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Peaceful Times Empty Peaceful Times

Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:58 pm
Seagulls cry above as the group heads to the gates of Kirigakure, the churning grey of the storm wall on the horizon. It's mid-day and the village bustles around them, the sky clear and blue above. Murata tucks her hands into the pockets of her coat as the wind whips at them from beyond the gates, the shouting and bustle of boat traffic being managed at the edge of the village filling the air.

"I suppose this is farewell for now," Murata says to Kizmaru as they reach the gate. "Is there anything else before you go?"

Kizmaru Senju
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Peaceful Times Empty Re: Peaceful Times

Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:07 pm
Arriving at the gates of Kirigakure with the new Mizukage, Kizmaru took a deep breath of fresh air, knowing he was finally free of his burden. He never felt this light before as he was able to take in more of his surrounds now that he did didn't have a care in the world. Once they made it there, the Mizukage had asked him if there was anything else in general. Kizmaru couldn't think of such thing at the moment but he did have a present. "Well, in the matter of business, no. I've told you all there is to tell about the previous events although, something does come to mind," he said as he just thought of an idea. "A gift. A morbid one at that but there are the times we live in," he said, fishing into his pouch with his left hand. Pulling his hand out, he had taken out two small scrolls that were corpse scrolls containing the bodies of Tadashi Namikaze and Zack Carrow. It was common knowledge people will do whatever it takes to obtain power by whatever means necessary. He assumed a shinobi born from Kirigakure wouldn't object since it isn't illegal and actually encourage to trade and swap organs. 

On top of that, Kizmaru would even throw in his own kidney that he had also fished out after he had passed the scrolls to his other hand. It was kept in a small container that would keep it as fresh as possible in a freezing jar like contraption. He'd hand all three of these items to the Mizukage before nodding towards them silently with a faint smile. With that, he'd turn and walk further into the mainland away form the village in order to begin travelling the country and seeing the sites as an ordinary Jounin. 


W.C: 304

Giving Murata the corpse scrolls with the corpse of Tadashi Namikaze, the 
corpse of Zack Carrow and a Senju Kidney.

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Peaceful Times Empty Re: Peaceful Times

Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:21 pm
Murata heads out the gates with the group to bid them farewell, nodding seriously at the gift of these mysterious scrolls... and trying to hide the twist of mild disgust on her expression at the kidney in a jar. Scyxion forms a seal to open the barrier for Kizmaru and Keita to depart, and once they have disappeared through the storm Murata turns around to attend to the village she is now responsible for.

Claiming the above-given scrolls containing the corpse of Tadashi Namikaze, the corpse of Zack Carrow and a Senju kidney.
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Peaceful Times Empty Re: Peaceful Times

Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:29 pm
Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
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Ryo : 71500

Peaceful Times Empty Re: Peaceful Times

Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:42 pm
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