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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Nature Chakra Studies

Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:36 am
Akabayashi woke up early he was running tests on the blood samples and saliva he had gotten from Sebastian Loghain. He was conducting different experiments with the samples he had collected. Overnight he had put some of the blood into a centrifuge and was waiting for it to seperate. He would be using a microscope to look at the cells closely to see anything he could call odd from a medical standpoint. The samples had been taken after Loghain transformed, he had already found a vast amount of adrenaline within the blood. Much more than the normal person, but not something that would change your form entirely. After a bit of study he found the cells over time becoming darker like stone, as the amount of chakra increased within them. The most odd thing was that even outside the body the cells were gathering chakra, it was remarkable. The doctor had never seen anything like it, he would have to publish a paper about it if Loghain would let him.

Writing down everything he found out he would have to tell the wolf, but for the day he had people in the village to help. If he was going to take up space at the hospital he would have to see patients, usually nothing tough the common cold, replacing an arm that someone blew off using a jutsu the usual. Some, people even would often come in asking for information on how to perform the surgeries. As when it came to medical training you wouldn't do it in the training grounds, but the hospital. It was usually the nurses, but occasionally a shinobi unaffiliated with the hospital would come and seek guidance. During the day he had taught a nurse how to replicate a missing arm and attach it so that it felt the same. Connecting the nerve endings was the trickiest part he would explain as they were very small and if they didn't line up the veins and arteries correctly how the patient would almost bleed out from the arm. 

The staff liked having an extra hand at the hospital even if it wouldn't be for a lengthy period of time. As not all there were trained to use jutsu and did things the old fashioned way, so no growing limbs or organs. Many doctors there would refer their patients to the Terumi for complicated surgeries as they had a far less chance to fail, due to ninja magic. Besides even if the Terumi messed up he had tenure, from being in the village so long.
WC: 427
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:37 pm
"Ok, don't mess up introductions. Don't mess up introductions. For god's sake don't mess up any introductions!" The silver-haired newly made Genin paranoidly thought as he opened the door to his house, hoping to leave without any issues. Today was a day he planned for since the day he arrived in Hoshi many years ago, finding out the true nature of his "curse." Enishi was determined to figure out what was wrong with him, why during some intervals, he felt the insatiable thirst for violence and killing. Sometimes, he would even blackout in the correct conditions, becoming a rampaging monster that desired to destroy and butcher anything in his vicinity. That was the monster that was hidden behind Enishi Kurosawa; the boy was determined to not let anyone be hurt by his violent tendencies, and so, he needed to get to the bottom of this whatever way possible. He was contemplating whether he should go to the hospital and tell a random doctor about his plight because he did know his violent tendencies came from something classified as "Nature Chakra" that he found from a book in the library. Perhaps it was a copious of Nature Chakra in his body or not enough which made him bloodthirsty for violence. Enishi was ashamed to say that he had no idea how his curse functioned other than it relied on Nature Chakra. With such a vague basis to work on, there was no way he could self-experiment on himself, even if he did have some healing techniques if something went wrong. Self-experimenting without absolute evidence that it will work could lead to careless and embarrassing deaths...not that the understudy particularly cared if he lived or died. He just desired to find a way to remove his curse to prevent the people close to him from being in danger, even at the cost of his own life. Heh, a monstrosity like him was being compassionate towards others.

As he closed the door of his house, the understudy fully made up his mind about the predicament. It was better to go to the hospital where professionals and Medical Ninjutsu experts could discover the details of Enishi's curse than winging it in his laboratory by himself. He had no missions to do this morning or for the foreseeable future since he only just got promoted to Genin after being MIA for months, so, some rest time was necessitated for him to fully get into the groove of Shinobi once again. This allowed him to basically do whatever he wanted for the next few days. "Fine by me," He mused to himself whilst strolling through the windless morning of Hoshigakure. The weather was fair, neither leaning towards cold or hot, it simply was. There was also not too much light this morning, a stark contrast to the other mornings of Hoshigakure a few days before, but nothing to write home about. By the time Enishi arrived at the hospital and opened the door, it hadn't even passed five minutes yet. He wondered whether his guardian, Suguru Kurosawa would be at the hospital this morning since he was a surgeon, but he doubted that they'd come across each other. Suguru worked in emergency care, Enishi merely wanted an informal appointment. 

As Enishi opened the door, he was kindly greeted by a medical staff member who asked about his purpose. Enishi calmly replied that he was looking for an informal appointment, so the Medical staff member escorted him to an open doctor's office that was accepting appointments. "Thank you." He solemnly said before knocking and opening the door, standing at the front of the open door. It seemed the doctor was doing some work with a microscope and a centrifuge, tools the understudy wanted to use when he got more versed in Medical Ninjutsu but now was not the time. 

"Er, might you be Dr. Akabayashi Terumi? My name is Enishi Kurosawa, and I was wondering whether you could please provide me some information and guidance on the basis of 'Nature Chakra.'" The understudy said briefly, greatly willing to dive into the details of his predicament once the doctor responded if he wasn't too busy with the current things he was doing. 

WC: 704
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:55 pm
Akabayashi looked up from the microscope as someone knocked and opened the door before a response was given. The formal introduction however was kind enough to keep the Terumi's annoyance at bay. He had given his name and stated what he wanted, a cut to the chase sort of guy. However, Akabayashi didn't know anything about what the kid had asked. "I am indeed Doctor Akabayashi, but to be honest I don't know what nature... chakra... is." As the words were spoken a look of understanding seemed to wash over the man's face as if a missing piece to a puzzle had aligned and he could finally see the picture. "That's what must be giving it that stone color and why the cells keep gathering energy. They absorb chakra from the enviroment over saturation causes a change in color and shape. The claws were of a similar make up to the protrusions of Kyousuke. Fascinating the bloodlines are linked."

The doctor quickly scribbled down notes before turning to the kid who had brought upon his revelation. "You're a genius kid." He would say kicking a chair in the others direction which would stop just before hitting him. "Sit if you want." The doctor would say scooting across the room on his wheeled chair to a monitor on a desk. "Lets see nature chakra." He would say looking up all files on the subject. There was the fairly obvious like how it existed in the environment only and the obscure about how it could be used to amplify jutsu and used in senjutsu. Turning his chair twenty degrees to fully look at Enishi he would ask his own questions. "What sparked your interest in the subject of nature energy?" This meeting was more than a coincidence someone asking about exactly what the Terumi was unknowingly studying odd to say the least. 

The Terumi was not in expert in senjutsu so a consult on the matter was especially strange. Had the kid asked why does puberty happen or can you fix my arm, that would have been normal. Perhaps this person that had come to visit was under the impression as a nova he would know about many things he wasn't an expert in. "I've been studying the cells of a different patient who transforms sometimes at random, I think his cells absorb nature energy without effort." That was all the Terumi knew about the subject before he had hopped onto the computer. "I used to know a guy who was oddly similar, but also different. Kyousuke's body could mold itself into multiple weapons and his skin would turn the color of stone like the cells I'm studying."
WC: 445
TWC: 872
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:34 am
Enishi raised an eyebrow at the doctor's initial response, not in apprehension nor irritation but rather in curiosity. "He doesn't know about Nature Chakra?" The understudy thought, somewhat dumbfounded. Before he went to the hospital, the silver-haired teen originally had the notion that Nature Chakra was a fairly accessible subject to Hoshigakure especially to those in higher positions such as the doctor that sat before him. However, the more the understudy thought about it, the more it made sense that the doctor wouldn't recognize the subject instantly. Enishi already knew that his "curse" came from some sort of foreign energy - the raw essence of chakra - at a young age, and when he skimmed through the public archives a few weeks ago, any books that hinted at the existence of Nature Chakra were hidden in the back shelves; any more information would require one to have special permission to do so... In any case, the doctor didn't know initially which inwardly shocked Enishi but all of that would be changed when the doctor seemed to have some sort of an epiphany deep in his thoughts. The silver-haired boy couldn't help but smirk as the man started understanding what Nature Chakra truly was. The man then talked about a stone that he was researching in the comfort of his office, explaining that the cells in the stone absorbed chakra from the environment which then triggered a change in shape transformation. However, what piqued the interest of the boy the most was that the stone the doctor detailed had a similar makeup to the protrusions of Kyousuke... one of the past Kages of Hoshigakure. "Kyousuke? As in...Kyousuke Snow, a former Hogokage?" Enishi's emerald optics widened in surprise, appearing to have an epiphany of himself. If what the doctor said was true, then...

"Are the two of us related?" The understudy pondered in amazement. Enishi only just moved to Hoshigakure about two years ago, meaning that he was never around the time of Kyousuke's Reign so he didn't have much information about him which annoyed him to no end. He liked knowing more about his surroundings and how to use the external environment to his advantage, so not knowing about things made the boy feel unprepared and not in control. But this...was a pleasant surprise. A Kage, one that embodies the hope of a village shared the same curse as Enishi Kurosawa. Perhaps, this showed that Enishi was not destined to become a monster and that he had many other paths to take in his life. After all, if a man sharing the same burden as he could persevere and become Hogokage, then why couldn't he do something similar. A soft smile appeared on the understudy's face before reverting into a neutral expression, he was already satisfied with the direction the conversation was going. 

The doctor then scribbled some notes with great speed, saying something about how the silver-haired boy was a "genius" or whatever. Enishi didn't really buy that, but he just slightly nodded to affirm that he was in fact listening to the doctor's analysis. Subsequently, the man kicked a chair towards the boy so that it would be about a few inches in front of him. Obviously, he was requesting him to sit down and let himself be at ease. It sure beated standing in front of the doorway. "Don't mind if I do, sir," Enishi responded mild-mannerly before sitting on the chair, letting himself sink into its warm cotton but would be in a professional stance so that he could answer the doctor's questions. The man then asked the boy what sparked his interest in Nature Chakra. A fair question it was. You wouldn't hear many people talking about an advanced subject like that, and for a boy to go out of his way to the hospital for information about it surely raised questions. It was to be expected. "I think I have concluded that I might be involuntarily absorbing nature chakra, similar to that stone you've talked about, doctor. Since the day that I was born, I would always have these uncontrollable bursts of strong emotion -almost like a "berserk" mode- that made it impossible for me to be reasoned with. I would also black-out during those times, surrendering myself to my primal instincts like a savage." Enishi spoke bitterly as if he was ashamed of his existence to begin with. "I spent countless nights over the past few years to find reasons why it occurs, to the point that I could even track which days I would go berserk per month, but it has gotten more and more frequent recently... I went to the National Archives a week ago and from one of the back shelf books, it said that certain people may involuntarily absorb nature chakra and subsequently undergo fits of uncontrollable rage. This is why I came to the hospital today to see if there was any way the curse I have could be lessened or possibly even removed." He said with finality and with a pensive expression.

After that, the man spoke about a similar case with a person whose cells absorbed nature chakra involuntarily which surprised Enishi. He also articulated that he was familiar with Kyousuke Snow. To all of that, the understudy only had a single thing to say, instilled with sheer awe,

"How interesting..." 

WC: 992
TWC: 1786
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Sat Jan 02, 2021 2:33 am
"Yeah, that one." Akabayashi would say focused on his notes making sure the scribbles were inelegable as ever. "I knew him before the village was formed." He would look up the large scar on his eye extending past the frame of his shades. "His Edward Scissor Hands technique almost lost me my eye." He would say flatly as if the emotion behind it had left long ago. Where there was once anger, now there was peace an understanding that shit happened and holding onto things like that was useless. 

Enishi sat as offered something that made the Terumi more comfortable than when he was standing in the doorway. He seemed a little rigid though for being in a doctor's office maybe he hated hospitals many did. Hell even Akabayashi hated the needles the normal doctors used and their high rate of infection. 

Turning from the monitor he would listen to Enishi as he explained the problem he was having. It was getting even more unbelievable that this person had randomly stumbled into his office. "Do you grow fur and claws or turn brown with black sclera and golden pupils? I've identified two different variations there could be more, but these are the features I know of?" He would ask truly interested in what the answer would be. "I really wish I'd gotten an organ from the other patient, I could have given him a different bloodline to enhance his abilities." He would say truly wishing he had, there was probably so much more to learn hidden within those cells. He still couldn't figure out what the compound was in the saliva it contained trace amounts of a mutagenic, but not enough that would alter enough cells to change someone bitten.

"As far as removed... If nature energy is what forces the change then I hypothesize the fix is to remove it." The Nova would pause to think of how they could use nature energy, work with Enishi would also help Loghain if they have the same problem. "Removing your ability to get rid of its energy absorption would require me to alter every cell in your body if you and my other patient are the same. His blood cells even absorb the stuff. I can search through the archives to check for a technique now that I know what I'm looking for it should be easier." 

"This is going to sound odd, but would you be willing to participate in my study? I'd just need blood, saliva, and a kidney if you'd be willing. I can replace the kidney with an Uchiha one that I have on hand. Once, the new kidney takes it will increase your abilities." He would stop to let Enishi think on the matter. "If I can find a way to use the samples you provide to see how the energy is absorbed maybe I can figure out a way to use it as well."
WC: 488
TWC: 1360
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:11 am
"Really? So you must have been very renowned and very powerful to have been familiar with a famous Hogokage, doctor uh..." The understudy had purposefully blanked at the end of his statement in response to the doctor's retelling of the Kyousuke Snow, realizing that he had not known the doctor's name; now was a perfect time to know the name of the doctor before they discussed more his predicament. Whatever the outcome of today was, Enishi was quite certain that the man who sat in front of him was someone who had lived through a lot of things and had fought powerful shinobi before, the scar on the doctor's face was a dead giveaway in any case. The doctor also spoke about Kyousuke with a tone of aged peace, as if he was recalling his younger days that once held so much vehemence to him many years ago, but now that he had mellowed out, he was able to analyze the past objectively. Enishi was more than interested in hearing about more of the doctor's past but now was not the time for times of stories and discussions of the past. He arrived at the hospital for a reason, and he swore to fulfill it once and for all, for he had been putting it off far too many times. It was time to fully understand the curse that he hated for so long.

The understudy's emerald optics would pick up on the doctor shifting his weight and chair to work on his monitor, typing at the same speed as he wrote which would be at spectacular speeds, it seemed that the man was used to doing appointments like these judging at his typing speed. He then asked a question, inquiring about the specifics of the berserk transformation. It made sense; in order to find out the reasoning for something, one must ask questions to get to the root of it. It was the most basic form of logic, so Enishi would respond calmly to the man before him, "Hmm, I haven't gotten the chance to see myself in a berserk state since I usually black out whenever it happens, however, I do remember my skin turning brown before becoming mentally catatonic." He summarized rationally, not giving his inner emotions of disgust and hatred towards this side of him the light of day. Though the silver-haired boy was surprised that there were was another group of people that could absorb nature chakra and gain another transformation which allowed them to grow fur and claws. Enishi wondered if it was a direct deviation of what he could do, and if so, could he ever harness that type of power? 

Anyway, the doctor then surmised that the best way to remove the boy's curse was to find a way to remove the thing that causes the transformation: the ability to passively absorb Nature Chakra. Enishi smirked as he heard that, arriving at the same conclusion himself. The doctor proposed that Enishi would take part in an experiment that would require blood, saliva, and one of his kidneys. The understudy was already fine with that since he knew that he could survive with just one kidney so long as he doesn't drink alcohol...but it was illegal to do so at his age anyway. Nevertheless, the doctor said that he would generously replace his missing kidney with the organ of an Uchiha which would bolster his strength. It wasn't the famed dojutsu of that clan, but the understudy would graciously take it if it meant his strength would increase so he could be of use to the village. The boy didn't mind if the man wanted his kidney for his purpose; if the man could find some use in his ability and prevent the urge from going berserk, what reason was there to not offer him the kidney? It was an equivalent deal anyway, so there was no reason to not accept being part of the experiment. As the doctor finished explaining to the boy, Enishi would merely nod, giving a small smile, yet the smile was genuine and full of hope.

"I understand the reasoning for your experiment, and I'll more than happy to participate in it. If the experiment means that I'll be able to understand more about the curse I have while simultaneously gaining an increase in my prowess, then there is no reason not to accept? Additionally, if you can find purpose and power in using my kidney to bolster your strength, then I would be simply pleased knowing that my curse helped someone in the end." His voice was like steel, ready to begin the transplant without any sort of equivocation. 

WC: 879
TWC: 2665
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:27 am
"Terumi, Akabayashi." The man would say when Enishi couldn't get his name out. "I wouldn't say I'm strong, but definitely renowned." He would say with a small laugh trying not to sound too stuck up or someone with an inflated ego. The man would get back to his screen typing rather quickly as he continued his investigation into what Enishi had spoken of.

"Hmm." The doctor would say as the silver haired teen explained that he has only been able to use his abilities in a berserk state and not a controlled one. "My other patient said something similar, so this is a good sign. Your conditions are near identical based on what you've said. I was able to help him control his transformation, I'm not sure terrifying you to transform in a hospital is a good idea so we will have to skip that for the time being." The man would take a pen and tap it off the desk as he was thinking. "Brown skin tells me you are of the Kyousuke strain as opposed to the other one." He would write down the information in a note. 

Listening as Enishi gave his acceptance to the procedure he seemed to add a remark about Akabayashi taking his kidney to bolster his own strength. That actually isn't a bad idea, to create weapons anywhere on the body could prove useful. "The new transplant will take some time to attune to your body, but yes it will only be a benefit once it takes hold." He would tell Enishi because he didn't sound quite sure. "I will be back in a moment, I have to get you a room for the surgery and those samples. Thank you, for your help today. Not many would be brave enough to be operated on for the sake of others." Standing the man would exit the room and find a nurse telling her everything the man needed. 

Once, it was done he would come back into the room with Enishi. "If you would follow me I can grab those samples and the other thing." The room Akabayashi brought the teen too was well lit along with a bed to lay down in there was a lot of machines that wouldn't be used for the surgery in the room, but it looked overwhelming. "Don't worry we're ninja we don't need those." He would say to lighten the mood. Taking two vials he would hand one to Enishi. "Spit in that and I'll take some blood from you." Making seals Akabayashi would make seals and five blue flames would appear on his fingers. "This is an anesthetic you won't feel any pain. If you could remove your shirt and sit on the bed." Once Enishi did as directed the Nova would plunge the flames into Enishi's chest numbing his body. A moment later with the other hand the Terumi would draw blood from the ninja's arm and show it to him. "See, no pain." He would state placing the capped vials on a table with metal instruments meant to cut and scoop.

The Terumi put on gloves after washing his hands for the surgery. The man had a kidney already on standby on the cart in the room that lay inside a metal container. A kidney that had belonged to Genki Rones an Uchiha in all but name. "If you are ready, I will begin. You may close your eyes if you want, but you will have to remain still. I have something that can knock you out for a while if you wish." If the ninja wished to be unconscious he would give him some gas in the appropriate amount to do so. Otherwise, the Doctor would make seals for the chakra scalpel and begin to remove the kidney of his donor. The cut would be made with precision and skill as if it were done multiple times by the ninja. He would use one of the metal tools to hold open the incision as he made another cut to detach the organ from the body which he would pick up and place in an empty pan next to the replacement kidney. Taking that kidney he would place it inside of Enishi and then end the effect of his chakra scalpel. Making seals once more the Terumi's hands would glow green and he would start by attaching the kidney to the body appropriately, before removing the metal tool holding the wound open, and then sealing that wound. Then heal the wound he had made to use chakra anesthetic. Lastly, he would clean up the blood around the wound that didn't get far from the wound do to the cotton he had used and removed which had soaked up the excess. "That's it surgery was good no scarring, kidney attached correctly. How do you feel? Should still be numb for at least another five minutes or so." 

Akabayashi would wait for Enishi to answer unless he chose to be unconscious for the procedure otherwise he would wait for him to wake up. Using the scalpel the Terumi would take off a tiny piece of the kidney with a scalpel and place it in a third vial. "Once more thank you for the samples, I hope the new transplant serves you well. If you wish to stay to relax or to help my research you may." Akabayashi would sit inside a chair in the room waiting to see if the ninja was okay before leaving him alone.
WC: 918
TWC: 2,278
Claims: Transplanting the left kidney of Genki Rones (Uchiha) into Enishi. Taking his left kidney, a sample of his blood, and saliva sample.
Jutsu used Mystical Palm, chakra scalpel, and chakra anesthetic. If links are required to the techniques I will add them.
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:38 am
The name that Enishi now knew, Akaybashi Terumi would ensure the kid that he was getting his money's - or in this case, organ's - worth, explaining that the Uchiha kidney that he would replace the understudy's kidney in the rather simplistic experiment. Enishi didn't really care whether he would gain something out of the experiment, as being able to help someone with their ordeal was already enough for him; however, attaining something that would bolster his strength from the research experiment wouldn't be something that he would argue with. The understudy had already showcased his resolve, and now, he needed to act on it. The doctor, Akabyashi seemed to be a trustworthy man, so during the experiment, the boy steeled himself to trust the man with his life. That was not only the resolve to complete the task, but also, the resolve to be deserving of the title of "shinobi." Was this a test from fate? Enishi didn't know and quite frankly, couldn't give a rat's ass about it. He hated concepts that restricted and trampled on free will like that. All that needed to be done today, was partaking in the doctor's experiment. Akabayashi allowed Enishi some time to himself, walking out of the room to request a room for surgery and the surgery he spoke about moments before the silver-haired teen's statement. This allowed the understudy's mind to drift for a few minutes, yet those impactful minutes only appeared to be a few moments of insightful pause for Enishi's mind to wander endlessly through the archives of his memory. He reflected on what drove him to be a shinobi. Glory? Honor? Duty? Adrenaline? Honestly, he could not fully express the answer, but he knew from the bottom of his heart, that it had to be something resembling atonement. Atonement towards the orphanage he set fire to years ago, feeling the warmth from the ashes that the people there could never give him. Atonement towards the only woman that loved him in his worthless life, that burned along with the children in the orphanage that day. Atonement for being a monster. Atonement for living. Atonement for existing. Atonement for breathing. Atonement for being born. Atonement for being Enishi Kuro-

The door creaked open, instantly snapping the near-catatonic boy in his rhythm-like trance of despair. The room was ready.

Enishi serenely nodded in response, masking the guilt in himself as he followed the man innocuously through the white hallway. Entering the surgery room, the understudy was instantly overwhelmed with lots of machinery and gadgets that seemed to be increasingly more threatening the more he looked at them. "Is all of this going inside of me?" Enishi thought in frantic desperation whilst a comedic sweatdrop ran down his face, but thankfully, Akabayashi reassured them that they won't be using all of that as a way to lighten up a mood. A short chuckle came out of the boy in response to that. The doctor then requested that the silver-haired teen spits into a vial that he gave him and he did just that. A solid spit was enough to fill half of the vial which Enishi assumed was enough for the experiment. The understudy then took off his jacket, shirt, and sat on the bed as the doctor ordered him to as he got his blood drawn after being touched by the anesthetic. It felt odd, but it didn't hurt, so there was that. After that, Akayabashi once again ordered him to close his eyes and asked him if he would like to be knocked out. In the process of closing his eyes, the understudy merely nodded as he felt the gas overtake him...

Enishi's eyes shot open while he heard the reassuring words of the doctor once again, his consciousness fully being attentive to the outside world. Numbness set in, feeling as though he was outside his body and it wasn't even his anymore. Drowsiness set in, making the understudy's sight somewhat impaired. The silver-haired teen leaned upwards so that he was facing the doctor in front of him. "...Ah...Yes, I feel very numb and a little drowsy from the gas that you gave me to inhale prior to the surgery, but I believe I'll be fine, Doctor Terumi." His words were his usual calm and collected tone despite his remnants of drowsiness from the gas and numbness from the anesthetic. The understudy's newly gained kidney felt a little foreign to his body, but that was granted; it was another person that could be older or younger than him's kidney. 

Akabayashi would thank the silver-haired teen for being part of his research and even invited him if he wanted to stay at his lab; as much as the understudy yearned that he could spend some time with the doctor, he was EXTREMELY tired. The effects of the drowsiness were not to be played with, but he was sure if he saw the doctor again, he would definitely want to learn from him. Enishi would put on his jacket and shirt before opening the door, about to leave the premises. Before he left to go back to his house, however, he would turn his head to look at the man again. "No problem. I'm also grateful for you giving me a large amount of power in the transplant, doctor. I'll probably have to relax at home since I have to do some things there, but if we see each other again, I want to learn some of your techniques. It'd be an honor to learn from the man who faced Kyousuke Snow. Until then," Enishi would say with finality and a large smirk before closing the door and going back home for the day. 


WC: 1052
TWC: 3717

Will make wordcount claims once I roll for the transplant surfacing on a separate post.
Speaking of transplants, claiming Uchiha Genetics found in the DNA of Genki Rones' kidney that Akabayashi transplanted to me. Rolling for Uchiha Genetics to surface. 1 is for success, 2 is for failure. 
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Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:38 am
The member 'Enishi Kurosawa' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Stat Page : The Wraith
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Nature Chakra Studies Empty Re: Nature Chakra Studies

Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:52 am

+37 Stat Points
Claiming Uchiha Genetics successfully surfacing on Enishi Kurosawa
[2000/2000] WC Towards training Uchiha Genetics in order to use it 
Claiming +25 Chakra main stat buff from Uchiha Genetics' Passive Effect
1717 WC Towards Swamp of the Underworld, previous WC was 435 so it's now [2152/2500] for Swamp of the Underworld. The topic where I got 435 WC is here
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