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Mission Guidelines Empty Mission Guidelines

Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:06 pm
Mission Guidelines
Mission Guidelines Missio11
Ninja Rule #4: A Shinobi must always put the mission first

Missions are an integral part of the experience here on NRPG. They are the easiest way for players to earn Ryo, AP, crafting items, and, most importantly, rank-ups. This guide will breakdown how missions work on the site.

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This section provides an outline for completing missions on NRPG, and subsequent sections go into specific parts in detail:
  • At least one member of a mission group must meet all Character Requirements to start the mission.
  • Up to Four ninjas may join up to complete a mission as a mission group. Living Clones count toward that character limit.
  • Mission threads must be located in the Mission Location. Before joining the mission thread, all members must be in the same country. 
  • All missions have a Task that the group members must complete to receive mission rewards.
  • The Word Count Requirement (WC) must be met to complete a mission. This WC should be split evenly between the mission group members, but as long as each activity contributes to the mission progress, it doesn't need to be precisely split.
  • Completing the mission nets all members of the mission group every Reward. Missions always give players Ryo and AP.
  • Challenges are made to increase the difficulty of the mission and net the group a Bonus.
  • Unless stated in the mission details, all missions are Repeatable, meaning there is no limit to how many times a ninja can complete it. However, the same mission cannot be used more than once toward rank-up progression in the same rank. This prevents players from repeatedly completing the same mission to rank up faster.
  • Some missions may be Character Exclusive, limiting those who may attempt it; these missions are most commonly used for character development purposes or are Legendary Missions that may affect site canon.
  • Once completed, any party cannot enter missions for any reason. Should players wish to continue RP, they must do so in the new topic.

Mission Guidelines MV5BMDUzZDYyMDAtMGUzNC00YjJhLTlhOGEtYTc2YTYyYTMyNWJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzgxMzc3OTc@._V1_
The Mission Board

The Mission Board is the one-stop shop for finding approved missions, claiming rewards, and requesting new missions. The mission board is divided into several sections, as follows:

Mission Directory: Approved missions will be listed and organized here, regardless of type. Members of NRPG Staff will periodically update this page.
Mission Requests: Players can create new missions that can be approved by NRPG staff. Players CANNOT complete missions in this section. All new missions must follow the Mission Creation Guidelines and Template.
Mission Rewards: Each ninja must create a thread here to track their completed missions and what rewards they have earned. Refer to the Mission Rewards Template to create one.

Mission Types

Missions on the Mission Board are divided into three major types:

  • Universal: Can be completed by any ninja regardless of affiliation (Village Ninja, Missing Ninja, ETC). It can be done in Any Village or the Borders.
  • Village Exclusive: Typically can only be completed by a ninja affiliated with a Village System. Each village also has missions that are specific only to their village. It can only be done in Major and Minor Villages. Missing ninjas and Vagabonds may be assigned to Village Exclusive missions if the village's Kage consents.
  • Missing Ninja and Vagabond Contracts: Typically can only be completed by ninjas not affiliated with the village system. It can be done in Neutral Towns, the borders, and sometimes Minor Villages.

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Basic Mission Rules

All mission threads must follow these rules:

  • A player can start a mission thread if they meet the Character Requirements. They do not need consent from NRPG Staff or the village Kage to start a mission except Legendary Missions.
  • Academy Students / E-Rank Missing Ninja / Vagabond can only participate in E-rank mission topics. 
  • The first post of a mission thread must contain a link to the approved mission and the mission details.
  • A maximum of four players may be a part of a mission group.
  • Each player must Copy/Paste their stat page into their first post during Hunter Missions, and it is encouraged to do the same for regular missions. 
  • Before joining the thread, the ninja must be in the same country as the Mission Location.
  • All group members must split the Word Count Requirement. For Example, A 3000 WC mission with three members in the mission thread requires each member to complete their portion of WC to earn rewards.
  • In the event of an inactive player, the "48-Hour Rule" may be enacted, but the remaining members must still complete their split of WC. Whatever WC they added before they left is still applied, but they do not earn Rewards. Example: Three players start a B Rank (3000 WC) mission. One player completes 500 WC and becomes inactive. The two remaining players must now complete 1250 WC each.
  • Missions provide a Task that drives the topic. How the mission is completed is up to the group members, but the task must be completed before the topic's conclusion.
  • Each player receives all listed Rewards when completing a mission. Players may also use their WC to claim Stats/Techniques/AP at the standard rate.

Mission Location

All Missions are required to have mission location on their mission details. Mission threads must be made in the mission location listed, but some missions may have vague locations. Here is a breakdown of what those locations mean:
  • "Major Village": Missions must be done within the walls of one of the Big Five Major Villages (Hoshi, Kiri, Konoha, Kumo, and Suna).
  • "Minor Village": Missions can be done in any village within The Minor Countries.
  • "Neutral Village": Unnamed communities that do not appear on the map. They have no ninja system, no allegiance to any village, and rely on the assistance of outsiders to complete various tasks. Mission completed in Neutral Villages must be made at the borders of any country. Places like Tanzaku Town would also fall into the category.
  • "Any Village": Usually, for universal missions, the player can decide where to complete the mission, be it a Major, Minor, or Neutral village.
  • "Borders": Missions must be done at the borders of any country. Some missions may limit what borders the mission can be completed at. Missions of that type are done in the “Borders” on a village subforum, and the topic must be labeled with [Borders] Tag. A shinobi undertaking the mission doesn’t have to exit the village through the gates physically but, at the same can’t use the mission as a platform to free from it. Missing Ninja and others can invade those missions. 

Mission Ranks

Missions are divided into ranks based on their difficulty. Below is a breakdown of the ranking system:
  • E Rank: The most basic of missions, always non-combative, and are meant to be a ninja's entrance into the ninja system. They are so simple they could be completed by civilians if necessary. 
  • D Rank: Slightly more challenging missions out of reach for civilians to complete. Ninjas may be forced into combat against low-threat targets. Failure could lead to a minor injury.
  • C Rank: Challenging missions requiring ninjas to have mastered at least the basic skills to complete. Potential combat against low to mid-threat targets trained in the ninja arts is expected at this rank. Failure could lead to severe and sometimes permanent injury.
  • B Rank: Advanced missions taken by journeymen ninjas with some advanced knowledge of specific ninja skills. Combating against mid-threat targets also with advanced training is inevitable. Failure will lead to permanent injury and sometimes DEATH.*
  • A Rank: Dangerous missions requiring expert-level ninja arts training. Combat against Mid to High-Threat targets will likely lead to DEATH to any who fail to accomplish their mission.
  • S Rank: Special missions are only taken by the most powerful ninja. The results of these missions could have world-altering consequences. DEATH is considered an authentic potential result for those who accept these tasks.

* - Missing Ninjas and Vagabonds can complete Village Exclusive missions If they have Kage permission. In this case, they would be treated as mercenaries used to complete tasks the villages don't have the manpower to do. 

Ranking Up with Missions
Missions are the most common way players can increase their OOC/Power Rank, starting from C-Rank to S-Rank. There are three distinct tracks that players can follow through missions. Please refer to the Dual Rank System for a full breakdown of Rank Ups.

Mission Guidelines Ryo_we11
Word Counts and Rewards

The Word Count Requirement and their Reward is dependent on the rank of the mission being completed. All missions reward a certain amount of Ryo and AP for their completion. Each member of a mission group earns the same rewards, and players do not earn more rewards for exceeding the WC requirement. The breakdown is as follows (WC / Ryo / AP) :
  • E Rank: 500 WC / 1,000 Ryo / 5 AP 
  • D Rank: 1,000 WC / 2,000 Ryo / 10 AP 
  • C Rank: 2,000 WC / 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
  • B Rank: 3,000 WC / 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP
  • A Rank: 4,000 WC / 8,000 Ryo / 40 AP
  • S Rank*: 5,000 - 10,000 WC / 10,000 - 20,000 Ryo / 50-100 AP **

These are the standard amounts for all missions. They cannot be modified unless the mission has a Challenge

* - S Rank missions are the highest-ranked missions a ninja can undertake. The ranges displayed are adjusted based on the difficulty of the task.
** - Players that have reached MAX AP on their ninja no longer benefit from AP Rewards. To compensate, these players can convert their AP to Ryo. The conversion rate is 1 AP = 50 Ryo. Only players with MAX AP can do this, and it can be done at any mission rank. 
Mission Salaries
Each ninja may receive additional Ryo based on their In-Character Rank and the rank of the mission they complete. This salary is not reflected in the mission details, and each player must ensure they are adding it to their claims correctly. NRPG Staff will monitor this for abuse.

Here is that breakdown (Refer to The Dual Rank System):
  • Genin/D-Rank Missing Ninja/D-rank Vagabonds: 0 Ryo for E Rank and above missions
  • Chunin/C-Rank Missing Ninja/C-rank Vagabonds: 2000 Ryo for E Rank and above missions
  • Tokubetsu Jounin: 3000 Ryo for E Rank and above missions
  • Jounin/B-Rank Missing Ninja/B-rank Vagabonds: 4000 Ryo for  E Rank and above missions
  • Anbu/A-Rank Missing Ninja/A-rank Vagabonds: 7500 Ryo for E Rank and above missions
  • Master/Village Leader: 10000 Ryo for E Rank and above missions
  • Kage/S-Rank Missing Ninja/S-rank Vagabonds: 15000 Ryo for E Rank and above missions

Challenges are modifiers that increase the difficulty of the mission. Some missions may have multiple challenges combined for a challenging quest. In most cases, these missions will either add more to the word count requirement, have a remote mission location, limit the size of a mission group, or combine all three. Completing a challenge adds a bonus to its Reward. This section outlines the different challenges missions may have:

Arc: A chain of missions thread together to make a familiar narrative. 
  • All mission group members must meet the character requirements to go on the missions. In most cases, this will mean they have had to complete the missions earlier in the chain.
  • The player must provide a link to the completed prior mission in the arc when starting the continuing mission.
  • Should the player fail any part of the Arc due to an Ambush, they may be unable to complete subsequent missions.
  • Each mission in the arc after the first applies the Bonus.
  • The final mission of an Arc may provide an additional reward to mark their completion. 
  • Bonus: +25% Ryo and AP

Covert: Missions that limit the number of players that can make up the mission group. Only the mission group members and their village's Kage know the details of the mission.
  • A maximum of two people can be part of the mission group.
  • Exclusive to Village Ninja. Missing ninjas may be assigned to Covert missions with the approval of the Village's Kage.
  • Should a rival ninja successfully Ambush a mission with this challenge, they cannot earn the BonusVillage Sentinels also cannot assist during an ambush.
  • Bonus: +50% Ryo and AP

Crafting: Missions that reward material from the Crafting System.  
  • The mission location must always be at a nation's borders, which makes Ambush by rival ninjas always possible.
  • Increases the Word Count Requirement by 50%.
  • All crafting missions are repeatable by the same character.
  • Bonus: A Material whose rank matches that of the mission in addition to the reward. 

Hunter: A particular type of mission that requires the mission group to fight and defeat a Non-Playable Character (NPC) in combat to be completed. 
  • Hunter missions do not have a Word Count Requirement.
  • Sometimes may be combined with other challenges to create a challenging experience.
  • It cannot be Ambushed regardless of what other challenges may be included in the mission.
  • They can be extremely dangerous and may result in permanent injury or DEATH of a player.
  • Hunter NPCs are always trying to ensure the DEATH of a player.
  • Bonus: +100% Ryo and AP
  • Bonus: The player earns an additional Bounty based on their rank. See Hunter Missions .

Long Distance: Missions with a remote Mission Location, such as little villages or the Land of Iron. 
  • The mission group must complete a travel topic to the Mission Location following the Travel Rules before starting the mission. The players must state they are attempting to complete a mission on this travel topic. Once the travel is complete, the mission may begin as usual.
  • Players earn their Reward at the end of the mission thread but must make a travel topic to return home.
  • Because these missions occur outside of Great Nations borders, they are always subject to Ambush by rival ninja.
  • Bonus: +50% AP

Professional: Requires a member of the mission group to have a certain specialty.
  • Can only be applied to missions B Rank and higher.
  • The Character Requirements will list a specific specialty (Medical, Fuuinjutsu, Weaponry, etc.).
  • At least one member of the mission group must meet the Character Requirements to start the mission.
  • Increases the Word Count Requirement by 20%.
  • Bonus: +50% Ryo

Sabotage: Missions whose Mission location is inside a Rival Nation's country meant to cause havoc to other villages. These are meant to be the most difficult of all the non-combat challenges. 
  • Can only be applied to missions A Rank and higher.
  • These missions are always Village Exclusive. Missing ninjas may be allowed to complete such missions as mercenaries with the approval of the Village's Kage.
  • These missions are innately Long Distance; as such, they cannot be combined with said challenge and do receive an additional bonus.
  • Always subject to Ambush.
  • Regardless of the task, the consequences of the mission are purely for character development and do not directly harm the village being sabotaged.
  • Increases the Word Count Requirement by 50%.
  • Bonus: +100% Ryo and AP

All missions with challenges will recalculate their adjustments and show the correct Word Count Requirement and Rewards. If the calculated amount is not a whole number (as with some AP calculations), that number is rounded to the following whole number.

A mission with multiple challenges uses the base amounts for all modifiers. For Example: If a B Rank Mission (3,000 WC / 6000 Ryo / 30 AP) were both Professional and Covert, the new amounts would be 3,600 WC / 12,000 Ryo / 45 AP.

Mission Guidelines Bingo_10

Hunter Missions

Hunter missions are dangerous and may likely result in a player's DEATH. However, with significant risk comes a great reward, and those who complete a hunter mission will earn a Bounty: a powerful reward chosen by the player that improves the higher the rank of the hunter mission. They also play a role in the Dual Rank System. Please see the Hunter Mission Guide of NRPG for more information.

Mission Guidelines Maxresdefault
Not all missions are danger-free and Rival ninja (Especially missing ninja) may attempt to Ambush a mission group to stop them from completing the task. In some instances, a simple mission at a nation's borders could lead to combat against a squad of the rival ninja; this combat could lead to player DEATH.

Not all missions can be Ambushed, and some requirements must be met to do so:
  • The Mission must be C Rank or higher.
  • The Mission must not be a hunter.
  • The Mission Location must be outside of a hidden village. Missions inside a hidden village cannot be Ambushed regardless of Rank.
  • The ambush party must also be within the same country as the Mission location. Missions that occur at the nation's borders can be ambushed by ninjas located in an adjacent country.
  • A member of the ambush group must have the appropriate In-Character Rank for the mission to attempt an ambush. A maximum of FOUR ninjas may create an ambush group.
  • An ambush group does not just have to be missing ninja. Village ninja from rival villages may also attempt to Ambush missions from rival villages or missing ninja contracts being completed with their borders. Even a group of missing ninja and village ninja can work together to complete a successful Ambush.
  • Missions may be Ambushed up to 48 hours after the completion of the mission. 

Once these requirements are met, an Ambush can be attempted. Here's how it works:
  • The ambushing group enters into the mission topic. Each player must Copy/Paste their stat page onto their first post.
  • Once the first member of an ambush group enters the topic, the remaining members have 48 Hours to join it. If they don't join in time, they are not part of the ambush group and cannot enter later.
  • After 48 Hours, the mission group must respond to the ambush group's threat. Suppose the Ambush Group has a member that is more than 2 ranks above any of the mission group members. In that case, those members can abandon the mission without consequence and leave without interruption. 
  • A Village Sentinel may join within this period to assist the mission group.
  • During this first round of posting, neither group may engage in combat. Should the mission group realize they are outmatched, they may attempt to flee or bargain with the Ambushing Group, but escape is not guaranteed.
  • WC completed by the mission group still counts towards Word Count Requirement, but they cannot complete the Task until the ambush group's threat is dealt with.

Should the mission group escape:
  • Each player may still claim rewards for the WC they completed but gain none of the Rewards. They also gain no credit for the mission and cannot attempt it again.
  • The ambushing group can then complete the mission, starting where the mission group left off in Word Count Requirement and then earning all Rewards and Bonuses.
  • Covert missions automatically net the ambush group the mission Reward but not the Bonus.

Should the mission group stay:
  • If necessary, the ambushing group must be removed by force to complete the mission. The mission cannot be completed until this is done, even if the Word Count Requirement is met.
  • The easiest way would be to offer the ambush group Ryo to complete the mission peacefully.
  • This could, however, also lead to Player v Player (PvP) combat with the victorious group then given a chance to complete the mission. This could very easily lead to several player DEATHS within a topic.
  • Given the now increased number of players in the same topic, the "48-Hour Rule" should be enacted by both groups should it come to that.

Any Ryo taken by the ambush group credits them with completing the Bandit track towards ranking up.

Mission Guidelines Hidans10

Village Sentinels
A village may enlist their ninja to become a Village Sentinel, usually a Jounin/B-Rank tasked with protecting a mission group should they require it to defend against an Ambush.

A Village Sentinel must follow these guidelines.
  • Each Village may have only one Village Sentinel. They can be either a player or a chosen village NPC. This ninja can be changed weekly.
  • These players usually live at the border of their village nation. During this time, they can participate in any topics happening within the village.
  • In exchange, they are given a weekly payment of 5000 Ryo. This ryo does not come out of a village's treasury and is added to the character's weekly stipend as a bonus. 
  • Should a mission group get Ambushed, the Village Sentinel can enter the topic to provide support. This will always give the mission group the advantage for missions whose Mission Location is within that nation's borders.
  • The village sentinel cannot travel outside his nation's borders to assist a mission group - Only ambushes within their country.
  • The Village Sentinel can only assist in ambushes against ninjas from their village.
  • Should the ambush group be defeated, the Village Sentinel earns the same Rewards as the mission group.
  • A Village Sentinel can only assist in ambushes that were started while they were already a Sentinel. One cannot become a Sentinel and assist in an ambush that began before they became a Sentinel 

Becoming a Village Sentinel is dangerous and could affect the player's DEATH.

Author: Moose

Editors: @Ayato Hyuuga , @Murata - Without you guys this would never have been completed at the level it is.

Contributions by: 
@Satoru Jugo - Who showed me several different coding tricks
@Murata - Who made more missions than I thought possible
@Mizuki Ohta - Who helped develop the finishing touches

Other Staff Members at time of launch (Not mentioned Above):
Admin -  @Ibari , @Kenshin
Full Mod - @Zaine
Other Mods: @Gonk, @Ichigo Sato,  @Souji ,  @Kita Hajime , @Daiko@Ryuzaki

Last edited by Moosiah on Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:36 am; edited 17 times in total
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