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Taichi Uchiha
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Tue May 25, 2021 9:01 pm
The young Uchiha had been visiting pretty much every square inch of the village, but he had yet to visit the most picturesque building within the walls of Hoshigakure, the palace. He was pacing the corridors of his underground hideout within the reserve trying to decide just what he was going to do for the day. His Valkyries were all sleeping in their rooms and he knew that it was far too early to wake them. He hadn't been able to sleep the night before as there was just too much going on in his life, and in return he had way too much on his mind to truly relax.

He walked into the room of his fourth Valkyrie, Olrun. Upon his entering, she stirred in her bed and rose to a sitting position and looked in his direction. "What is it, master Taichi?" He spoke calmly and quietly, wanting to give his other Valkyries a chance to sleep. "I have been contemplating the power that I wish to grant to you, and I have finally come to a decision." The mention of a new power seemed to excite her, as she leaped out of bed and readied herself to receive such a gift. 

Taichi smiled and walked over to Olrun, placing his hands upon her shoulders he began the granting of another power to her. "I hereby bestow unto you the power to summon beasts, powerful beasts that shall aid us in our protecting of this land. You will use this power to great benefit, and to this I have no doubt. For now, you may go back to sleep. I shall speak to you more on this in the near future. I need you to continue your work in attempting to blend in with the rest of the village, understood?" With a nod and after thanking Taichi for the power she had been granted, Olrun laid back down in her bed and fell back to sleep.

He walked out of the Valkyries room, and he headed down the hallway a little further. He wasn't sure if he wanted to have any of his Valkyries to follow him around the village, as he didn't want to attract any unwanted attention to himself, or them. But he wanted to see just how his Valkyries' training was going, and he wanted to get a chance to see it first hand. He walked into his first Valkyries' room, Hildr. 

"Wake Hildr, it is time for you to rise. I am in need of your company through the village today." Within moments Hildr rose from her bed and began to get herself dressed. He saw his presence not needed during her changing, so he left the room and told her to meet him in the meeting room in five minutes. She nodded and continued to get dressed. He walked down the hall some more until he got to the fifth room in the hallway, the room belonging to his fifth Valkyrie, Gondul. 

To his surprise, she was already awake, pacing her room much like he had been pacing the halls of the hideout. "Good morning, master Taichi. I have been hearing your footsteps, you have been pacing for quite some time. Is there something on your mind?" Taichi took another step into Gondul's room, shutting the door behind him. "There is quite a lot on my mind, I do apologize if I had woken you." She sat down in her chair by her vanity and began to brush her long blue hair. "No, you didn't wake me. I have had a lot on my mind also, like why you haven't given me any special power like you have the other Valkyries."

Smiling, Taichi sat down on the bed beside her and began to explain, "I do apologize that I have kept you up with such a question as to why that may be, but to be honest with you I haven't been too sure which power to give you. But luckily for both of us, I have finally decided which power to give you. It's a power that I feel represents you very well. I give you the power to control to read other's minds, to control the very thoughts that they have. I trust that you will use this power to benefit us and the village. Now with that out of the way, I need your company along with Hildr, join me in the meeting room in five minutes please." With that, she nodded and he left the room, walking down the hall into the large meeting room of the hideout.

After a few minutes passing, both Hildr and Gondul had met him, both dressed and ready for combat, which was good should the need arise. Hildr was dressed in a combat vest and a red, form fitting shirt and long black cargo pants with a weapon pouch tied to both of his legs. He long red hair was allowed to flow freely down passed her middle back. Gondul was dressed in an all black outfit, with chains swinging from a few places along her waistline. They looked to be aesthetic, something she must have picked up by some of the younger people of the village. Her long blue hair was also allowed to fall freely passed her mid back. When he saw them both ready to go, he smiled and spoke to them. "Thank you both for meeting me, I want to see how well your training is going first hand. Follow me into the village, we are going to go see the palace." With that, they all left their hideout after the roots of the tree unfolded and created them a passage back to the surface of the reservation. They all walked back above ground and Taichi made sure that the roots of the tree refolded and blended back in with the rest of the forest that surrounded the hideout.

The three then turned and began to leap from tree to tree, heading back into the village so they could see the palace that resided on the other side of the village. After a few minutes of sprinting through the reservation, they reached the opening in the wall leading back into the village, so they leaped down to the main walkway and walked the rest of the way. He couldn't help but notice the wandering eyes of the villagers, which he felt was fair as both his Valkyries' eyes were quite peculiar and hard not to notice. He smiled at those that he made eye contact with, doing what he could to defuse the tensions that their eyes may have created. 

They finally made it to the palace, and it was truly breathtaking. The architecture was gorgeous, and even the ironclad guards tasked with protecting it had the most ornate armor that he had ever seen. He leaned on a railing that had been placed on the ledge that overlooked the palace, and he just took in a few deep breaths, taking in the view that stood before him. Both Hildr and Gondul did the same, and the three began to speak casual conversation, as that was something that his Valkyries needed desperate need of training and practice. 

WC: 1209
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

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Tue May 25, 2021 10:44 pm
Murmurs swept a fraction of the village. Whispers of subtle oddities - not quite a disturbance to the confines of the village, but quite stirring. These buzzing would eventually reach the ears of a young man, an aspiring paladin of the village - Hatake Tsunayoshi. Ashen hair, deep blue eyes, a scare that starts from his left brow and extends while gradually widening to his crown. He was clad in a unique suit of armor, royal blue fabric with silver steel. Ashen fur from the neck and shoulder guards of the set. A tunic from his waist to his knees. Kunai could be counted around his arms and legs. A Tanto to his lower back with the hilt peaking over his left hip. A black hilt and scabbard katana to his right hip was securely placed. To his back was a beautiful and breathtaking blade. Royal blue hilt with a round golden pummel. The blade did not look like any other blade in this land. It scabbard was royal blue with unique gold designs and hieroglyphics. It’s hilt extended from the right shoulder. 

The boy grew curious of this buzzing around. It has been some time since he’s seen any of the villagers this excited. He would ask around, those that seem to be most talkative, learning of a unique group of individuals heading off in the direction of the Royal Palace. With such information the boy bid them a farewell making his way towards the palace. 

A man traveling with two women - one with red hair and the other with blue hair. Both long and flowing, both with odd eyes...? What could that be? More importantly, who could they be?” He pondered. It wouldn’t take long for the boy to navigate his way to the palace, he knew this village like the back of his hand. He had to, under Shina’s special guidance, he was commanded to learn every nook and cranny this village had to offer. With his sensory at a passive 20 meter radius, he could sense any and everything that was to come into range of his field. 20... 20 meters was when he pick up on 3 chakra signature that he did not recognize. 2 of which were quite high. His eyes scanned on the direction - immediately ahead of him. Tsuna came to a stop. There was something...something off about these three. The more he observed them, the more he could feel something great coming from all three. Analyzing their chakra, he couldn’t help but noticed that there was a twisting depth to them, suffocating at that. “I wonder why they are here.” He thought to himself, resuming his stride towards them. 

Once he was within 10 meters of them, Tsuna would halt his movements. His hands at his side and his eyes casually shifting from one to the next. “I see that you find the palace to be more than what words can express.” His soft voice would split their conversation in such a way that it would immediately grasp their attention, well it would have, that was if the man hadn’t already noticed him the very moment he noticed them. “Forgive me, I do not mean to intrude on your time. It’s just, well, I never seen you around her before. On top of that, your presence seem to be quite to topic in a small section of the village. Hahaha.” He laughed, innocently as he searched for a way to break the ice. Conversations usually go a lot smoother when the tension dissipates. 

Tsuna was very easygoing, but at first glance his appearance spoke of a hard exterior and equally hard interior boy. His visual presentation tend to give him that stigma. His eyes would shifted from each of them, meeting with theirs as he did. His guard was high, he did not know this people and for the most part he did not trust them. Despite them having access to the village, he cannot imagine himself being at ease with someone with such high chakra roaming around. Perhaps a conversation with them would be best to ease his mind. Learn what he could from them. 

Oh, where are my manners. I am Hatake Tsunayoshi. Shinobi of this village.” He bows, giving them his fully respect, from the very beginning. Lifting his head as he returned to his standing posture. 

[WC: 730]
Taichi Uchiha
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Wed May 26, 2021 10:02 am
As Taichi and his two Valkyries were speaking about the happenings within the village, and the things that they were picking up about social interaction, he couldn't help but feel that they were still drawing too much attention. He was glad that he had decided to only bring two of his Vallkyries, instead of bringing all five. He turned around to face his two Valkyries directly, as he began to teach them about eye contact. "Remember, eye contact is very important, but you don't want to give them too much of it, lest you end up scaring the people you are talking with. Also remember that with these eyes that you have, you are bound to scare people at least a little. So try and break the tension with a smile. If that doesn't seem to work then-." Taichi was cut off by the sight of an individual closing the distance between them and him.

The individual continued to walk towards them, but he stopped at ten meters away. Taichi figured that that was a long way to have a conversation, so he wasn't sure if he was going to be speaking with them, or if he was assigned to watch over Taichi and his Valkyries as they roamed the village. The boy began to speak, and he had to listen really close to what he was saying due to just how far he was standing. He spoke on how they were having troubles crafting words to describe just how beautiful the palace was, which he was absolutely correct on. He seemed to be a bit on edge, which he didn't quite understand just why that was. The Valkyries could sense it too, which was exciting for Taichi as they were already beginning to pick up on social cues like a normal person.

They both walked closer to the boy, with a smile on their face they looked him in the eyes as to show their intention was to listen to what he had to say. Taichi did in fact follow closely behind them, and he would have a slight smile on his face and his hand stretched out to shake the young man's hand also. He understood that he wasn't a part of the village yet, but he wanted to smooth things over with this individual. The boy didn't seem to be a high ranking individual in the village, as he seemed a bit young, but he did carry himself like he was a dedicated protector of the village, and that was something that Taichi could respect.

His hand would stretch out to meet the boy at the same time he would bow down to greet Taichi. Should the boy meet his gesture with reciprocation, then the two would shake hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsunayoshi. I am Taichi Uchiha, and this red haired woman beside me is-" Taichi would be cut off by Hildr chiming in her own name with an excited, chipper tone. "My name is Hildr, its a pleasure to meet you Tsunayoshi." Taichi would smile as he gestured over to the blue haired temptress that stood beside him, motioning for her to introduce her self. She would speak in a slower, more seductive voice. "Hey, Tsunayoshi. My name is Gondul. Pleasure to meet you." She would say as she gave a slight curtsy, holding out her hand to shake the boy's. 

Taichi would then speak when the introductions were over. "I do apologize if our presence has caused any discomfort for those in the village. We have been doing nothing but trying to make it our stay as beneficial to the village as possible." Taichi would speak sincerely as he truly did want to make sure that their stay was beneficial, and he had already grown a kinship to the village, beginning to care for it's inhabitants, explaining why he had saved that young shinobi from being mauled to death in the wildlife reserve, and when he helped the village nin shut down the reactor in the archives, trying to keep it from destroying half of the village. But even with all of this, he was sure there were people uncomfortable because they certainly were different.

WC: 703
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

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Wed May 26, 2021 1:15 pm
It would seem that these three were quite approachable. They smiled and maintained eye contact as they all approached the Hatake. Tsuna was doing them the same courtesy and holding his direct gaze. The man introduced himself as Taichi Uchiha, Tsuna’s second time meeting an Uchiha. He was more capable than Ise Uchiha; from an outward glance, Tsuna could tell that much. As he came from his bow, he would meet the man with a firm shake of his own. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Uchiha Taichi.” As the man moved the conversation to introduce the other two, the red-haired one who went by the name, Hildr introduced herself. Her eyes were what stood out most about her, but Tsuna didn’t want to gawk. He shook her hand as well. “Pleasure, Lady Hildr. ” The boy said. Finally, it was time for the woman who went by Gondul to introduce herself. She engagingly did some, and her words dragged as if she was trying to be seductive. She, too, had the same eyes as Hildr. He shook her hand and gave a smile, a smile that was quite waning coming from him in his conservative state. “Very nice to meet you, Lady Gondul.” 

Tsuna immediately analyzed the firmness of each of them. From shaking their hands, he could tell that Taichi had less physical power than the other two women, but not by much. They were all physically weaker than Tsuna was. He could tell that much. But what was lingering over his head was their eyes. Were they siblings, or was this some clan thing? He couldn’t tell, but he could sense a great power from behind them. Oddly, he did not perceive a sliver of ill intentions from them. 

His eyes would rest on the man, Uchiha Taichi, for a moment. His appearance...something about it seemed familiar to the boy. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Not quite yet. As he listened to the man, he smiled and nodded. “No, no. You have nothing to apologize for. The people of Hoshigakure are just as curious as they are timid to what is beyond their understanding. I dare say that a feather floating without a trace of wind would create a bigger fuss than you three. Hahaha. I’m sure that you-” It hit him, just now, it finally hit him. “ were there with Ro, weren’t you? You saved him... He’s a good friend of mine.” Tsuna stepped back and bowed once more. “Thank you for saving my friend!” When Tsuna learned about the near-death incident on that mention, he rushed to see Ro Sarutobi. He explained everything to Tsuna of what happened—describing in perfect detail his rescuer. Tsuna was now faced to face with that man. 

Raising his head, the boy would lower his guard tremendously so it would be felt in that very instance where the weight of the same village was no longer behind him. He felt lighter now, one with the wind that was brushing through their clothing and hair. “You mentioned something about a beneficiary stay. If I am bold, please correct me, but it sounds to me that you are seeking more than momentary refuge here. If that is the case, why? Surely someone as capable as yourself could find a home anywhere, so why choose here?” He inquired. 

[WC: 571]
[Total WC: 1,301]
Taichi Uchiha
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Wed May 26, 2021 7:53 pm
Taichi grinned as he watched both of his Valkyries greet the young man, albeit in their own style and fashion. He was just happy that they were both beginning to understand the basic points of human interaction, and it was seeming as though they didn't need too much more coaching as they were grasping it themselves. Taichi shook the boys hand, and he could tell that he was quite strong, something that he would take note of for future reference. 

Both of his Valkyries then receded behind Taichi, to let the two of them speak while they practiced conversation on their own for a few minutes. When the two were alone the boy spoke of the lack of fuss that they had been causing during their stay within the village, something that was reassuring to the platinum haired Uchiha. He had been hopeful that his stay would be beneficial to the village, he was at least happy to hear that his stay was not detrimental. When he was just finished speaking on the village's receiving of Taichi and his Valkyries, his eyes shifted. He was no longer seeing him as an untrustworthy stranger, but as something a little more positive. 

He spoke of a boy that Taichi hadn't thought about since the day he had rescued him from being mauled, he spoke about the boy named Ro Sarutobi. "Ahh yes. I do remember that young child. That fearless lad tried his hand at taking on a relentless beast, a rather large one at that. It was a shame to have to put that beast down like I did, as he was probably just starving. But it was either take the beast down or let the boy get mauled, so and I don't regret my decision." Taichi thought fondly of that child, being so surprised that that child had so much courage. Enough to take on such an animal, a beast that would have killed lesser beings. 

"You say he was your friend, eh? Well I certainly do hope that he has recovered from his injuries that he had sustained. When I found him, he was one swipe away from losing his life, poor thing. I was surprised to see such a small child take on such beast, made me curious as to just why he would have done such a thing. But there is no need to thank me, I was simply protecting those who couldn't protect themselves in the moment. But you are welcome none the less, friend." Taichi would smile, leaning forward just a tad to look him in the eye, doing his best to seem like he was to be trusted.

The child asked another question, he asked about Taichi seeking something more than just temporary refuge within the village, something that even Taichi himself wasn't too sure on. He knew that he had grown quite the liking toward the village, but the idea of being tied down to one village was such a commitment that he was not to sure about making. 

"Have I come across so plainly?" Taichi laughed as he spoke, not realizing that he had been so easy to read. "I won't lie, it has crossed my mind. This village has so much potential to it, so many worthy shinobi within its ranks from what I've seen. I believe that I could make a worthy addition to the ranks here, but I do understand that I am an outsider, someone who hasn't truly gained the trust of the village, so I haven't really thought that much into it quite yet." Taichi was truthful in his assessment of the village, he had seen quite the performances from those within the village, that he was very excited to see just what he could do in regards to improving the village even more than the shinobi that already called Hoshigakure their home.

The boy was not quite done with his asking of questions, and the question that he had brought forth to him last, was a question that he had actually not considered at all. "Why here?" He reiterated the question back to the boy. The answer that he had to that question was long winded, but he wanted to be sure to answer the boy with as honest an answer as he could muster. 

"To be honest I barely even know what brought me here to begin with. I went through a point in my life where everything was in shambles. I didn't know what I even wanted to do with my life. I spent months meditating in the land of Snow, chasing after dreams that I thought I had, even spent a little time considering starting my very own village. But after chasing the reeds in the wind as it were, I finally just traveled west, left my old home country so I could come here. As for why I would choose here, I believe it is because the gods have brought me here. The gods have given me so much power just since I had gotten here, even granted me the Valkyries that you see behind me. So I feel as though this village is exactly where the gods want me to be, so who am I to go against the gods."

He knew that his answer was in fact long winded, but it was honest. He had been given so much since he had joined this village's presence, it seemed to be a sign for Taichi, hence why he and his Valkyries had set up their home there. He was intrigued by this child, as this child seemed to have a wisdom to him, he was curious just as to what this child's story was. He was going to make it a point to ask the child just what it was that had brought him to choosing the sword instead of chakra, but he wanted to make sure that the child had asked all of his questions before he began asking questions of his own.

WC: 1003
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
Remove Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

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Thu May 27, 2021 2:13 pm
Tsuna listens closely, as if listening to tales of the old. Everything that was being told to him did not send a chill down his spine, an indication that he was withholding anything, at least not to the questions that were specifically asked. Even down to his recalling of the incident with Ro, the man spoke with a genuine air. Tsuna brought his arms to a crossing, with his right hand to his chin where is thumb and index would cusp said chin. He smiled, receiving Taichi’s social cues. But what amused him the most was that he stated. “Ro is doing just fine. He’s as courageous as they come. Leveraging the pros and cons of a situation becomes a blur line when he’s in his element. Again, I will thank you for his life.” He wanted to make it clear that he was appreciative for what he did. 

Oh, no. You are doing well at being as apparent as possible. I just have a knack for digging and anticipating the route a conversation will go. It’s sort of like shogi, but with words and subtle body language. For example, you could sense that my guard was up, it was expressed through your immediate forwardness. You aimed to present yourself and your friends as non-hostile. The moment I lowered my guard, you again immediately recognize it and leaned in forward to establish eye contact with more reassurance. To that I must add you have a keen sense of reading the air of those around you, almost as keen as someone else I know.” He smiles a bit more to let that sit in. “From the moment I noticed that you noticed me I learned that those two behind you are very important to you. Something close to parent and child. I stopped assessing you and them the moment I realized who you were. Please for forgive me for digging in that manner.” 

Tsune would begging to speak on what was said to him. “So they are your...Valkyries? That’s an interesting title. And the Gods lead you here? Judging from the way that you speak of your journey, I cannot help but to feel the passion of your words. You’re a man that respect the decisions of your Gods and what you said just now confirms that. I believe that everything happens for a reason and there is a reason for the timing of everything. If you were lead here, forsaken your former home - says to me that you are going through some sort of rebirthing, wouldn’t you agree? Akin to a Phoenix once it has reached its life’s journey it will die. Combust into flames and rise anew from the ashes. Thus a new cycle begins for them. It is said that phoenix retain the knowledge and wisdom from their past life, it is also said that they are loyal to no end.” The boy would take a breath, glancing over the man before chuckling. “Something about you tells me that you are some form of a Phoenix. It’s up to you to decide exactly what form that is. Are you loyal, or are you merely going through your life journey just to begin anew somewhere else? That is an important question, Taichi. One that only you can answer for yourself.” Tsuna lowered his hands to his side and gave the man a nice smile. 

The boy was truly wise beyond his years, his level of thinking was no more different than that of a man that lived and walked the lands long before his arrival. He saw the world differently. He knew immediately what a sensitive subject was from a mere glance. For example, most would question the odd eyes of the two Valkyries because they are quite astonishing. Not Tsuna, he didn’t want to speak on something that was that obvious. Just as he didn’t speak on Yuuma’s branding on his forehead, the mark of a traitor, he will not speak on those eyes. It wasn’t his place to question them. 

[WC: 674]
[Total WC: 1,975]
Taichi Uchiha
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Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:12 pm
Taichi was having a good conversation with the shinobi that was obvious very dedicated to the well being of the the village they both currently resided. It was written all over his body and face, from the actions that he performed, to the very outward expression of gratitude that he had shown when he had realized that it was Taichi that had saved his friend Ro's life. A seemingly small act of kindness that received such a reaction was one thing that Taichi was none too prepared for. He had simply done the thing that he would have hoped someone would have done for him should he have been the one in the same situation. 

The boy explained how he had been guarded upon their first meeting, which was something that Taichi did sense by the child's overall demeanor, but it was also something that he was understanding of as he was in fact a stranger to the child. On top of being a stranger to the child, he was also an unaffiliated shinobi, so he could have very well been a threat to the village on top of that. He didn't find the child trying to be over intimidating, hence why Taichi had received the boy with such kindness, but rather the child seemed to be protective of the village, and very vigilant of the newcomer to the village. 

The boy continued to explain Taichi's reaction to his guard lowering, which was leaning forward toward the child and establishing direct eye contact. Taichi knew that this was something that could be seen as threatening or as an act of intimidation, neither of which Taichi had been attempting, and he was seen as such, which was truly appreciated by the older Uchiha. This is when he would begin to speak about the Phoenix, a mythical bird that would have a constant cycle of dying, to then be born again anew. It was a story that Taichi was familiar with, and to be compared to one was something that made the older Uchiha smile once more.  

He would glance back to his Valkyries, ensuring their safety before turning back, keeping a straight posture, and having his eyes fixed on the boy's ensuring that the boy was able to see that he had his attention, trying his best to be respectful and kind to the young shinobi. "You do seem to be very vigilant of those that enter the village, something that I do commend you for. It is shinobi such as yourself that will keep the village safe, and to that I thank you for your diligence." A warm smile would radiate off of the pale Uchiha's face.

"The phoenix is a very good comparison to me actually, as I have had to rebirth myself multiple times until I had finally bring about the life that I truly wanted. This life that I now lead has brought me under the commands of the gods, who brought me here. I believe that has been for a reason. I believe that I will be here for the foreseeable future, as I feel there is a space within this village that I am being called to fill. The only thing I am currently waiting for is that space to reveal itself, and for the calling to be represented. My loyalty is another matter, for I am undyingly loyal to my god's will, and they have brought me here, this grants my loyalty to this village through the divine intervention that the gods have performed. This village has also been good to me, providing me with provisions, lodging, and the opportunity to close the old chapter of my life permanently. So all in all, I would say my loyalty has truly been earned, even if it hadn't already been given." 

Gondul would walk up to the two shinobi speaking, and with a slow and gentle bow towards Tsuna, she would ask to intervene in the conversation a moment. She would lean towards Taichi and whisper quietly in his ear. After she finished whispering, she would take a step back and apologize for the interruption and would walk back with Hildr, who was leaning on the railing, continuing to look at the palace that was in the background. Taichi would nod his to Gondul's words and when she would leave, he would turn back to the boy.

"Tell me, Tsunayoshi. Are there any shinobi within this village that could be of need of an assignment. The assignment will require some travel outside of the village, so of course you will need consent to leave, but the pay will be adequate. The job is very simple, as I am in need of a substance called "Senju Wood" from the village hidden in the leaves, Konohagakure. I am in need of six pieces of this material and it's only available in this village. I know that Genin traveling is quite unusual, but I have a feeling that you and the other member of your party will be up to the task. Is there anyone in this village that you believe would benefit from this assignment?" Taichi would end his sentence and glance back at his Valkyries once again.

Should the child accept the assignment, then he would hand over the ninety thousand that he had received from Stein, along with five thousand of his own money. This money would be the pay for the mere travel to and from the village, that and two pieces of the Senju Wood. He had more money thanks to this village, so he figured that it was time for him to give back to the village, starting with the younger members. "The Senju Wood I am in need of will be the pay for the party that you take, along with this five thousand ryo to cover any expenses during your travels. The soonest you can leave, the better as I am wanting this fairly soon. So if you do decide to take this assignment, please make it your highest priority."

WC: 1009
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