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Spatial Studies [P] Empty Spatial Studies [P]

Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:17 pm
".. Seeing this place never gets old." A voice resounds in faint utterance from just beyond the edge of the mountain's peak, resonating from the tall steps leading up to the well-known Thunderpeak Campus. One last bountiful step takes the source to the top and upon the grounds dotting the exterior of the church-esque building, with pale blue eyes settling themselves upon the very structure thereafter. Elevating one bare hand, the young adult pushes several digits through her navy-tinged locks to cast a few stray lengths behind her back as she continues her steady stride up to the library.

Contrary to her typical attire, Moeri's adopted more casual attire in the form of a basic white sweatshirt, accompanied by black leggings and a simple pair of standard-issue sandals. Contrary to her status as a Raiten'no, she's opted for a more obscure look this time around, strictly so that she can focus on the training and practice that she came here for. Even if she's yet to actually get into it, she's already quite eager -- something that's uncharacteristic, to finally get into some semblance of activity with the new year right around the corner.

Plenty of ideas are already swarming her brain as her motions, now slowed to a lackadaisical saunter take her closer to the dwelling of literature. Primarily in brushing up on her knowledge of the fields she's been studying for several years. A decent bit of her career has been errand-running here and there, but never has she made much of an effort to expand her horizons in terms of what she knows of techniques. Beyond what the academy introduced to Moeri, her studies haven't taken her arsenal any further. After awhile she started feeling guilty about that, especially when she knows that there's a decent amount in store for her (for the better) if she does take a step forward in that regard.

Her familial heritage of the Seikatsugan and just her general comprehension of Space-Time and how one could interact with it using their chakra being some. If any place had information on how to improve either, she'd imagine that the campus that she visits so often for the sake of fictional pursuits of grandeur would be the location. All it takes is that first step to kickstart it -- and if it's anything like her other visits to this place, she'll be there for awhile once she gets invested. Pushing past the doors and into the vibrant halls of the campus, the Raiten'no's met with the familiarly lit halls of the campus in all its glory, practically gilded by the sheen of light tracing its vibrant interior.

Trecking past the initial entry and deeper into the building, she welcomes herself into the halls of Thunderpeak Campus and beyond, quaintly making her way for the arena it's host to. There's a decent number of techniques that she has to get to learning, but a select few are ones she can't safely practice outside of a vast vicinity. The rest are far easier to work with, allotting her the freedom to practice somewhere less particular. Stepping on into the arena, Moeri gives a quick look around and carries on to getting started, not wishing to delay herself any further than she already has.

Chakra fluxes to life, pumping through the circulatory system tailored to it from point to point as her body is wrung from its spiritual inactivity. She's already studied a bit prior on how to properly utilize the Summoning technique, making sure she got a hang of its little intricacies and functions. Its general nature as a technique stood as a healthy basis of Space-Time in general from its moment of conception by far older generations of shinobi. Seeing it still be around these days is just a testament to its value, and how it acts as a stepping stone to the rest of what it opens up -- such as contracts.

Unfortunately, she still has to look into figuring out how to handle that in particular. She's not as fortunate as she'd like in being familiar with acquiring a summoning contract, but that's why it's not the first thing on her long list of things to accomplish and sort out. Having already got chakra pumping through herself, Moeri raises her hands to chest-level, palms clapping together and fingers pressing against one another. ".. Seven seals. Six if I don't count the second-last." She utters softly, slipping her feet apart and dropping her center of balance.

Sela by seal, her fingers weave into place in accordance to the sequence required of her or the Summoning Technique. The blue-tressed Raiten'no contorts the Boar hand seal, followed by Dog into Bird, Monkey and finally the Ram hand seal. Having already lowered herself for the most part there, she uses that to her advantage whilst parting her hands. Moeri slaps her palm against the base of the ground, keeping the other elevated in order to complete her sequence. The seal of confrontatio is woven last, finishing her desired entourage.

"Summoning Technique." Her chakra provides a plentiful spurt that pumps itself into the palm pressed against the base of the ground, ushering itself forth swiftly to enact the technique she's brought to fruition for herself. Even if she does not have anything to summon at the moment, it still should technically function as intended, right? The plume of smoke that ensues thereafter provides her all she's needed to know in that regard, confirming its activation without that previous mention.

Drawing her hand back and ascending from her prior crouch, Moeri lets out a sigh and pushes her arm back, pushing her locks back as she stands up straight. Lugging herself from her momentary idling, the Raiten'no makes her way back from whence she came, sights cast upon the entrance into the arena. If there's one way she can consider how to work off of this technique with its 'child techniques' it's getting back into the library area to do more research - so that's exactly what her agenda will lead her to.

[1,011 words. Claiming +10 Chakra & Summoning Technique.]
Toshiro Senju
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Spatial Studies [P] Empty Re: Spatial Studies [P]

Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:14 pm
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