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Satoshi Akowa
Satoshi Akowa
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Tue Jan 14, 2020 5:18 pm
It had been a long journey, Young Sozin had been traveling the vast distance from his home in Kumogakure to find a new home after his accidental rampage saw the death of two fellow genin. Sozin was heavily dehydrated and starving, His bone ached, his body overheating. Despite all this he pressed on in hopes of finding a place to dwell.

"Is that...A river! fresh water!" He shouted as he dashed forward to the rushing water. He stuck his hands in and began lapping up the cool refreshing touch of the rushing waters. He knew that the white wash was the best to drink, since it was the cleanest. Sozin filled his flask and continued onward. 

Rumble Rumble...

Sozin's stomach began to moan in protest. He hadn't had a full mean in weeks, settling for whatever fruits and small animals he could find in the wild. He needed to get somewhere and quick.

Thats when he saw it, A mighty wall which looked to be made of sand stone. The raised clifts the village sat on. Sozin found a weird sense of beauty to it.

"Is that...Sunagakure?" It was amazing, he had never seen  Suna before in his life. Sozin's relief almost got the better of him, but he knew he couldn't relax until he got threw that gate. So he pushed forward, his legs aching, his arms heavy, his breathing hard and  rapid.

"Almost there Sozin, you can make it." He said as he moved closer and closer to the gates. Finally he stood at the closed door where their were two Suna Ninja standing guard.

Word Count: 267

(Claiming 250= Blood Dragon Illusion D Rank.
               200= 1 stat)

Last edited by Satoshi Akowa on Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:27 pm
APPROVED by Duppy:registered:
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:56 am
Although he wasn’t really tasked with watching the entrance to the once great Sunagakure, Kai still took it upon himself to do so on occasion. After all, what kind of vassal would he be if he didn’t take the initiative to look after his master’s interests? Usually whenever he came to watch over the entrance it turned out to be an unnecessary precaution. Sometimes, though things got a little interesting. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately for the poor soul approaching the haven of scum that the Ragdoll had created, today was one of the more interesting days.

Stepping forward from his hidden position in the shadows of the cliffs, Kai revealed himself with a mischievous smirk on his face. ”Halt! Who are you and what is your business here?” he shouted across the several meter distance between himself and the new arrival.
Satoshi Akowa
Satoshi Akowa
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:14 am
Sozin staggered a bit,  he wasn't sure how he was still conscious. He jumped a bit at the sudden appearance of what looked like a Sunagakure Shinobi. Sozin patted his face in an attempt to make himself more alert. "Um...Hello, my name is Sozin, I'm a traveler.  I need a place to rest and hydrate. I won't be here any longer then I need to be Sir.

Sozin said. He took a deep breath to steady himself once again. 

Word Count: 79
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:37 am
The traveler looked quite ragged. If he was faking it in an attempt to gain entrance to the former village, then he was doing a very good job. Still, it never hurt to be too cautious.

”Where are you coming from and why pick here to rest? I’m sure you’re aware of the danger you’d be putting yourself in, staying in what amounts to a village filled with monsters and murderers. Though I admit it looks like you’ve been through some sort of an ordeal.” Kai waited a moment for his words to really sink in before speaking again. ”I’ll tell you what. The entrance fee is 500 ryo. Give me they now, and I’ll promise you safe passage into the village. Once inside, though, I can’t promise anything. The one in charge here has eyes and ears everywhere, and a number of trained killers at his disposal. You’ll be on your own and if you make a wrong move, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Still want to be let inside?”
Satoshi Akowa
Satoshi Akowa
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Fri Jan 17, 2020 1:48 am
"B...but i only have 500 and I need to get supplies. Is there any other way you could let me in.?" The boy asked. He stopped and took another deep breath. He rubbed his temples as the headache began to intensify.  He legs became shakey and his lips were crack.

Word Count: 50
Total Word Count: 413
Claiming: 2 stats (1 stat already approved)

Last edited by Satoshi Akowa on Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End. Empty Re: A Long Painful Journey Comes To An End.

Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:33 am
Pathetic. That was the only word that aptly described the person in front of him. Clear signs of dehydration could be seen coming from the boy, and those along with his overall ragged appearance elicited a type of pity from the Uchiha. Perhaps it would be better for him if Kai just put him out of his misery here and now. Yes, it would be a mercy killing, really. It would certainly be better than sending him off into the harsh desert alone with no food or water. That would be a death sentence in and of itself, really. No, it would be better if the former Konohagakure shinobi ended his life right here.

Of course, that wasn’t what he was going to do. Though Kai had definitely become.....darker...since coming to the village, he still could not let a pathetic little child die out here in such a fashion. Sighing, he would say ”Alright fine. You can enter. But you now owe me 1,000 ryo for my trouble, and trust me, I will be coming to collect. Now go, I have other work to do” With those ominous parting words, Kai let the boy pass into the village before fading back into the shadowed recess he had been hiding in a few minutes ago.
He can go in to the village now
I’ll add up the wc later
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