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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Finding Salvation Empty Finding Salvation

Fri May 21, 2021 11:11 pm
When waking up with one’s face in the sand the last thing someone would expect would be any kind of revelation. Though what one expects is rarely what the body is capable of. [On a dark night in the land of the wind, Honey Bunches [HB] has no memory of following a trail, but the wolf within him smelled opportunity in the wastes. There was no home for him left in the village he came from, but there was a chance to find new horizons. He would be slain alone from whence he came. Sometimes you feel invincible. But this wolf knew he’d only get lucky once.]

When a human is brought to the point of exhaustion in which their body no longer obeys the thoughts, commands, is there anything longer than a moment before the senses follow the same order? Or is there something else in those gaps that can speak a thousand words that on waking would be a new thought rationalized-- by a survivor, not the pile in the sand. [Blood pulsing through the temples, helplessness, spite, fear in spite of itself, nothing. Nothing but the warm feeling that pulls the wolf out from the dark.]

“Laura…” Those words never rolled off the tongue, no matter how hard HB would try. Even as a child Laurer, Warler, any name he could stammer made her smile. It was times like that in which he felt the most. It’s easy to forget how fast a grin spreads across the face, sticking longer than the sand stuck between teeth. [At the thought of her, a pittance to forget how much blood would spill around him. Easy to forget about being kept in a cage every evening.]

In the night, it was easy to remember. [Everyone at the academy said he was a beast, he was being experimented on.] He encountered nobody from his window. Any attempt at advertisement felt like some circus display, and that’s what he would have become without her. He told himself that he is nothing and that she saved him, and he could not save her. Without a shroud of doubt the human shrinks, but a wolf always hungers.]

“Anything to make things right again…” [Forever.]

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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Fri May 21, 2021 11:15 pm
It felt like an entire plan ran its course, all the way to the music and bringing the dead back to life. At the end of every chapter though there is a new beginning. [Especially when the final chapters have been torn from the spine of the tenderly pressed pages.] Touching the sky never felt final, and neither did the pain of the sand. Rolling to one side or another didn’t stop it’s sting, and neither would surrender.

Rising from the sand like a great beast once more, a mighty roar in the form of a pathetic cough, followed by chaos. There was a destination and a key, but something about the jutsu locked his joints as if he were bound even now, and without his strength he was helpless as it slowly set in. ‘It must be some sorta poison…’

For some unknown reason, his voice now speaking to himself was oddly comforting, and he felt himself relax. For the first time since he’s been awake he starts to feel the effects start to drain from his tired body. Sitting up, he told himself one simple command. ‘Crawl.’

Falling to the ground and starting to roll, he bit his lip and slid behind some rocks, yelling “Scat!!” to any potential inhabitants. At this point he was afraid a creature would start talking to him, and the cold from the desert nights was causing him to feel exhausted again. From some divine place within him, and with the jerking of his body, he coughed out a lump of sand and felt the pain begin to subside. Now that he could breathe again, he could think. And now that he could think, he could find a place to drink.

NP: 1
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 10:52 am
[Nothing ever ends, except in the eyes of one who believes.]

As the sun started to peek across the horizon, the burning warmth slowly crept into his body, shielding his eyes and moving back behind taller rocks. With the slow glow rising he could finally see the condition he was in. It looked like there was more than poison, and with a grunt he pulled what looked like senbon out from his joints, and they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Finally able to stretch his legs, he sorted out his conflicts by taking off his sunglasses, noting the broken frame with a single circular lens, which he pocketed for later. Looking at his clothes, it seemed more or less standard for his usual wear and tear, it’s quality condition taunting the pain. Taking off his jacket, he stepped out into the sun, covering the sun with the hand containing the brown garment.

The sun was bright, and he turned his back to it so that he could have his senses. Looking around, he crouched down and made sure he was alone for at least 25 meter, looking for signs of life. The only thing he could detect were creatures that live in the wastes, but nothing that he would consider a source of life. There was now a destination. Water. No matter how many times he would forget his place here, something would always pull him back to it, no matter how ragged he may be.

NP: 1
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 11:10 am
With the heart of his love beating within him, he felt again as if he could hear her voice. He could have made it no more than five meters from his beliefs, yet the place he now found himself in was completely new. without a shroud to bind him. He could feel himself running, and as he threw himself on the ground, he was greeted with a wet splash that sounded like laughter. Drinking of it, he found himself lucky once again.

The water was not a stagnant puddle, but fresh water from beneath the sand. The single, sulking beast across the water watched him, kicking a leg in frustration, running to find another place to bathe. Peering at the beast was enough to take an edge off, and greedy drinking turned to measured plans, and a chance at healing. Wading through the sand beneath didn’t reveal a larger pool, and nor did dragging the edges. Using the ~12 sqr feet felt temporary, but he was not a scientist. The only thing he had ever learned about science was the freak experiments of the past and present, and the ability to steal one’s essence, willingly or not. For why, he assumed they were collected for their talents. Laura, his wife, her singing voice was stolen. His father, long before he came of age, was never spoken of once he was shipped away. This Honey Bunches thought about as he stared across the wastes, before he felt a piece of bread in his hand. Suddenly, he was back home as if nothing had started, as if he had never taken his first breath, and could never take his last.

There was sake on the table, and there were stars in the sky. How innocent could one feel when held captive by his guardian, locked through the nights? Only a glimpse of the sky? But in this spot exactly, and none other, there were no walls, no ceiling. The moonlight wasn’t a shadow, but a lantern. And there were no claws, only his hands. He had burnt himself badly that day working in a forge, and he never lost the scar. Looking at it now in the desert, he smiled. Heating a metal crossbow bolt holding the shaft with his bare hand for “experiments,” he remembered how lucky he was all along. On his hand he saw a recovered wound, and in his heart he felt the same. Dropping his hands to his sides and falling back from the water, he felt himself float on the oasis, drifting between sleep and his surroundings, following every noise and every smell with the same degree as a master huntsman, save for hunter’s anxiety or ill intent.

Denial. That was all he had. And it would take him from this desert to places where he could learn to live.
NP: 2
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 6:26 pm
After a much-needed slumber, Honey Bunches stirred from the waters and cleaned himself, shaking the sand out of his clothes and sandals. Feeling refreshed, but hungry, he once again began to scan his surroundings, keeping track of what he saw. Markings and plants, anything to keep track of where he was going and where he has been. All the time spent forgetting, the sudden urgency of remembering was now another decision that he had to make. He couldn’t drink water forever, and he wasn’t about to eat raw meat or insects.

Looking towards the brightened horizons, anything he could find that would be considered a trace of civilization, the smell of domesticated animals, or a trader. Along the way he would go low to the ground and feel his surroundings, but yet again he could detect nothing. This pursuit led him further and further to a path, one which was clearly marked by tags on rocks, with directions decidedly written numerous times among several tags. It seemed wrong to take one, but a temporary glance would suffice.

Studying the map, it seemed that he was a while off from true civilization, but he was not quite bordering on the edges of this nation. In that sense, he felt safe enough to be free from real danger, but he would have to find his way back to his past somehow. The map he held in his hand was not helpful for much of the land outside the desert, but for the desert, it was invaluable. Towering walls in the distance in tandem with large formations and dunes showed him everything he needed to know to travel safely. It even had an advertisement: “Jack’s Snacks”. It looks like there was a place for him here after all.

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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 6:53 pm
Moving down the path, Honey bunches wobbled, expecting even terrain for what could be considered a path of markings. Yet it was still as exhausting as the trek from the wilderness, but without the thought of his surroundings to follow he was consumed by the need for Jack’s Snacks, a family establishment. The only thing he could now focus on was his weight shifting back and forth between the grains, slowly slipping while catching his balance, exhausting him to a point of meditation. Each step was a careful balance of energy, and he could feel his endurance increasing with each step. Soon, he was walking effortlessly again, with a pop in his step that could only come from a mission accomplished, as he tread towards a small cart set in the distance.

“It’s called Jack’s Snacks!! A fool would expect fine dining.” A plump, pompous man was sat behind an unregistered cart full of sour candy and cotton candy, arguably some of the most dehydrating, poorest lasting candy. The only ‘food’, if it could be called that, he was carrying was locked in some sort of golden cage, and it looked like a wafer with what looked like a design in icing, though it had long since melted away. This one cookie seemed the be the only expiring food the man didn’t make by the bundle. A half of his cart was dedicated to this growing mass of cotton candy, not quite pulsing, but growing without interference from the man behind the counter. It seemed as if it was slowly pulling at the man’s long, sweat drenched sleeves.

“And who might you be?” Honey Bunches growled, unimpressed by the man’s cynicism and poor moral custom. Ripping a hunk out of the frontmost of the cotton candy, he held it up right in Honey Bunches’ face, causing him to freeze. “Why, Jack of course. Free of charge.” The man garbled, before letting out a retching moan. His face slowly started being ripped from his skin and the cookie behind him started laughing, a slow, maniacal laugh, then crying and screaming for more. The cotton candy slowly started pulsing as it turned crimson with the blood of the merchant, and as it turned to him, he saw his face, beard unshaved and covered in blood.

Just before he pulled his claws out to strike, he felt another splash of water on his face, followed by the smell of a hot, savory meal.

“He’s awake! Thank god. We dragged you all the way here from the damn grave! Do you know what you look like??” The man with an apron that said “Smack on the Ass for Jack” looked uncharacteristically frightened and concerned for a man with a smiling weenie as a headband. Pulling out a hand mirror, a gorgeous young woman held it in front of his face, and backed away when he grinned at her, an instinct. After registering the item, he picked it up, and examined his face.

He was burnt red from the sun, and there was a crust on his lips that hurt upon looking. Opening his mouth, his teeth and mouth seemed fine, but that was the only part of his face that was spared from the deep desert conditions if unprepared. Rubbing sand out of his eyebrows only seemed to rub dirt in, as if he had not bathed only an hour beforehand. Judging by the sunlight, it was as if he had been out for more than a short amount of time. “How long... “ Honey Bunches had to scratch his head, “How long have I been here?” Looking up, he notices that he was not heard. Instead, Jack, [the man himself] and the young woman were arguing. “You can’t let a who passed out outside our cart lay here for four hours! Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? We had a rush hour, are you even listening to me?” Jack was distracted by a customer approaching, before the young woman slammed the cart's roof forwards, blocking the customer service section and making it just a normal cart. “We had a rush, and I had to take four scorpions off of him! Four! And they were nymphs!” … “Yes nymphs! I don’t care what you call them, they don’t control their venom! They’re a danger to us and we’re likely right on top of a nest but you say no, the business is good. Do you know how many people have passed--”

“ENOUGH.” Honey Bunches booms, shocking the customer into retreating back down what looked like a much nicer path than the one he had been ‘traveling.’ “How long have I been here, and where am I?”

“Why son, you’re in Sunagakure! 'Nd you've been passed out for more than a few hours. Bout half the day I'd say. If not a quarter. I always get those mixed up on busy days."

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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 7:28 pm
Putting a large slab bowl of rice, hard spices, and a healthy portion of meat in front of him on top of a board, she gestured to a thick pair of chopsticks, glistening with the finish of the wood. Tapping the bottom of the bowl, as is custom. Grabbing the rice from the bottom revealed noodles and a slim amount of broth, and he happily ate the dish.
“Jack’s snack! Kiss my ass!” Jack howls with laughter, and the woman watches him eat with no reaction to Jack’s games.

“So you are a shinobi after all?” She says. Every movement was quick as if to show off, but Honey Bunches was faster. When she put the bowel on the table, she moved to take one, replacing it with a metal chopstick, throwing off his fingers. But, as he picked it up, he simultaneously took her metal chopstick, and threw it in the cart. The only mistake was that he nearly hit Jack. But he didn’t seem to mind. [Didya, little guy?]

Looking up at her, he let out a sigh, and dropped the empty bowl at her knees. Picking it up, she got up from her crouching position and threw it at Jack, who took it back to the closed cart. “We’re off to find fresh water to clean everything. I know there are fresh water taps in the village, buut… It gets expensive, you know? Helping people like you.” She sighs and shakes her head, causing Honey Bunches to stand in his defense. “I don’t think you answered my question from earlier.” He said, suddenly realizing that he had never asked her the question directly. Still, she responded in kind. “Jack already told you, didn't he? You were here for all of the rush hour and we had to use the last of the dish water to wake you up.” She smiles and begins to fan her face.

“No, I know-- I know that. I’ve been in the desert for a while honey, okay? I got my damn nuts stapled to my leg, and the last thing I need is more attitude in this hellscape.” She laughed and looked him over again. “At least you have hygiene.

“You act like you’ve seen me a hundred times, honey.” Honey Bunches groweled. “But you ain’t ever met one like me.” She widens her eyes, then smiles, her cheeks tan and eyes tracing. After a few steps back, she speaks. “That’s exactly what the threats say, every time.” She drew a blade, and pointed it directly at him. “Are you a threat?”

“Alright alright! Damn sister!” He holds his hands in the air and opens his mouth in a faux display of shock. “In a family establishment?”

“So you admit it?” She fans herself, stepping closer.


“That you’re weaker than I thought?” She lets out a delighted laugh and moves back to her cart. “You wanna get moving. Scorpions on you.”

Honey Bunches sniffed the air. His senses weren’t dulled from the perfume, but it was a distraction, and he couldn’t recognize her scent beyond that at the present moment. [And there was no scorpion on him, but there were many everywhere around them] “What’s your name? And there’s one on you.” She kicks it off at him, and he dodges with ease, taking a slow breath and fighting the itch of nature filling his body. It was cage time when he was a boy, but now it’s time to get what he needs and leave.

“Well, whatever information you have isn’t worthless to me…” Honey Bunches scratches his chin, and he watches her sheath the well used sword in an even more loved scabbard that didn’t quite fit. Too large, it didn’t seem sturdy for fast travel, and this was proved by her throwing it in the cart alongside his finished meal.

“I don’t know much about this area, and I need you to explain it to me.” [Why are you using a different sword?] The woman ignored him and began to briskly finish her packing, Jack tugging the way. “Would you be able to do that?” The old man started blinking, and slowly nodded, looking up at the woman. “Bianca. Alright, listen up…” The old man holds out his knobbly hands.

Body Flicker {500/500}
Pureblood {2000/2000}


Split Second [702/1500]
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 7:59 pm
“You don’t want to learn about all that from me… You want to seek out the Mizukage. She’s been gone for quite some time, but word travels quickly in these lovely streets of ours...  You’ll be quite at home here I’m sure. I can read you from a mile away…” Bianca steps to Honey Bunches’ side and touches his shoulder. She then steps back. Expecting some flirt or sly reply, Honey Bunches stays motionless. When she read his signature, she did not expect water.

“You didn’t seem like a water to me. Sure your chakra test didn’t get pissed on while you were examined?” She smirks. “I’m not damn sure it wasn’t” He shoots back, “But I don’t have to fight with you. Your clone is an old, defenseless man who runs a damn snack cart. You smell like flowers I would piss in where I come from.”

Suddenly, the cart is dropped, and Jack storms around, red in the face. “DEFENSLESS OLD MAN? THIS ONE WILL TEACH YA.”

A slap in the face and a punch in the gut to a man who crawled the desert, one would take pity. However, this is undeserving. “You think I’m this charming young ladies servant? I’M HER BOSS.” He smacks Honey Bunches on the head again. “Don’t you ever get cocky with me young man. And now that I’ve hit ya, you get an application. He laughs. “Wait, Bianca used them as extra rice ball sleeves.” He beams over at her proudly, and she smiles slyly back at him. “I listen to her, because of things like this. She’s smart, and she’s not portly like my sweet wife.”

The old man whispers in Honey Bunches ear, “I like having friends of all different shapes. You look kinda like my old pal Chester, he had that chest and the starved neck, no offence, I actually found him quite the looker… Anyway.” He pats his small ramen belly. “On the subject of how many shapes I have in my life, it’s always been 16. I haven’t been to the doctor since we stopped using tap water, but I think it has something to do with my bloodline…” He shakes his head, “Think about that before you start busting up villages.” He chortles with a small smile. “Nothing comes for free. Except friendship, and good will. But even those pay off if you gamble on the right horse.” The old man winks, and after being compared to a horse, Honey Bunches lets out a mighty roar, recovered from his ailments of the heat and desert. “I AM HONEY BUNCHES.”

NP: 4

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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sat May 22, 2021 8:23 pm
Gasping for breath, he roared again and the old man started cheering. “BASH ME SOME MORE OLD TIMER. ITS TIME TO GET STARTED.”

Holding up his knuckles, he assumed the defensive position he learned from his mother, dancing. Sliding to the left, he dropped the defense and threw a fake punch at the old man’s side, and it was blocked. He threw several more, and each was blocked. With each consecutive strike, neither would feel tired. One has just been treated, while another has dealt with his customers for a full day’s worth of work, and neither were willing to stop what they had already started.

Burying Honey Bunches head in the sand, Jack said “Kiss my ass!” And had him sucked deep into the sand, his legs flailing. After a few minutes of embarrassment, he was pulled out by a single arm and tossed up in the air like a toy.

The old man was not prepared for Honey Bunches.

As soon as he was pulled out of the sand, he used his immense speed to pull himself up and over Snack Jack, as well as position himself in a way in which all he had to do was bend his knees, and jump with all his strength to push the old man in the air. Falling through the sky, the old man threw punches, and landed several, but as they landed-- time slowed down around Honey Bunches and he detected a rock beneath him that, on landing, would crush his hip. Using the old mans momentum of punches, he lets it throw him back towards Bianca, watching from the still cart.

“You’re a fool if you think I’d catch you…” Bianca shakes her head and covers her face with her hand, as Honey Bunches stands on the roof of the cart; which since he caught himself, wasn’t too banged up. He looked at the sky and howls like a wolf, beating his chest and giving a large grin. “I’m so glad to have met you Jack. Kiss my ass you scorpion sucker, and get your ass to water.”

Feeling his wolf instincts creeping up on him, he lets out a shaky breath, and points. “There was an oasis, near the tall rock shelf.” He nods and looked towards the horizon once again, the sun burning on the edge once more. “It looks like I made it after all…” He shakes his head, with the feeling that he’s forgetting something itching, the nature in him filled to bursting. “I need a place to stay. Can ya point me the way?” Honey Bunches looked at the pair smiling, and they point the way. “Stay safe, and catch you again…” Bianca chirps, while Jack waves a hand. “Catch ya later alligator! Don’t get killed by those scorpions now!”


NP: 5


5+15 chakra (20) (1500/4100)
25+15 vigor (40) (3000/4100)
20+11 Strength (31) (4100/4100)

Split Second (1500/4100)
Pureblood (3500/4100)
Body Flicker (4000/4100)

Leftover: 100

Block D [100/1000]

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Finding Salvation Empty Re: Finding Salvation

Sun May 23, 2021 12:50 am
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