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Village : Missing Ninja
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Long Journey Empty Long Journey

Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:19 pm
The Beginning of a Long Journey

In the middle of a dirt road on the outskirts of Konoha stood Ita in front of three other shinobi. The tallest of the three, Sai which stood next to his pupil and his pupil’s pupil. Ita figured Dante, who was Sai’s first student, was about twenty-five years of age. Sai, possibly in his thirties, although neither of them looked very old. Shinobi really do age well. The boy that accompanied them was Dante’s student whom Ita had yet to meet. The boy had a rather slim figure and was about the same high as Ita. He had bright blonde, spikey hair. Sai’s face was pretty grim upon seeing Ita spawn out of nowhere and Ita couldn’t tell why. Ita was actually just as confused as they were because of how quickly they left. Upon seeing the young blonde boy, Ita became agitated. How come they allowed him to accompany them on their journey, but not him? A lot of things were unclear to the boy, but for the time being he would focus on figuring out who this kid was.
Sai and Dante weren’t convinced by Ita’s reasoning for being where he was, but insisted it was futile to pursue the truth. Before Ita had the chance to speak once more Sai spoke, “There is no time to talk now, we will fill you in later.” Ita did as told and fell into line behind the three who seemed to be in a hurry. Ita was unsure of their destination or circumstances, but whatever it was Ita could sense the urgency and tension.
Ita staggered behind the group for a while as they made their way down a seemingly endless dirt path. It was almost night time and for the longest time, no one had really said much. Ita was growing restless and he decided to rejoin to group. “So where are we going?” Ita inquired, making his voice heard and reintroducing himself. Sai turned his head slight to the side while maintain his pace, “Oh, Ita. I had almost forgotten you were there. To be perfectly honest, I’m not quite sure at this point. We’ll explain more once we get to the next town.
The sun had now set and it was dark. Unusually dark, Ita thought because the moon was being shrouded by clouds over head. The air was becoming colder as the seasons were changing from summer to fall, leaving the foliage actually quite beautiful, as the trees began to turn from green to autumn colors. The fall was Ita’s favorite season because of the trees. He could get lost in the trees, they brought back memories from his past.
They entered the town, which was actually quiet lively for the time of night. There were many lights and the streets were buzzing with activity. “Ah, I love this town.” Sai Said, as he seemed to be reminiscing. Ita couldn’t help but be amazed by the scenery which was much different than that of the leaf. As they walked, Ita observed multiple drunken people, some fighting, some laughing obnoxiously. “Where are we exactly?” Ita asked, as Sai and Dante conversed over their experiences here. Sai turned his attention to the boy and replied, “This my boy, is Shukuba town! It’s a lot of fun once you get a bit older If you know what I mean.” Sai then returned his attention to the pretty girls which passed by, seeming to fall in love which each passing.
For a top secret mission which was too dangerous for Ita to accompany, they didn’t seem to be in much danger. It actually appeared to Ita that the two older men were actually enjoying themselves. Ita hadn’t spoken to Dante’s student yet and was waiting for the right time for them to introduce themselves. For no he would take in the night life until he could find out more.
After walking through for some time, the group came to a rather impressive inn which supposedly had a hot springs, along with a bar inside. Ita figured this is where he would start getting some answers. The four of them went in and sat down at a table where they were eventually waited on by a nice women in some tight clothing. Sai and Dante both ordered saki each and Ita and the other boy settled for some water. Dante and Sai along with the boy occasionally shared laughs and stories as they reminisced and Ita couldn’t help, but feel a little bit ostracized as he had only come into supervision by Sai a year ago and didn’t really know Dante. However, this realization did not bother the boy much, but made him yearn for acceptance momentarily.
Sai spoke for a little while about Ita’s training, catching Dante and his student up on their relationship for a moment until Ita could tell Sai and Dante were most definitely buzzed. After a few more drinks, the four of them made their way to the hot springs bath house which was attached to the hotel. They got undressed and all made their way into the pool. Ita had never experienced this and loved every second of the almost too hot water relaxing his stiff arms and legs. The two grownups were drunk now as the effects of the hot bath was helping speed up this intoxication. Ita now had a moment to introduce himself to Dante’s student who was now making eye contact with Ita, whose face was half submerged in watering covering his mouth and nose. Ita wondered if the boy was as curious as Ita was of him and what separated them?

Ita now unsubmerged his head and raised his hand outwards from the water towards the boy and spoke, “Hello, I’m Ita.” Ita closed his eyes, tilting his head to the side making the gesture sincere. The boy who seemed a bit shocked, then showed the same sincerity by extending his hand to meet the boys and grasping firmly. He then spoke in a similar voice to Ita’s in high pitch due to their young age. “Hey, I’m Kimaru” For a moment the two of them maintained their hand shake which was soon broken up by the realization from Sai and Dante about what was going on. In most cases, this meeting would be significant, but it was undermined by how drunk Dante and Sai were. In most cases they would have been silent and respected the engagement, but instead they laughed historically because they didn’t understand what was going on in their drunken stupor. 

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Village : Missing Ninja
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Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:08 pm
It was early in the morning. Very early. The sun had just broke the horizon and all four of the shinobi were fully geared and ready to be on their way. Sai and Dante lead the way and Ita and Kimaru staggered closely behind, conversing. As the four of them made their way through the streets, Ita could tell the town was completely different in the morning opposed to at night. If Ita had to guess, It was probably around six of seven in the morning. The streets were mostly deserted besides the occasional homeless person or someone who was too drunk from the night before and found a nice place on the ground to lay their head. They finally came to the outskirt of the town and made their despatcher to a location which was unknown to Ita. Ita had actually no idea what they were doing to be completely honest, but he would wait a little bit longer before asking.
Dante and Sai were dressed in similar fashion, rocking typical Jounin gear of the hidden leaf. Ita and Kimaru however were dressed a little differently. Ita usually wore a white shirt and black pants, but Dante hooked him up with something a bit more stylish. Ita was now rocking a grey cloak over his normal apparel, matching Kimaru. Ita had grown quite a bit since his training with Sai began and Ita was starting to look more like a teenager than a boy. His jet black hair growing and his face becoming more mature. Bearing the Uchiha genes, Ita was actually quiet handsome and appeared almost identical to that of Izuna Uchiha, Madara Uchiha’s younger brother, although Ita had no idea who that was.
The four of them now left the town, leaving the Town of Shukuba behind them. Ita had hoped to return someday because he loves the hot springs and the night life intrigued him. As they made their way down a dirt path that seemed endless, Ita figured that it was time to figure out what the hell they were actually doing. Before he could say anything, Sai spoke. “Well Ita, I figured you are wondering what we are up to so there is no way around it so I might as well fill you in because it’s going to be a long journey.” Sai had Ita’s full attention and he was relieved he didn’t have to ask himself. “We are looking for someone specific and fairly dangerous. His name is “Orono” he actually used to be respectable ninja of the leaf until, well I don’t really know what happened to him, but he’s a little off his rocker and he tends to perform a lot of experiments. Anyways were on a hunt for him because of some info some of my informants were able to come up with that he might be trying to abduct academy students. We have orders from the Hokage to kill him, but we are having a little bit of trouble trying ot actually locate him. Sorry for not telling you sooner, but it couldn’t wait and we haven’t really gone on any challenging missions so I didn’t want to put you in danger.” Now that Ita had been filled in, he stayed quietly behind.
As they traveled, Sai and Dante filled Ita and Kimaru on information that they knew about Orono. Apparently, he had several hideouts throughout the different nations. So this mission was going to prove to be particularly difficult. Ita was actually a bit excited in all, this meant this would be the first time the boy really traveled outside the leaf and got to see the rest of the shinobi world. It also meant that he could get the chance to fight again and possibly be the one to bring back an S rank missing ninja. Regardless, he felt safe because he was traveling with Sai and Dante, along with Kimaru who could possibly end up being good friends with the boy or even better, a rival. Along the way and after many conversations, Ita actually figured out that Kimaru was a part of the blood line dating back to previous hokage’s and was actually a part of the Uzumaki clan. Making Kimaru some type of prodigy, Ita guessed. Regardless, Ita felt that he was in the right position at this time in his life, surrounded by powerful ninja whom he could learn from before finally becoming strong enough to move about on his own. Ita still had conflicting thoughts of the purpose of his life, did he want to stay with the leaf? These feelings he had felt were strange to the boy because he had not felt them in the longest time; feelings of acceptance, togetherness. Would these feelings last? So many tragic things have happened to the boy so he thought it would be best to try and not get too attached to anyone seeing as everyone he had ever really had a connection with had been ripped from him and he could do nothing, but watch. Ita began to slack a little bit behind the group because he thoughts turned from blissfulness to anger. However, if you knew the boy any you could not tell because his face was usually just a blank expression, but if you were to look deep in his jet black eyes you could see the anger, the pain, the determination which pieced the air, seeming to look right through you. Inside the boy a fire was burning which was not determined to be a good nor a bad thing at this time.
The group finally stopped walking to take a break. They had been walking all day and Sai and Dante seemed to be a bit lost so Dante suggested that we should get a bit of training in. Ita was pleased to hear because he wanted to continue to work on his ration control. It wouldn’t hurt either to be equipped some new techniques before getting into some trouble in the future. Sai also said there was a small town where there was an inn they could stay not too far from here and he also admitted he really didn’t know where they were going to he would take some time away from the group to gather intel from some of his sources. For the meantime, that meant Ita and Kimaru would get to train.
Sai had left and all that remained was Ita, Dante, and Kimaru. The three of them stood in an area off to the side of the path in an opening surrounded by many trees. Such a place reminded Ita of his time home where he spent a lot of his time training. As they stood, Dante spoke, speaking about how this would be a great time for Ita and Kimaru to see what each other had. He also said something that actually caught Ita off guard a little. He said that by exchanging fists, ninja can tell everything about their opponent. Ita wondered if this was true. This statement would linger in the back of Ita’s mind for what seemed like forever.  
The two agreed to the spar and Ita felt a little jittery and at the same time a bit angry. What was so special about Kimaru that separated them in their Sensai’s eyes? Whatever it was, it was time to find out. The two of them stood about 5 meters away, Dante in between the two of them, then taking a step back so that the two of them could maintain eye contact and let the tension build ever more. Dante then spoke once more, the words leaving his lips and echoing in Ita’s mind. As the words dissipated into thin air, Ita kind of lost control for a moment in a fury. “Begin.” Sai Dante. As soon as he said that Ita’s back foot pivoted, kicking up some dust as he dashed in a full speed sprint towards Kimaru who did the same. The two were now face to face, both throwing a right handed punch towards the other. Ita caught his punch with his off hand and so did Kimaru with Ita’s. The two were now as a stand still. Dante could sense the tension between the two and was totally enjoying it although he thought it was simply a spar, but would soon find out their murderous intent.
The two stood still for a moment, holding each other’s fists and struggling for control. Kimaru had never bothered to ask Ita if he descended from any clan because he was so busy receiving praise of his own. In that moment, Ita blinked revealing his two- tome sharingan and in that moment Kimaru smiled fully understanding who his opponent was. He remembered tails of legendary Uchiha from the past, all of which had eluded Ita because he had no real information on the Uchiha’s past. “I didn’t think there were any of you left.” Kimaru said to Ita as they were face to face still struggling for the upper hand. This was indeed the first time Kimaru had come face to face with an Uchiha and it made him excited. He was now going to try his absolute hardest. The words caught Ita off guard and caused him to think and during this time Kimaru took advantage of Ita’s lapse and used his off leg to sweep Ita’s causing him to fall to the ground, pulling kimaru on top of him. As they were falling kimaru landed a punch on Ita’s chest causing him to lose his breath, but Ita then retaliated by raising his leg and pushing Kimaru off resulting in him flying overhead and landing on his feet. The two of them were very, very fast for such a young age. Dante was fully intrigued. Ita quickly jumped up and landed in a crouching position and instantly started weaving hand signs. As he finished, he took a deep breath and fired filled his lungs and he released it towards Kimaru in a ball of flame. ‘Great FireBall Jutsu’. The fire encroached the boy, burning the foliage and scorching the ground leaving a trail of fire behind. Kimaru acted quickly, running to the side and jumping then performing the clone hand seal, quickly creating several shadow clones while his actions being blocked by the ball of fire separating Ita and him. After he was able to elude his opponents attack, Kimaru’s clones went on a full on assault towards Ita. One appearing next to Ita, Catching him off guard. Ita’s pupils dilated as he received a punch to the face causing him to fly through the air. Ita took a knee and whipped the blood from his mouth standing up once more. He then ran towards Kimaru and his three clones, retrieving a kunai swiftly from his back ninja pouch underneath his cloak and loose shirt. Kimaru stood at the back of the pack as they neared Ita, clashing and the clones along with Ita trading several kicks and punches, most of which Ita blocking and eluding due to his sharingan. One of the clones were able to land a punch which was guarded by Ita crossing his arms in front of his face, which caught the boy off guard causing him to slide backwards, where one of the clones then attempted to land a side kick which Ita was able to evade by grabbing his shirt and pulling him forward in front of him then using his right hand to thrust the kunai through his chest, returning him to the shadow clone world from which he came. This gave Kimaru an opportunity however for several blows to land on Ita causing him to lose the grip on his kunai, it falling to the ground as the blows sent Ita flying backwards. Ita was getting so over powered by Kimaru, this angered him, even with his sharingan he was not able to counter all his attacks and land a single blow, yet Ita was getting tossed around like a rag doll; only being able to take care of one of his clones. “I’m not strong enough..” Ita thought. “Is this my limit? It can’t be. I should be able to see everything with these eyes… but he’s out maneuvering me.” The anger swelled inside of Ita until his body could not contain it any longer. The anger that he couldn’t beat his opponent caused his chakra to seep from his body. Ita then ducked his head and closed his eyes as he was kneeling down after receiving several blows. Kimaru, who saw this moment of weakness, decided it was time to end this spar and he took his chance. One of his clones positioned himself in front of Ita, who’s head was down, and aimed a kick square at Ita’s face. To Kimaru’s astonishment, his clones kick was blocked without even the movement of Ita’s downward head. When Ita looked up and opened his eyes, something about him had changed.

The two – tome sharingan which he had possessed before no longer existed. The black tomes in his eyes multiplied and shifted revealing the perfected state of his sharingan. Ita’s reliance on the sharingan had caused him to reach the final state; the three – tome sharingan. Ita’s grip on the clones leg strengthened and he sent it upwards causing it to lose its balance and falling towards the ground parallel where he was met by a knee to the middle of its back, causing it to disappear in a burst of smoke. Ita now stood up straight, somehow his demeanor seemed a lot different than before, he now possessed more confidence and it was apparent to Kimaru who felt a little uneasy about this change. For a moment they just stood and eyed each other out before commencing again. Dante sensed the change in power in Ita immediately. Things were about to get real interesting. Maybe Ita wasn’t as naive as he thought. Kimaru quickly made a hand sign and five more shadow clones appeared, making 7 shadow clones, 8 including the real one. They now engaged Ita and Ita engaged them back. Not one blow thrown by Kimaru’s shadow clones landed on Ita. If you were to be observing the fight, Ita would elegantly maneuver and evade every attack, redirecting punches and kicks and landing his own precisely, making every movement count. It was almost beautiful. Ita had effectively reduced all of Kimaru’s shadow clones into clouds of smoke and dealt a final kick to Kimaru’s chest causing him to fly backwards and summersault onto the ground. Dante was impressed by how quickly Ita adapted to his situation, quickly overturning the battle. Kimaru stood up slowly, brushing dirt from himself. “You .. You bastard.” He muttered to Ita who wasn’t fazed at all by his words. Ita figured this battle was over until Kimaru held out his hand and something strange began to happen. Ita had never seen such a technique and his eyes narrowed in on his hand and with his new eyes he could see the large amount of chakra building in the palm of his hand. “I can see everything with these eyes you fool..” Ita thought to himself. Dante was so caught in the moment he didn’t really recognize what was about to happen. Ita recognized what was going on and quickly acted without thinking of the consequences. Ita then produced a string of hand signs and held his right hand down with his left hand gripping the wrist of his right hand. In his hand appeared a blow glow and a crackling sound filled the air. The sound of a thousand birds chirping filled the air as Ita produced chidori in his hand. In the hand of his opponent was the 4th hokage’s technique which Ita had never seen before called Rasengan. The two of them which stood 20 feet apart now sprinted at each other with the intent to strike each other with very powerful jutsu. The tension had built to this point in time and their emotions had gotten the best of them, the outcome of such an attack would be devastating and one of them or both could die. As their attacks neared each other, their paths of intent were diverted by a swift movement of a strong male who’d gripped their wrists and sent them going separate directions out of harm’s way. This action was not performed by Dante, but by Sai would had returned just in time before something horrible had happened. Sai wondered how Dante could let such a fight happen and get so out of hand? Ita had been sent flying, hit jutsu colliding with a tree and causing enough damage to its trunk that once he pulled his hand from it, It toppled over. He was looking down at his hand and he blinked, returning his eyes to normal. His opponent, Kimaru, who was sent flying as well jutsu ended up colliding with a tree and following through striking multiple trees and toppling them. When Ita turned to see what had happened he had realized that his opponents technique was much stronger than his and he gripped his fist tightly in anger. He now saw what separated them. This feeling however would just push Ita to want to become even stronger and surpass his friend and now closest rival. Ita could then over hear Sai scolding Dante about how he could have let us get into such an ordeal. Once things calmed down, the four of them made their way into the small town where they would rest for the rest of the night and talk about what Sai had learned while he was away. 

TWC: 4062
Claim 3 tome sharingan, 2062 left over
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:48 pm

Approved but subject to Uchiha mod review <3
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:03 am
The First Hideout
It was a new day. It was still moderately warm outside, although the temperature was a bit low because the sun was just beginning to make its ascent into the sky and had yet blessed the Earth long enough with its warm rays. Ita couldn’t help but continue to think about the fight between him and Kimaru the day before. The aftermath of Kimaru’s jutsu had by far outweighed that of Ita’s chidori. The image kept replaying in his mind to the point where he had trouble sleeping that night. Up until this point in time, Ita had not really possessed the hatred which cursed most Uchiha, although that fact was one that was not common knowledge to Ita based on his vague past and lack of knowledge about his clan. Ita was just competitive in nature, although this trait about his was passive. He did not reflect this trait of himself in a violent, hateful manner, but choose to confront his weaknesses head on with hard work. By observing the outcome of the last fight, Ita determined that for the time being Kimaru had him beat in close hand combat. His Rasengan over powered his chidori and his clones had almost gotten the best of him last time. After this fight, Ita also figured Kimaru would train extra hard as well. What Ita really needed was some jutsu that he could utilize at a longer range, instead of relying on close combat techniques. It would also put him out of danger by attacking from a distance. It had not dabbled in fire techniques for a while and he figured it was not the time to do so, instead he had an inclination towards Raiton techniques and wanted to continue to further his arsenal. Ita’s ration training with Dante had gone well and he had gotten down the basic logistics of chakra control, so it was up to him to train alone now. Even though it was pretty early, everyone was up and ready to go. Ita was sitting at a table with Kimaru and Dante, but neither of them had said much. Sai was gone very early Dante informed us. He then explained to the group that he had gone to meet with one of his informants on the whereabouts of Orono. Ita sat back in the crude wooden chair of the inn trying to fend off falling asleep again. There was an awkward silence in the air because of yesterday’s turn of events and Dante tried again to apologize for not stepping in, but the two boys simply shrugged him off. Their harmless friendship had quickly grown into an intense rivalry. Dante couldn’t help, but smile about it either. It almost reminded him about when he was a boy. Rivalry was good for kids, especially shinobi ones. It kept them sharp and determined.
After a while, Sai finally returned with some news. The man came in and sat down at the table, the sound of him collapsing on the chair was enough to awaken Ita and bring him to his senses. Sai relayed the information that he had received from one of his informants. He told about a hideout that was hidden a few days travel away in a dense forest. For the most part, the activity of the hideout had dwindled down and the informant said he believed that Orono had made a move because he caught air that there were ninja searching for him, although it wouldn’t hurt to investigate. There could always be some valuable information or some stragglers left behind. For now though, Sai would rest because their travel would take some energy because it wasn’t anywhere close by. Ita figured since he was up he would take advantage of the early morning and get some training in. Kimaru caught wind of Ita’s intentions and figured he would do the same. As Ita stood up and announced his intentions, he was met by Kimaru immediately who stated the same. Sai who was too tired to really care nodded off in his seat and Dante just smiled and laughed at their competition. The two boys ran off and struggled to see who could get out of the door first. As they left, the two grown men smiled and Dante made a comment to Sai along the lines of ‘boys will be boys’. Sai then said how they reminded him of when Dante was just a student. Dante became embarrassed and then the two of them went off to do whatever it was they were doing.
The two of them eagerly ran to the training area where they trained previously. In order to avoid any more conflict the two of them decided it would be best to train in separate locations near each other, but not in plain sight. Ita was located where their fight had previously taken place, the land scape still scared by their battle. Seeing the destruction caused by Kimaru’s jutsu made Ita just want to train harder, and so he did. For a while Ita dabbled with ration chakra in the palm of his hand attempting to devise some type of way the boy could establish an effective midrange ration technique. He tried launching ration from his hand, but after it left his palm it would fizzle out. His objective was a rather large tree with a large base that sat at the edge of the clearing. For now this would be his target as he tried for hours to finally achieve some progress. After a good amount of time, Ita had finally established an idea for a technique that could prove to be rather useful, being the best combination of power, speed, and range. Ita had grown tired from training and the final result was more than pleasing to say the least. During his time here, he had heard various noises coming from nearby, most likely from Kimaru. Ita had wondered what he had been up to. Ita lifted his right hand once more, ration energy comparable to that of the chidori cloaked his hand. The fashion of this technique however differed from that of chidori however. It was more elegant and most of all, lacked hand seals. Ita could freely call upon ration without the need of creating hand signs making this technique much more versatile. As he raised his hand, he pointed two fingers towards the tree that stood about 9 meters away. Instantly, ration shot from his hand in a fashion that also differed from chidori. It was clean and solid, lacking the constant fray of ration. It was also much more precise, and its range clearly different. The ration which shot from the boys hand took on the appearance of a long blade, striking the tree cleanly, but not penetrating. It did not penetrate fully on purpose those as Ita focused in on the trunk of the tree. As the boy clenched his fist, the tree burst with four additional spears of ration bursting outwards from within the tree, completely obliterating it. Ita left the training area feeling satisfied and he decided he should check up on his friend to see how he was doing. He made his way through the trees only to find the boy motionless on the ground. For a moment, Ita thought something had happened so he had ran to him only to find that he had worked himself so hard that he had fallen asleep right there on the ground. Ita woke him up by kicking him and the two of them laughed as Ita extended a hand to help him up. After that the two of them returned to the inn only to find Sai and Dante completely geared up and ready to go, they were actually just coming to look for them.

Sai announced they were able to locate the exact location of Orono’s hideout and he continued to warn the boys that it could be laced with booby traps so that they should expect the unexpected. After a few days of travel the four shinobi finally made it within visual distance of the hideout which was nicely placed out of plane sight from unwanted visitors in the dense forest. The heavy stone doors were lined with vines and other foliage making it camouflaged; it actually resembled ruins Ita thought. Dante went first, examining the door for any suspicious activity and then using his sensory abilities to check if there was anyone waiting for them beyond the entrance. Dante then spoke, saying that the coast was clear. Sai and Dante pushed the heavy door and struggled a little bit before jarring it open. Dust emerged from the door way and there was a foul stench in the air which raided Ita’s nostrils causing him to cover his face. Upon further examination it seemed that the place had been deserted for some time now and that light hadn’t touched this place. Ita had an earie feeling about this place as they advanced through the long, damp hallway which was only lit by a candle which Dante was holding in his right hand. The candle light illuminated the walls which some were lined with blood and shackles. The hideout was extensive, but after a good amount of searching they finally came upon a door way which seemed to lead to a large room. Upon listening closely, they could hear what sounded like running water from inside which echoed with each drop. Sai pushed open the door once more and the four shinobi entered the large dark room. Ita stood in the back and Dante and Sai went off to the outer bounds of the dark room to search through some things Orono had left behind. The room was so big that not only one candle or five could light it. Kimaru stood several feet in front of Ita, just at the edge of the candle light which Ita bore. In that moment a tortured shrill shriek filled the room. A strange creature human had stricken Kimaru in the face with a large bludgeoned arm which was completely unhuman. Kimaru was stricken to the ground and the weird creatures hand formed into a sharp blade right in front of their eyes. The creature seemed to be hurting as it let out another shriek. Sai and Dante were unaware of what had happened, but could only hear the commotion. Ita, whose eyes flickered revealing his sharingan instantly had to act quick to save his friend who had been knocked unconscious from the surprise attack from being impaled to death. In almost an instant the weird humanoid had been impale through the head by a bright blue luminescence which illuminated the room. Sai and Dante had also made their way to the scene and could now see the aftermath. Ita had used the technique he had been training earlier, the chidori spear, which had fortunately saved his friends life. As they stood and watched, the chidori spear split the man’s forehead and ended his pain and numbed his body stopping his movement completely. Ita then clenched his fist causing the man’s head to burst, splattering blood all over his unconscious friend. Ita really was kind natured, but when it came to fighting it was almost as if he were possessed, his personality completely changing. Regardless, the situation had been handles and Kimaru was saved; the blue light of the chidori returning to the boys hand and then disappearing; returning the room back to its damp, dark scenery. Sai and Dante gathered whatever information they needed after examining what had tried to attack them. Kimaru had taken a pretty serious blow to the head so they figured it was best to return back to Konoha in order for him to be checked out and rest. For now the four shinobi would exit the hideout and start the journey back to konoha; making great progress. They shall pursue Orono another time. 
Wc: 1997+2003 from before= 4000, 59 left over
Claim: Shidori sharp spear, 20 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:37 pm

Approved but no saving wc unless you continue this topic. <3
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:18 am
Ita stood in the middle of a cleared area surrounded by trees. The boy was hunched over slightly panting as a droplet of sweat slowly made its way down the boy’s face. The sun was high in the sky and there was a slight breeze. The rays of the sun illuminated the boys light complexion. The breeze felt well on Ita’s skin as it was wet due to his sweat which caused a cool sensation to fall over his face. Ita let out a deep breath and then straightened his posture as a smile slowly crept. The area around Ita resembled a battle field. Although the damage was caused over an extended period of time. This location was one near Ita’s home where he often spent time training rigorously. A majority of the trees around the area where either crippled or bore many scars from kunai practice and other jutsu.
The boy had changed much since he graduated the ninja academy and became a genin. He was now a part of a team, team nine and he wondered where it might lead him. When he was not with them, on days like today, he would train so he wouldn’t miss a beat. He was still not close to his other team mates yet and hoped that may someday change, until then he would not allow himself to fall below them as he somewhat thought of himself as the undeclared leader of the genin on his team, although he had yet to truly see their abilities first hand. Ita was interested for that day to come though. Ita was wearing a loose white shirt and black pants. Two ninja weapon pouches containing various tools and items were also fashioned to the back of his waist, along with the konoha shinobi head band which was now tied firmly to his for head instead of his waist; which was different from how he typically wore it.
Ita now became a bit more serious. Kimaru had been looking for some time for Ita because it was of urgent importance and he finally found him. Kimaru was making his way through the foliage to where Ita was training and Ita came into his sight, although he looked busy and was unaware if Ita had noticed him or not. Kimaru saw him moving and figured he would wait and watch to see what Ita might do next. Positioned around the area where 30 or 40 so targets most likely constructed from Sai’s wood style which Ita took it upon himself to paint into targets with red paint in the shape of circles. The targets were positioned 360 degrees all around the boy. Kimaru thought to himself, “He doesn’t plan on hitting all those targets, does he?”, as he leaned closer interested to see what Ita might do.
Ita’s head which was now looking downwards snapped upwards, his eyes opening once more revealing his three tome sharingan. Kimaru could feel the change in Ita’s energy almost instantly. Ita thrusted both his hands behind him into his ninja pouches retrieving 5 shuriken in each hand. Ita then ran a few feet gathering momentum and jumping into the air, spinning, his head eventually facing towards the ground, Ita then released the shuriken a few at a time. The shuriken would then collide with each other, hitting targets which were blocked by trees, obscuring his view of them, but somehow hitting them dead on. Kimaru watched in ‘awe’ at how good Ita had grown to be. Ten targets Ita had hit spot on, but that didn’t account for the numerous other targets which were positioned in plain view of the boy, unlike the others which were blocked by foliage and other obstacles which he was still able to hit. The boy then landed in a crouched position with his arms crossed in an ‘X’ position. Right away the boy would do something that even shocked Kimaru. As Ita thrusted his arms apart so that they were open straight to both sides, small thin senbon made of raition released in every direction towards the targets in an abundant amount, most of them hitting the targets spot on, some targets being hit by multiple senbon, some senbon missing the targets and colliding with various objects around the training grounds.
Ita stood up seeming a bit unsatisfied with his result, but figured he had done enough training for today. On that note a familiar face made an appearance from the brush on the outer banks of the training area.
Kimaru made his way to the center to see Ita, Ita standing up and brushing some dirt from the sleeve of his shirt. Kimaru seemed pleased to see Ita and Ita seemed to be a little pleased as well, It had been some time since they had met last. “Hey, that’s a sick technique, although I think you missed one!” Kimaru said to Ita, smiling as he licked to get underneath Ita’s skin and bug him. “Oh shut up. What do you want?” Ita responded, seemingly annoyed, but deep downed he enjoyed his presence. “Well, I’ve been looking all over for you, I should have known to come here first. Sai told me to find you because we’re going to be leaving soon on another mission. Dante’s waiting at the house as well. You’ll be coming won’t you?” Ita blinked, his sharingan disappearing and his eyes widening with interest as he was conveyed such news. “Well of course I’ll be going, who’s going to be around to save you when you get in trouble you idiot.” Ita poked back at him, letting a smirk come over his face. “Well, are you going to keep playing around or are we going to get going? Were late anyway! I’ll race you there!” Kimaru turned and quickly ran off into the bushs and then shunshining to the house, Ita shunshinning as well. The two of them both appeared at the doorway to the house roughly at the same instant and they both struggled to get through the door way first, eventually bursting through and both of them falling on top of each other in front of Sai and Dante who were caught off guard by their noisy and abrupt entrance. “I was here first!” Kimaru said, struggling with ITa on the floor. “No, I was loser.” Ita snapping back. “Alright! Enough you too we are running late!” Dance shouted at the two quarreling ninja on the ground catching their attention quickly as he stood over them, causing the two to stop and quickly jump to their feet.
Now that the two boys were standing at attention, Ita looked over the two men in front of him because he hadn’t seen them in a while and quickly noticed that they were heavily equipped with supplies, baggage and gear. “Hurry up Ita and get ready, we are continuing our previous mission.” Sai turning beginning to turn to attend to coffee in the kitchen and speaking once more to Ita, “Oh, and don’t pack light. This might be a long one.” Then he turned and exited into the kitchen. Ita went into his room and gathered his belongings. Ita was wearing his white loose shirt and typical black pants along with black sandals. Behind his back were two ninja weapon pouches containing various items and ninja tools that he might need on their journey?. Over this outfit he wore a white grey cloak which matched Kimaru’s, but differed slightly from Sai’s and Dantes, as theirs we’re a tad bit more fashionable. Ita began to pack fresh clothes and supplies into a durable backpack which hadn’t gotten much use lately. He then strapped on his back pack, grabbing his leaf headband off of his bed and instead of tying it to his head, he opened his gray cloak and strapped it to his belt, hiding it like the rest of his squad in order to not draw any unwanted attention while traveling. Now that Ita was equipped and fully stocked with rations and fresh clothes, he was ready to set out on his mission with his group. Ita left through the door way, quickly making sure his room was in order before leaving then shutting the door behind him. Ita stood by the door way and Sai reentered from the kitchen. “Great Ita, you’re ready to go. Let’s be on our way.”
The four man team exited Sai’s modest home and made their way towards the gate of the village where they exited and began their decent from the village down the long and windy dirt path which Ita had traveled only a few times before. Ita had only left the village a few times, but looked forward to his adventures, as the ninja world was fascinating to him and he was completely mesmerized by it and wanted to learn all that he could. The boy was truly beginning to make progress. He started as nothing more than a boy with potential and was now capitalizing on the potential and gaining true power. He was now almost 12 and a Genin who was on the brink of becoming a Chuunin. Ita had even begun to become more involved in the shinobi community of his home, even beginning to train academy students in his spare time, which was somewhat unusual to Ita because he had never been the social type nor a teacher for that matter. The pieces were beginning to come together for the boy, he was starting to blossom and was no longer the sad, lonely boy he once was, but was now beginning to have purpose in his life. Now, all he could do was continue to move forward and see where life took him.

The Sun was at its highest point in the sky for the day and there was a mild breeze. Ita enjoyed the breeze as it caused it hair to shift slightly with each passing. The four of them had some time to talk as they would be traveling for what seemed to Ita, as forever. Ita was walked next to Dante and Dante had asked him, “So Ita, how is your ration training going since we last met?” Ita smirked and said, “It’s alright. I’ve learned a few things since we last trained together. Maybe you’ll get to see them.” Dante replied, “I’m looking forward to it. Maybe we can get some practice in of our own while on our journey and Sai and train with Kimaru.” Dante continued to question Ita, “Do you have an animal contract?” ITa thought for a few moments then replied, “Yes, with some old crow.” It had been so long since Ita had thought about it he had almost forgotten. Dante’s eyes shifted towards Sai as they walked a little perplexed, yet a smirk found its way onto his face. Dante thought to himself, “Sai. Your always one step ahead you old bastard.” Ita didn’t think much of it. Dante spoke again, “You should look into training with them. They could be of some use to you.” Ita replied, half paying attention to the conversation, “I’ll look into it.” The group continued to walk in silence for a while before stopping at the the town of Tanzaku, where Ita had been before on their last trip. Ita reminisced about the hot springs and wished he could return. Maybe on their way back. They merely stopped to eat and continued to travel, stopping at a modest looking eatery where they were served rice balls filled with meat and small portions of ramen seasoned well. They all got extra rice balls for their travel and packed them away in their back packs in case there wasn’t time to stop again and eat, they wouldn’t be starving. The four man team left and they began to make their way through the city to the outer side so they could continue their journey. Sai and Dante seemed to be enjoying themselves, marveling and drooling over the pretty girls which flooded the street. The town was lively, but not as lively as it was that one time they had visited during the evening hours going into the night. It was much more rowdy then Ita thought to himself. Ita had to also admit, the girls were very pretty in this town specifically although he was never truly one for chasing after women because he was mostly too focus on training all the time. The four of them finally made it out of the town and were back on their journey.
wc: 2097, 2087 towards chidori senbon, claim 10 stats and chidori senbon, 10 words extra
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Tue Dec 22, 2015 10:24 am

Approved but no saving the extra words. <3
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:10 am
As the group of four was leaving the gabling town, something peculiar had happened. There was a group or maybe 10 or so men wielding weapons closing in on two women just outside of the town. Upon further speculation, the men didn’t seem as though they were shinobi, but ordinary thugs. Ita could hear them shouting at them for whatever reason, but besides the four of them, there were no others around to witness what was going on. Ita could see the fear on the young girls faces and he didn’t like it. Not one bit. Ita did not think it was right for men to bully women. In the shinobi world, this could be interoperated a little bit differently, but in this case, Ita could tell that these women just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The group stopped, Ita figured that everyone else had noticed what had been going on too and figured they had the same beliefs as them.
Ita wondered what he should do? By the looks of the weapons they were carrying, it wouldn’t be safe for him to just run in and initiate some type of hand to hand combat, and based on the jutsu that Ita knew, he didn’t want to draw the attention of slaughtering 10 or so men outside of a non-shinobi village. Ita, someone who wasn’t typically hot headed unless someone really hit home on his emotions was clenching his fists tightly and Sai could sense ITa’s anger. As Ita began to press forward to intervene, a sturdy, strong hand met his chest and stopped him dead in his tracks. The power of the hand had calmed all emotions Ita was feeling at the time and left him a bit stunned. Sai then spoke, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. We don’t need that kind of attention. Let me deal with it.”
Ita, Kimaru, and Dante stood and watched as Sai stepped ahead of them. Ita could only wonder what he might do, but at the same time was completely eager to see how he would handle the situation. At first, Sai simply came into range of them and stood. He was only just a few feet away from them, but the heard of men were so busy harassing the nice young women that they paid no attention to an older gentleman such as Sai. For a moment Sai stood there wondering when they would finally notice him, but when he realized that they hadn’t he spoke, “Uhm, Excuse me.” He said. With no response. Ita took another look at the men, and they seemed fairly large, a few unordinary large and most likely lacking no special ability what so ever except brute strength and enough coordination to wield a heavy weapon and swing it sporadically, most likely hurting themselves in the end. Regardless, Ita hoped that Sai would hurt them. Sai now became a little annoyed that they were ignoring him and it actually hurt his ego somewhat. He then coughed, clearing his throat while holding his hand to his mouth to stop the spread of germs and then spoke once more, in a louder pitch, almost yelling. “HELLO! OVER HERE!” The group of men in front of Sai proceeded to go along with what they were doing besides on of the fellows, the one closest to him, turning and speaking before returning to what he was doing, “Get lost grandpa before you get hurt.”
The man calling Sai ‘grandpa’ had really angered him because Ita could now see the frustration on his face. ‘who is this guy calling grandpa?’ Sai thought to himself before speaking once more, moving towards the man who called him grandpa slowly. “Now watch and learn Ita.” “Who you calling grandpa fatso?” This remark clearly made the rather large thug angry and he turned to Sai and began to speak, “What did you sa-.” Before he could finish his sentence, Sai had delivered a nasty looking punch to the thugs gut causing him to lose his breath, drop his weapon, and fall to the floor.  The heavy man made a ‘thud’ as his large body smacked against the hard surface of the earth, clearly gathering the attention of the other thugs standing around, even the women didn’t really understand what was going on. Before anyone move, Sai motioned towards the girls, smiled, and spoke “You girls can get on out of here, these bozos won’t be giving you a hard time any longer.” Another one of the thugs spoke, enraged by Sai and readying to attack “you aren’t going anywhere, and neither will you grandpa once we’re through with you.” The rest of the thugs tightened their grips on their weapons of clenched their fists ready to attack, but before they could, Sai simply raised his hand in the air creating the ‘tiger’ hand seal and all their actions immediately froze. The thug spoke once more, “Wha-what is this, I can’t move!”, “neither can I!” said another one. The girls however, were able to move and quickly ran off after realizing that had happened, but thanked Sai before they left. Sai had a real soft spot for women, and by the looks of Dante stairing them down as they left, he did too. Or maybe there were just perverts Ita thought, whatever it was, they had done the right thing, although It was still a little perplexed about how he was able to stop the movements of all those guys with a single hand sign? Not being able to move only made the thugs madder so Sai figured it would be best to sedate them before leaving again to avoid a travesty. Simply, Sai made a few more hand seals, and out of the ground came wood which coiled over all of the thugs and restricted their movements thus more. Sai smiled and spoke once more, directing his words towards the thugs, “I suggest that you don’t pick on any more pretty girls, because if I hear about it I will sure to be back. By the way, have fun getting out, fatso. Grandpa Out.” On that note, Sai merely chuckled and walked away returning the group and going on their way.
As they made their way down the long and seemingly endless dirt road on their journey to who knows where, Ita and Kimaru continued to prod Sai with questions pertaining to his technique from earlier. “Hey Sai how did you stop all those guys from moving earlier?” Kimaru asked, following up was Ita who spoke, “Yeah, come on Sai tell us how you did it. Was it genjutsu? Ninjutsu?” Sai, who was loving all the attention and clearly must have felt good about himself after saving those women spoke back to the young shinobi, “Alright guys alright, I tell you how the great Sai stopped them. It’s simple. Magic.” Ita and Kimaru did not seem satisfied with Sai’s answer. Not satisfied at all, as their faces drooped down upon Sai’s ridiculous answer. As they walked, Sai could sense the disappointment in his young students demeanor and figured that he might as well teach a crash course on the temporary paralysis jutsu while they traveled. For the most part, their journey was going to be long and extensive and they might as well get something out of it on the way. They continued to walk for a while longer before coming to an area where Sai thought might be a good time to start. Sai spoke, halting the group once more then direction his attention to the genin before him. “Alright listen up, if you listen closely you might be able to be as cool as me one day. I am going to teach you the jutsu I used earlier, but before I do, you both must promise me something.” The two genin spoke at the same time, “We promise.” “Okay, great” Sai said then continued to speak to the boys, “You must use this jutsu so save many pretty ladies, okay?” Ita and Kimaru could not tell if he was joking or not, but did not really care. They just wanted to learn a new jutsu. Sai pulled the group off of the beaten path and brought them into a nice area that was shaded by trees. It was unusually hot out for a fall day, but that wouldn’t stop them from learning, Ita enjoyed the way the sun felt upon his face anyways.
Sai began to speak to the boys and begin the lesson, “Alright. To begin, this technique is not magic and is actually a fairly simple ninjutsu. It is only D rank, but based on how much you practice and how powerful your chakra is, it can become a fairly dangerous jutsu if used in the correct way. For the most part, it’s used to detain thugs for enough time for us to either deal with them or detain them.” Sai now had the boys captivated in his lecture, which was actually peculiar to him because they never seemed very interested in what he had to say. Sai continued to speak, “This jutsu makes the victim or target feel as though they are being restrained by steel ropes, making it impossible for them to move. The technique however, only lasts for a short amount of time. The most you use it, the more people you will be able to affect at once with it as well. Oh and it only required on hand seal, the ‘tiger’ seal.” As Sai finished explaining, ITa remembered him making the hand sign. Ita, being an Uchiha, had pretty good visual prowess and picked up on small things very easily, such as hand signs and small details which most people wouldn’t normally catch onto right away. “I’m going to make several weakling clones for you to practice on, once the both of you are able to detain up to five clones at a time, and then we will be able to get back on with our journey. Okay?” Both the genin agreed and prepared to train.

Sai stepped back and then five clones out of wood which sprouted from the ground all in similar fashion, starting out as just bark and then forming into human bodies and taking on the same exact characteristics as Sai. Now the two of them would take turns trying to immobilize Sai’s clones. They decided who would go first by the old fashion rock, paper, and scissors. Kimaru won, and he stepped up and tried first. He attempted to make the ‘tiger’ hand seal several times before finally detaining at least on of Sai’s clones. Next up was Ita, who was able to get the hang of the jutsu a little bit faster than his comrade had. Sai figured this was due to ITa’s great ability to control his chakra. Dante was off sleeping under a tree with a book, open and resting upon his face blocking the sunlight which found its way through the trees leaves, from his eyes. Ita walked up and made the hand seal, after two tries he was able to control not one, but up to two of Sai’s five clones. This had made Kimaru angry and he stepped up again to go next. He attempted to stop more than one, but failed. Ita walked up and offered him some advice and Kimaru tried again, this time getting two.  The two of them continued to practice for some time before eventually they were both able to control up to five of Sai’s wooden clones. Ita, coming in first place, didn’t like to brag, but instead help his fellow comrades. He could tell Kimaru was a bit salty that ITa was able to do it before him, but in the end the both of them had learned something and that was good enough for him. The four of them now made their way back to the path and on their way.
Claim 10 stats, temporary paralysis jutsu
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Long Journey Empty Re: Long Journey

Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:45 am

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