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Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:31 am
Mission Name: Cookie Time!
Rank: D
Type: Help
Character Requirements: Be and NRPG Character
Mission Location: Village (Or neutral town if missing nin)
Word Count Requirements: 1000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? yes
NPC? -
Reward: 2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather

The Hollykage magically teleports a large sack that’s full of warm cookies and delicious sweets! Hand them out all around the village until the sack is empty.
Sitting upon the edge of the tallest building in the Sarutobi District, Blaisa could be found looking out in the distance with her attention towards Konoha’s Great Stone Faces.  Gazing upon the monumental tribute to the previous Hokage, she could not tear her eyes away from the unusual and thematic sight that beheld her.  The village seemed to be in high spirits with the Christmas season quickly approaching, as on top of each Hokage head sat a massive, traditional red Santa hat, lined with a fluffy white stripe, completed with a white ball that hung down from the top. 
This caused Blaisa to nod her head down, closing her eyes with a smile, unable to contain her slight chuckles of high-pitched laughter.  Whomever the culprit of this brilliant prank may have been, they were okay in the young Sarutobi’s book.  It had been a while since she had embraced a true connection to the Christmas spirit.  Even though winter happened to be her favorite season, it was rare to enjoy it with the village still experiencing such a state of uncertainty under Kirigakure’s control.  Opening her eyes once more, she began to shed a tear of happiness, reminiscing the times of the past when there was nothing but bright smiles and happy faces. 
Jumping down from the top of the building, Blaisa landed swiftly on both feet, wearing a short sleeved blue Konoha t-shirt followed by black shorts.  As she began to return inside her recently restructured home, the shinobi took notice of an odd sight that struck her attention from the corner of her eye.  Upon closer inspection, she noticed that an abnormally sized brown patchy sack was laid to rest right against her front doorframe.  Curiosity got the best of her as she approached the sack, kneeling to place her right hand on the rope that tied it shut.  As she began to unravel the rope in order to see what the mysterious bag had contained, her attention was taken to the sky as she could hear someone – or something soar through the sky, taking the silhouette form of the infamous Hollykage.  Pondering at the possibility for only a short moment, she shook her head horizontally and blamed it on hallucinations before bringing her attention back to the mysterious bag. 
Before fully opening the sack, a surge of recollection entered Blaisa’s thoughtful mind.  Memories of her friend Hojiro whom lived in the Hoshigaki district had suddenly began to invade her mind space.  ‘I wonder how he’s doing…’, she began to think to herself with a look of slight concern, ‘I should go show him this weird sack I found – we could open it together!’ she finished, quickly turning her look of slight concern into an expression of joy and excitement.  Being overcome with a rush of motivation, Blaisa quickly retied the sack before standing up on her two feet and slinging the bag of mystery behind her back as she exited the gates of her clan’s district.
Taking the southeastern route on the way to the Hoshigaki District, Blaisa took note of her surroundings as the entire village began to become encompassed in soft, fluffy layer of snow.  It was rare for snowfall to occur in the notorious Land of Fire, so this was a pleasant surprise to the Sarutobi.  Arriving at the gates of the Hoshigaki, she noticed as the lake that ran through the middle of the district began to slightly freeze over.  Blaisa took a pause from knocking on Hojiro’s door in order to take a step on the recently frozen over lake. 

Placing her right foot on the ice but leaving the left one on solid ground, Blaisa began to make screeches of worry as the frozen lake quickly began to crack.  “W-woah!”, she would yelp, almost causing herself to slip and make matters worse.  Regaining her balance, she quickly rushed away from the frozen lake as to make it not seem like she was the one whom cracked it.  The last thing she wanted was to have Hojiro think she came here just to break something so clumsily already.  Approaching to what she remembered as her shark skinned friend’s front door, she knocked three times.  “Hojiro!”, she would yell with a loud tone, “It’s me!  Blaisa!”, she continued. 
Look what I found!”.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Re: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:41 am
The sound of a coffee pot bubbling would be the only sounds in the house as hojiro sat atop the kitchen counter within his kitchen , he would let out a tired sigh as his coffee pot would let out an ear piercing shriek that would grab his attention and cut through the morning grogginess slightly. He would slide off the kitchen counter tap , spinning on his heel to face the counter top so he could switch his coffee pot off. Once he had flipped the power switch for the pot off he would grab the kettle and begin drinking it straight out the kettle , normally this would maim anyone else but thanks to his unique biology he was able to do things like this with little to no repercussions say for maybe having to take a  mondo dump later as such a large amount of coffee wouldnt sit well with his cologne even if his ironshell sealed stomach had no complaints.

He would take a deep breath and let out a happy and satisfied sigh followed by a small burp that filled his mouth with the taste of powerful black coffee , Hojiro had recently moved out of his old house and he had to say he liked his new place better he’d have to thank the hokage for allowing him to move into this area along with giving this district to him and his clan despite how few of them where in konogajure. “Merry christmas to me!” he would chuckle out as he walked out of the kitchen with his kettle of coffee into the front room.

The young hoshigaki would have quite the pleasant smile on his face as he entered his front room , in truth it looked rather barren but that was to be expected considering where he had recently moved from. A nice plush leather couch with a blanket over the cushion’s sat against the wall to his right and a TV set with his fathers ashes atop it rested upon a lovely TV stand. He had even gone out and cut a small tree for the occasion , even if he was alone he could still celebrate christmas.

He would grab the TV remote from the arm of the couch preparing to channel surf from his couch as it was his day off , “hmm lets see what’s on the brain tube tod-” he was cut off by a loud female voice and the sound of cracking ice which sounded like shattering glass ; seeing as he was currently the only person living here the sound would carry and echo for a bit. “The fuck are they doing out there?!” he would mumble to himself as he got up a pot of coffee in hand although before he even reached the door he was soon made aware of who it was.

He couldn't help but giggle a bit as he went to open the door and there stood Blasia with a giant brown burlap sack like the infamous Hollykage himself , His amusement wasn’t hidden as he wasn't wearing his full uniform today just a tank top and a pair of basketball shorts with some tube socks and what one would assume where crocs but were really an off brand version of them named “sharky’s” one could tell even if he didn't live paycheck to paycheck anymore he still was penny pinching like a mizer.

Hojiro would sniff the air for a second before downing the rest of his coffee reaching back into his home resting the thing atop the TV next to his fathers ashes , “is that..” he would stop sniffing the air once more as he would crouch down reaching to undo the bag if he was unhindered , he would let out an amused laugh as he would plunge his hand into the bag “it’s full of cookies!” he would exclaim rather amused with a toothy grin.

Total Thread WC:1370

Last edited by Hōjiro on Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:31 am; edited 1 time in total
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Re: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:50 pm
The Sarutobi ninja contained her smiled as she was greeted by Hojiro as he opened the door.  Seemingly in a good mood, Blaisa wasted no time forcing herself in to the young Hoshigaki’s room in order to show him what she had found.  “Look what came to me in the Sarutobi District today...”, she began to say while setting the burlap sack down in the middle of the room.  “I was literally just sitting there – chilling, right?  And then this GUST of wind arrived next to me!  Next thing I know, I’m looking straight down at a burlap sack that’s hot at the bottom – I wanted to show you so we could go through it together.”, she finished explaining.
As she continued explaining what she had been doing there, Hojiro appeared to be already getting to work, sniffing the air trying to catch a sense of what the potential contents of the bag may have been.  Blaisa watched as her friend opened the bag, only to be surprisingly greeted by a bag full of cookies.  After coming to such a strange realization, she looked up at her friend to see what he had been thinking about the mysterious gift of cookies.
Revealing what seemed to be a menacingly toothy grin, Blaisa thought he was getting lost in excitement due to all the free cookies.  ‘Oh god….’, she silently thought to herself, ‘What if he eats them ALL?’, she finished, looking back and forth at Hojiro and the bag of cookies. Not taking too long for Hojiro to get too lost in cookie heaven, Blaisa quickly snatched up the bag and grabbed Hojiro by the collar of his shirt.  “C’mon, Hoj!”, she exclaimed in a high pitched, excited tone, as she began to pull Hojiro outside of his own home and in to the outskirts of his district. 
Letting go of Hojiro’s collar, she began walking northwest towards the snow covered village, expecting Hojiro to follow as she had a plan of her own in mind.  Continuing at a steady pace, she looked back at her shark-skinned friend before closing her eyes and letting out a brightened, wide smile.  “What’s taking you so long, slow poke!”, she began to say in the distance, “It’s time we spread some good ol’ holiday cheer around our home, wouldn’t you agree?”, she finished asking towards Hojiro’s direction.  She faced her head back forward once again, as she began to look up to ponder about what her family would think about her actions right now.  Would they be proud?  Was an act of kindness this small really considered to be, strength?  Maybe not personal strength, but in order for her mind to grow and blossom - she knew it was something that was necessary.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Re: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:30 am
Hojiro would would let out a chuckle as Blasia dragged him by his arm toward the edge of the village , it was not mistaking it she wanted to hand out cookies. Normally hojiro would give her some smart ass remark about the situation , but that wasn’t in the christmas spirit and he was feeling pretty good today. “So are we working our way from the outskirts , then into the village?” he would question his happy smile still in place although it was a closed lip one as he had noticed how uncomfortable it seemed to make her earlier. “If we are gonna do this let’s do it efficiently…” he would say giving a little shoulder role and rolling his neck which gave off several satisfying pops.

“You take half and i take other half one of us will tend the outskirts while the other tends to the inner village area…” he would pause as if pondering something before speaking “...and do me a favor if you take the inner village area leave a few cookies in a bag at my doorstep?” he would ask as he wasn’t getting payed for this as far as he knew and a few cookies would be perfect payment.

Water Release: Water Severing Wave [849/2750]
+8 stats
Christmas lottery ticket
 2000 Ryo, 20 AP, Leather
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Re: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:31 pm
Blaisa began to fill with a sensation of joy as she turned around to notice that Hojiro had indeed followed her on the pathway towards the center of the village.  As the shark skinned shinobi began to ask her what the official plan was, she looked back at him with closed eyes and a bright smile.  “Yeah!”, she responded in a loud, excited tone, “We will start in the poorer districts of Konoha and begin to work our way towards the more refined areas.”.  As Hojiro responded by stating he wanted to accomplish this efficiently, the young Sarutobi would simply return a nod of acknowledgement and understanding to her friend, still containing a subtle smiling expression. 
Listening as Hojiro began to give a more in-depth explanation of what their plan of distributing the cookies was, Blaisa gave off a slight chuckle when hearing the request of dropping off a few cookies at his doorstep.  Ignoring the request for cookies, Blaisa began to respond to the first half of his speech, “I’ll take the outskirts if you want to take the inner village.”.  Before continuing, she pondered on this decision for a moment thinking that Hojiro would want to explore the inner village.  He lived in the Hoshigaki District, already located on the outskirts of the village – she thought it would be nice if he got to explore the village a little bit more. 
Waving goodbye to Hojiro, the two of them began to split off in their own directions in service to delivering the cookies to Konohagakure’s citizens.  Making her way to the southern outskirts that were inside of the village, Blaisa took notice of the run-down buildings and destroyed structures.  ‘Wow…’, she began to think herself, ‘I guess this is where Kirigakure first started their assault – and this area must have taken the main brunt of the attack.’. 
Continuing through the broken district, the young Sarutobi shinobi began leaving piles of cookies that were wrapped in plastic on the doorstep of every store, workstation, or form of housing that she could find.  With every delivery, the smile on Blaisa’s face grew wider and wider as she truly felt like she was bringing the Christmas spirit back to the village.  It took her a total of two hours in order to deliver enough cookies to make her basket run dry, running from district to district, making sure she did not miss a single location in the outskirts. 
On her way back home to the Sarutobi District, Blaisa began to look down in her cookie basket.  ‘Huh…’, she began to think to herself, ‘I still have two cookies left here for Hojiro.’.  A smile began to bear her face once more as she looked up into the clouds, ‘Don’t worry buddy…  I didn’t forget about ya.’, she would continue to think.  Heading back over to the Hoshigaki District, she returned to the house in which she had first originally knocked on Hojiro’s door.  Approaching his doorstep, she would kneel in order to place the plastic bag of cookies at her friend’s front door, which included a white paper note that bore the Sarutobi symbol on the front side of it. 
Thanks for helping me with this, Hoj.  It truly means a lot to me.  I’m a strong believer in the fact that one day Konohagakure will be finally ridden of war, only to be filled with happiness containing a wide variety of smiles.  To be at peace.  Today, it was you and I who were the ones to provide these smiles – and this surreal feeling of what it’s like to be at peace.  Upon further thought, I think it’s OUR duty – as shinobi within the Village Hidden in the Leaves - to ensure that reality, and I can’t wait for our moment to arise.’, the note would say. 
Making her way to return to her home once more, Blaisa couldn’t shake the thought of what it would take for HER to acknowledge this feeling of peace.  How far would she have to go until she deemed it to be enough?  This thought corrupted her head until she walked through the doors of her own home, immediately plopping into bed, falling sound asleep to the bristling wind that impeded through her window.


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Last edited by Blaisa Sarutobi on Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Walking in a Winter Wonderland Empty Re: Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:31 pm
Approved @ last 2 claims
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