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Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Friend or Foe  Empty Friend or Foe

Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:06 am
   Despite the Fire Country's usual hot climate, the weather was beginning to grow colder. The day still offered decent temperatures as the warm sun showered upon the grounds, but it was the late nights and the early dawn that chilled the bone. The absence of the sun caused a creeping chill, as winter was coming around the corner. 

   Kana had found herself a nice little area to settle down for the time being. She was surrounded by the trees of the Fire Country, with access to a beautiful river that wove between the treelines. The water rippled along the rocks, such a simple relaxing atmosphere. One could meditate at the water’s edge, amongst the boulders that rose above the surface. Underneath the ripples rested the rainbow trout. Providing an excellent food source for the hungry. 

   The kunoichi was knelt at the edge of the river, washing the blood from her hands. She had just finished cleaning up a few hares that the forest provided her. They were a simple catch and a simple kill. Kana had spent most of her life alone as a forsaken. Hunting was almost therapeutic for the crimson - haired lass. She learned to not let her past weigh her down, and look towards the future. Her tummy rumbles softly. It wouldn’t be long before she needs to build a secluded fire to roast the dinner. {WC: 229}
Sugimoto Inuzuka
Sugimoto Inuzuka
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Tue Nov 30, 2021 6:24 am
Sugimoto walked along the river stopping occasionally to check for signs of tracks before continuing along his way. He thought about how beautiful this area was with the river that flowed peacefully through the forest. Sugimoto didn't have his companion with him at the moment. He left him back at their campsite because he didn't intend to run into any trouble while he was out. He was just simply scouting the surroundings and trying to find something easy to catch for them to eat later that night. A soft breeze blew through his long blonde hair that wasn't hidden under the canine skull that adorned his head. His bright blue eyes scanned the ground for any signs that might have been left by something that could've passed through this area early. A simple print or broken twig to even mud smeared where it shouldn't be was what he was looking for. 

Then the breeze changed causing his nose to pick up on an unfamiliar scent. He stopped in his tracks taking it in and trying to locate it. The scent had the faint smell of blood mixed in with it which made him even more curious. The smell was coming from up ahead around the bend. Sugimoto continued along his way but more quietly now that he knew he wasn't alone. He was eager to see what awaited him ahead. Finally he rounded the bend and seen a woman knelt down washing her hands in the river. Sugimoto's eyes glanced around looking for signs of other but she appeared to be alone. He didn't know why she was here or what she was doing but he knew that most people around here spelt trouble. He stopped for a second and bent down to pick up a large rock in his right hand never letting his eyes leave the woman. 

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Tue Nov 30, 2021 5:54 pm
    After her hands were free from the crimson life source that once stained them, Kana moved over to the sharpened sticks that laid beside the three butchered carcasses. She used the carved sticks to skewer the hare meat so that she can lay them across the licking of the flames later. There was time that she took to dispose of any mess, and clean the area to try hiding the fact that it was recently used. Being out in the wild alone, you can never be too careful. When she was finished, Kana raised from her spot with the skewers in her hand. 

    Before the lass continued back to where her camp was, she took a moment to survey the area around her. It was as if the birds had grown quieter, for a reason unknown to her. Her eyes swept along the flowing river and its rippling edge, but her expression was unchanging. If she had seen something, she didn’t show it. Instead, Kana turned to continue her path to the camp to start the fire. Disappearing into the overgrown brush. {WC: 182 | TWC: 411}
Sugimoto Inuzuka
Sugimoto Inuzuka
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:26 am
Sugimoto watched as the woman went on about her business without acknowledging him. He wasn't completely sure whether she saw him and chose to ignore him or if somehow she didn't notice him at all. He highly doubted that she somehow didn't see him and began to wonder why she didn't react in any way to him. He tilted his head gently to the side as she turned and began to walk away. Did she have friends waiting for her where she was going now and she chose to ignore him to simply avoid confrontation until there was safety in numbers? This thought crossed Sugimoto's mind and he knew it could very easily be a trap but he decided to follow regardless. 

Sugimoto clutched the large stone in his right hand and began to quietly tail the woman from a safe distance but making sure to keep her in his sight at all times. The possibility that she was able to ignore an obvious aggressor fresh in his mind as he carefully stepped over small twigs and dodged leafy limbs. His curiosity was getting the better of him at this moment but if she turned out to be just an ordinary trespasser in his territory then he planned to make quick work of her. Perhaps she had something worthy of adding to his collection and if not at the very least she had caught dinner for him. He would continue to follow her all the way back to her camp if he remained unnoticed or if she continued to ignore him. 

Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Sun Dec 12, 2021 5:42 pm
Things had been awfully quiet lately. For once there was an opportunity for some sort of entertainment, as the lass had noticed the presence of that stranger along the river. Her eyes hadn't seen any visible headband that symbolized what village he was from, but then again he could have been to far for her to be certain that he was a rogue. She'll find out soon enough.

Her scarlet hair disappeared behind the thick brush. Carelessly not giving much of a damn if the unnamed followed her or not. If he did, it would either be intentions of curiosity or mischief. Kana was giving him the opportunity to decide, as she gave no reaction to acknowledge the fact that she had seen him.

If he did decide to trail her path within the woods and make it past the brush, he wouldn't find her anywhere at eye level to the ground. Instead, the time that he took to get through where she disappeared into, Kana would have positioned herself on a thick tree branch. The branch was sturdy, and didn't buckle in the slightest with her weight. Perched like an owl, twelve feet from the ground, ready to observe if the stranger had followed her or not.

The skewered hare meat were in her left hand, while she gently gnawed on the thumbnail of her right hand. Her teeth bit into the tip of her nail as she waited. If he appeared through the brush, Kana would entertain him with a silly phrase to tease his actions. "Curiosity killed the cat?"  {WC: 262 | TWC: 837}

{1st Claim on the Christmas Calendar}
Sugimoto Inuzuka
Sugimoto Inuzuka
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:36 pm
Sugimoto stepped through the brush and was met by the crimson haired woman waiting above on a limb. Just as he figured she must've seen him at the river and was just acting clueless to lead him here for whatever reason unbeknownst to him. Now that he was close enough to actually see the woman he would tilt his head slightly to the side as he looked her up and down. After which he would take a second to glance around, insuring that this wasn't an ambush of some kind. As he glanced around he sniffed lightly trying to pick up any other scents but to his surprise she was truly alone.

A small smile appeared on his face as he listened to the words she spoke. He found that idiom that she quoted quite humorous and it suited this event rather well. Sugimoto still held the large rock in his right hand but it was rendered useless by the distance between the two so he let's it fall from his hand and onto the ground. He decided he may need both of his hands free since he no longer had the advantage of being hidden.

"But satisfaction brought it back." Sugimoto finished the idiom quietly. Though he rarely spoke he found it too entertaining not to do so on this occasion. He wasn't sure what this woman was doing out here alone, maybe she was an outcast like him. As this thought crossed his mind he began to wonder what she may have done to be cast out if that was truly the case. What if she had killed someone? What if there was some kind of bounty on her head? Was she strong? He wondered all of these things as he looked at her. All of these thoughts came back to the same thing. Was she a worthy opponent? Did she have something to contribute to his collection? For an instant a flicker of hunger could be seen in Sugimoto's eyes as his mind raced with questions.
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Wed Dec 15, 2021 4:30 am
Sure enough, the unnamed stranger from the river made his way through the brush. He followed her trail right to where she was waiting. Kana silently watched as he seemed to survey her. Still gently biting away at her nail as his lips curved into a smile.

From this distance, the man would have to make it obvious that he meant harm if he wanted to. Unless he wasn't completely alone. If Kana began to feel some sort of discomfort, she wouldn't hesitate to flee or fight. But right now she would like to not lose the dinner within her left hand. As the scarlet Kunoichi took the time to plan ahead on an escape, if needed, the rock within the man's hand would fall to the ground. Kana arched a brow in response. What was his intentions?

To her surprise, the stranger responded to her words. Finishing the famous saying and bringing a smirk upon her lips. "I've never heard of that part."

There was a long pause. The braids in her hair shifted slightly, as the wind caught ahold of the raven feathers that ornamented them. Right now the only thing that could possibly seem valuable upon her, was her feathers and the hare skewers within her fingers. As well as the ryo that was within her pocket, but would one take the chance of assuming it was worth the trouble? Perhaps. .

Kana glanced at the meat within her hand, before returning her attention onto the boy. Still content of being perched within the tree. "You look like a starving stray down there, whether you are hungry for food or trouble," The rogue paused her sentence to gesture at the meat within her possession. "I'll share my meal for your name in exchange. You can give me a lie or the truth, it doesn't really matter to me. But cause me any trouble and I won't hesitate to spill blood."

This would give Kana the opportunity to try reading more into his intentions. She was pretty good at reading one's words. Hopefully this go es s by smoothly so that she could eat soon.
{WC: 356 | TWC: 1,193}

{Claiming for the 3rd Calender day}
Kana Mi
Kana Mi
Stat Page : Blodreina
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 59650

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:11 am
Unfortunately, the young man refused to acknowledge her generous offer. Resulting in the occurrence of boredom as Kana tsked to herself. She gave her thumbnail one final nibble before lowering herself from being perched within the tree.“Fine~ I don’t need to share with anyone. That only means more food for me right."
{WC: 53 | TWC: 1,246} - Exits -
{Claims} +12 Speed
Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death (1,361/2,000) 115 wc from here
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Wayfarer
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Clan Focus : Ninjustu
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Ryo : 6404

Friend or Foe  Empty Re: Friend or Foe

Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:41 pm
Exits and claims approved. -Wan
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