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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Return of the Departed Empty The Return of the Departed

Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:06 pm
Akabayashi had recieved word that a genin had died on a mission and waited at the hospital. Ready to see if the body was in a condition in which it could be revived. The name of the dead ninja was Shiroyasha and a person the Terumi knew was bringing him in. The jugo he had met a while back who agreed to the mad doctor's proposal for power through transplants.

If the deceased couldn't be brought back the Vulture had other ideas on how the genin could still serve the village even in death. The boy's organs still held value mostly within the eyes, but the other organs served their purposes. The man thought back to when he himself transplanted a dead Uchiha's liver inside himself. Similarly, this would be the same as it was a member of Hoshi just as Genki had been.

The doctor had all the tools for an autopsy hidden off to the side. No one needed to know that the doctor had already assumed that Shiroyasha couldn't be restored to life due to the timing of when the ninja reportedly died and the current hour. All that needed to be done going forward was wait and give an analysis of the situation.
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:55 pm
Enishi didn't expect this to happen.

On what seemed to be a rather unassuming day in the marketplace of downtown Hoshigakure, it soon became a day marred with grief and sorrow. It was a day that revealed once again to the Shinobi World the terror and atrocities that criminals and scum beneath the earth could inflict on other humans purely for their own selfish imperatives to be met. The sociopathic man who committed such atrocities was one by the name of Richard Burns - or more vulgarly called - Dick Burns. Dick was an expert serial thief who stole many important artifacts and regalias throughout the Haven Country, and this time, he set his sights on an ancient chalice - a holy relic of Hoshigakure that was owned by a local church. The enigmatic man stole it in little to no time, even having enough time to destroy and set in disarray sections of the room the chalice was ripped away with the walls being burnt to nothingness and smashed to smithereens. The man was not a criminal for necessity - but rather, it was his desire. After escaping, he had to face two shinobi, a rookie named Shiroyasha Uchiha, and the boy who ranked second in the Chuunin Exams - Enishi Kurosawa. Enishi was able to fend off Dick before he escaped...but Shiroyasha was not as fortunate, burning to death in a gruesome sight as the sorrowful understudy was forced to watch his peer burn before his very eyes.

Thankfully, rain set in - as some sort of divine being took mercy on the departed young boy, fending on the volatile flames so Enishi could preserve portions of his body utilizing the Mystical Palm Technique. There were some nearby shinobi so as he was running to the hospital at breakneck speeds, the understudy would alert them of the imminent crisis so they could report this to the government. Another shinobi of Hoshigakure died from a mission. First Takeshi Hyuuga, now Shiroyasha Uchiha.

"Why do people die so easily?" The Iryojutsu Specialist cursed in irritation as he rushed towards the hospital, his speed unrelenting even as the rain battered against his body like bullets. Sooner than expected, he arrived at the hospital. It seemed that the Medical personnel were already alerted of the situation, escorting Enishi to a familiar man. If this were on different terms and circumstances, then the Jugo would be delighted to see the doctor again...but death was in the air, unfortunately. With an unreadable expression, the silver-haired shinobi would open the door to the man's office. It would be very easy to know that the Jugo had entered due to the creaking sound of the door and the dripping sound of water from Enishi's drenched body. Clearing his throat, the understudy would face Akabayashi before speaking,

"It's nice to see you again Doctor Terumi, I wished we could have spoken on more...pleasant terms but it is what it is. I'm sure you know about what happened: newly promoted Genin Shiroyasha Uchiha was killed by a thief during our mission. The thief was able to escape, and I assume he won't be coming to Hoshigakure anymore considering that we know his chakra signature, name, and face." His words and expressions were impassive as if trying to distance himself from the morbid and disgusting situation so he wouldn't feel any emotion when speaking about it. A pause occurred as Enishi would pull something out of his pocket with his right hand, grasping it with silent vigor. It was the Corpse Storage Scroll that bore the corpse of the late Uchiha. Enishi would outstretch it towards Akabayashi, hoping that he would grasp it and begin unsealing it. He didn't want to be left hanging after all.

"I managed to heal most of Shiroyasha's injuries and burns using Medical Ninjutsu. He's sealed into this scroll, but it should be able to be unsealed. His lower and upper body are completely preserved, though his eyes might need some fine-tuning - I'm sure a doctor of your calibre will be able to find a solution." The Jugo would pause for a moment, thinking deeply about what the next course of action should be as he crossed his arms. "Even though he hails from the prestigious Uchiha Clan and his body can be honored through shinobi usage, I'm not sure whether Hoshigakure endorses transplants, especially with all the new transplant enforcement laws our Hogokage set the paradigm for - not that I personally support transplants if it's not for medical reasons...heh." Enishi was a terrible liar. "But, I assume that it would be in accordance to contact his family members on what to do with his body...but I'm not too familiar with laws on what happens to a shinobi's corpse when they die in missions..." The understudy would be in deep thought, ready to hear what The Vulture of Hoshigakure would have to say.

WC: 900
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Sun Sep 05, 2021 10:20 pm
"I as well wish it wouldn't be this way. I recieved a condensed version of what happened. At the moment I need to see if he can be brought back to life and time is of the essence." The doctor didn't want to come off as rude but timing was important when bringing back a soul the body having been moved was against them in this situation.

Taking the scroll the doctor would unseal the body on the operating table. He would remove the Uchiha's clothes with scissors and listen to Enishi. The man would then inspect the wounds, look into the melted eyes with a light, and even open the boys mouth. Each different test the doctor merely mumbling "hmm". "Revival is not an option here. The injuries were healed well, but the damage to the soul cannot be undone in this case. Time was simply against us here." The man would say placing a hand on Enishi's shoulder.

"Hoshigakure does not endorse transplants for non medical issues that is correct, but organ donation is not against the law and Shiroyasha's parents were contacted they are setting up the funeral arrangements. I am to prepare the body for the funeral which forces me to remove most of the organs and all of the blood." The doctor would say rolling over the cart he had prepared ahead of time.

"You don't have to stay if you don't wish. It gets pretty gruesome going forward."The man would then pick up the body and place it onto the draining table where he would cut open an artery and place a device that simulates a heartbeat, the man would then cut into a vein and blood would start pouring into the sink attached to the table.

Once the blood stopped flowing the doctor removed the tubes and left the wounds open he would repair them at the end of the procedure. The man would then remove the heart, lungs, Kidneys pancreas, and liver of the ninja. Taking two glass eyes the man would then remove the boiled eyes from their sockets and place the glass ones within.

He would then close the eyes and sew them shut the stitching unseen entirely. The man would then mystical palm the wounds closed both the ones the doctor made and any Enishi may have missed save for the one that gave access to the artery inside the boy's armpit which would be filled with an odorless gas to plump the body back up for viewing.

When that was done the Terumi would sew the boys mouth shut in a similar manner to the eyes as well as the one on the armpit to keep the gas within. The Terumi would then walk into the hallway and call for a nurse. "Shiroyasha Uchiha is prepped and ready for the freezer make sure his relatives recieve his belongings." The doctor would place everything the ninja had on a gurnie where it would then be taken to the freezer.

The doctor had a hole dug in the ground for things like this. Using chakra anesthetic the doctor would numb his eye and produce a wood clone. The Terumi would then make a Lazarus pit and the clone would remove the doctor's seemingly good eye and place Shiroyasha's within. The man would then jump into the pit and the eye would be healed to normal. The process would repeat for the second eye and then the clone would then give back the Terumi his original eye.
TWC: 798
Claims: 2 three tomoe Sharingan restored by the Lazarus Pit, 1 heart, 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, and 1 liver of Shiroyasha Uchiha
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:47 pm
@Akabayashi Terumi

Denied Claims. Shiroyasha had claimed that his Eyes and Heart were destroyed, and rendered useless by the fire. 

Lazarus Pit states
Dave wrote: Eyes or other organs taken are returned to the dead, but they function as though they were clanless.
Dave wrote:In addition to the resurrection, this jutsu is also capable of healing the wounded. When a person enters, the hot spring wounds are healed at a speed and power equal to the power of the jutsu.  The healing effects on living targets are capable of replacing organs, identical to the resurrection portion. 

So, judging by the usage of the technique as well as the means of Shiroyasha's original death. Dojutsu cannot be claimed from his corpse, nor can an "uchiha" heart. Clanless eyes and a Clanless heart can be claimed, however... Along with the other organs that weren't destroyed by fire. 

Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:26 pm
So the eyes in that thread weren't taken and the word unusable/cooked was used.

In their current state they were indeed unusable

Had the eyes been gone entirely I could not regen them, but because they are still there by both you and Shiro's wording they can be.

I can use CR if its the wording on The Lazarus Pit thats the problem. But again the eyes arent gone. So, the Lazarus pit is not the issue.

"Indeed, the body of Shiroyasha had been rendered unusable by the flames." Shiro's quote a dead person is unusable and within that same thread Enishi healed the body which was approved.

"Because of this, it seemed like his eyes were cooked directly from the explosion of the fireball, essentially ruining them from ever being used. " Your quote acknowledging the eyes still exist and you would be correct the eyes in a cooked state cannot be used, but if they exist they can be healed. This is also from the perspective of a D rank who doesnt understand how good healing techs can be.

Had you said the eyes turn to ash and scattered in the wind I'd agree with you. But they do exist by all parties words.

Also, if you look at any canon use of the phoenix flower jutsu it causes nothing to ignite and leaves a crater upon impact. The site version also only lasts a single post. You get hit and its over. Lets also recall he died of a sudden heart attack not the actual use of this single post jutsu. Which someone extended into multiple posts.

The sequence of events in this thread regarding Shiro's death.

1. Daiko claims hit with phoenix flower. A 1 post technique. Within this post he does not state anything about Shiro's body or eyes being ruined. If damage to the body or eyes were to occur this is where it should have been reflected.

2. Shiro takes the damage and suffers a heart attack. Within this post he says nothing about the conditon of his body.

Here is where things get weird.

3. Daiko claims the eyes are cooked from the flames on the second post of a single post technique. How is this even doable?

4. Shiro while dead and unable to post, posts his body is unusable. He isn't even supposed to post. When you are unconscious you are removed from the posting order and Shiro is dead.

5. Enishi heals the unusable body which was stated by Shiroyasha using Mystical palm an A rank technique its approved.

6. We end up here where S rank medical techniques don't heal damaged organs. Which the eyes are quote "cooked" not gone. "In addition to the resurrection, this jutsu is also capable of healing the wounded. When a person enters, the hot spring wounds are healed at a speed and power equal to the power of the jutsu.  The healing effects on living targets are capable of replacing organs, identical to the resurrection portion. The user can heal others by spending an Ap relative to the severity of the wound. As shown by this table." A quote from Boil Release the Lazarus Pit. I am not replacing Shiroyasha's eyes I am healing them and because they are not being replaced they are not clanless.
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:31 pm
"Well, I'll leave it to you, doctor," Enishi spoke with casual exasperation. Today was a long day and it seemed as though he would have to deal with more disheartening situations in the future; Akabayashi Terumi was a damn good doctor and an even better surgeon. There was no need to concern himself further with any more discussions about Shiroyasha Uchiha. As he said those tired words with a bated breath, the understudy would flash a wave towards the doctor and close the door promptly, allowing the doctor to recover any organs he needed.


WC: 94
TWC: 994

Giving a Corpse Storage Scroll to Akayabashi Terumi with the corpse of Shiroyasha Uchiha sealed.
994 WC Towards Queen's Gambit [994/2000]
Also Untraining 9 Stat Points of Chakra
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:23 pm
WC claims are approved. Any disputes about what did or did not happen in the topic are still ongoing until cleared.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:16 pm
I assumed this had been ruled upon. Can anyone give an official ruling on this thread?
Roy Goka
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:31 pm
It appears that a ruling was reached by Daiko in the previous post. I just was not sure and I didn't want to interfere with it at that point, and I apologize for the confusion that I brought here.

If there is no confusion on the ruling  that Daiko made earlier, then this topic is complete, otherwise please make it known now.
Ryouta Shinkou
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The Return of the Departed Empty Re: The Return of the Departed

Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:46 pm
It was ruled that the eyes are done and cannot be used or transplanted nor can they be restored. Don’t know why it wasn’t posted during that time but yeah. There we go
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