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Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Passing the time Empty Passing the time

Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:36 pm
Kain and Nasu decided that they would spend their free time together doing some sparring and training. If only they knew their mission couldn't have been done until the afternoon. They were at the village gates at the time so they had about a 15 minute walk until they would reach the training center. So Nasu started to lead Kain in the direction of it. While they were walking Nasu did some normal small talk. He then also had some questions for Kain still from their last mission they did together. “What did you mean when you said that you were basically immortal?” Nasu wasn't expecting much out of Kain especially since last time he tried to ask Kain just ignored him. But Nasu hoped Kain would answer so he could find out more about who he was teaming up with so often. Maybe even gain an edge in one of their sparring matches. Nasu would also answer questions that Kain had. The 15 minute walk didn't take long and they had arrived at the training facilities. Nasu would lead Kain inside and then head to the front desk. Nasu would show the man his shinobi headband and then was let in. Nasu would wait for Kain to get through after. “So if we're going to start off with sparring let me take you to the first room I sparred in.  It was against my master and he beat me with no difficulty. I'll win a fight against him when he gets back though.” Nasu would lead Kain to the room he had fought Travin in a couple months ago. Nasu would put all the gear he was given for the mission later on the bench in the room. He would also put down both the sandwiches as well as anything else he had on him that he wouldn't be needing. He would then stand on one side of the 20 by 20 meter floor mat. He would wait for Kain to get to the other side to then start.
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:12 pm
Kain followed Nasu all the way to the training facility. “If it’s really bothering you that bad ill just shows you” Kain would tell Nasu. Before pulling out a kunai and slicing open his own palm. The blood would flow thick down Kain’s hand, before closing back up. “Feel any better” he would add as they kept walking knowing that it would probably only drive Nasu even more crazy how he healed like that. 

Once they were down to the entrance gate Kain would follow Nasu on into the building. Nasu would tell him that he would take him to the same room that he and his master trained in. Kain didn’t know what to say and just stayed quiet following Nasu to the room. To be honest, he didn’t care where they did this, but the room was a pure white room with no decoration around 20 by 20 meters square. With a bench along the wall with the door to sit stuff down on or to rest for a while. Kain would follow Nasu’s lead and drop his stuff off on the bench. Taking his black leather trench coat off and laying it gently on the bench. 

He would then walk over and stand across from Nasu keeping 15 meters between them. “Say when” is all Kain would say paying close attention to not look into Nasu’s eyes. Since he learned that it could be the end of this fight before it even got started.

Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:02 pm
Nasu didn't want to start off with something too strong and just end it in an instant. There may be a chance though that it wouldn't work anyway. “Ok i'll start coming at you now.” Nasu would start by throwing out one of his weaker jutsu. Nasu would send a sphere of fire that is 5 meters in diameter right at Kain. This fireball had a speed and power of 40. Nasu would then instantly activate his sharingan. With his Sharingan he would be able to see every slight twitch or movement in Kains muscles. It would also give Nasu what seemed like foresight. Because he would be able to see Kains movements before he even actually did them.


-10 AP for sharingan
-20 for Great Fireball V7
AP left 750
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
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Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:18 pm
Kain was standing 15 meters away from Nasu when Nasu told him he would start and made a few handseals. Kain matched him with his own handseals, and as Nasu shot out a massive fireball a thick mist would fill the room as it flowed from Kain’s entire body. Kain would move at his max speed of 65 to the left 7 meters. Putting the distance between himself and Nasu at 17 meters apart now, as the room filled to the brim with a mist so thick that they wouldn’t be able to see the tips of their nose let alone where each other was. 

Once the room was full of mist Kain would fly through a few more handseals at max speed, and slicing his fingertip open with his claw. The blood would flow out from his fingertip into two blood clones. Each blood clone moving as silent as possible so one was on each side of Nasu while the real Kain was still directly in front of him. 

How do those eyes work when they can’t see” the blood clone to the right of Nasu would ask. 

You want to give up now or shall I hurt you first” the blood clone to the left of Nasu would ask. 

Kain himself would stay quiet and not move except to react to something coming his way. Each of the blood clones would be within 10 meters of Nasu. With Kunai’s drawn at the ready to strike at Nasu’s first open movement.

WC-252 TWC-499
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:46 am
While Nasu was making his fireball he noticed Kain making hand signs of his own. Nasu saw a burst of chakra starting to race towards him and then watched as Kain dashed to the side. Nasu couldn't see his exact landing point though only the direction he went in. Nasu noticed the jutsu was a lot like the genjutsu Travin had used on him when they first met. This was a bit different though which meant it had to be the hidden mist jutsu. Nasu had no way to stop  the mist but that didn't mean he couldn't still hit Kain a bit. As soon as the jutsu was being launched at him Nasu started to make some of his own hand signs. He was planning on doing something pretty stupid that might no even help him in the end. Nasu would start by making the hand signs Dragon/Rat/Hare/Bird. For this Nasu would cast his Space Time amplifire jutsu. Nasu would then make the hand signs Tiger/Bird/Ox/Monkey/Rat. This time Nasu would be using Space time art devouring sphere. Nasu knew that Kain had gone to the left from his original positions so he made a plan when he casted this. Nasu knows that the sphere will become 10 meters in radius so Nasu would put it 4 meters to the left of where Kains original position was. Nasu knows Kain is either in or close to a corner or that he is close to the edge because Nasu hadn't moved from the 3 meters forward and center of the mat yet. That would mean the total he could go to one side was only 10 meters. So knowing this Kain would struggle dodging this jutsu Nasu activated his jutsu at full power knowing that he couldn't hit himself. Nasu would then use his amplifier to boost the speed and durability of his jutsu. This would make the power 75 and the speed and health 100. The sphere would then emerge in its position reaching a 10 meter radius. Nasu had heard voices to his left and right during the casting of this jutsu. “Hmm so Kain has already activated some other kind of jutsu.” Nasu was thinking to himself. So Nasu made the simple decision of casting one last jutsu. Nasu made the hand signs of Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake. Nasu had casted the Many hidden shadow snake hands jutsu.  10 snakes came out of Nasu’s arms and had a speed power and health of 67. Nasu would have them wrap around him and create a protective ball. He also ordered them to bite anything that came in sight.

 -40 AP for Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands (v7)
-50 AP for Space-Time Amplifier v7
-40 AP for Space-Time Art: Devouring Sphere (v7)
-10 AP for Sharingan [V7]
Total AP=610
Senshi Sotenki
Senshi Sotenki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Senshi and Ryou
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:40 am
Both the blood clones noticed that Nasu was doing something due to his increase heart rate. Telling them that he was most likely using a jutsu of some kind as it was the only way his heart rate should jump. Clone 1 to Nasu’s right would make the Snake, Tiger, Ram, Rat, Dog, Monkey handseals as 10 tendrils of blood would rise up out of its skin. While the tendrils moved in to attack Nasu hopefully before he was able to react to them. Knowing that neither clone would be able to close the distance before Nasu was able to use his jutsu. The tendrils would move at max speed towards Nasu 2 would flow across the ground, 2 would flow in the air above Nasu, 2 more would be to his right while another 2 to run to his left, and the final 2 tendrils would simply move in a straight line towards Nasu. all 10 tendrils, if Nasu did not move, would surround Nasu blocking him from moving in any direction but back, and attacking him with max speed and power if they got within striking distance. 

The second clone would move in at max speed closing the distance between himself and Nasu Kunai drawn and aimed to stab Nasu. If Nasu was to run back away from the blood tendrils he would run directly into clone two’s kunai. Both clone 1s tendrils and clone 2s speed would be fast enough to get to Nasu before he was able to get his second jutsu off. Forcing him to make a decision to keep making handseals or dodge.

The real Kain would be patiently waiting for the clones to finish Nasu off. He would have his hands in a ready position to make handseals in case the worse came to happen. The moment he saw the black sphere moving towards him he knew he didn’t have enough space to doge. Kain simply threw his arms up in an x in front of him to take the brunt of the damage and braced himself for impact by leaning into the blast. The blast would move him back against the wall as his foot hitting the wall kept him from moving any further. The blast would leave burns on his forearms and the top of his head but he was mostly still fine. He quickly made the Bird, Boar, Dog, Dragon handseals and felt his skin immediately start to pull itself back together his hair regrowing to its normal length. He would remain silent while the jutsu did its work, thinking that Nasu would not have been able to hear him over the sound of the explosion, but that could just be due to the ringing in his ears.

WC-458 TWC-957

-30 and 15 for hidden mist
-30 for blood clone

clone 1,2, has 323 AP Kain has 324 ap left going into this post

Clone 1 
AP=323-45 Hemostasis =278

clone 2 

-20 Bodily Restoration =304
Stat Page : Uchiha boi
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 26850

Passing the time Empty Re: Passing the time

Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:07 am
Nasu had launched his space time orb and immediately used his many hidden shadow snake hands jutsu. Nasu would launch his jutsu surrounding him in a ball of snakes. All snakes have a speed, health and power of 67. One of Travins clones had come right at Nasu with a kunai and Nasu’s snakes would bite him the second they had a sight on him. When one of Kains blood clones reached 3 meters in range Nasu would have 4 snakes attack the clone and 1 go for his Kuani. On a hit it would shatter the kunai and after a bit if the clone does not disappear Nasu would have one of the already attacking snakes paralyze it. Nasu would also block the attack from the other clones. When the snakes saw the blood tendrils they went right for them. Each snake would aim to block 2 tendrils to try to not have Nasu get hit. Nasu would then await for more attacks while standing light on his feet getting ready to make more hand sign's.

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