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Blast From The Pass [I/O] Empty Blast From The Pass [I/O]

Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:03 pm
Rather it be skills or some kind of luck. It was extremely hard for some one like him to make it pass twenty. As those with a dojustu were often targets for the black market. He only made it so far because of his sensei and may his soul rest in peace. Still he has yet to meet the hokage and if What solomon said was true then this guy should be a force to be reckon with. When he wants to be. But right now he was to meet with someone who was well is close to the hokage. His wife Solomon said she reminded him of Hokage Wan but. He could not put his finger on it. But all he knows was she was going to start training and he was going to help in that factor. As he needed to train himself. But still she was a senju and he was uchiha. But as his former sensei said. The past was the past and new bonds could be formed. But still he was not really easy with this. As she should have combat experience herself. 

On top of that the hokage was her man. So just who was Solomon teaming her up with. Even with these two letters he was told to deliver to the Hokage it was still too real. That Solomon was gone. He was at the training ground amd this was the place to meet her at. Come to think about it he didn't even know her name all his sensei said was his sister in law who came out of no where. Flow would be laughing as he smiled to himself on that matter. Thinking to himself about how to introduce himself to her. "This was going to be one of those days.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Blast From The Pass [I/O] Empty Re: Blast From The Pass [I/O]

Fri Nov 20, 2020 7:38 pm
Sunlight would peak over the horizon, the light casting long shadows over the buildings of konoha ;as it climbed its way higher into the sky.Birds could be heard chirping in the distance as the land of fire awoke, the rays of light washing over the rooftops and into windows - washing the interiors with the warmth of a new day.As the light spilled through his window it lit up the room, adding the unfortunate benefit of hitting the sleeping form of Hojiro square in the face. With a few twitches of his eyebrows the young man slowly stirred before abruptly pulling the covers over his head like a spoiled child refusing to wake for school - as if in retaliation to the sun itself.The young lad would lay there under the blanket for a moment or two as he massaged the bridge of his nose, only after a deep huff would he sit up - the blanket still draped over his head and torso. With a yawn Hojiro sleepily picked the crust from his eyes, a sign of a well deserved sleep, before softly mumbling to himself, “Time to the start the day.”, letting out another sigh his ruby eyes would finally open to greet the invasive sun, all the while reluctantly sliding his leg off the bed and pushing himself into a standing position.

A chill would run up Hōjiro's spine as he felt the cold granite floor against the soles of his feet, the blanket would fall to the ground as he reached his arms toward the heavens stretching standing on his tiptoes as he did so. The young Hoshigaki would let out a deep yawn as several audible cracks would echo throughout his empty home. Though satisfied with his stretch a pang of sadness splashed upon his heart , as the echo only reminded him he was alone again with the recent death of his father. Hōjiro having slept in the nude would hovel his way to the restroom to relieve his bladder , once done with that he would run himself a Lukewarm bath. He wasn't doing this for the intention of bathing, but as a way to start his breathing exercises for the day. Being a Hoshigaki with no large bodies of water nearby , he would often need to practice using his gills.

Hōjiro would slowly lower himself into the tub closing his eyes as he began to focus on his breathing, not with his nose or mouth but with the various gill slits on his body giving a firm exhale through them as to clear them of the mucus that held them shut while he was dry. He would remain in the tub for about an hour focusing on his breathing exercises , Hōjiro didn't wish for this skill no matter how small it may be to fall out of use. A ninja makes use of all the tools available to him no matter how small they may seem , once he was satisfied with these results he would stand and get out of the tub, allowing water to drain from gills and drop onto the bathroom floor. He would then give a sharp inhale sealing his gills shut once more with a wet 'smacking' noise.

He would then head back to his room , which was now illuminated by the sun. He would let out a frustrated sigh as he surveyed the status of his room , the floor was littered with dirty clothes ; his clean clothes and dirty clothes sat in a bin in the corner while his bed lay in the corner. He wouldn't bother with finding a towel just grabbing some dirty clothes and using those to dry off ,"this'll have to do.." he mumbled to himself. After getting all dressed he would take a moment to review his appearance adjusting his headband as he did so.( For his clothes please reference my profile pic). Hojiro would head for the door being sure to lock it once he was outside , he would walk swiftly against the brisk morning air as he headed toward the training grounds eager to get some early morning training in but he was detoured as his canine like nose dragged him to the wonderful smell of a food cart at the other side of the street.

Hōjiro would salivate at the sight of barbecued squid and the smell was indescribable, the spices complimented the meat so well. He would be sure to grab one for his breakfast and two for the road. He would pull down his mask and begin tearing into the juicy tender meat of the squid quite messily getting barbeque sauce on the side of his mouth as he did so , just like a shark focused on a frenzy he cared little for the eyes he drew toward his person as he walked and ate. When all that remained was the thin skewer the creature was cooked on he would let out a loud belch and a sigh "ah that hit the spot" he would sign out as he made his way to the training grounds his other two barbeque squids wrapped up in a take away bag.

He was met with an unorthodox sight when he did arrive at the training grounds , there was some six foot plus tall lurker seemingly standing there in the middle of the field mulling things over in thought. "I don't get paid enough to ask questions…." He would say as he walked his way over to a boulder that rested beneath some trees sixty meters to the man's right. He would begin gorging himself on the other two squid just as sloppily as before, not caring whether he was noticed or not. 'How can this be so good!' He would think to himself a twinkle in his eyes as he devoured the two barbecue squid like a ravenous animal. When he was done he would place the thin bamboo skewers next to his right thigh upon the rock, making a note to throw them away later as he didn't want to litter in the training grounds. Hōjiro had come here to train but tall, dark and brooding in the middle of the training field was kinda throwing him off 'seriously who tf just stands there in the middle of a potentially hazardous area?' He would think to himself as he picked up the bamboo skewers next to him , a small frown playing on his face as he slid them up sleeve as a means of later defense should this guy be off his rocker.

As Hōjiro leaned back resting against the base of the tree while he sat atop the boulder, he would feel something sliding against his back. It felt smooth and thin. "What the hell is that" he would mumble to himself as he used his right hand to reach up and grab for what felt like paper toward the small of his back , 'I really need to do my laundry' he would think to himself as he pulled a folded and by the looks of it aged piece of parchment from the confines of his shirt. He would slowly unfold the paper and begin reading it over , and soon he realized why it was folded up and put away. He would scoff as he read the following words 

Team 19 has summon you:We welcome as you are one of the chosen ones to help usher in a brighter future 

Hōjiro would fold the piece of paper back up and slide it into his sleeve opposite of the bamboo skewers, 'letters like this get people killed, or worse accused of treason' he would think deciding to take the folded let back out and begin tearing it to pieces ; letting the letter fly away on the breeze. Part of him wondered whether this "Team 19" was sanctioned by the hokage or if he even knew about it. The idea that this could be an insurrection group was bizarre, who had the balls to even try to mount an attack from within when the leaf village literally has a branch of shinobi so skilled in torture they made it into an artform. 

A gentle breeze would blow through the area , jostling Hōjiro's crows nest he called hair as the wind blissfully passed him and this stranger by. 'I can always ask the guy in the middle of the training grounds if he's heard of such a group , and if he ends up being hostile I can always shank him' he would think to himself as he hopped off the boulder and began his stride toward the man. 

His steps would be fast but light. He would stop roughly ten meters from the man , still not wanting to get close to the man. Hōjiro would clear his throat to grab the man's attention "hrrmph.." once he had established this contact, he would put his hands up non-threateningly "...sorry if I startled you sir.." he would pause a moment to take in the man's appearance "but your kinda just standing around in the middle of a training field , and I was wondering if your here from 'squad ninteen' or are you lost" he would say putting emphasis on the 'squad nineteen' part making it to be known he had very little information on said subject.

Wc: 1,552
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Blast From The Pass [I/O] Empty Re: Blast From The Pass [I/O]

Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:15 pm
Hojiro would wait a few seconds as the man clearly didn’t answer him , a gentle breeze would pass through the area jostling the navy blue haired shinobi’s unkempt mop of hair. ‘So i guess this dude has to be deaf then?’ he would think to himself as he slowly began to back away keeping his eyes locked on the man's shoulders and hands as he didn’t wana risk getting a kunai or shuriken thrown at him or being hit with some weird jutsu. Some people may think him over reactive but in the world of ninja there was no such thing as being too conscious of a situation so as far as hojiro was concerned he was in danger till proven otherwise.

Hojiro would continue this act till he had reached the training ground gates walking backwards the whole way there out of pure paranoia , once out of the training grounds he would begin his walk home , a little disappointed he couldnt train today because some creeper was lingering in the training grounds. ‘Ugh now what am i going to do today?!’ he would think to himself as he casually strolled down the street hand behind his head, elbows at either side of his head as he wandered about konoha.

The young hoshigaki would wander for a few hours till he came to the shopping district of konoha where his house was situated , well not a house per say but more of a black smith shop with an apartment add on or was it an apartment complex converted to a partial blacksmith shop. Sadly the only man that was alive was long gone from this mortal coil , afterall hojiro didn’t build his fathers forge he just lived there.

The young Hoshihgaki would stop as his nose was soon assaulted by a casaced of smells, each more tanatlizing than the last , he would walk through the shopping district, his nose clinging onto the best smell amongst the cocoughnay of smells and scents within the shopping district. Hojiro felt as if he was floating in the clouds as he walked based , soon he bagan to follow a sound that accompanied the smell which could only be described as the sizzling of meat over managed flame. When hojiro opened his eyes next he stood infront of the famed ‘konogakure grill house’ his stomach rumbling like a heard of boulders falling down from the mighty hokage stone faces.

Hojiro would quickly go inside walking right up to the receptionist with a jovial happy energy about him as he did so , “hello sir how may i help you today? Might I interest you in the all you can eat special? It’s only five hundred ryo” she would say in a rather chipper voice stepping from behind the receptionist que as hojiro dug through his wallet gently placing the five hundred ryo in her outstretched hand.

Hojiro would spend the rest of his morning gorging himself on barbecue and cheap sake drinking away his sorrows and just for the night forgetting that his rent was due soon , that he had taxes to pay , forgetting some guy in the training feild ruined things for him today and that his whole country was under the boot of another paying rent so their captors would show some form of mercy and just let them exist beyond their past kages actions and his power mad ways hopefully things would be better with the knew senju in charge...hopefully.



+21 stat 

only able to claim +4 stats rest is converted to 17 AP

Water Clone [C-Rank] [1000/1000] 
Water Clone [B-Rank] [1500/1500] 
Genjutsu Release [E-Rank][200/250]

Storage Displacement [500/500] [previously learned]


Last edited by Hōjiro on Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Blast From The Pass [I/O] Empty Re: Blast From The Pass [I/O]

Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:00 pm
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Blast From The Pass [I/O] Empty Re: Blast From The Pass [I/O]

Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:40 pm
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