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Jaiden Goka
Jaiden Goka
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Painting for a lonely boy Empty Painting for a lonely boy

Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:20 pm
Naki would start to awaken in his bed as he looked around his room. He would decide to get some relaxation in today despite how the day looked. The young man would make his way into the bathroom for his daily shower before going back to his living room in his towel. He would start to dry his body off before going to get dressed in some paint splattered clothes. He would smile as he was happy that he can have a day to just paint by himself and not have to worry about missions for a minute. He would head towards the kitchen to make him a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs toast with grape jelly on it and butter. He would place the eggs on the toast and eat it like that as he moved towards his living room. He was wanting to plan out his day but at the same time he just wanted to go with the flow. He would get up after eating the sandwich and made his way outside of the room after bowing to the pictures. 

Naki would go to his storage closet and grabbed his painting gear. He had decided to go to the spire for this project as he carried pastel oils this time. He would make his way to the spire and began to move around it as he was wondering what he can do today. He'd find himself in the grove as he sat down and set up his stand and his canvas on it. The young man would start to paint out the scene of the grove as a young woman was sitting right across from him. He would use her as an inspiration for his art as he balanced her in the middle of it. He would spend a good 20 minutes using the oils to make this piece until she got up and left. Naki would kind of frown but he was ok with what he has hopefully she'll be back later for him to get another opportunity to paint her. He would get up and move to another place and grabbed another blank canvas and started to paint the area again as he was realizing that he was missing something. He would hear the sound of a kid laughing as he turned around to see a kid playing with his mom. Naki would turn to look at the canvas and started to put a younger version of himself along with his parents as they were walking together. He'd spend a good amount of time to make this as he stared at it he felt himself tearing up before noticing that it's getting dark. He would take the items and head back to his home for the day. 

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Painting for a lonely boy Empty Re: Painting for a lonely boy

Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:50 pm
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