would be scattered around this world of his, the people that would live there that he could talk to, different creatures that would add a completely different element to the world. The one Anaphiel was currently working on was the idea of his home away from home; a towering castle that stood atop a mountain, rising above everything, its turrets surrounded by clouds. ‘Perhaps I could get Tel to paint this for me.’ He thought to himself as he looked at the rough sketch on the scroll above the details he’d written down for it. Naturally he would need to include section of the castle for his sister to stay in when she came to visit, as she would most certainly be visiting at some point. He knew that she would be interested in seeing an aspect of his mind made manifest.

He’d only really noticed the time when he looked out of the window in his bedroom and realised that the sun had gone down. The level of concentration he’d had on this new project was astounding; it had been quite some time since he’d been that invested in a project. He’d work on it more tomorrow.

WC: 250
TWC: 2750
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:56 pm
Anaphiel had a small problem where when he got invested in a project, the time would run away from him. The main purpose of his recent writings was to set the record straight to his clan, at least to a degree. He would get back to it soon but working on Rayoralia took a little more priority as it was something a little more tangible, at least to him. This was in some way, a physical manifestation of his feelings of at least part of what happened.

His sister returned from her most recent mission that morning. He sat down with her and showed her what he’d written in the chronicles so far; he hadn’t missed any details based on her review, which was nice as it meant he didn’t have to rewrite anything.

With that out of the way, Anaphiel brought out the writings of his most recent endeavour. She was extremely curious about how it would all work; Telantes was familiar with the mechanics behind some of the basic Space-Time manipulation techniques, but she didn’t have any practical skill in that area, so all she knew about it was mainly learning from Anaphiel while they grew up.

After reading over everything, she was thrilled to come up with a map of this dimension based on his work so far and said she would start working on it tomorrow as she had a few days leave between missions. Anaphiel couldn’t be happier; he knew she would paint a masterpiece.

WC: 250
TWC: 3000
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:39 pm
The rest of the day had Anaphiel working on his ideas for Rayoralia, he was on a roll with the design and he didn’t want to lose the momentum by starting work on something else. He’d decided that Rayoralia would be a single, large continent; he wanted a large area to “explore”, but wanted to be able to travel by foot rather than by boat.

He was working on fleshing out the geography and topography of the continent as that would essentially determine where everything else would be placed. He also wanted there to be a large number of different biomes on the continent, because he wanted to interact with animals and people that’d he’d only heard of or thought up. Sure, he could just say they all lived in the same biome, but that wouldn’t be logical or realistic, and Anaphiel was going for realism with his creation. It took him a little longer than he’d expected, primarily because he kept agonising over whether it made sense for one biome to be closer to another, but eventually he had the base of the map laid out to his satisfaction.

Now that he had the rough details figured out for the overall geographical layout of his dimension, he could start placing natural and crafted landmarks, buildings, and settlements. They would be in varied locations which would also affect the people living there. There was still a lot of details to cover, but he knew that they would get sorted out.

WC: 250
TWC: 3250
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:44 am
The next part of Rayoralia that he started to work out would be the natural landmarks. This may sound like it would have been covered when he sorted out the topography of the continent, but it doesn’t quite fall into that category; these are landmarks that are designed by him that appear somewhat man-made, but not made by any of the groups of humanoids that live on Rayoralia. While thinking about this, he realised the irony of trying to set certain aspects apart as man-made. Technically speaking, the entire dimension was “man-made” as he was the one that created it. He shrugged and dismissed the thought for while it was an interesting line of thought to follow, he knew if he dwelt too long on the idea, he would get distracted and lose focus on the main goal. 

Upon completion of the “natural” landmarks, Anaphiel moved on to the structures that would form Rayoralia’s towns, cities, and other population centers. There weren’t many, but they would require significantly more work than anything else on Rayoralia simply because of the sheer number of individual structures. He could just do a cookie-cutter style of building, but that would remove the feeling of individuality. He wanted the towns to feel like they had character, to reflect the personalities of the people that will be living there. It was a process that took him several hours just to cover the basics for each settlement. He could start working on the people living there now.

WC: 250
TWC: 3500
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:36 pm
Mid-Topic Claim:
1250WC pre-Event:
1250 WC towards Rayoralia (1250/5000)

12 Stats

2250WC during event (Doubled to 4500)
3750WC towards Rayoralia (5000/5000)
750 WC towards Baioregan 4th Stage (750/8000)
45 Stats
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:54 pm
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:48 pm
He’d made great strides to actually making Rayoralia a reality, and it was close to completion…or so he thought. In terms of checklist, the last part he needed to detail was the different species that lived in his new dimension. He was an hour in when he realised that not only did he need to list out all of the different humanoid and animal species, but he would need to list out each individual. Some he would spend more time working on than others, because some creatures wouldn’t need as much detail as others but each one would take a little bit of time, and that adds up, especially when you have a population that would count at least in the tens of thousands. It was a process that took him the better part of three days to complete, significantly longer than all of the other aspects of Rayoralia combined. Naturally though that was stretched out over a week, as the Hidemori Chuunin had his own missions to take part in. In the end though he was able to jot down all of the details that he needed to actually make his dream a reality. It was just a matter of finding time to actually creating Rayoralia; he would likely have to wait until after his next mission to be able to do it, which was a shame because the benefits of having Rayoralia active during the mission would be worth the effort, but it wouldn’t be ready in time.

WC: 250
TWC: 3750 (3500 claimed)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:42 pm
Now that the planning stage for Rayoralia was completed, Anaphiel could return to working on his original project. That was of course assuming he didn’t get distracted again. It was not a terribly urgent task, so he felt that he could take his time with it, give priority to other things. As he did not have any other pressing matters to deal with, the Hidemori Chuunin decided to sit down and work out the next part of the chronicles. 

Chronicle Entry #6:

The discussions that were going on were not providing anything constructive, it also did not help that they really couldn’t do anything until the Kiri presence in Konoha was non-existent. We still held the discussions, and they just kept making things worse, adding to the division between the different “factions” that were showing up within the clan. The largest of them was those in favour of leaving the village. There was no specific location they wanted to go, just away from Konoha. Telantes was one of those that was a part of that group of the clan. I, originally was in the smallest group that had not made a decision or were remaining neutral in the discussions. Our mother happened to be in the faction that wanted the clan to remain as a part of Konohagakure. Since all clan meetings at that point spent most of the time debating this topic, it made life at home somewhat less comfortable. I’d considered finding my own place at that point.

WC: 250
TWC: 4000 (3500 claimed)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:00 pm
Chronicle Entry #7:

Tensions among our clan grew to a boiling point when Xyxer decided that a universal Chuunin should be held, and that it would be in Konoha. That made perfect sense; hold an international event in the village that is still working to rebuild after the Kiri invasion. It just incensed a good number of people in the village, including the majority of our clan. On top of that, a very small number of Konoha shinobi participated in these events, when there should have been significantly larger numbers. And of course all of our concerns were either ignored or not taken seriously.

The exams were a disaster for Konoha; of all of the participants, not a single member from the village made it to the semi-finals, and two shinobi from Kiri won the top two spots. Another stain on the village’s reputation, and the one that moved me to side with those of my clan that it was time to move on and find somewhere else that would be a more appropriate home for our clan. Our group held a meeting to discuss our options.

The only problem with that was that no one seemed to agree on where a good location would be to go to. Telantes and myself were set on Kumogakure ourselves and we’d convinced a few of our fellows that was the best place to go. Unfortunately we couldn’t convince everyone and a good number of them made plans of their own to leave.

WC: 250
TWC: 4250 (3500 claimed)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Chronicles of a long journey (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Chronicles of a long journey (Private)

Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:04 pm
Chronicle Entry #8:

We had to wait for the activity surrounding the Chuunin Exams to die down before we could seriously plan out how we were going to leave Konohagakure for good. There was only a small number of us that were going to go to Kumogakure; the rest seemed to be doing the same, small groups leaving to different parts of the continent. Other than myself and Telantes, there was five other members of our clan joining us, all very skilled shinobi. Naturally, we told our mother that we were leaving, she tried everything she could to convince us to stay. When we refused, she started crying, saying that we weren’t her children and that we dishonoured our father’s memory with this choice. It was painful to leave, but we had to, this village was no longer worthy of being their home.

We couldn’t leave right away; there was a significant amount of planning that needed to be included for this to work. Konoha and their Kiri overlords wouldn’t just let shinobi leave the village to join somewhere else. Patrols would need to be tracked, people would need to bribed, an opening needed to be created to allow us to slip out un-noticed. Luckily for us, being part of the sensor team allowed us to avoid detection for the most part once we were outside of the village walls. It was getting to that point that would be the tricky part, but it wouldn’t be impossible to make happen.

WC: 250
TWC: 4500 (3500 Claimed)
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