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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty A Cloudy Future [P]

Wed Oct 07, 2020 9:40 pm
Mizuki wasn’t one to do things this way, she wasn’t one to show softness to anyone and definitely not this soon but… when someone bares your soul to the degree that this young man had what are you to do? There was a kinship in their ideological questioning and she would only be lying to herself if she wasn’t interested in him, and that was simply an under statement. Souji had caught up to her side now and as the two crossed the temperature control barrier the air around them would significantly cool - all the temperature was controlled inside the village keeping it moderate and much more livable than the wasteland of desert that existed just outside the walls. Reaching up she took off her hat and placed it on the boys head to further shield his face from the rays of sun, hoping to stop any further progression of sun damage that was already showing itself on his pale skin. She could stand a few minutes of sunlight whereas he was moments away from peeling with sunburn - and it was only a few minutes more before she was pulling open the door to a local pub, it allowed minors as the rules in the village were fairly lax when it came to age restrictions; in the eyes of Sunagakure if you are old enough to risk your life you are old enough to have a fucking drink. 

She held two fingers up to the chef that looked over over the open air kitchen as the bell chimed to alert him of their entrance - giving a swift bow she rewarded the man with a smile before directing the boy to sit with her at a table a few paces away from the chef himself. Scooting into the booth she pulled the menu idly toward herself and placed an identical version in front of the young boy, as she browsed the familiar options she spoke - “Order whatever you want, ryo isn’t really an object to me so don’t be shy, and actually eat something worth a damn, can’t exactly get anywhere worth being if you don’t take care of yourself.” Her tone was once again not scolding but more so protective and slightly stern. Heaving a sigh she raised her hand to get service, a young girl hustled over with a note pad in hand awaiting to take their order - Mizu would order some sake, Rebasashi and Chawanmushi before handing over control of ordering to Souji. While he ordered she placed her menu neatly back at the front of the table.

Once the boy was done ordering whatever he had chosen she smiled across at him before folding her hands neatly together and placing them under her chin as she leaned forward interestedly - the two toned eyes boring into his with unwavering attention. “So Souji, I have an interesting proposition for you, if you choose to stay here in the village I want to offer you tutelage under me - that does mean living under my roof and conforming to my ideals as much as you can. I will teach you everything I know and ensure that you reach your goals as I continue to reach mine... All I ask is you tell me everything there is to know about you, completely honesty and I will personally ensure your well being and success. If you do not want this life I understand, we can share a lovely meal together and I will let you go unto whatever journey you have set out for yourself… what do you say?”

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:12 pm
Much to the Hyuuga boy's surprise Sunagakure's confines were much larger and oddly much cooler than he was expecting. His eyes jumping from one group of people to the next - to random structures and homes. Their homes were uniquely built and it actually impressed the boy. As his body began to adjust and cool from the environment his eyes widen as his face brightened. His hand raised from his pocket to meet with... a hat? Looking over to Mizuki he would take note that she was no longer wear it. Her kindness washed over him like a baptism of pure water. He wasn't sure of how this made him feel... "T-Thanks, Mizuki-san." Voicing his gratitude, simultaneously looking away from her as he was overcome by a bashful emotion.

It was the little things like that guesture which was subconsciously feeding his very soul. Those kind acts are what he missed out on completely under his family upbringing. Though these emotions that he was experiencing were leaving him feeling betrayed... glancing over to her for a moment, he didn’t... really mind it. A small smile once again manifested on his pure frame. 'So this is what kindness feels like? I think... I think its a nice feeling.' He would think to himself as he continued his stride along side her. He would noticed that the two were happening upon what looks like a pub - he noticed the aroma before the actually foundation. His gut raged like a wounded bear, it made him wince from the irritation.

She lead him into this pub and the first thing to occur to him was how quickly the smells of food filled his nose. It was as if he never smelt something quite so good before. He noticed the chef and made eye contact with him. His hand was ready to wave but he refused the man that luxury from him, instead he narrowed his eyes at him and removed his smile immediately. Listening to Mizuki he took his seat across from her and took up the menu that she gave him. "Whatever I want, huh? Okay..." He says as he read over the options. As Mizuki finished her order, Souji would order three glasses of cold water, one green tea unsweetened, beef Ramen with an egg and two pork buns. He looked up at Mizuki to make sure that it was really okay, fearing that he was taking advantage of her kindness, which was still so strange to him. But it would seem that she was okay with it all, her tone made it clear. That would probably explain why he ordered what he did. If it was anyone else he would have just ordered a glass of water and regular ramen. This woman had some compulsion over him and he just did not know how.

As the the girl was off to relay their orders the boy stacked his menu on top of Mizuki's - assuming that it was the right thing to do. Paying attention to her he notes as she took an interest to him as she leaned in and began to speak. She wanted to... to - "You want to take me in?[/color]" He says in a surprised tone. Clearly this took him off guard as he blinked a few times. She even offered to make him her apprentice. She promised him more things than his own mother or father ever did. His eyes were shaking, his vision was being obscured as tears flood his sockets and ran down to meet at his chin. These tears he could not hold back - trust he was doing he very best to - Souji looked at the table to hide his eyes, but immediately returned his gaze as he remembered what she asked of him. "I-I will not disrespect you, Mizuki-san." His words were true, though his tone was shaky and full of both pain and happiness.

For the first time in his life he felt like someone could see him, someone saw him for more than just a weapon. There was a swirl of emotions going about his head and heart. But what really struck him deeply was that he wasn't going to be or feel alone. More importantly...she didn't want him to be alone. His mouth slightly adjourn as his eyes widen from this realization. He knew from that point on what he had to do. He placed his hand on to her hat as he secured it on his head.

"That's fair, I'll...share with you. Im from Konohagakure, or rather I defected from them. I'm 13 years old and I'm a Hyuuga, though my parents claim me to be a prodigy or some kind of genius because of my prowess in my clan secrets style. I'm also a genin, or was a genin, I'm not sure what I am now. My reason for leaving that place was because it was full of lies, distorted truths. Kirigakure have taken control of the village and now pillage it by taxing everyone who does a mission or anything related to profit.

The Hokage does nothing about it, I don't even know where he went. But he wasn't there to stop it, nor do I believe he wish to. He's weak! And I hate him for allowing something like that to continue! He's no different from my parents... all they care about is themselves and what someone else can do for them. When things get tough they want someone else to take care of it for them. It took me a while to realize that they were lying to me, along with the village. Not once did they ever talked about what they could do or wanted to do about Kirigakure.

Oddly I'm not even surprised, it is Konoha after all, its thrives off of it's secrets. When I became a genin I wanted to make a difference and liberate my people. I actually wanted to help the Hokage find a way to take the village back. But when I realized that even I cannot make him do something like that I knew that it was a lost cause.
" His tone suddenly gotten lower, almost darker... what was to come next was nothing short of pain.

"...My mother and father were never close to me. My memories of them are bitter-sweet. Mostly because they were all that I knew. I wanted to make them proud, at any cost - even at the cost of myself. Every morning before I trained my father would beat me, torture me in attempt to keep me from breaking. He said "That a true Hyuuga is a weapon without emotions. One must shed themselves of it if they desire to be efficient." I took to that and allowed it. It gotten hard by the day. Eventually weapons were incorporated into the routine. I've endured pain on top of pain. I kept them close while pushing them further. Hoping that one day they would be proud of me." He stops speaking as his eyes starting to glaze over once more and his temple bulging with veins. There was anger, hate and pain in his eyes. His teeth bared as he could feel his emotions getting the better of him. All around were in his peripheral and he did his best not to lash out despite how much he wanted to.

Such an angry boy he was, his past was nothing short of darkness and painful history. His life nothing but mistrust and mistreatment from those that were suppose to protect him. It is no figure that this boy was full of absolute rage when it came to thinking about that place. However...looking at her...he found himself feeling calm and numb to it all. He gasps as he realized his Byakugan was active once again. Calming his inner thoughts while maintaining his gaze with her's the pearly eyes were eclipsed by purple ones. The veins relaxed and his breathing steadied. She was like a medium for him and he had no clue as to why or how. But there was a connection between the two and he was willing to bet his life on the fact that she could help him more than they ever could. "Sorry, I did it again.. I hate when I lose control like that...makes me feel weak. I-I will do my best to keep my emotions in check." He words as he tugged at her hat some. 

[WC: 1,421]

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:25 am
Souji was so much like her  at his age it was hard not to feel instant kinship with the boy, he lived in his emotions as much as he didn’t want to and as her offer hit him with full realization he began to tear up with only a second to spare before the tears were flowing in earnest - they made him look his age for once. He took his gaze from her for only a moment, a quick study with a good memory he returned her unrelenting gaze. He would come to understand that your first form of offense is your presence - and eye contact was always something weaker willed people could not and would not maintain. The look of approval morphed into one of adoration as he placed her hat back on his head, the black feathers sticking out between his fingers as he gathered his confidence - this in and of itself was an impressive feat whether the boy realized it, he had more control over his emotions that he believed as she watched the raw emotions morph into iron like hatred. 

It was becoming clear to her that she could not have picked a better person to take up under her - retribution was to be had for both parties though, for as his story continued a flame of resentment towards people she had never met. “They have no right to be proud of you. You on the other hand need to give yourself more credit, low self esteem will not do for someone of your endurance level. You see if there is one thing to be gained from that upbringing is that it proves you can handle all of that while still maintaining who you are - meaning that even though they tried they could not break your spirit, regardless of its emotional nature.” She shook her head dismissively as he apologized for the onslaught and activation of his Byukugan, stabbing her knife sharp nail into the table she would make her words clear, “Lose control. Feel those emotions to the depths of the ocean - drown in them - and when you’ve had your fill let them go. Until you do that you will only ever continue to lose yourself in them. I know from experience …”

She withdrew her hand when out of the corner of her eye she saw the young woman gathering their food on a serving platter as she made her way over to them, her approach did nothing to halt her next words - “If one day you wish to return to Konoha to enact revenge I would be more than happy to accompany you, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb so regardless of whether they gave you live they also tried with every fiber of their being to take your control over your life away.” The woman flinched as the realization of her words hit her but she did not stop laying out their food before them - Souji’s side of the table was laden with enough food for the two of them.  Grabbing her pair of chopsticks she tapped his bowl firmly and raised an eyebrow playfully, “I want to see the bottom of that bowl.” A corner of her mouth lifted as she turned her attention to her own food and drink - how long had it been since she had dinner with someone… or rather someone who she was looking after? Throughout the meal she would pause and watch him, giving him gentle nods to encourage him to eat and to digest her words for a bit - silence was not uncommon for Mizuki as she raised herself on the streets as an assassin she was often her only company and silence was just a comforting part of it.

She would wait to make sure his food was finished before pulling out 500 ryo from her pocket and placing it on the table - anything left was for the girl to keep as her tip. She rose, downed the last of the sake, and waited for Souji to follow suit - once he was up and ready the two would take off. The path they took lead away from the heart of the village and toward a more isolated part of the village, high up on a plateau was a large white cement building that was built into a mountain face and looked more like a fortress than a home - the white cement reflected the sun and kept the internal temperature even cooler than the barrier did and with windows that were made of one sided glass there was no way to look into the home. Though the outside was a stone cold mask, unreadable and plain, the inside was a whole different story - warm dark stained wood floors, high vaulted ceilings painted black, an open concept that left the space feeling airy and free even with the designated areas full of furniture and knickknacks, walls of built in bookcases set in stone; the space was alive with Mizu’s personality and once inside she relaxed visibly. Taking off her coat she would hang it over the couch back, undo her boots and step out of them, leaving them at the door as she headed toward the hallway with a wave of her hand. She was giving him a tour of the space and showed him the space that was designated for him - a large room that was set up with basic office needs and a large couch. “This room can be converted for you, anything you want can be given, I want you to feel as at home as you want so don’t be hesitant to ask for changes. There is a training yard on the back side of the house that is attached to my room so while you are free to leave the home and train wherever you wish you do not need to leave until you are ready to be one with the society of Suna.” She would lean against the doorway as she looked into the space, truthfully she never came in here and she was glad to see it being put to use. 

“How are you feeling Souji?”, she would approach him without hesitation and lift his chin up a bit to get a better look at the sun burn on his face, gauging its severity, with her other hand she would push the hat back off his head- the strings catching it from falling to the ground. Lightly he would rough up his hair and watch as the sandy dust would puff out - “Maybe take a shower before you get too comfortable.”

Home example:

WC 1109

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Fri Oct 09, 2020 10:25 am
Her words wound reach him far easier than anyone else's could ever. Could it be in the tone that she was taking, or was it the approach? Or could it be in the subconsciously conscious kinship that they shared? It goes without saying that whatever the compulsion was, it mean him no harm. Just the opposite, it meant him protection.

Her words held true. Their pride in him bore no fruit and so he benefited not from it. Instead all that he gained was scars and even shame - shame in his inability to earn their love and respect - such hardship no child should ever undergone. Bitter-sweet memories would surface the ocean deep of his skull as he would reflect on the many instances of where he was not good enough, where he was not strong enough; where he was not loved enough...

His dreams were to liberate his people, but perhaps that was not his dream, but the dreams of his parents. If that was to be true, than what exactly was his? It wasn't until the second sentence of Mizuki hit him. He did endure and he did prove his strength to take on any and every bad thing in order to appease someone else. He was selfless in his actions and even more, he maintain himself without losing it all. What was his anchor, what kept him from abandoning it all... it was his pride. Souji held such pride in himself and his capabilities that he refused to give up. He wished to be the best in the world in terms of being a shinobi...being a genius. As the boy looked to his hands he clenched a fist as tightly as he could. Being sensitive to chakra he could feel his riling up in his clutches. He was the embodiment of great power and he hadn't even realized it. His eyes met with Mizuki's once again. ''re right.' he thought.

He took note of her nails, sharp and powerful. But he was not concerned, in fact he thought they suited her and so he gave a feint smile. What she says next would shake the very foundation of the boy. It would set him on a path that even he had not thought about. ""Lose control. Feel those emotions to the depths of the ocean - drown in them - and when you've had your fill let them go. Until you do that you will only ever continue to lose yourself in them. I know from experience..."" it was those words that put a great many things into perspective for the Hyuuga child. "Lose...control? Use my emotions?" Something he never once thought of. Merely because he was doing his best to keep them away. He would be remiss if he did not admit to himself that his anger felt good... really good. "Sacrifices...makes us stronger." He words as he listens to her.

He too notes the young woman gathering their meals on a serving tray. His gaze was focused on Mizuki as she continued. What she said was more like a promise to him. His eyes widen as the words that escaped her lips sat in his core. There was an odd feeling in his heart. Such words should harbor dissatisfaction when it comes to his parents...but it did not. Instead it gave him hope! Hope of being able to do just that someday. Hope of destroying onto them what they released upon him. The only difference being that his wrath will be unmerciful in every way imaginable. " keeps us going while hatre keeps us alive. Let me ask you something, Mizuki-san. I have a strange feeling that I already know the answer to this, but... Do you know what it feels be tortured by your own mind?" He asked.

It would seem that the serving woman was just as surprised by his response as she was by Mizuki's. Souji cared nothing for her stammer. In fact he wanted her to leave them because he was growing irritated by her presence, it was cutting into Mizuki's time with him. After she sat the plates she made off elsewhere. The smell of the food filled his nose with such pleasing. He couldn't help but find himself being distracted by it. The smell of his tea and the appealing of the glasses of water called out to him. His pork buns looked delicious and the ramen was the main course. There was a tapping on said bowl. Mizuki wanted to see the bottom of it. Souji cracked a large smile - "The way that I'm feeling i might just eat the bowl too!" he says. He took to his meal with such haste. Every bite was satisfying. Every drink was refreshing. The boy really enjoyed himself. Not once did the thought of loneliness re-emerge within him. He felt nothing but contempt The nods that she gave him in between bites made him feel less conscious of his eating habit in that moment, but he was famished. Every so often he would glance over to her to watch her enjoy her meal. She had much more style than he did in that department, very clean. Oddly too clean as to not let a single drop escape her. He found that to be interesting and amusing. 'Mizuki-san sure is cautious when she eats and drinks. And here i am looking like a complete Neanderthal...slightly embarrassed of myself.' He would think with a smile.

Finishing up, he too would stand as she place the ryo upon the table top. As they head out he would once again look at rhe chef that would wave at him. His bright face immediately turn lackadaisical and full of annoyance as he beamed an eye of disgust toward him. The chef blinking uncomfortably as he watched the boy leave. Souji really did have a way with people, which was very poor, but it suited him. Keeping a good pace with her he matched her stride while his hands in his pockets as he sports her hat. He liked it. Upon coming to her home, he observed it and was quite impressed by the outside and the inside equally. The colors and the way it spoke of her in a personal taste level was pleasing to him. Strangely, just as she relaxed within her home so did he unconsciously. It felt nice being in this place and the temperature was just right. He really did hate hot days more than anything. Following in her lead he took off his shoes as he placed him across from her's. Consuming the sights of the tour she gave him. Eventually seeing the room that was meant to be his. He...stared. It was huge, bigger than the room that he had when he lived in Konoha. Such space and even a couch of his own. This made him feel something that he did not have the words for.

Mizuki mentioned that he can request anything that he want to feel more comfortable. "No, its perfect the way that it is. All that I ask for is more books and some scrolls - for practicing. Thanks, Mizuki-san." Turning to face her he would give her a small smile. Stepping in further to better view the room he looked around and felt at peace within it. Hearing her ask how he was, Souji would turn to face her. "Honestly, I feel like crap. But, in a good way if that makes sense. This is more than I ever had welcome to and its more than I can ever repay. But I will try my best to repay you." he responds.

She approached him and lifted his head slightly. She was analyzing his...face? He hadn't noticed the sunburn on his face. He wss too focused on everything else that was happening. He would recommend him showering before anything else which was a good idea because his little devious mind was already thinking about training. This boy really knew nothing when it came to relaxing. "Oh, s-sure..." he would say hesitantly. Removing his hands from his pockets and undoing the wrapping around his legs. As it unravel they revealed scars and burns on his legs. Some nastier than others. Souji looking embarrassed by his wounds he would turn to take off his shirt. Revealing even more scars and burns and even a brandingnof.the Hyuuga symbol on his left side of his back. There were stab wounds and even cigarette burns and what seem to be finger puncture wounds. These wounds can be found on the front of his body as well. His face remained null in expression from that point. Thinking back on what she told him, he was to use that anger as a motive. "Pain tends to heal as time passes, but personally, I don't want time to heal my wounds. They are all that I know, they are what makes me who I am. And someday... they will be the last thing that those who gave them to me will ever see." His tone, low and at the same time sinister in that moment. His eyes lazily sat upon the walls of the room as he thought of all the cruel things his parents did to him to make him a weapon. Slowly turning to face Mizuki he would tilt his head to the right as he closed his eyes and smiles. "Help me... help me become what I'm suppose to become." He says.

[WC: 1,601
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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Sun Oct 11, 2020 12:33 am
As she stared at his face she was contemplating his earlier question - did she know what it felt like to be tortured by her own mind? - it was such a deep loaded question that she didn’t think such depths should be forged into so soon. To tell the story of her past took doing and while she planned to tell him today was not the day, but she didn’t want him to think she had ignored this request as their relationship was going to be an open one. His reaction to her home and his new space was one she didn’t realize she was anxious to see - his heartbeat was even in her presence if not a little fast due to excitement, his body language was slowly relaxing and any walls that were left were crumbling before her eyes… he was so young and had dealt with so much mistreatment she was simply happy to see some level of peace overcome him as he took in his room. This was not pity, by no means did she pity the young Hyuuga, but there was determination building in her to give him the tools and proper guidance that he had more than earned at this point. “Repay me by giving me your 100% every time, that will be enough repayment, down the road when you are stronger you will repay me in your own way.” She contemplated using some basic medical ninjutsu on his sunburn but truly that wouldn’t be necessary… perhaps she was simply being over protective already, same as she had been with her late younger siblings. She would drop her hand from his hair and dust it off on her shorts giving him some space, she had been invading his space far too often.

Furrowing her brow she would note his hesitating tone of voice as he slowly withdrew his hands from his pockets - a signal of insecurity and lack of confidence - she would continue to watch this particular tick of his for improvement over time. Her nearly ruby eyes followed his hands as he unraveled the dirty wrappings around his legs and she would swear she heard her teeth grind at the sight - scars upon scars, ranging in size and affliction type. Proof of his upbringing covered his chest as well and all Mizuki could think of was the torture scene she had lived through in the genjutsu Kenshin had placed her under - but she would not turn away nor would be look away, she would honor his markings with acknowledgement. She had tortured plenty of people to recognize burn marks, branding markings, lacerations of a multitude of stylings. This may have been the first time she regretted having this knowledge, not for the moral sense of regret over torturing someone, but for the fact she knew how much pain he had gone through - if it were her right she would seek their heads herself but that was Souji’s right. The transformation from blank husk to sinister was a transition that would shock most, but to Mizu it showed exactly the mindset of someone who was truly ready for the journey they were about to embark on - the long road ahead of Souji would not be easy but he would become what he was meant to. 

“First things first, you have to be in fighting shape, and right now you are in need of some recovery time from your journey. The desert sun is unkind… but know that you will get where you are meant to be, you can trust me on that. Go on then, the bathroom is the 3rd door on the left, leave your clothes outside the door and while you wait for them to dry get some rest - we are having a guest over later today. You’ll get to see me train a bit-” she smiled a bit at him as she motioned for him to get moving, “- I have a feeling he will be another good mentor for you so keep an open mind at the least.” The bathroom would have a cupboard in it filled with spare black towels and a few black robes as well, luckily he was smaller than she so these would fit him without worry. She watched him as he made his way down the hall and only turned once the door to the bathroom was shut. Her footfalls were nearly silent against the dark stained wood as Mizu made her way to the kitchen where she kept her personal stationary - since making Anbu she had more money than she knew what to do with and had found herself indulging in little luxuries like this with a ‘why the fuck not’ mentality. Checking the clock it was just reaching mid day and she was sure he was awake, she knew he wasn’t on any missions since the board at the gate had his name clear of activity. So, she wrote out a request that he hoped he would accept, Good day Zaine, I hope this note finds you with quickness and in good standing-’ she made a face at her words before crumbling the paper into a wad and tossing it aside and starting again. ‘Zaine, Feel up for some training? If so, meet at this address as soon as possible, go ahead and walk in I might be in the back stretching so feel free, I’ll leave it unlocked. I also have someone I want you to meet… but we will get to that when you arrive. See you as soon as you can. - Mizuki.’ She appraised her words for a moment more before becoming satisfied enough to close it up and seal it  and ribbon - as she headed toward the door she would grab a odd looking whistle that was hanging by the door - once outside she would give two short blows and wait. Within a minute a hawk was swooping down upon her location with the seal of Suna on the vest it wore, pleased at its arrival she would attach it to its leg and direct it to its intended destination. As the bird took off with swiftness and Mizu would re enter her home, gather his clothes that were left in the hall and start them with a few other items before finally heading to the backyard - which had a second entrance attached to the kitchen where she would begin to center herself and her chakra for the upcoming training.

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:10 pm
Like a vortex of complexity, Souji was at the eye of it. Sounds of screaming, familiar and feint. The smell of blood and tears filled his nose. Vague, yet familiar, voiced etched into his head shouting. Thunderclouds manifested in his consciousness as the vortex evolved into a tornado of darkness - tastes of despair, rage, blood lust and any other equivalent of those filled his person. His eyes were not only the doors to his soul but also to his past and present. The boy felt hot and unstable in his current state as he thought back to those horrifying days in that village, that estate. The sounds of chains singing as they clash against stone walls that shackled him to one space. The sense of heat from the pit of fire that harbored the very branding tool that was used on him. The murky atmosphere accompanied by pure white eyes. Souji clenched his teeth as he realized that his mind was reverting back to the past.

"Certain methods of training is considered good, while others is evil. As if they are some nobility to the battlefield. Illusions perpetrated by heroes throughout history, have led countless young men to their bloody deaths, all for the sake of Valor and Glory..." A deep voice with much sterness emitted from the eyes. Stepping from the darkness revealing its face to be that of his father's. Long black hair with a clean face, aside from the scar over the left of his mouth. The man glared at a younger Souji - 7 years of age - as Souji looked to his father frightened. "I intend to may you an exception to that fate, boy. You will fulfill your destiny!" The man exudes hate and greed. The boy could sense and feel it. It choked him as he draw closer to him. The shackles rattled as he tried to escaped but there was nothing he could do. "F-Father, please! I won't fail you again, I promise! Give me a second chance and I will master the Gentle Fist!" he plead as tears ran down his face both then - in the flash back - and now - before Mizuki.

The man stepped closer to deliver a swift smack to the face of the boy, leaving his face red and somewhat bloodied as his nose and mouth leaked. "You dare insult me by pleading for a second chance? Despite all that I have said to you, you wish to disrespect me!?" Suddenly he was strikes by the man several times with points of his fingers and palms. The boy feeling the force and the affects of each blow. His ribs cracked and his shoulder fracture as he endured these blows. His body feeling limp as he couldn't move a finger. He screams as the blows continued and he saw the twisted smile on his father's face. The flames flicker as the force of the blows were powerful enough to cause them to dance. "Shinobi of war both thrive on violence, but were still categorized. "You're good." "You're evil." That's how it is! Fighting for what's just? Hah! In the end you're just a tool for violence, made to keep the enemy down. Violence only breeds more violence!" There was one last burst of force as his palm connected with Souji's torso. The boy spew blood from his mouth to the ground and on the sleeve of his father.

His eyes were heavy as his breathing was staggering. His body ached all over, it already sustained cuts and burns prior to that day. But it wasn't until this day of his branding. "...Even if... even if you're weak...there are miracles that you can...seize with your own... your own hands if you fight on to the... the very end Father!" Young Souji screamed as he wanted his words to reach his father to help him see. Sadly, those words did nothing more than to anger him. The man looked at the boy as he removed his hand from his torso. The shackles were then removed and Souji fell to his face on the cold and damp ground. The sound of his father's foot steps were echoing, moving away from him - was it over?

"I have one piece of advice for you boy. One that you will be wise in remembering." His steps stopped. Souji's eyes facing one of the walls but could see the flames light dancing off it. There was a sound coming from that direction as the light on the wall was moving more. His eyes filled with fear as he could hear his father making his way back over to him. He try to move but could not. "N-No... n-n-n-n-no...!" The steps ceased as he stood over top of him, while Souji's eyes darting about trying to see what his father had with him.

"Life... is like a puzzle. Never waste your time trying to place people where they don't fit." Silence fell over the room. The was a sudden sensation of unbearable and unspeakable pain coming from the left side of his back. He could not squirm, he could not run from this unpleasant feeling and he could jot defend himself from it. All he could do was scream and cry and endure it. He wet himself as this pain seemed to took place for forever. His screams could surely be heard to the other rooms but no one came to his aide. His mother was nowhere to be found as his nose filled with the scent of his burning flesh he cried and cried and cried.

His eyes blinked twice as he returned to the present. Tears upon his face and he was unsure of what he may have said during his time of daze. From his understanding Mizuki was looking at him and his wounds as she directed him to the restroom and to leave his clothes outside the door. Souji shook his head twice as he wiped away his tears and motioned over. 'A guest?' he would think. "I will try, but no promises, Mizuki-san." He replied. Once reaching the restroom he would look back over to see her before stepping in. Still not sure if he said anything during his flashback. He would give her a small smile before entering and placing the remaining of his clothes on the floor outside of the door, closing it behind. Locating the shower he entered as he allowed the hot water to hit him ever so suddenly. It stared him so he flinched in response, but he understood it was the shower. "Get ahold of yourself, Souji... It was only a memory, he can't hurt you anymore." he reassured. As he began his bathing process.

The water was heavenly as it got to a point that the pressure sooth any aches he had over his scars. His head was drenched as his rough hair took a more silky appearance. It would also seem that it gotten two inches longer as it draped across his eyes and touched his shoulders nearly. Turning the water off he would leave the shower. Noticing the mirror he would examine himself. His body was well toned for a boy of his age. Training all of your life would do that. His muscles rippled as he inspect other parts of himself. Turning around he would look to see that branding on his back. The most ugly scar of them all. His eyes wavered at the sight. "All that I was to you, was nothing more than a mere animal. I promise you this much father... I will show you the kind of animal you've breed." He spoke lowly as he motioned over to the robes. 'Black? Nice!' he thought as he put it on. It was longer than he was so it dragged along the floor. His hair draped over his face covering his left eye. He moved it to the side and swooped it behind his ear. Oddly at this very point until his hair returned to its normal style...Souji looked exactly like a girl. He was really that appealing in the face that it was hard to discern his gender until he spoke.

Exiting the bathroom he looked down to see that his clothes were no longer there. Looking around he saw no one. He stopped to listen in hopes of catching a sound but there was nothing. He could get use to this, but he wanted to find Mizuki. He suddenly remembered that she mentioned training and so he assumed he would find her in the back. Motioning about his new home he noticed the kitchen. As he looked about he noted a door that led outside. There he would fine her. She was in a meditation state it would seem. His eyes widen as he never saw it done before. Looking from left to right he did not see the "guest" she mentions so perhaps they did not arrive yet.

Not wanting to disturb her trance he would motion over to the far left of the training ground where there was shade and he would kneel and rest himself. His eyes fixed on her as she continued. Kneeling the way that he did would not help him in allowing others to identify him as a boy because of the lack of dominance it took. It made him look more  feminine and his hair swept back like that and his flawless face being so pure only added to the confusion. He wanted to sit normally, but he had no underwear at the moment so this would have to do. 'Crap! I forget to dry my hair again. This is going to cause some confusion I'm sure of it.' He would think as he continued to observe her.

Despite that, he was enjoying himself. Just being in her presence made him feel more at ease and more at home. He never had his guard this lax before and because it was it proved that Mizuki was swiftly within his walls of protection. She had a seat next to him in his darkness. This was a good thing. No one has ever gotten this far since his upbringing. 

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:29 am
Pain resonated through his right flank area as he laid atop the roof of the warehouse where perspective itself had been redefined- gripping his right side with his left hand the young Uchiha looked up at the sky, the rays of the sun being eclipsed by the voluminous clouds floating by in rhythmic fashion. The events that transpired in the building below him were still too much to digest and at this point he wondered if there was a way he would be able to return to his former confidence. "First the incident at the dinner party and now this.. whats going on with me? Am I becoming weaker?" He thought as he removed his hand from his flank area, placing it palm facing towards him 6 inches from his face- his hand was now trembling as he became lost within his own thoughts. "I couldn't do anything to stop her. I was almost helpless but.. I was able to overcome that finally thanks to Benihime." He smiled as he turned his head slightly to the right acknowledging the blade that laid next him- the hilt, golden with a red tassel sweeping back and forth on the ground with the gentle flow of wind, the blade covered by the jet black sheathe that Zaine had crafted by hand. He steadied his left hand as he reached over with it to grab Benhime, holding it up as high as his arm would extend and allowing its shadow to blanket across his eyes. "Maybe if I had brought you along with me, I wouldn't have this scar in the first place." Smiling softly he would lean his torso forward coming to a sitting position as he placed the blade to his left- maybe he was being to hard on himself? Shinobi enter battle never knowing whether or not they will return home, so maybe he should count himself lucky he was alive in the first place. It was uncontrollable on his part as his teeth began to grind in fury at this notion- he had always been a shinobi who bolstered confidence and the strength to protect that which he loved, so why in a single month had he been exposed to two situations that tested him and shown his weakness? 

His final thought would be interrupted by the arrival of an unexpected guest, rather an unexpected messenger- an official Sunagakure messenger hawk closed in on his position and noting the appearance and its possession of a message, he extended his right arm out in an "L" shape for it to land. Utilizing his left hand he would grab the message and place it in his lap, freeing up the hand so that he could pet the hawk and signify that it did a job well done before raising his right arm with slight force and sending it away. "Seems like no matter what I do the missions find their way to me." He said as he unraveled the message that had been sent by none other than Mizuki - he was pleasantly surprised however as he read the contents of the message. By some stroke of luck he had an opportunity to deal with his troubles with the help of an ally, maybe training with her would help to bring some clarity to his situation? His mission with her had done this so he was thrilled at the opportunity to engage in training with her. This still left the mystery of who this 'someone' was- he knew that it couldnt be some long lost member of her clan as she clearly stated she was the last of her lineage, so who could it be? Standing up all at once Zaine would grab Benihime and sling it over his shoulder while strapping it to his back- he would then proceed to secure his basic katana to his left hip before setting out towards the address stated in the letter. He was to head oddly enough, in the exact opposite direction of the warehouse he stood atop which hugged the perimeter of the village walls near its outskirts- it appeared that this address was also located on the outskirts of town, so he was unsure if it would be some sort of building designated for training or not. Whatever the place, it didnt matter to him at this point as he stood to gain more from this training session than Mizuki understood- he began to leap from rooftop to rooftop at a quickened pace to reach his destination with haste. (bars)

The village was as lively as ever and this brought a smile to his face as he continued through the heart of the village noting the smiles, laughs and general upbeat and busy nature of its inhabitants- though his mind was entirely on that which awaited him, he couldnt help but feel the urge to stop at his favorite restaurant and grab a bite to eat or even just stop for some tea. He would decide against such an action and continue travel via rooftop until he came to a path that lead away from the heart of the village to an isolated and quiet section of it that he had never taken the time to roam- he would stop in motion completely as he looked up the plateau before him at the gargantuan white cubic structure that planted itself into the mountainside that overlooked the more desolate area of the village. "Is that? What I think it is? Nah, theres no way." He would think as he slowly approached the structure, shaking his head with a smirk brandishing his face- he couldnt believe his eyes and at this point he couldnt believe that the building before him might very well be the home of the woman that he had painted in his mind as a.. minimalist of sorts. He now stood at the door and took a deep breath in and equally exhaled before knocking, waiting a moment and opening the door to let himself in- as stated, it was unlocked but to his surprise noone was there to greet him. Mizuki had written that she might be out back but still he expected he might come to meet this mystery person at the very least- rather he was met with the high black ceilings, wooden floors, open living room area with a comfy sitting area and an overall open floor plan that welcomed him in as much as any host could. His suspicions had been confirmed at this point, this was a home and it was hers "Seems like she has a taste for the finer things in life. No crime in that!" He smiled softly as he made his way straight and towards the back yard area of the home, he would see her again for the first time in a little while, now meditating and so calm- he had never seen her this way and hated that his presence threatened to break her tranquil nature but still he presented himself into the training area, his eyes drifting to the left as he finally saw the person Mizuki must have been speaking about in her letter.

It was a young boy who sat in a rather docile and relaxed position- he bore a black robe and his hair was still wet from the shower he must have only recently took. The boy seemed.. reserved to say the least and at this point he was completely unsure of the relationship between he and Mizuki- he understood that regardless of their relationship he was a guest in her home the same as himself and apparently warranted a messenger hawk, so Zaine would treat the young man with the upmost respect and kindness, placing his hands together and bowing to him. Upon entering the training area the two would see a man of lightly tanned skin with unkempt dark brown hair that covered his right eye- he would be wearing a golden orange long sleeve shirt with the crest of the Uchiha clan prominently placed on its back along with straight legged black pants and a Sunagakure headband tightly secured to his left arm. He would have two swords on his person- his prized possession and main weapon Benihime which was strapped to his back, the hilt facing diagonally upward from his right shoulder; his second and basic katana was secured tightly to his left hip. Raising his head and bringing his hands back to his side, he would divert his eyes from the child and focus his attention on Mizuki as she sat in a meditative state "You've got quite the place here Ms. Ohta. Id say it gives that "over the top" Spire a run for its money." He would chuckle a bit before continuing "I wasn't too sure when I would see you next but im glad you reached out sooner than later. I've been dying to show you what became of that artifact you granted me." A proud smile would come over his face as he crossed his arms and awaited her reply- excitement overtook him as he could not wait to show her the new and improved Crimson Princess


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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:09 pm
As she sat - legs crossed over each other with her palms rested on her knees while she kept her expression lax - she struggled. Struggled to block out the scene she had just witnessed Souji reenact for her, unbeknownst to him; struggled against the urge rising in her chest to head to Konoha herself and slaughter the disgraceful people who graciously brought this boy into the world. It was a simple practice with a hard discipline, sitting completely still and controlling one's breathing while stretching your mind to let go and embrace the world around you - it can be hard for those with unresolved histories. She had moved his clothes to the dryer at some point but the time was beginning to blend into a singular entity - her chakra flow was clear and strong running from her crown to her toes with ease. 

It would be some time before she heard the faintly frantic heartbeat come into her range before the footsteps reached her ears and the heartbeat soothed, she kept her eyes closed but she was pleased to note that Souji sought her presence out. He placed himself just out of her range of hearing but his intense gaze was easy to feel and for now - as she finished her meditation - it would be enough. It wouldn’t be much longer that the heavy pounding of a familiar heartbeat would enter her field of hearing and only seconds later did his footfalls accompany it. The crack of a smile was the first sign that her meditation was ending - Zaine’s comment on her home outshining the Spire being the cause of her break in concentration; she didn’t mind though as she was waiting for his arrival anyways. Her eyes slid open as they came to rest on the exact spot the thrumming was coming from - Zaine stood closer to her than Souji sat so pinpointing his location wasn’t difficult. The ruby color was overtaking her irises and had pushed the violet shade back to the edges, still visible but much less so - taking a deep breath she would exhale a breathy laugh. “You know me Zaine, can’t be outdone by anyone or anything-” raising an eyebrow she would look expectantly at his now crossed arms, “Well? Hand it over I want to see what you’ve done to my family heirloom.” She could clearly see the handle peeking over his shoulder and if she so chose she could have gotten up and unsheathed it herself but she wasn’t one to take someone’s possession when a simple request would put the thing she wanted in her hands. 

 Suddenly her eyebrows would furrow and she would whip her head to look for Souji, her shoulders relaxing again when she noted that he was kneeling just out of range, the robe swallowing his frame and his soaking wet hair hanging low on his shoulders and dripping slowly. Sighing she would bring herself to her full height in a smooth motion - rising using just her legs so her hands could remain free to remove her jacket. Internally she worried about the temperature causing him to get sick but outwardly she would extend a hand out to him, calling him to her without need of words - as he reached her side she would place the jacket over his head for a quick moment, rubbing it over his head to dry it further. Once she was satisfied she would toss it aside to land on a stone bench only a few feet from where the three stood, she ran her fingers through the now much dryer hair and pushed any stray tendrils back from his face. With her gaze still on Souji she would address Zaine again, “Zaine, I want you to meet Souji, I met him at the gates and I’ve decided to take him on as my personal charge. He will be staying with me and training under me from here on out so you two should get more acquainted-” even though she had been talking to Zaine these were were as much for Souji to hear and she wanted him to see her expression as she informed them both, but finally she would look back at Zaine, her fingers sliding out of his hair and back to her side. “- you both will be training with me for a time. Guren is on leave from his duties and has asked me to look over your continued training to ensure you and Raleth don’t fall behind, and now that you have a superior weapon I feel comfortable with this arrangement… plus you two might have more in common than you think.” Rolling her shoulders back she would reach up and adjust her hair a bit, tying up the long ponytail into a tight knot at the back of her head - “Today however I am going to be a bit selfish, I asked you here to practice my Fuinjutsu, I need to hone my ability to tag and evade and you my friend are fast enough and of average build to be an excellent proxy. Once Souji’s clothes are dry he can join our training, lord knows it's not easy to move in that. Go take a seat Souji, I want you to be paying close attention - I will be asking you what you learned.” Her last words were a bit more stern, like a gentle order and promise that a follow up was indeed coming. 

As he left her side she would watch him before turning her attention to Zaine - a smile spreading over her lips - “Don’t worry the nails are short -” she would flash her nails at him to prove they were short for the occasion, no need to accidentally cut him. Without giving him another second to prepare she would close the 3 meter gap at full speed, aiming to tag the center of his chest with her left hand. Keeping the first movement direct and easy to spot to gauge how she should go further.

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:55 pm
Lilac windows beamed focused gaze upon the woman - the woman that captured Souji's attention so effortlessly. Her posture and air was exquisite to say the least and her concentration was not quite foreign to him. The boy would recollect a time where he would be in complete sync to practice a technique that was above his station. Be that as it was, her trance was noticeably different. She held perfect harmony in her stillness. It was as if she was at the center of a void. 'Mizuki-san... what have you been through, I wonder?' He thought. 

As time past it was not long before he felt a pressence. His eyes narrower as his brows furrowed. Those eyes of his sharply shifted to the right as they landed in the doorway that led to the kitchen. 'What is this feeling? Someone's here!' Thinking to himself, his body remained as was. It did not take him long to remember that it was a high possibility that the presence he felt could have been that of the guest Mizuki spoke of. Not wanting to cause any trouble he did not make a move. However, should she break her medication in haste he would respond accordingly.

Thus a man stepped from the kitchen, out to the training grounds. This man carried two blades - one on his shoulder and the other on his side - Souji immediately took note of the blades. His eyes darts back to that of Mizuki, looking for a sign that she did or did not recognize this person... 'A smile?' He asked himself, thinking. His eyes returned to the man. So she did know who this was, which made him no immediate threat to her or him. That was good, or so one would think. The man was now looking over at Souji and in that moment the two locked eyes. Souji blinked once, twice as he glared intensely. As the man brought his hands together - Souji looked on even more carefully, cautiously. His eyes widen as he was in complete shock to see what happened next.... the man was bowing to him. His mouth was now adjourn and his left eye was twitching as his right brow was raised. 'What's with this guy? Why the hell is he so damn formal?' Echoed in his head. As the man lifted from his bow he would not notice that shocked Souji, oh no, he would notice the boy giving him an annoyed expression with his right arm extended in his direction. The overlapping robe would conceal his arm and hand proving that it was too big for him. However, one thing could be deduced - there was a single point from within the robe where the boy's hand would have been. This point pitched like a tent within the robe as it draped over. Yes, Souji was in fact giving the man the middle finger, not aware that the robe was draping over it. Despite that it would have been clear that this was no wave, and the facial expression was not a warm one.

The boy then lowered his hand and snatched his attention away from the man to look off in the distance. Occasionally glancing back over between him and Mizuki. Hearing her voice was like a welcoming relief to his tensed body, the man's presence sort of put him on edge. He honed in his ears to listen to them exchange words. All seemed to be alright, however, he noticed that Mizuki did not speak to him in the same way she spoke to him... this is the second time he noted this. The first being when she spoke to the woman at the pub, and now with him. It was not in the tone, but in the feeling of those words. At first he thought it was because the woman was a worker and so he ignored it. But now, Mizuki seem to be familiar with this one, considering the one of the blades he has once belonged to her family, her words did not have the same feeling as the woman, but not as much as towards him.

That observation made his heart flutter. It was an odd sensation and it made him feel more than vulnerable to be honest, more than he has ever been emotionally. He smiled softly - he liked it. It was like a sixth sense as his eyes simultaneously turned to see Mizuki outstretched hand. Without thinking he stood to his feet as he motioned over to her. In truth he looked adorable in that overwhelming robe as he did his best not to trip over it. Unlike himself, he entered her bubble of comfort and was just fine with that. He stood at her side as he used her jacket to dry off his hair. The entire time he glared daggers at the man named Zaine. Souji, after a short observation of him, felt that the name was not a bad name.

It was not long before Mizuki began speaking again. Her words were "Zaine, I want you to meet Souji, I met him at the gates and I've decided to take him on as my personal charge. He will be staying with me and training under me from here on out so you two should get more acquainted." His eyes shockingly widens as he just knew in his soul that she was talking to him too. He blinked and turn to look her in the eyes with his surprised expression. As if he was stating that she was asking for way too much of him.

The words that flowed after only concrete what she wanted from him and Zaine. Her hands stroking through his now dry hair, which returned to its normal visual - messy and two inches shorter because of the shrinkage. He was to train along side with this guy, until someone returned from an important parting. Usually Souji would be against this, but for Mizuki, he will endure and do as she requested. His eyes melted as her expression made it evident that she was serious about his cooperation with Zaine. The boy looked like a sad puppy as he looked back. Nodding his head, "Yes ma'am..." he would reply. Turn his attention over to Zaine. "...Nice to make your acquaintance, I guess...." He would share those words with the man while making eye contact, remember what Mizuki said to him upon meeting him, give respect to obtain it. The boy felt that he was already disrespectful enough to the man upon seeing him. He rather not beckon the wrath of family - Mizuki.

Noticing as she began to tie up her hair she instructed him to have a seat. His time to play would come soon enough, but for now he is to sit and watch. Souji nodded as he walked pass Zaine. The five foot boy walked with a reserved confidence as he managed to sit by the entrance to the kitchen. His eyes focused on them both. "If I am tasked with observation, than I will make sure that nothing escapes my view." He whispered, thus his purple eyes were swallowed by glazed over pearls. His veins bulges from his temples and his vision was expanded by one hundred degrees within a three-hundred-sixty radius. The network of chakra within them both was revealed to him. Zaine apparently had a decent amount of chakra flowing through his network. He also seem to have an injury, or annoyance on his right side, Souji noticed this as his eyes pierced through the man's clothing. 'That's not good.' He kept to himself to see if that man was going to be forthcoming about it.  Mizuki's chakra was different, it was aligned a bit more than when he first saw it. Upon that, it oddly seemed to war with itself. This concerned Souji, was there something more to Mizuki than meets the eye? He would rather her be safe than to care about what she was keeping from him, sure that she had her reasons for it.

'Alright... time to see what Mizuki-san can do. She doesn't seem like the type to hold back, let alone challenge someone weaker that herself just to bully.' his thoughts worded, while his eyes found Zaine once again. 'However, there's this guy... I wouldn't take him lightly in a one on one fight myself, despite him having that blade...there is a massive amount of chakra coming from his eyes - but why?' His focused would not be split as he analyzed the two. It was sudden, almost a blur, but he noticed it. Mizuki closed the distance of Zaine in an attempt to place her hand on him. Souji noted that she moved with amazing speed, and her initial strike was somewhat lacking, could it be that she was using this bait in attempt to format her next course of action. It would be wise if this was the case, the boy would have down the very same. He eagerly looked on to see what Zaine's response would be. He wondered how fast and strong this man was.

Souji already deduced that this man may or may not be a Bukijutsu user. It was hard to tell. 'Just because he has blades on his person, does not mean that he specialize in their use...but i cannot be ignorant and dismiss the fact that he carries with him a sword that came from Mizuki-san's family... I don't believe she would just give that to just anyone of the village. She has to have a certain degree of trust in him. That being said, I'm going to bet that he does in fact favors that style...this guy must be something else with a blade, or else he wouldn't be sporting them around like that. Hmm, he may be more interesting than his appearance leads on.' Inspecting from afar as he narrowed his eyes. What is Zaine's move? And was Souji correct in his analysis of him and of his tactical observation of Mizuki?

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A Cloudy Future [P] Empty Re: A Cloudy Future [P]

Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:33 am
The reaction he received from the young man was less than ideal when considering the relationship they were being presented into- his expression upon seeing Zaine for the first time was a mixture of apprehensiveness, disapproval and what seemed to be mistrust. He had come to meet so many people in his life due to having been from Konohagakure originally and having to make new friends and build a new life from the age of 12- this struggle essentially made him into the well mannered individual he was today and he always felt grateful that even though he faced emotional and social strife, he came out of it a better person. He couldnt shake the thought that the boy's reaction reminded him much of his younger self before coming to Sunagakure, although he was a bit more abrasive than this young man was at his age. The change happened when he realized the villagers of Sunagakure as well as anywhere would not accept disrespect and surely would not reward it with kinship- overall he was humbled and able to create bonds like the one he had with Mizuki. With crossed arms and and his focus off of the young boy and firmly planted onto the young woman before him, he was unable to draw his attention away from her eyes as she opened them while maintaining her her meditative position- they were just as they had been the night that she lunged at him, a bloodied red eclipsing the now thin lining of violet that he had come to find comfort in. He had seen her like this on their recent mission so he knew not to worry and in fact was unbothered, understanding that she was able to take care of her "situation" as long as she wasnt.. provoked by any 'outside sources'- grabbing Benihime with his right hand, he would take the entire blade while sheathed into his closed fist and extend it out to show her its full length from hilt to tip. "It took some serious work and a few sleepless nights but I think she's all set. I cant tell you how much I appreciate you allowing me to return it to its former glory. Although.. id say its new and improved even." He smirked with pride as he looked down at the blade and back at her for a reaction when he noticed something very.. interesting.

He had been so caught up with boasting about the blade that he hadnt even noticed where her attention rested- she had turned her gaze to the boy draped in black as she motioned him over to her after coming to a full standing position. What occurred next would throw him off completely as he watched the boy scurry over to her and be met with what one could only describe as gentle and maternal affection- she had begun to dry his hair with her own jacket, looking upon him with a sincere warmth that Zaine could almost feel even from the distance he held, just as he felt the rays of the sun. She continued to surprise him and would do so almost effortlessly- to see her with eyes like that, turn those eyes into a vehicle for tenderness and sentiment was something he couldnt help but admire. He would note that the young boy's vision was fixed on him as his hair was dried and she began to run her fingers through it- it was clear there would be a bit of work to be done before trust would be on the table but Zaine understood the fears associated with the unknown and who could truly fault a child? Mizu would begin to speak as she continued to mess with the young mans hair, keeping her eyes and focus on him completely- his name was Souji and apparently they had just come into each others company which by the display in front of him was almost too hard to believe. He was told that this young apprentice would be living under her roof and learning the art of shinobi from her and that he and Zaine would be seeing quite a bit of each other- a notion that didnt trouble him nearly as much as it seemed to displease Souji who earned a smirk with closed eyes from him upon hearing the boys reaction to this news.

The news of Guren would bring a bit of sadness to him because he was just beginning to get to know him and the full extent of his abilities and after their sparring session and training he was able to utilize Doton finally and wanted to show his new teacher. This would have to wait however and the news wasnt completely negative, he was gaining a new teacher in Mizu- a woman who had gained his respect and garnered his attention in terms of prowess many times over. He didn't want Souji to get the wrong idea however, he did not plan on this becoming a relationship of sibling disciples and wondered further if she even knew the true depths of his abilities. "Shes knows a decent amount about everyone so she probably does have a clue.. I cant be too sure though. I might want to show her im no slouch" He thought as he watched Souji stand up and walk over to the entrance to the kitchen at her order as she was requesting to have a bit of one on one training with Zaine- this seemed like the perfect opportunity to cement his skill in her mind and show that he had come a long way since he first became a chuunin. He would close his eyes and take a deep breath as he tossed his sheathed blade to his left hand from his right- it was then that he began to hear quieted words from Souji stating that he wouldnt let anything "escape his view". He would open his eyes revealing bilateral pools of scarlet red sclera that drowned three black tomoe in perfect spacing around pinpoint pupils- turning to the young man to reveal his eyes hoping he would peak his interest, he would be met with a surprise that left him speechless.

His eyes once purple were now a sheened pearl an his face had veins that trailed through his skin to meet with the corners of his eyes- Zaine looked on in absolute astonishment as he noted the sheer density of chakra that coursed through each vein to the point that he felt they might burst. The chakra streaming from his eyes just around the globe of his person appeared to be more intense than the chakra the boy carried within himself- this was none other than the gem of the Hyuuga Clan, native to the leaf- the Byakugan. "To have such a strong kekkei genkai at his age.. even with a ludicrous amount of natural talent its unheard of. No, his conditioning must have been extraordinary." It had been 10 long years since he had left that village and subsequently seen the byakugan or many of the kekkei genkai that nested in the village of Konohagakure- he was filled with excitement and interest equal to when he had recently learned of a superior level of the sharingan. The chakra the boy held seemed to be that of a Suiton user and was less impressive but still high for his age and resembled that of a deafly quiet current: steady, strong, but somehow gentle and unassuming. His thoughts raced before being cut short by the sound of Mizu's voice followed by footsteps closing in at a hastened pace, he would snap his focus back forward to find an uncomfortably familiar sight- her with reddened eyes dashing at him full speed.

His eyes would meet hers and he would smirk as he noted that his heartbeat remained at its usual pace, he knew that she could hear it too and this only added to his feelings of confidence and security in this situation- her speed while more than impressive would not serve as a reason for him to worry. He had little time to evade and as she closed the already short gap it became clear how he would handle the situation- every muscle fiber twitching in her thighs stimulated movement in her legs to pump like pistons and allow her feet to make contact with the ground painting a clear picture of where she would end up if she made contact with him. There was tension in her left shoulder running down her arms and this signaled to him that she would be utilizing her left arm for an offensive maneuver- her right arm remained tucked and as she reached within 1 meter of him he would motion his body forward at his full speed, placing his left leg forward and leaving his right leg back to keep a widened stance. He would wait until her left palm would be 6 inches from his chest before grabbing it with a strength of 5, (just enough to take hold but she would be more than able to wrest her hand from him if she so wished) with his right hand and pulling it just above his right shoulder- this shift in momentum would bring her just a bit closer as he took his sheathed blade and placed it around her from her right side. Benihime would now be behind her back horizontally and her left wrist would be firmly in his grasp, her fingertips resting on his right shoulder- their faces at this point would be 8 inches apart, and his sharingan would meet with her reddened eyes. "I thought you and I were done keeping secrets" He spoke loud enough hoping that Souji would understand his next statement was directed towards him "Im looking forward to getting to know Souji." A slight smile would come over his face "Hyuuga." Maintaining eye contact he realized that this was the first time since his dinner party that they had been this close- he couldnt help but notice her chakra, resembling that of raging and colliding waves of the ocean that seemed to be tearing and crashing against itself. He understood this turmoil all too well and noted the correlation with her eyes as he had seen this now for the third time- he left her right arm completely open for a counter attack of any sort that she might want to unleash almost as though he was testing her, his left hand being occupied by his sheathed weapon to maintain support on her back and keep her from drawing away. "You didnt even give me a chance to say, thank you for allowing me into your home." He hoped that this would ease the tension a bit but planned to continue with training full on once he placed his blade on his back post them separating. "I would say its your move again Ms. Ohta." He would smirk maintaining eye contact with peripheral view of her right arm to watch for any slight movements, although he was in no position to counter and had placed her in a position uphill- how she would react, not even his sharingan could predict. 


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