Kozai didn't fail to make the correct preparations, of course. Small signs placed on various corners of the access tunnels beneath the village, others on walls in alleys above ground. Designed to not be noticed by people, but evident enough to him to allow him to trace paths over and through the aforementioned access tunnels. Those winding passages had confused him at first, but he realized that these ways tread only by maintenance personnel were perfect for what he had planned. It would be difficult, extremely so, doing it alone, but he was confident that given enough time, anything was possible.
As he walked through one on his way back to the library, steam hissed and emerged from a crevice in the metal wall, burning his hand as the lights swung and flickered dimly in the cramped passage overhead. Frowning slightly, he healed himself as he turned the corner, heading up a set of metal steps leading up to another dark alleyway near the Archives. This probably wasn't the most efficient route, but he would have to make do for now, he supposed. He reopened his hidden quarters and entered, depositing the item he had acquired during his midnight journey on the table next to his bed. A roster of the teachers at the HIdden University. His task tonight was to cross reference this document with the profiles within the archives, giving him a sense of who needed to stay, and who needed to be... replaced, as it were. Not too difficult a task.
[WC 254
5 stats
daily reward for 8/1]