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The Sword that Protects Empty The Sword that Protects

Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:18 pm
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At least once in their lives a day would come where both men and women would just know the time for them to step up had arrived and today was turning out to be such a moment for Haven's favorite redhead. At the center of it all would be Akaboshi Uzumaki, a beautiful parallel with how the Unseen University stood at the center of the village. His locks of crimson hair were softly touched by the gentle breeze of wind while he waited patiently for what's to come next. Thinking back at the last time he was standing at the exact same spot the Jounin came to realize a lot of things, including him, had changed. Akaboshi was different from before and no longer the inexperienced young man he once used to be in the past.

During his wait the Uzumaki suddenly realized he no longer felt the need to reach for the pack of cigarettes in either of his side pockets, a habit he developed after dealing with the aftermath of many years ago. Ever since then it became custom for the redhead to smoke daily although not without making sure it stayed at one per day. Perhaps even something as trivial as that changed for the better. Looking around to the left and right, greeting every single person that passed him, the Jounin was patiently waiting to find out what exactly they needed from him. Nervous yet looking forward to what's to come.

(WC: 245)

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Ryo : 435700

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:32 pm
People said that Shina wore the skins of her enemies as cloaks as she rode in battle. Those were despicable rumors. She never did such a thing. Nor did she kept the skin cloaks in a hidden cellar somewhere in Hoshi, as drunken patrons suggested when they were mildly in their caps. She stood advisor to the Kage and the second most powerful shinobi in Hoshi. The Kage’s whose office she was sitting right this moment. This Shina took it upon herself to unify the kingdom. The Hyuuga lord wrestled for the archives and won. Or so they said. Blood and steel win the war, and Ayato and Kozai had the most.

Waiting and waiting for the man that shared the same last name as her. Yet, they barely had any blood ties. Shina was of the wild woods, born and raised as a Grimma. The scattering of the cataclysm had split the Uzumaki to a thousand pieces as far as the swamps of Haven country amidst raiders. She made her way out of there, of course. As she made her way out of every predicament, she was about to do the same once more. 

The Nova Corps is the finest unit within Hoshi. Seven shinobi in total. Seven Swords, Seven ANBU. The noblest of the noble, currently occupied by the vulture Terumi, a zombie Knight and Jak of the Dosser Tribe, a former Iwa Jounin who was more of a clean-up guy for a criminal lord than an impeccable shinobi. This brotherhood needed heroes. The missing Nin experiment should be over and done with. By right, that should have happened years ago when Kenshin decided to abandon the village in the middle of the night like some kind of thief. But people refused to see others for who they truly were. Trying to keep Akihana's vision of the village alive. She was the one who had spared Florent's life for started and small good that did to the village or anyone else for that matter. Fighting and killing regular men doesn’t automatically make you a good match for that role. Loyal to the village and its people first and foremost, very well does.

The Hogokage’s office in the Unseen University was not as big as the private audience chamber of the Royal court. Still, it had Iwagakure rugs on its oaken floor, elaborate wall hangings, and golden-tinted windows that gave it a sense of intimacy. Or so Shina believed. Shina's sapphire blue eyes watched as guards urged a gaunt figure into the room. 

"Well, well, Mr. Hero-man right on time. Have a sit Akaboshi; as I send for wine. Our Kage has tasked me with relaying news of significant importance."

WC: 434

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Nova Captain
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Ryo : 607500

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sat Aug 28, 2021 9:55 am
The empty thoughts he had soon disappeared as Akaboshi noticed a couple of guards had shown up, urging him to follow them to the Hogokage’s office to discuss a matter of importance. "Of course, lead the way". Without any further questions the Uzumaki decided to go along with it, wondering how serious the situation could be. With every step he took the redhead felt his heartbeat move at the same pace, almost as if they were an ensemble creating a masterpiece. Trying not to pay too much attention to whatever he noticed was supposed to be the Jounin of Hoshigakure did his best to avoid getting distracted as other things required his full concentration.

Standing in front of the leader chambers Akaboshi would thank the guards for accompanying him to the room he was about to set foot in. However, before doing so he couldn't help but get similar feelings to the last time he entered the same place. Thinking back at that fated day when the previous Hogokage had called for the Uzumaki and bestowed the rank of Jounin upon him Akaboshi could only guess what was about to happen the moment he entered the room. As he did, and to his surprise, the red haired man noticed it wasn't the Hogogake himself sitting at the desk but another familiar figure. "Lady Shina, to what do I owe this pleasure?". Knowing all too well the kunoichi wasn't one to appreciate men who sweet talk it would still be worth seeing her response.

Lady Shina, his fellow clan member although their bloodline was perhaps one of the few things they shared with each other. Depending on how their conversation went maybe Akaboshi could find some time to mention Griff to her and watch the woman's mood change upon hearing that rogue's name. But for now he simply decided to hear her out. "Wine? How did you know red's my color?" the man jokingly said as he took a seat. Now sitting right in front of the kunoichi he would listen attentively to what she had to say. "Significant importance?". Using a question to repeat her last sentence the Jounin would inquire further to find out what the reasoning of his summoning was.

(WC: 372, TWC: 617)

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:28 am
"Kid, I know what you ate for breakfast three days ago. There are no surprises with me." The Brunette said with a grin as he pressed the intercom. A young acolyte rushed in, holding a disk with two Golden cups in her hands. She placed them in front of each shinobi and then poured the wine from just a lavish goblet. “Haven’s finest. From the old Crayford vineyard next to the Honeywine River.” She smiled and took a sip from the red and then exhaled from those perfect white teeth. The aftertaste of the alcohol burning her throat.

“I have to say, the improvements made to the Unseen University. Damn good stuff from the Ice Prince or Hoshi. He vacated the Nova commander position, and he finally found his calling in interior design.” She jested and placed the cup down, her perfect fingernails drumming on the wooden desk. 

“So. As you know, Lance Sarutobi was killed by outlaws on the way back from Amegakure and his successful retrieval of Miyamoto Terumi.” That was the knowledge that not many people had within Hoshi. Not about Lance's fate, but that and Kyousuke’s student was back in the village. Akaboshi did. The Red King and the Grimma Hunter had worked pretty closely on these more discreet missions that took place around the village.

“Hikari Namikaze has been missing for over a year. ” About the magical girl, everyone in the village knew about it. “Unless the information an interested party brought us about the target she was hunting bears any fruition.” She gave a pause for a good second, letting that sink in. “Somehow, I really doubt that.”

She made herself comfortable in the chair, leaning back. The rays of sunlight that spilled on the room highlighting the scarred tissue on her right forearm. 

“And now, with all these vacancies, we shall say that an opportunity has presented itself. For you specifically. I aimed to do this for a while now. I told the Hogokage, Akaboshi is a good and loyal man. The kind of man worthy of the cloak of the Nova Corps. To join them today and all the days to come. And Lord Seventh agreed. You said that red had always been your color. How would you fancy mixing it with white?"

WC: 382
TWC: 816

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Ryo : 607500

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sat Aug 28, 2021 1:34 pm
Gladly accepting the glass of wine Akaboshi paid close attention to Shina's words, the female Uzumaki commenting about the current state of the Unseen University and the design of the office they were now sitting in. The Jounin looked around, making a mental note of the rugs, wall hangings and golden-tinted windows. However, the room's interior wasn't why he was there nor was it the reason Shina called for him. Taking a sip of the red drink held in his hands the man continued to listen while Shina proceeded to talk. With the mention of both Lance Sarutobi as well as Hikari Namikaze the crimson haired had a feeling of where the conversation was going but instead of interrupting the kunoichi he simply let her finish.

Simultaneously with the mention of the open vacancies Akaboshi would put down his glass of wine, intrigued by the opportunity that soon presented itself to him. "Those fine words are wasted on a man like me, you're being too nice". Although he tried his best remaining modest the Uzumaki was glad to see his loyalty being recognized by those in power. No matter how good it sounded, the redhead wouldn't allow his ego to get in the way of staying true to his cause. Becoming a sword worthy of protecting Hoshigakure and those within. "That is quite the offer you are making me, Lady Shina". Honored to be the one receiving said proposal Akaboshi leaned back in his chair, deeply thinking if he'd be ready this time.

No longer having nightmares about the days he spent in the former Queensguard many years ago the cub had now turned into a tiger, ready to serve its village for all days to come. True heroes don't wear capes but perhaps a cloak would do, a white one symbolizing those of the Nova Corps. "I aim to be someone who steps up when everyone else backs down". How did that saying used to go again? If not now, then when, if not me then who? 

(WC: 338, TWC: 955)

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sat Aug 28, 2021 3:05 pm
Shina smiled at the soon-to-be-former Jounin's modesty. If the twenty-year-old was excited at the prospect of a position in the Nova, for certain, he did a great job hiding it. Like the time when Akaboshi saw the Winter smash someone’s head to pieces, and that barely drew a reaction out of him, while Shina watched the Winter Knight in action as if she went to the theater.

“The most important days in a shinobi's life are the day he was born and the day they find out why." So many responsibilities. But now, building the upper leadership of Hoshigakure that the Kage could absolutely trust, there would be more people to share the responsibilities with. The Nova was taking a step in the direction with this. True power always came from within. They would surpass everyone else with their own power, their own people—the one who started from the bottom and got all the way to the top.

Perhaps the Kunoichi master was one such. Shina was no Lady in truth. It was more of an honorary title for her station. She had the last name to be sure. But unlike the noble Akaboshi or Masashi Uzumaki-Akari, there was only a drop in the bucket of blood in Shina from the old Whirlpool village.  And that was probably from the wrong side of the pillow. 

“This village never lacks etiquette, so you should expect that we’ll hold a more official ceremony for your promotion at a later day. ”Shina summoned a suitcase from one of the mahogany desk drawers; as she positioned it, the dark and red ripples shimmered in the morning light. The Hoshi symbol was on the lid, and as Shina opened it, Akaboshi would notice a white cloak, a white mask, and several small white scrolls. Each was no bigger or thicker than a thumb, minimized with a fuinjutsu formula. They would, of course, expand once chakra flowed into them. And disappear the moment their contents were exhausted.

“You are about to join a brotherhood and serve a course more significant than yourself. As fine as this white cloak, it opens up access to just as fine jutsu. Nothing prettied up with gold or silver, mind you, just useful jutsu strong and direct. Jutsu that look like jutsu, not winged pigs and weird laser beams of doom, but they’ll serve you better in actual combat.”

WC: 410
TWC: 1226

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The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:51 pm
His eyes would sparkle upon seeing the contents of the suitcase, almost as if he was a fatty waiting in line for McDonalds' breakfast. No drool but admiration coming from Akaboshi the moment he was locked on the cloak, mask and scrolls which were as white as if they were coming straight out of a Colgate commercial. "Beautiful", completely mesmerized the Uzumaki was at a loss for words. Looking at all the different Fuinjutsu formula in front of him the Jounin would think they were truly made for him. "These will fit like a glove" the redhead voiced as his hand softly touched the dark and red ripples. 

Before showing him the suitcase and what it contained the kunoichi had mentioned earlier a more official ceremony for his promotion would follow at a later time, something Akaboshi didn't know how to feel about at first. Of course it was something he always considered a dream hoping to fulfill but in all honesty such a formality was surely going to leave him in an awkward state, not knowing how to deal with all the attention he'd be receiving as the man at the head of the Nova Corps. But just like anything else he dealt with the Uzumaki was sure to get used to those formalities as well. 

Now that he was about to be part of a greater cause, serving his village in ways different than he already had, Akaboshi would gain access not only to the cloak but some jutsu extraordinaire. "I'll make sure to use them wisely, thank you Lady Shina". Mere moments separated the Uzumaki from becoming official part of the Nova Corps, putting on the white cloak symbolizing the protectors of Hoshigakure. With his new responsibilities also came the curiosity about who the others representing the swords of Haven could be. Lance Sarutobi, Hikari Namikaze, Valen Akari. All would have been valid candidates but each of them met fate in their own respective way.

Taking another sip of the red wine Akaboshi wondered who'd be the ones joining him in his fight to protect their village. "Who will be the others putting on their white cloaks and masks? I can't say I would mind seeing you dressed in something else for once but we both know you'd have my head for even suggesting a change of attire". The Jounin already knew the kind of reaction Griff would have if he was present, hearing those exact words directed towards Shina of who he shared quite the past with.

(WC: 421, TWC: 1376)

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Living Clones : Natsuki
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:07 pm
Akaboshi took the news with as much grace as he could. The first order of business was already in the works, it seemed. Nice. Shina admired that. Men that went straight into that instead of nonsense. And the Red King wanted to learn about his comrades, the men he would soon lead to glory or perhaps war.

Shina giggled like a girl. “Oh kid, I’ve done my service. I'm in management now. Besides, black has always been my color. “ she said and then reached for her drawers to pull out a folder. She always made a show when she placed one. And always tried to make them thicker than they actually were by adding notepads in. To signify their importance. But not today. The folder was of the Nova, and it was as thick as it should. 

“Meet your brothers in arms.”  She opened the folder to a picture of a man with one eye. “Are you familiar with the expression that sometimes you don’t need a hero? You need a professional?” She left that hanging there for a second before continuing. “Well, that man is exactly that. Akabayashi Terumi, the vulture of Hoshigakure. From the wynds of Haven to the Nova Corps. His record is impeccable, and he is a war hero, fought bravely on Ayato’s side against the traitors that joined Valen’s cause. These days he also runs a bookstore. At least the public thinks.”

Unless Akaboshi had any questions about Akabayashi Terumi, also known as Doctor T, that needed answering, she would proceed to move on the second page of that folder. A page that had the photo of a man Akaboshi was familiar with. He was clad from head to toe with plated steel and chainmail, a thin visor helmet on his head. The photo did not do justice to his size.

“I assume you remember this one. The Winter Knight is viewed as the most fearsome man in all of Haven. He has made a vow of silence until all enemies of Hoshigakure are destroyed.” Shina finished and immediately turned the page to the next one. 

“Jak of the Dosser Tribe, a lowborn Hyuuga from the land of Fangs raised in the same mercenary company as Yasaki. He served as a Chuunin in Iwagakure before its destruction. He was the one who escorted Ayato to the Kage summit, alongside Tsubaki.”

If Akaboshi did not have any immediate questions about him, she would move to the next and final member of the Nova Corps. Yasha Okami. He was a tall man, lean and well-muscled bare-chested underneath his gi of golden clouds. The photo did a good job showing his angular cheekbones, the heavy square jaw under the mask, and receding shoulder-length hair tied in a bun.

“The Silverwolf from Takigakure. The two-time winner of the grand melee of Haven." Shina finished, her voice thick with the hints of proudness. "First in Tenhiya’s coronation, the second time during that of Akihana. The monk is ferocious and trains with Lord Seventh frequently in martial arts. The fact that the Hogokage sent Yasha on his own to apprehend Stein of Konoha, the last S-rank missing-nin, speaks volumes."

WC: 515
TWC: 1741

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The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:07 am
Names were given, mental notes were taken. Paying close attention Akaboshi would listen attentively as Shina took out the folder containing information about those tied to Nova. The first one on the list went by the name of Akabayashi Terumi, a man who received the nickname Vulture of Hoshigakure, something the Uzumaki wasn't sure if that would be a good thing or completely the opposite. But just like his clanswoman mentioned, sometimes you don't need a hero. "It seems Lord Yasaki wasn't the only one with a love for literature" the redhead referred to both Doctor T's so called bookstore as well as the previous Hogokage's career as an author with famous pieces such as Giant Beasts and the likes.

Moving on to the second individual Akaboshi immediately recognized the imposing figure, the Knight who struck fear into the hearts of each and every single one of his enemies and those who dared to oppose the Land of Haven. The next page of the folder contained someone close to Yasaki Uchiha, or how others knew him, Yasaki of the Dosser Tribe. Jak, once mercenary and now bodyguard of Ayato at the latest Kage Summit, safely accompanying the 7th to Sunagakure. Last but not least was Yasha Okami and just like the others the man possessed quite the telling nickname. The monk appeared to be quite the skillful individual, training with the Hogokage and able to single-handedly apprehend a Missing Nin of S-Rank calibre. Quite ferocious indeed.

Akaboshi had asked for his fellow brethren and so he received. "It appears I'll have to work on getting my own nickname out there" the Jounin replied with a slight smile on his face. Each and every single one of individuals inside the folder had left their mark on Hoshigakure and Haven's history and would continue doing so at the Uzumaki's side. All of them were worthy of holding the title and rank of Nova, but it also made the red haired Jounin wonder how they ended up with him as the next Nova Captain. "All these men seem more than capable of leading our forces, so why me?". Their achievements had proven they could and perhaps even should be considered as the next Commander but still the higher ups had decided and made their choice for Akaboshi, the only question was, why?

(WC: 389, TWC: 1765

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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The Sword that Protects Empty Re: The Sword that Protects

Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:29 pm
Akaboshi did not have any Dojutsu, yet his eyes missed little. The redhead asked the question that most in his position would pretend not to see. "Why me?" Yasha, like Akaboshi, had joined the Nova Corps upon her recommendation.  Truthfully, The Kamigawa scion was the top pick for Commander before Akaboshi. And specific individuals in the Red Council did not react well to the suggestion of Yasha leading the Nova Corps. Shina would proceed to give Nova Commander the play-by-play of what took place in the meeting.

 "The man is a forty-year-old foreigner through and through. He has no business leading our fine white cloaks.” The ancient dwarf of the Ashenforge clan proclaimed, his voice full of bitterness. When someone said that Ayato, the previous Commander, was from Konoha, they quickly dismissed it. 

“Hoshi had been the home of the Hyuuga boy all his life, and his mother was Taena Yomiyama, a noblewoman from this country.” That part, at least, was genuine, and the locals saw Ayato as one of their own. "The next commander has to be one born and raised here.” Anya Pendragon had suggested she was dressed in her green velvet tunic that brought out the color of her eyes. Ironically enough, Akabayashi met that criteria. However, no dirty degenerate is the man to be the Captain of the Nova Corps. The fact was that someone outside the ranks had to be chosen—a Pureblood. Native and or Hoshi race. Young and fierce, that would look the part and be the part at the same time. The Hoshigakure Jounin ranks held the answer. Dusk Tachibana or Akaboshi Uzumaki. The Blue or the Red. 

"And that was the end of it." Shina finished her narration of the events."Dusk Tachibana is fearless, and during Hoshi's formative years, his star was so high on the rise that he even outshined the current Hogokage, who was a Genin at the time. Some believed Dusk would rise to become the Kage one day. But fearless is not the same as being brave. And the day isn't about him or any of your brothers. The day is about you, Akaboshi." Shina reached for her drawer and pulled out a letter sealed with a purple blob of wax. It was from Ayato addressed to his new Nova Commander. Shina would pass it to Akaboshi. If opened, it would reveal a quote.

"Sometimes it's the people that no one imagines anything of, that do the things that no one can imagine.
I send you my regards and my congratulations on your promotion to Nova Commander. 
Ayato Hyuuga."

WC: 431
TWC: 2,172

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