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Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Ryo : 6404

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:16 pm
Today would mark progress in the goals and aspirations of the Senju known as Wan, more than he was able to fully decipher at this point. The day was as beautiful as any other within the confines of Sunagakure, the Hokage's stay within the village is more than just pleasant. He and Fu had ventured here together with the intents of making a quick journey, however, things seemed to change as their time within Wind Country was nearing its 3rd month, the two of them recognizing their over-enjoyment of the village. It was soon time for them to depart, both with the knowledge and potential power they had sought in the first place. Wan had recently met with Kenshin who at the time of his knowledge was the Kazekage, but also a well-revered specialist in the medical field. His visits with The Ragdoll proved to be exactly what he sought upon returning to Sunagakure, the young and gifted Senju learning more about the world of transplants and DNA as well as gaining knowledge on the Sharingan. He learned from Kenshin that there is an even greater form of the eyes gifted to the Uchiha. An elevated state that would only be awakened once a fully developed Mangekyo was swapped with another fully developed one, which must come from another person. Few even have this knowledge readily available, Wan being blessed enough to not only retrieve such material from Kenshin but as well as a witness it himself, remembering the eyes in which he glared into belonging to Kenshin. Wan now bore MS of his own, as well as Uchiha DNA that he was told, would be required to activate the transformation. He wanted to advance his prowess past its current state and to do that he would need to trade eyes with someone.

And that someone...was Fu.

As Wan sat on the side of his bed he held the preservation jar in his hands, looking as the eye and kidney would swirl around the contents of the jar in a near mesmerizing pattern. To him, it seemed as if he held a broken key to paradise in its hands, the only way to fully 'repair' the key is to fully understand it to the point in which it became more than just a key, but an entire door. He had mentioned to Kenshin that he wanted extra parts to practice what he was taught, Wan being left partially awake during his operation to fully understand what was going on so that he would be able to replicate it. His memory began to erupt with the day of his operation, the words spoken by Kenshin repeating in his head as he continued to watch the contents of the jar float around. He felt as if he could easily replicate what was done to him, and with his prior knowledge of working on the corpse of Symmetra he had already got some practice in.

He placed the jar on the counter next to his bed, standing up as he looked at the sheets laid on the bed. He grabbed them from the top and snatched them off, walking over to the closet and retrieving a fresh set to place upon them. He was in sense-making a makeshift hospital bed, one that would be used as the one he laid on during his operation. He cleared the immediate area around the bed, giving himself enough working room in case he needed any. Wan was ready to operate and test his recently gained knowledge on Fu, the promising genin from Konoha who the Senju felt had the most potential to elevate. He was positive she'd agree to be his 'test subject' since she as well followed him to Sunagakure in search of power and knowledge. He made his way out of his room and knocked on her door, awaiting for either a response from inside or for her to pop up from around the corner, the Senju feeling out her chakra to make sure she was at least within the vicinity. He was ready to tell her all that he had learned from Kenshin, as well as to offer her the potential to expand her current Shinobi ability.

[WC: 704]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:32 am
Fu had been awake for about 5 minutes before Wan had knocked on her door. She was laying in her bed in her pajamas staring at the ceiling trying to ascertain the strange dream she had just awoke from. She felt disoriented and was pretty sure she overslept- despite not knowing what time it was. The sunlight illuminated the room which tipped her off that she had indeed slept through the night.
Moments later Fu would head a knock on the door. The sudden sound would cause Fu to exit her bed and land on her feet at record speeds. “Wan?!” Fu would yell to whoever was on the other side of the door. Before opening the door she would peek through the hole to verify it were him- she was an outsider in this village after all.
Fu swung the door open so that she could see the boy. Before allowing him to speak, she needed to tell him about the dream she had. “Wan! I had the weirdest dream, it felt so real! There was this letter and the Hollykage and then he sent me on this mission and then this naked guy was there, and it was snowing and… hey are you even listening!?” Fu would say, whining that Wan was not giving her his full divided attention.  
Fu immediately calmed down. She could tell that Wan was here for a reason. Was he done with his affairs concerning their visit here? “So, what are we doing today? Can we go home yet?” She whined. She would not admit it, but she was feeling a little home sick and she had been pent up in this hotel for what seemed like an eternity waiting on Wan to finish with his business. Fu grew impatient quickly because Wan was not answering her immediately. “Hey! Answer me already- are you even listening???” She scolded him.

WC: 318
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Ryo : 6404

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:52 pm
A gentle smile would begin to shine across the face of Wan as the door in front of him opened. He locked eyes with Fu as she looked up at him, the girl just slightly shorter than the Senju but stood as tall as he did when it came to personality. She instantly began to tell him about a dream she had recently, the interest and excitement given off by her voice being back by how detailed and odd the dream itself was. The Wayfarer would chuckle to himself after learning of the dream she had, "I'm Listening, I'm listening." he would reply after being asked if he was paying attention to what was being said. "The Hollykage?" the Senju asked her, stroking his chin with his thumb and index finger as he momentarily began to think about the various Kage of the world, never hearing of one known as the 'Hollykage' before. "I don't know what's stranger: A Kage in which the likes I've never heard of, or a Kage who sent Fu on a mission that involved some naked guy." He would gently laugh to himself as he fixed his posture, a more relaxed tone to match the tone of voice as he continued with why he was at her door.

"I know you're probably tired of being stuck inside the room all day, and it seems like the entertainment we previously had has begun to die down for us. Fear not, Fu." he would say, placing his hands on his hips as he took on a rather heroic pose, one like a superhero standing upon a building as the crowd looks up trying to decipher who it is. "I have finally met with Kenshin and obtained everything we've come here for. We can finally go home now." He would scan the face of the young girl, looking for any facial expressions that would give off how she felt about what he stated. "There are, however, some things that we need to take care of today since this could be seen as a 'better now than later' ordeal. I rather attend to business here so our travels back home will be as narrow as they were coming." He would turn around and walk a few steps, turning his head to look over his shoulder to look back at Fu. "Follow me to my room, please? I'd like more privacy than us just remaining in the hallway."

He would return to his room with Fu, locking the door behind them after they both would enter. Around him would be a room that now looked more-so as a great value doctor's office, the bed serving as the table in which he would 'operate' on Fu is she was willing to be operated upon. "Here we are, Fu. You can have a seat on the bed." By now he was sure that Fu had begun to look around the room, the preservation jar containing the kidney and eye was on his counter table in view. "I'm sure by now you've noticed the current area and it's objects. It would seem as if Kenshin was indeed the man I thought he would be, one who not only knew but power as well, as well as a means to obtain set power. I've learned more about DNA and transplants altogether, as well as expanded my knowledge of the Uchiha clan and their Sharingan. Mutations between bloodlines can cause anomalies that are more than beneficial to a commoner, but in the hands of a shinobi can prove to be weapons expanded past their birth set. At first, I only knew the base form of the Sharingan, witnessing it up towards it state is known as the 'Mangekyo', however, there is a form even greater than that, one that is rarely achieved throughout the word and the knowledge to do so is even rarer. I've decided to take the operation for gaining access to Uchiha Genetics, as well as Uzumaki DNA in which I believed would increase not only my longevity but would provide another layer on my arsenal once I master its abilities." His gaze would look over to the jar sitting on the table. "As you can see there is an extra kidney and eye within that jar, both of which contain unknown power other than it being the product of a deceased Uchiha."

He would look back over to Fu. "I want you to carry this power and knowledge within yourself, the two of us gaining an understanding of their abilities as we mature." He would activate his Mangekyo Sharingan for the first time, the pattern in his eyes shifting from his normal iris to a crimson design, Wan noticing the blindness in the eye Kenshin mentioned to him. "The eye I was given has grown blind, a drawback from the usage of the eye by its previous wielder. I was told the way to fix it was to swap it out with the eyes of someone else who possessed both a Mangekyo as well as Uchiha DNA, which would also trigger the reaction to evolve the eyes. I want to test this theory, as well as the knowledge I've learned on operations from my own."

[WC: 874]
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Ryo : 6404

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:35 pm
As he awaited a response from Fu Wan would look over to the closet and notice his satchel laying at the door of it. He walks over and bends down, plundering through its contents as he pulls out a small cigar as well as a tightly wrapped green herb. He stands back up and makes his way towards the window of the room, placing the herbs along with the dash of the panel as he briefly looks out the window over the portion of Sunagakure he could view. A smile shines across his face as light hits the flawless skin of the Senju, Wan beginning to split the cigar down it's middle as he empties the tobacco that once filled it. He puts the emptied cigar down on the panel as he picks up the green herb, unraveling it from its position as he begins to break it down, taking it and gently placing it down as to make sure none is lost. Once it was all broken down, he grabbed the cigar paper and proceeded to refill it, just as anyone making cigarettes would pack the filter full of tobacco. Starting from the left side of the cigar he began to roll and tuck, moving his thumbs from right to left along the length of the cigar as he would lick it in certain places for it to stick. The entire action only took him roughly a minute, and once he had re-rolled the cigar he reached into his pockets and pulled out a lighter. Lighting one end of the cigar he would take a pull from it, holding the smoke within his lungs for a couple of seconds before exhaling, also making sure to crack the window during this time to allow the smoke to escape, not wanting Fu to experience the feelings of the herb without her consent, given that most are still unaware of the healing properties within the substance. He would begin coughing as a breeze overlaps the room, continuing to smoke until Fu responded to him and was ready to continue.

[WC: 347]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:01 pm
Fu’s eyes became wide when Wan revealed that he had met with Kazekage and obtained everything that they had come there for. Before allowing him to continue, she would intervene with another whiney comment. “Does that mean we can leave!?” She would say- excited at the idea that she would not need to be kept captive in this five-star hotel prison any longer. Wan informed her that before they could leave, they would need to take care of one singular thing before leaving- and unfortunately for Fu it was to take place at the Hotel. He requested she follow him to his room which would cause Fu to blush. What was it that he needed to do before leaving would need to take place with both in his hotel room? “O-okay!” Fu would say- following him out of her room and into his.
Fu entered Wan’s room only to find it set up like some sort of pop up surgical room. Fu felt nervous- she was expecting flowers, candles, chocolate, towels folded up to look like little animals- but what she got was some sort of Dexter fantasy. That is what she got for believing in chivalry. Although she was not being swept off her feet by romantic gestures and candy, she was going to be receiving the next best thing. Her eyes darted around the room taking in the medical supplies- her eyes eventually coming across the preservation jar that was on the table containing what appeared to be an eye and another organ of sorts. Fu was not initially entirely sure what was going on, but after picking up on the subtle hints in the room- she had a pretty good idea. He did loan her that book on bloodlines after all.
Fu could not help but feal a bit nauseous. She had never been operated on before-Was Wan even qualified to do such an operation? He directed her towards his bed, and she obliged, taking a seat. Wan went on to tell her about his plan, implanting a sharingan in her eye along with additional DNA from a deceased Uchiha that would allow her to control her newly obtained power. “Okay Wan I trust you. But before we begin, you do have medical ninjutsu don’t you?” She would inquire- half knowing the truth, but desiring a solid answer.
Once her confirmed, she would swing her legs around so that she was now laying down fully on her back. There was a lump in her throat as she closed her eyes wondering which he would start with.

wc: 429
twc: 747
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Ryo : 6404

The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:21 pm
"Yes, I do." Wan would say in response to Fu inquiring if he knew medical ninjutsu. He had been practicing in that field for quite some time now, way before he had made his appearance in Konohagakure. The Senju had never a living vessel to practice on, however, so Fu would be the true test to the knowledge and skill he currently had. As Fu laid back on the bed readying herself for the operation he continued to explain his depth of knowledge on Medical Ninjutsu, hoping to comfort her enough to ensure her that the entire procedure would go smoothly. "I've kept the areas in which I specialize down to a minimum as I continue to progress them, but the medical field is one I would say I have a great understanding of, especially with past hands-on experience. I assure you I will take good care of you, Fu. I won't let anything happen to you." After this was said Wan would walk back over to Fu and hover over her body, examining her up and down as he began to analyze her body structure. "Alright," he would say, exhaling air from his nose as he would then breath in deep before exhaling, "let's begin."

Wan had spent the morning puddling his chakra together into a more refined tone as Medical Ninjutsu should be. When using chakra as an offensive measure it can be harsh in terms of nature, a more consolidated and peaceful chakra being needed when performing arts of medicine. The operation won't take long, give or take, and as Wan noted from his operation it seemed as if implanting the organ was more hassle than just the eyes. He decided that would be where he would start. "Alright Fu, I will be explaining the procedure as we go along, that way the knowledge will be passed on to you if someday you might choose to replicate what is done." As he talked he began to weave the first of many handseals tonight, the first set being for his Chakra Anaesthetic which after performing would cause five blue flames to form at his fingertips. He would raise his hand eye-level to his face, looking at the small flames of chakra before continuing with the procedure. "Although you will be awake this next jutsu is called Chakra Anaesthetic, which I will be using to nullify any pain you might've felt during this process. Although you might be able to 'feel' what's going on it won't cause you any discomfort." Wan would take his free hand and begin to unbutton Fu's top, revealing her skin for him to be able to piece her chest slightly for the technique to work, as well as giving him free space in general for the operation as it was needed.

Now that Fu was under the effects of the Anesthetic he could continue.

[WC: 418. Part 1/2(part 2 being posted later on)]
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:20 pm
"Okay, Fu. The next part is the most complex of them all. I'm going to be replacing your kidney with the one in that jar, once belonging to an Uchiha." Both he and Fu were young, their bodies knowing nothing more than what was given to them at birth. It was no longer surprising to the Senju that most were no longer feared for what they know, but merely how they obtained it. The Hokage would lock eyes with the Monster Hunter, lifting his right hand from her chest as the illuminant flames on his fingertips extinguish. The same hand would immediately begin another set of seals slowly, maintaining accuracy as he begins to flood the hand with chakra once again. A small blue scalpel would form out of the chakra, Wan passing the small blade from his right hand to his dominant left one. The next part of the transplant would require precision, his Sharingan being used for the first time as it showed the young lord its ability to enhance vision. He would go on to look towards the kidney area of Fu, locating the correct spot on her right side to place the right kidney of Calin. "I'm going to make an incision to replace your right kidney. I'll disconnect then reconnect all of the nerves in that area, using another technique I'll rapidly accelerate the healing rate of the transplanted locations."

Wan would place his right hand gently on the top of the bed near Fu, using his arm for added support as he would insert the scalpel into her blade delicately, cutting to reveal her right kidney location. The blade was highly accurate, Wan using it to the server the connections of Fu's kidney before pulling it out gently, Wan grabbing the organ with his free right hand and transporting it to the preservation jar. he would quickly wipe off his right hand, filtering through another sign of seals after grabbing the kidney of Calin. With his hand flooded with chakra once more, he would await the need of his Mystical Palm technique, placing the kidney of the Uchiha in place of the one he had removed from Fu. While holding the kidney in place with both hands he would begin to rapidly accelerate the connection of nerves, stimulating the cells quickly via the use of chakra. He reattached the new kidney to the body of the young girl flawlessly, taking both hands as he would carefully pull both ends of the incision back together before flooding the area of the transplant heavily with his chakra. The Wayfarer would look at the skin with pride, feeling accomplished after successfully transplanting the new Kidney within Fu.

Wan would exhale with relief, taking a towel from the bedside as he wiped his hands clean. "Done." the young boy would say, eyes glistening with both intrigue and excitement at accomplishing the transplant. "I've replaced your right kidney with that of an Uchiha, which will cause their bloodline properties to mix with yours. Their genetics will soon course freely throughout your own, which will allow for a Sharingan to develop its states." Since Fu was given the necessities for evolving a Sharingan she would also now need one. The Senju would look over to the jar, the eye floating around as it would be the final steps in the operation. His face would go from extreme cheer to a small dread, not knowing fully how he would transplant the eye into the girl. "Alright, so finally we transplant your eye. I say we take a small break before we continue. How do you feel about the procedure so far?"

[WC: 610]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:27 pm
Requesting coin flip for Kidney- if fails requesting additional coin flip for 2k from 2k WC bank from day 5 dice roll.
Nuraihyon Shinkou
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:22 pm
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The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu] Empty Re: The Lust for Knowledge and Power[I.O Fu]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:22 pm
The member 'Ibari' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
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