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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:37 am

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA

Arantima had sent out for Kinko the day before choosing to send pakuun when he did so. For this Particular Training day he was wearing his Full Regalia of the Demon Warrior attire.  His Demons shroud, which was a simplistic Black metal and leather armored body suit that held many pockets and storage spaces to hide things within a simple motions retrieval. He was standing in a Simple Rice paddy stylized area that was set up in Concentric circles of 1 meter strips of alternating Grass land and ankle deep water. The channels of water were lines with stone to not make the grass strips too soft or muddy.

Arantima was standing in the center 1 meter wide circle that was grassland and was sitting atop his Twin Demon lance's wire. The Twin demon lance blades were buried in the ground of the meter wide circle he was in just at the boundary where they would be stable. He sat cross legged on the wire and looked calm and rather serene as he was waiting for an answer to his summons to Kinko for training.  He had left the message clear and simple, just bring what you feel will be useful to you for a basic training day.

He had his eyes completely closed and seemingly was meditating.  He seemed rather tranquil in this basically misty rice paddy, a Waterfall roaring in the background but the roar was a dull sound in the background due to its distance from the current location. The entire Training area was set in 1 meter wide circles as said before all the way out to 40 meters out from the center, making the training ground 80 meters from one side to the other.

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 2:57 pm
Kinko had spent some more time around these folk, around his own folk. He started to become more comfortable with the idea of staying long-term, much longer than he expected, or ever really thought. He knew it was possible but he did not know how willing he was to give up his comfortable life in the Lightning Country; he also wondered how it will change. The Lightning Country is not as stable as it was when he left, maybe that was a sign to not return, or maybe it was a sign to return. Kinko had retired to his room after a light lunch to redress to his own personal needs. Still, clad in his armor of black clothing and a small black shawl covering his torso, securely strapped on through belts, harness, and holsters. The turquoise eyes glanced over to the door from his room, he was going for a walk around the grounds. As he opened the door, he noted a little owl at the door, with a massage. Kinko wondered how long the owl had been standing there, maybe it was only for a moment. Kinko wondered if the owl was confused too, didn't matter, what mattered was the massage. Kinko was notified to report for training ! The ego from the Kyuketsuki hoped he was the one training, not being trained. Maybe that it was a group training, not some sort of situation where Tima would think he is a sensei or something. His eyes shifted from left to right, in almost suspicion, wondering what this was going to be. Without needing much, Kinko offered his shoulder to Pakuun, somewhere to relax for the journey to training. He was going to learn what this Tima guy was all about, but unfortunately, Kinko's skills himself were not prepped yet. He had much to learn and he knew it. He just hoped Tima would not be able to tell. Kinko had his own list of things he knew he needed to work on, if only he had completed that before this moment.

Kinko quickly found himself in an area where the water flowed freely between land, grass, and air. The crashing waterfall brought it's own form of peace, a peace that Kinko would refuse to disturb. Standing on the edge of the water, Kinko then pushed his shoulder towards Tima, a signal to Pakuun to return to Tima. To announce the presence of Kinko, without startling or awakening any sleeping giants. Kinko would follow shortly after, to create the timing between Pakuun arriving to Kinko and Kinko arriving to Tima. The sound of Kinko's feet pressing and pushing through the water was nothing compared to the natural crash of the waterfall. Do not worry, Kinko made sure to stretch before entering the fields. He would be ready for anything but also walked up to Tima casually. He was surprised he was the first to arrive. He hoped, he really hoped that Tima was not offering a 1 on 1 sensei class. Oh god, could you imagine. He hoped Yazui would not hear about this. Gosh, the state of his own personal affairs. As Kinko would notice Tima noticing him, a simple bow in honor would be delivered. Nothing more and nothing less, the expressions on his face were quite blank. Hiding his own concerns for his perceptions. Kinko did what he often does, waits.

[WC: 566]
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:43 am

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA

Arantima might have had his eyes completely closed and his ears were filled with the sound of roaring water, however there were other senses that he could rely on and this was going to be his own test on how he could rely on them instead of his own eyes and ears.  Arantima felt the moment that Kinko crossed into the 25th circle, which marked him at 25 meters from himself.  His hand moved with lightning speed and drew one of the kunai from his ribcage and  threw  it with immense speed and precision of forethought.

Pakuun had flown over Arantima when he had been sent back towards him, but upon seeing his position and the training ground Pakuun flew off to a distant  branch to land on and watch the goings on.

As Kinko walked across the space the Kunai was travelling at a little over twice Kinko's maximum speed.  The kunai was aimed to Land in the ground once Kinko entered the 15 Meter mark, Kinko walking might set the timing of this to be a bit off landing at the 15 meter mark a bit before Kinko can reach it. In either case Arantima Doesnt open his eyes as he moves his face to 'Look' at Kinko or at least in his general direction.  "Thank you for coming out Kinko. Its nice to know that you are willing to come train with me, I hope that this will be a very useful experience for the both of us.

He had called out to kinko without looking at him and yet he seemed to know exactly where the man was.. It was more than a bit creepy. He didnt stand when he called out to Kinko but after he was sure that Kinko had heard him he gestured around to the training space that they were in and then pointed to Kinko with a Clawed hand. "First though.. A question about you. What is your primary focus as a Ninja?  And..  Can you tell me what you think the purpose of the design of this training spot is?"

He did not sound condescending nor did he sound arrogant.  These questions seemed to be completely genuine as if he had a curiosity and he genuinely enjoyed learning about how others went about their ninja paths..  The second question however seemed to have a double purpose and it seemed as if there were wrong or incorrect ways to answer the question and yet the consequence for doing so was unclear or might not even be present.

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:24 pm
As Kinko walked closer to Tima, he noticied that Tima had reached for a kunai and threw it towards him.  Projectiles were weird for Kinko, he always knew he had a second to think about what to do, should he catch it, dodge it, use ninjut...splat, that was a second.  He was used to this though, it often was much more simple than one expected.  The unfazed Kyuketsuki then simply side stepped the kunai, taking a step to the left to allow the kunai to pass him on his right.  His right side was his dominate side and Kinko would keep an eye on the kunai as it passed him.  Kinko was unsure if it was just a regular kunai or if Tima had some substitution in mind.  Regardless, the kunai flew past him with no consequence, Kinko would need to remember the kunai and hopefully Tima would not rely on it later.  He wondered if he should have caught it now...

Kinko noted that Tima was speaking to him while not looking at him.  Weird, Kinko often wondered what was up with this guy.  Kinko's eyes shifted around looking for some sort of trap, Tima seemed like someone who would try to trap.  His eyebrow rose but with almost no response to what Tima said.  But only thought, 'Yeah, I hope so too.'  As he was too busy analyzing Tima to properly respond, almost in a rude way but he was busy.  Kinko's left foot stepped back, mirroring Tima's arm reaching up and pointing at him.  'He is so dramatic.'  He thought, as he was going to assume his stance to stay ready, something about Tima right now was making Kinko tense.  Maybe he was nervous.  'My primary focus as a ninja?  What does that even mean?'  Did he want Kinko's nindo, his fighting style, his philiosophy as a ninja, his goals?  Primary focus?  Did Kinko even have one ? Then, Kinko wondered if the purpose of the training ground was to train, but he could not say that.  "My primary fighting style is medical ninjutsu and poisons.  Of course, we always love blood too."  He said as he shrugged his arms up in a diplomatic way.  "In terms of the purpose for training grounds, No, I cannot tell you."  He did not say it harshly or bluntly, but rather firmly but also suggesting that he did not have much to say about it.  He intentionally omitted the focus and used his fighting style as a substitute.

He gathered some information from the training grounds, such as the rings, the distance and use of the waterfall, and the kunai behind him.  He did not know much else, he could feel the smooth lining beneath the water.  Either way, he was certain that Tima might not have been happy with that answer.  "What do you think the purpose of this training ground is?"  He said in a way to jump to the answer without waiting, in a way to take control of the situation.  Kinko was hoping to not have the little cherub run in the air again, though he would love to learn that jutsu.

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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:26 am

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA

Arantima's eyes never opened once as he continued to "Stare" in Kinko's direction. He nodded at Kinko's explaination of his ninja's fighting style, which was the basic idea of what Arantima had been asking for an insight to, but not only that.. the way he answered told him more about himself than he could be aware of unless Kinko was also skilled at reading people and their personalities.. and using that skill to fake it. Arantima Finally stood, uncrossing his legs and gesturing around to the training ground as he picked up his weapon and with a quick flick of his wrsits the wire was coiled back into the hilts and the two halves of the Blade staff were one once more.

He used a gentle and slow spin of the bladed staff weapon in a gesture that swept as if to say "This entire space".  "This training grounds design is such that you can always know the distance between yourself and your partner or you can judge how far a Jutsu can go and get an understanding of its distance in a natural sense without needing a set starting point.  Each Ring is One meter thick, and as such you can measure approximate distance from yourself to your target.  It is easiest from the center point where I am but if you use these rings properly.. You will be able to visualize a Set of rings with yourself as the center in any situation." Arantima holds the blade staff behind his back in a position of rest.

Arantima then flicks out his hand and the Blade staff separates once again and he sends the flying Sword blade to embed itself in the Grass at 3 Meters and then points to Kinko with the blade still in his hand "Some training etiquette before we start. A three meter section surrounding any kina is what I refer to as the Death bubble. Any ninja that enters this bubble has consigned their life away.  I will always ask to enter this area from any trusted ninja, as a point of courtesy as my entering also forces them into my own death bubble.  The only one I do not ask.. is MIzu.  My life belongs to her to end at any time, and i will never threaten hers so the request to enter is moot. However for this training, consider that bit of polite protocol waived."

Arantima flicks his wrist again and the Blade that was embedded in the ground rockets back to him and reconnects with the other half smoothly with a soft click.  Arantima twirls the blade staff gently, almost idly as if trying to get it to sit somewhere comfortable but non-threatening. Arantima's eyes still have not yet opened and his face was a passive mask of tranquility at least for the time being. He was inwardly focused on the feeling of Kinko's blood flowing through every vein and artery in the mans body, he was a kyuketsui so there would be no heartbeat that he could focus on but this new blood sense that he had come in to he wanted to practice with.

"I have few rules for sparring other than not directly attempting to kill the other. However, I also will encourage you to not hold back at all.. If that changes as we spar I will request at such a time as I feel i need it. I offer you the same courtesy. if you need me to slow down or hold back at all do not feel slighted by needing to ask.  We both do not know each others skills and as such..  Consider this first meeting a Getting to know each other spar, not a judgement of your overall worth."

"If you have any rules or requests please state them now before we begin in earnest, becuase once we begin adding new rules will be much more difficult."
Arantima says the last gently, with a soft smile on his face but there is also a playful catty-ness to that final statement of adding rules mid spar.
General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA


Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Tue Oct 25, 2022 2:47 pm
Kinko stood there as he watched Tima accept his answers. Kinko wanted to know more about Tima and his style but it seemed that Tima started to move with a weapon in hand. Kinko had little reaction to this but more importantly, was aware and observant. The explanation of the circled rings on the floor made sense to Kinko, distance management was something that a lot of shinobi struggled with, even him. Distance took a lot of practice to perfect, to know your own abilities and their reach, and to know when you are in danger of someone else's reach. Standing close in front of an opponent without the ability to harm them was always a constant frustration with Kinko. He appreciated a sniper's approach, if I see you, I want to hit you. While he did not operate that way, he figured he could learn some jutsu to support that sentiment. But for now, he has found refuge in poisons and their abilities.

The Kyuketsuki watched the bladed staff fly towards him but not in a sense of danger, something that Kinko sensed. It found itself within a 3 meter ring. Kinko was interested in Tima after speaking about the death bubble, he wondered what his life was like to always be on guard to anyone that close. While Kinko had a similar rule, he did not think that he held it steadfastly as Tima did. He understood the rule and it's purpose but wondered what happened to the little cherub to make him so distrusting of others. Even Kinko was not that distrusting. Though, he figured he would want to talk to Mizu about Tima, that relationship seemed very strong. Much stronger than any bond Kinko has ever developed with anyone. He wondered if Tima was the weird one, or if he was.

Kinko took note of how the weapon worked, it seamlessly retracted back into it's holster. Kinko wondered who made that, the craftsmanship was amazing and the engineering was superb, he wondered what type of metal string it was. The maintenance on it must be significant. Maybe Kinko would try to clog it with dirt, grime, and mud, something to clog it's mechanics. Kinko stood with his eyes open, watching someone watching him with his eyes closed.

'Oooh, we ARE sparing.' Kinko thought it himself. How unfair ! To be requested to train and now we are in a fight. Kinko did enjoy sparing and has found interest in taijutsu, despite his absolute lack of skill. "Of course, that is reasonable to me." He said in an agreement, knowing that we are simply sparing and knowing that the intensity of sparing can wave, sometimes too much. Regardless, Kinko nodded, knowing that he could be seen. He knew he would be able to have the first go but did not want to take advantage of it. Rather playfully, Kinko seriously formed two handseals and spit a driplet of a senbon from his mouth, not jolting, dashing, or flashing towards Tima but more of a gently glide. With that, Kinko took a defensive leap back to prepare himself for a counter attack. He wanted Tima in range.


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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:31 am

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA

Arantima's eyes still were sealed shut it seemed but as Kinko lept back to a place that was fifteen meters it was a long few moments until he felt the water senbon enter 5 meters of himself and entered his Chakra sensory range. Arantima moved fast as a Striking viper and Threw out one of the Halves of his blade staff to pierce the Senbon, knowing that the jutsu wouldnt be able to scar his Finely crafted weapon. The Sword blade flew at the senbon at 115 Speed. Beating out the leisurely pace of the Mouth shot jutsu of Kinko's.

The Blade was engulfed by the 1 meter wide burst of water harmlessly as Arantima Gripped the Blade still in his hand and from its position about 4 meters away from Arantima the Blade began to shoot out for Kinko Violently Fast at a break-neck 150 speed to Cross the 12 meter gap between itself and Kinko as it aimed to Wrap the Wire around Kinko's waist. The Bladed end would be rather harmless in this moment but would be the guiding point of the flying wire as Arantima turned the blade held in his left hand to a reverse grip so he could better guide the wire.

Arantima knew that Kinko was new and was trying to find a way to test his skills So This technique would have to do, and hopefully if he could Catch the boy he would just simply hold him in position But if kinko would find a way to dodge the Weapon aiming to bind him he would see how Kinko followed this up. For Every motion that would try and Take kinko out of range of the Encroaching Weapon Arantima would advance to keep him inside the range, as Arantima was Many times faster than Kinko this would be no challenge for him, However he knew that even a slower opponent could find a creative way of dodging or defending from this Jutsu.


35-25% = 26 AP for Binding meteor

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 890/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:44 pm

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! RlNMUAA

Arantima halted the Wire and ripped it back towards himself as soon as he spotted a owl landing at the edge of the Training arena he had picked out and held up a halting hand towards Kinko "Hold a moment.. It looks as if i am being summoned.. Mizuki requires me for something important or she wouldnt interrupt this session.. Please accept my apologies Kinko, but do find me when you can hmm? Id love to continue this." He said that with a  genuine smile as he darted off at his full speed of 150 and collected the kunai he had thrown earlier as he did.


1278 towards Will of the blood cursed - 2000/2000
Previous training Here

Claiming 30 AP increase from WC - can claim 330 More ap from missions or WC

556 /1000 Toward Mastering Summoning Technique For Same country restriction removal

Current Health Bar: 300/300  | AP: 864/890

Vigor: 25 |  Chakra: 100 | Speed: 150 | Strength: 25 | Throwing Speed: 115 | Throwing Distance: 57 Meters | Jumping Distance/Height 42 Meters

General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! A9ZAf7m
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Sat Dec 03, 2022 9:51 pm
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General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?! Empty Re: General combat studies or Medical Malpractice?!

Fri May 26, 2023 3:40 am
[Claims: 1620
+16 Chakra

last remaining 1400 for 1174 WC to be used for Chakra Scalpel SenbonA ranked
First 1100 found at

0 WC remaining]

Last edited by Kinko on Sun May 28, 2023 7:22 pm; edited 2 times in total
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