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Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:50 pm
Only the strong survive, I'm not afraid of dying every one has their time or so Daiki thought to himself as he replayed a tune he had heard once in his head. It resonated with him so much he even started to humming it aloud to himself. Just audible enough for people around him. After a few more minutes of this, Daiki soon realized he had done enough muscle training and practicing his form for the time being. He figured he'd try to do something else but at the moment, an idea of what to do escaped him at the time. Looking around the room, he figured if he could spot some other people doing their routine workouts and what not, maybe it'll give him an idea of what he should be doing next. He spotted a female sprinting around in a circle which looks like a small field just for running. Daiki decided that was the next he would do next, some cardio. Having all of his muscle and strength back would be pointless if he didn't have the speed to back it up so he very much would like to be able to hold is on in a contest of speed. Walking over, he went to the small track in order to get himself situated. Finding its starting point, Daiki walked towards it and got into a sprinter's form. He too would try and run around the track as fast as he could in order to see how his speed measures up to the woman's he was watching.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Focus : Medical
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Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:04 pm
After perusing the book for a while and practicing its contents, Grey figured that it was now time for him to attempt to heal something with the chakra around his hand. He figured that the chakra had some sort of healing properties now, although he could not figure out what they were or how effective they were. He only read through the book and tried to do what the book said to the best of his abilities currently. He ran his chakra in the way it said in the book as an example, but there was only so much practical knowledge you could get from a book before you had to attempt the contents for yourself and make sure that you were accustomed to them. As he ran the chakra around his hand again, he wanted to test how good it was, and there was no better test subject than himself, as he could feel everything that was happening to his own body very clearly. He went over to one of the supply cabinets and grabbed one of the scalpels that were in there, making a small cut on one of his fingers, the ring finger of his left hand to be specific. The cut was tiny, but it started to bleed immediately, and Grey winced at the pain slightly before running his right hand with the chakra over it. He could feel that his hand was covered in the healing energy, but he noticed that there was some sort of change in the wound, it was slowly healing. This was something Grey had never done before, and needless to say, he was excited about it.
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:54 pm
Starting his sprint, his acceleration was a bit sloppy and slow. It had been a long time since he had done this and it was surely showing. He used to be able to get from one end of the village to another at the speed of sound, maybe even faster. This was no time for him to dwell on the past however as he wanted to work towards attaining speeds like that once more. He ran around the field a few times until he eventually grew tired and bored of it. Now he just wanted to spar but he didn't have an opponent to spar with so he decided to try a little training exercise that he was taught when he was first starting out on training Taijutsu. It was a little trick akin to a genjutsu that made him visualize his opponent as if they were really there. Even though the apparition isn't real and the opponent that he was visualizing strikes him, his body would react as if he had felt the sensation of pain coursing through him. It was quite an effective method of training and he used to do it all the time back when he was in training until he could fight and spar real opponents. Now that he was rusty again, he figured should go back to that method until he felt confident enough to spar with another human being and keep up with them. For now, he'd try and visualize his 'opponent' that he would soon begin to spar with.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:23 pm
Grey watched as the little cut on his finger slowly mended itself, and he was really happy about it, although soon the initial excitement about succeeding like that had faded away, as what he was doing was taking far too much chakra and wasn’t even doing that much. Grey looked and it took him a little over thirty seconds to completely heal the small cut on his fingers, and was going to have to turn back to the book. The pace that he was healing was so slow that he thought that an academy student from the village would have most likely done better than he did, and it was sort of embarrassing.He could just imagine himself on the battlefield, getting slashed across the chest and putting his hands up to heal himself, and him calling out to his opponent, “Time out, let me just heal for a couple minutes, then we can continue.” This was something that was going to get him killed in the future if he didn’t have a better option, and so he continued looking through the book. He was going step by step, and soon he had found that the book went on to say that there needed to be greater chakra control, as a lot of the chakra used by the body was wasted when it was used for something, and so it listed a couple of exercises to help out with chakra control and allow one to only put exactly what was needed. Once the chakra control aspect was handled, one could proceed to the next phase, which was using knowledge of the human body to send the chakra as healing power where it needed to go.
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:36 pm
Leaving the track and field shortly after, he went to an area that was designated for sparring, a ring of some sorts. He wasn't sure what kind of opponent he would like to 'spar' but he figured it would come quickly to him if he just let his mind wander. Hopping into the arena, Daiki had closed his eyes, still grinning widely as he began to picture his opponent. A young, muscular male that was about five feet, seven inches began to form. He was speedy with a lot of power and technique behind him and his messy, red hair. Daiki was elated at the opponent he had drawn up in his mind, almost wishing he was real as he thought he would have made some perfect material for his experiments and studies. Alas, he was just a figment of his imagination and wasn't real which greatly disappointed Daiki but he didn't show it. As the boy got into an unfamiliar fighting stance, Daiki too would get into a stance of his own resembling a stance similar to Kyokushin Karate's sanchin dachi. With a strong shout, Daiki drew a cross with both of his arms starting from above, drawing a cross and bringing his arms down below. He'd pull his  right leg back to the left before opening up his stance, his right foot placed ahead of his left. He was now ready to do battle with his imaginary opponent, as he watched his opponent charge in with his unnamed fighting style. Daiki couldn't help but smirk and wonder what kind of martial arts this boy would deliver him today.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:43 pm
Grey was having a lot of fun learning how to more efficiently control his chakra network, and as he did this, he noticed that he was learning quite a bit faster than he normally would. The information that he was looking at was sticking with him for more time than it usually would, which would happen whenever he started learning things related to being a shinobi. His attention span and ability to remember facts was somewhat subpar when it came to things that didn’t interest him in the slightest, and he couldn’t control this impulse at all. The information would just fall out of his head when he wasn’t paying attention, of course this being metaphorical. His memory was actually very good when it came to things that interested him, it was actually quite frightening what he could remember about certain things. He could almost recite the whole book word for word of his general practice of medicine. The rest of his current book was simply stating how he could make things more efficient when using his chakra network, and different applications of chakra to different organs. Each organ was obviously different from one another, and different types of tissue would react to chakra differently and the chakra network around them would also have different efficiencies for moving chakra within them. Grey quickly flipped the pages of the book until he found out how to heal the flesh on his hands. He had started with cutting his finger and healing it, and so he was going to practice that on himself. Eventually he wanted to go and choose one of the realistic dummies that the advanced training facility had, but he liked the feeling of his chakra swirling around his hand and healing him, it felt like he would earn more experience like that.
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:57 pm
As they both stepped into to exchange blows, Daiki was quickly immersed in his imaginary battle as he was having the time of his life swinging at his imaginary opponent. He also felt the need to defend from the imaginary strikes from time to time cause admittedly, he felt he made his opponent a little too strong for his liking but he'd suck it up and endure it. He wouldn't end his simulation now as he was very much enjoying himself. As he was swinging away wildly, it seemed he was gathering spectators to watch a crazy foreigner battle it out with thin air. Some of the members just hawked and wondered if he was just a lunatic while very few actually knew what he was doing, analyzing his movements, body language and strikes he threw. Daiki had noticed the people coming to watch his crazy antics but he didn't mind. After all, everything was better with an audience or so he thought to himself. Admittedly, during his more youthful days, he had always dreamed of performing live surgeries and experiments in front of a huge crowd. Unfortunately for him, they were considered inhuman and cruel so he wouldn't have gotten very far in the first place. The opponent he was trading blows with had strikes so seemingly real, it caused his body to react accordingly as if he were being struck by a real live target. To the spectators, it just seemed to them as if it was a man with wildly over exaggerating imagination. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't explain how Daiki contorts his body in a certain, disturbing manner.
Earl Grey
Earl Grey
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 32500

Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:56 pm
Grey eventually got the hang of the technique he was practicing, but that didn’t mean that he was ready to use it outside of a controlled environment, as he still needed a lot of hands-on experience. He could rapidly heal a little nick on his finger, but he had no idea how larger wounds would be handled, and for this he would need to get up and head towards the trauma ward division of the hospital, where they had realistic cadavers that would respond to chakra, and so medical jutsu could actually heal them. This was invaluable for someone like Grey that had very little experience in the field, as he was usually the one that was inflicting the wounds onto people, he wasn’t one to heal them right afterwards either. He knew how to dish out the damage, but he had no idea how to heal them. He quickly finished up the book and placed it back where it belonged before walking out of the room with a bit of haste in his steps. He was quickly brought over to the trauma ward, and the receptionist gave him a rundown that some people would act as if they were actually in a busy hospital, and this would cause the people to not cut the act if anything went wrong. Grey was fine with the potential stress risks, as he had seen plenty before and was confident about his own skills enough to handle it. The woman nodded at him and then told him to quickly change into his scrubs and sanitize himself, and soon he did so. He was just like the rank and file that he used to be, but this time other people were using chakra. As he ran through the ward, he was giving off the experience of a trained doctor already, and the other people were fairly impressed… until it came to the using of chakra.
Daiki Suzuki
Daiki Suzuki
Survived 2021
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:50 am
Continuing to trade blows with his wildly imagined sparring partner, Daiki was gradually wearing himself down while the mental image of a powerful opponent had continued to overwhelm him. As he bounced up and down the sparring mat, eventually he was too exhausted to continue, allowing his mental image training partner to fade away. It was a fun battle, overall a fun training experience really. It was a bit dull at first but after getting more into the mood, he was quickly finding himself getting into it. Taking a quick break, Daiki inhaled before jumping back in his feet as the imagined wounds he had acquired began to disappear from his body. He was quite happy with the progress he had made for today and so he would be taking his leave from the gym. He hoped his 'brother' would have the same amount of succession and/or happiness with his own training or studies, whatever he tried to pursue in this advanced training facility. For now, he quickly got up, dust himself off and began to make his way to the exit of the training facility. He was done with his exercise for today and decided it was best for him to just leave the training facility for the time being to grab some lunch.


Total Word Count: 2,576

Advanced Training Facility Discount: 25% Word Discount
+25 Strength
1,500 words to learn Eight Inner Gates(Skill)
750 words to learn Leaf Rising Wind
250 words into Taijutsu Amplifier
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Getting into the swing of things - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting into the swing of things

Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:09 pm
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