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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Helping the Orphans Empty Helping the Orphans

Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:24 pm
Mission Name:Clean the Orphanage
Character Requirements:N/A
Mission Location:Konoha, Orphanage
Word Count Requirements:500
Reward: 500 ryo

The orphanage is in need of a good cleaning, with all the children and lack of staff you are in charge of taking out the trash, and cleaning the rooms.

Shortly after his lumber ordeal, Ichi had went home to drop off the sapling for the house. With great care he prepared the soil in the pot and placed it with love before smiling," Welcome home little one!" A smile slowly crept on his face as he turned around and looked over toward his sister, who had been silently trying to sneak up on him. She'd look at the sapling before just hugging her brother and wandering off to the kitchen to prepare some food. He was going to originally head back out but the sound of his stomach prevented him from going anywhere- Looks like breakfast was first on the menu. Going into the kitchen he would help his sister in making breakfast, telling her about all of the wacky adventures he went through and the people he met. After their breakfast he washed the dishes and left out to head to the orphanage. There was talks about helping clean and decorate for those who didn't have a family. He had his sister but he also knew what it felt like to have no other family. Walking toward the orphanage he would walk in and begin to help in the efforts of making the orphanage look better. During the course of the cleaning he would talk to other people while working, seeing how they were enjoying themselves and how they were. By the end of the cleaning, he felt good and even stayed around to play with some of the kids and hang out.

WC: 255
1 AP
2 Stats
500 Ryo
255 words toward Meigan stage 2
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Helping the Orphans Empty Re: Helping the Orphans

Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:44 pm
Goto Senju, Genin of Konohagakure, was preparing to head out once more. After successfully finishing the mission where he had to collect lumber it seemed the village needed his help again. "What would they do without me?" His arrogance was obviously showing, but no task was too small for the silver haired. This time the mission required him to show off his cleaning skills. "Well that will be a first" he thought out loud. He wasn't really the prime example if he took his room for example, but everything for the village, he figured. Place to be was the orphanage. It seemed the place had a lack of staff lately, which left them in need of an extra set of helping hands. "Say no more" and off he went.

Arriving at the orphanage he took the time to give the orphans a bit of attention before starting with the mission. Some of the kids would lead him to their rooms that needed cleaning. Earlier on the young Senju had gathered the material needed for cleaning. He began washing the windows, moved on with removing the dust, and last but not least mop all of the dirty floors. "That should do the trick" he said happy with the result. Putting away the material he would then spend a little more time with the children who seemed to see him as their older brother. Once the evening was getting near Goto finally parted ways, promising them to come back soon. On his way out the Senju didn't forget to take out the trash before heading home, in dire need of a shower. 


(TWC: 270)
- 270 towards Water Release: Shuriken 553/1050 (283 trained here)
- Mission rewards (600 ryo: 500 + 100 Genin bonus, 1 AP)
- 2 stats
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Helping the Orphans Empty Re: Helping the Orphans

Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:08 pm
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