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Kyuketsuki Sukotto
Kyuketsuki Sukotto
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 23

Mission: Guard Duty [C-Rank] Empty Mission: Guard Duty [C-Rank]

Tue May 11, 2021 4:38 pm
Guard Duty

Sukotto showed up at the mission office and stared at the different available missions. He was working to improve himself, but also needed to make sure that he kept a steady income, so missions once again felt like the logical choice. After scanning through them he decided that he should pick up a guard shift. Luckily and not particularly surprising, they had a number of night shifts available. He honestly wasn't sure what other people preferred. Sure most people slept at night, but who wants to be out patrolling in the heat of the day under the glaring sun? 

He headed home and gathered up the few tools he had and set them out on the table. He took the five shuriken and kunai, a couple smoke bombs and two explosive tags and stuck them into a weapons pouch. He then grabbed a small white rag and placed it into the pouch as well. With all of the ninja gear he had packed into his bag he continued on with his rather uneventful day. About five hours before his shift, he laid down and took a nap to make sure he had plenty of energy for his upcoming mission.

Waking up shortly before he was supposed to arrive for his shift, he put on a black short sleeve shirt and dark pants. He strapped his weapons pouch to his left leg before running his hand through his hair, pushing it back and then securing it with his headband. For once he could spend a little time outside on a mission without having to hide from the blazing sun, and he was going to enjoy the hell out of it.

He headed to the small guard post near the outskirts of the city to report in. He entered the building and looked to one of the guards stationed there. "Sukotto, reporting for duty. Who do I need to talk to?" The two guards glanced at him, one gesturing to the back of the building, before he returned to the conversation he had been having. 

He made his way to the back of the building where an older soldier was sifting through paperwork. He introduced himself again, "Sukotto, reporting for duty." The soldier put the papers down and looked at him, his eyes brushing past his headband before lingering on his t-shirt. Finally he spoke in a resigned tone, "You damn ninja just wearing whatever the hell." He trailed off, then spoke again. "Patrol the city, don't worry too much about the edges with us in this valley, but if you see something suspicious check it out. If you see anything that needs to be addressed send up a signal." He looked Sukotto directly in the eye then very deliberately he said, "Send up a signal. I don't care if you think you can handle it. If something is happening, we need to know about it immediatly. Do what you think needs to be done after that." Sukotto nodded that he understood his meaning before asking, "What do you use as a signal?" The soldier gestured to a shelf to his right, "Chuck that bomb in the air. It is loud and flashy but wont do any real damage unless you manage to blow it up on something." Taking one and placing it in his weapons pouch, Sukotto headed out into the night for his first posting as a guard.

Stepping out of the guard post into the crisp air of the desert night felt refreshing. He had always enjoyed cooler weather, but he supposed nobody could really like the blazing heat of the sun. Maybe someone did, but as far as he was concerned, that person was crazy. He waited a minute or so, letting his sensitive eyes adjust to the darkness, his senses coming alive as he felt both the heartbeats from those in the building behind him. He took a deep breath, then began to jog on the cool sand, away from the cleft.

As he jogged, his senses continued to push searching for anything that might be amiss. His heightened sense of smell picked up smoke on numerous occasions, but it was always accompanied by the scents of food, so he didn't pay them any mind. As he reached more populated areas heartbeats began to appear in droves, but again nothing that required his attention. No abnormal heartbeats, at least as far as he could tell, stuck out to him. Honestly he doubted he would be able to tell without further investigation. Even paying close attention like he was, the rapid heartbeats he heard in the building next to him could have been a fight, or more likely, due to how close the hearts were to each other, the occupents were having sex.

After an uneventful hour or so, he lit up a cigarette. He inhaled, letting the smoke suffice his longs before exhaling a large cloud into the air above him. He was starting to doubt the purpose of his mission. I mean he got the idea, but this wasn't that different then a normal night for him. His sleep schedule was all kinds of fucked up, and he spent many nights just out wandering the streets. As a shinobi of Suna, if something stood out to him he would investigate, this was no different. He supposed he was more mobile than usual. Often he would find himself at a bar, downing bourbon, but he honestly doubted it made much difference. He had always struggled to get drunk, he saw others acting out and generally acting like morons, but it never seemed to get to that point with him. He still liked to drink, and enjoyed the buzz it gave him, but he never reached the point he had seen others in, and it never lasted overly long.

He took another drag on his cigarette, then exhaled. His brief moment of peace was broken by the sound of broken glass. He dropped it into the sand and took off toward the sound. His senses felt like they were on fire, as they all strained looking for any danger. It took him less than a minute to find the source. Aside from the sound, he picked up the scent of blood in the air. As the aroma reached him his purple eyes flashed yellow, as the thirst for blood roared inside him. He squashed it, buried it deep, and continued on, letting it guide him. He found a broken window in a house, little to no glass on the sand outside, so it had definitely been broken from the outside. The scent on the glass pulled him in, bits of blood on it, where someone had cut themselves on the way in. The small home held a single heartbeat, which likely meant the house had been empty before the break in. With how fast he had arrived, it was unlikely whoever broke in had time to kill someone and stop their heart from beating.

Sukotto, pulled himself up and through the window, avoiding the glass as he did. He let himself into the home, his feet hitting the floor gently as he stepped around the shattered glass. The heartbeat was above him on the second floor, as were the sounds of someone rummaging through drawers. He made his way through the darkness, careful to avoid any stray pieces of glass. Reaching the staircase, he took slow deliberate steps. His ears listened for the slightest hint of a creak as he let his weight slowly settle on each step.

As he reached the top of the stairs, he found a small room with an open door. He could still hear the thief in that room searching for valuables. Sukotto formed three handseals Tiger-Snake-Dragon as he channeled his chakra. Two streams of water escaped his mouth as he completed his water clone jutsu, the streams each forming an exact copy of himself. He and his clones moved to the open door silently. Reaching the door, he peeked inside, locating the source of the heartbeat and noise. A lone man stood in the room, his back to Sukotto as he pulled out the drawers of a nightstand looking for something. Sukotto couldn't tell if he was looking for something specific or just anything of value, but in the end it didn't matter. 

Sukotto crept into the room, his two clones flanking him as he made his way to the thief. As he reached him he brought his right arm up and slammed it open palmed into the side of his head. While Sukotto was far from strong by shinobi standards, to most untrained people he was practically a powerhouse. Adding in the fact that the blow had been completely unexpected meant that his foe had crumpled to the ground unconscious. I sigh escaped his lips, "Well that was anticlimactic." He released his water clone jutsu and bent down to look the man over. He could still hear his heartbeat so as far as he could tell he hadn't killed him. With a quick search of his person he managed to find a couple small pieces of jewelry and some ryo. Whether any of that had been the thief’s to begin with, he figured he wouldn't be missing it where he was going. 

Finishing the search he started to stand when he realized one of his hands was now wet. The smell of blood was intoxicating as the scent filled his nostrils. His purple eyes once again changed to yellow as he touched the tips of his fingers to his mouth and tasted blood. "Oh shit. Not good." He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but it had been a long time since he had last fed. He had known he needed to hunt soon, but he wasn't expecting something like this to just fall into his lap. "Fuck it. Not your lucky day friend." He bit into the thief's shoulder just at the base of his neck and drank. He couldn't remember the last time he had tasted human blood, but it was always the sweetest. It was what he truly thirsted for, even if he rarely partook of the ambrosiac liquid. The thirst pushed at him to drink more, but at about a pint he forced himself to stop. This man may be a criminal, but he didn't deserve to die for this.

His eyes shifted back to their original color as he surveyed the wound. While people might not immediately assume he had been bitten by someone with fangs, he certainly didn't want any questions. He took out a shuriken and punctured each bite mark to give them a more ragged appearance, and to give credence to the lie that they were shuriken wounds. He then searched around and found a towel which he used to bind the wound. With the thiefs wound secure, he licked the blood off of his shuriken and stored it back in his weapons pouch. Then pulling the small white rag he had brought with him in order to wipe his face clean should he need to feed. Returning it to his pouch, he bent down and lifted the unconscious man and slung him over his shoulder then headed back out into the night toward the guard post.

He lit up another cigarette as he walked since his last one had been interrupted by the man on his shoulder. He made his way to the outskirts of the village avoiding the citizens of the city. He didn't want to frighten anyone or have to explain what he was doing. He had his id on him of course, but avoiding making a scene just seemed like the correct choice. Eventually he found himself back and the guard post, placing the man on the ground just inside. This prompted one of the guards stationed there to run into the backroom and alert the captain.

The veteran soldier came storming out of his office. "What is the meaning of this!? I told you to send up the signal. What part of that did you not understand?" Sukotto rolled his eyes, "Look I get it. You gotta be tough, make yourself look strong in front of your men. I showed you respect when I reported in, you might want to return it." He stepped up to the captain and looked down at him, his voice remaining calm, "I am not one of your men. I am a shinobi of Suna. You think for a fucking second that your bluster means shit to me? I am not some child for you to berate." He lowered himself slightly so that he was looking him directly in the eye. "You might want to remember that."  

He pulled the signal flare out of his pouch and set it down on a nearby table. Then gestured to the man slumped on the ground, "He is unconscious and suffered blood loss from a couple shuriken wounds. He might need some medical treatment. Also someone needs to notify the homeowners that they had a break in but nothing was stolen. I can guide one of your men to the house, then I will continue my patrol." He looked back at the captain, "That okay with you?" 

He stepped out of the guard house and waited. One of the two guards stationed there came out a few minutes later and Sukotto led him back to the house that had been burglarized. With that done he went back out into the city to continue his patrol. Unfortunately for him, nothing else of note occured, and he spent the hours bored as he walked the streets. Eventually heading home as the sun began to rise.

[WC 2289]

Ryo 4100

AP 20

14 Vigor
8 Speed

Chakra Suppression 1248/2000 from Previous Mission, using 752 from this mission to finish 2000/2000
Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave 1500/1500 B-Rank achieved, 38 toward A rank 1538/2500
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Mission: Guard Duty [C-Rank] Empty Re: Mission: Guard Duty [C-Rank]

Wed May 12, 2021 9:14 pm
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