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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Sun Dec 12, 2021 9:54 pm

It was the only place he could bring himself to be these days.

Zunair felt a certain comfort amongst the tall shelves and ancient books of Konohagakure's oldest library. He didn't have to pretend here, didn't have to be anyone other than who he was. He felt like that was an element of the life that was sorely lacking; all his face-to-face time with humans these days was pretending. But here, he could just be, and breathe a little bit. The mint-eyed Hyuuga liked to curl up in a specific corner of the library that was near the section on Jutsu research. That wasn't always what she necessarily read, but the chair here was particularly comfortable. On this day he was reading what might appear to some to be a rather mundane book - The Histories of Konohagakure's Founding Clans - but to him was almost a comfort book at this point. He had first read it years ago when it was given to him as an assignment by his father.

He was curled up with his feet tucked under his thighs in this comfortable chair, lost in the novel. His black hair softly caressed his face as he was wearing his usual attire. As he finished the book that's when a piece of parchment fell out of thin air onto his lap. Almost startled, he still would pick up the paper and start reading it.

Looking around the room, he thought this must be a joke. A trick of some sorts but if it were to be true. He would miss an opportunity to experience life outside the village. The Hyuuga sighed as he decided he would help, he thought what is the worst thing that could happen as he focused his chakra on the scroll and was teleported in a blitz into the seal on the scroll.
Zunair fell to his left knee as his head was dizzy, the was the first and only time he felt the effects of teleportation and he was not amused by it. Standing up, he wiped the snow that covered his landing knee and started to gaze at the area around him. The smell of baked goods and treats filled the air, giving almost a warm feeling to the Hyuuga, however, the brisk cold kissing his face reassured him of the temperatures. Candy canes were at odd parts in the streets and the people -this is what shocked Zunair the most- looked like midgets. Now, where would he start?

[WC: 534/2,250]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:47 am

Yamato Tanaka

Post WC: 1067
Total WC: 1067



Yamato took a deep breath. ‘This should be the final one.’ he thought to himself, and he knocked three times. Some snow fell from the top of the decorative clan symbol made from branches and leaves hanging on the wooden door. Yamato was standing in front of the nice little hut on the outer part of Tanbogakure’s residential area, waiting for an answer. He eventually heard a feint voice coming from inside the house, but couldn’t make up any words. A few more seconds later, a woman in her 40’s answered the door. "Is this the..." Yamato checked his notes to confirm the name, "Suzuki Household?". The woman nodded. "Is there something wrong? How can I help?". Yamato shook his head with a smile, "I’m just here to deliver a package.". A slightly older woman’s head entered the frame from behind the half-open door. "From who?" the second woman asked. The two seemed vaguely similar, so Yamato assumed they must be family. The Yamanaka checked his notes again before answering, "Aiko Suzuki?". Yamato held the package up towards them. When they heard the name, big smiles appeared on both of their faces. The first woman who opened the door took the package and rushed back in. Yamato had the other sign for the delivery, and they shut the door. Yamato took a second before he moved on.

He walked back down the short set of stairs that led to the front door, and walked out of the porch back into the snow-covered streets of Tanbo. A few blocks down he noticed his colleague returning from delivering a letter. The younger man had short brown hair and wore his headband on his forehead. He smiled and waved at Yamato. Yamato softly waved back. The man approached him. "So you’re done with yours?". "Yes." Yamato answered, "It’s a half-day, so I’m gonna go home now.". "Oh you have plans or something?". Yamato sighed. "No, Reiki, I don’t.". "Oh well. Don’t forget to take your own letters!". Yamato took a few seconds to answer the cheerful young colleague of his. "I don’t have any.". He started walking. "Oh!" Reiki said to his back as the blonde man left. "Sorry! I didn’t mean to-”.

A few minutes later, Yamato was home. Snow had gathered in front of his door that he had to clean before he could get in. He took a few more seconds. He put his key in the lock. It stuck. He tried it a few more times. Finally, an air of heat from inside greeted him. Some snow still managed to get inside and wet the wooden tiles of his apartment. Yamato was gonna rush in to clean it as fast as possible, but something caught his eye. A letter. Sitting perfectly centered in his hallway. Shivers went down Yamato’s spine. Moments ago he had felt some sadness about not having friends or family caring about him, wondering about him. But this? Somebody from his past knowing he was here, without Yamato knowing about it? The idea frightened the Yamanaka. ‘It must be from the Kage.’ he told himself, ‘He must finally be inviting me for a one-on-one meeting, to get to know the man who’s saving his village.’.

Yamato stepped in. He closed the door. Without taking any of his clothes off, he bent down and took the letter. There were no names on it. The sigil on the front seemed immaculate, but at the same time, unfamiliar to Yamato. In this case, unfamiliar wasn’t bad news. So, maybe it wasn’t the Tanbo village leader sending him a hand-written invite for afternoon tea. But this also meant it wasn’t Kiri or Suna. No news was good news. Still, this was curious. He checked the outside of the letter one last time before finally opening it and reading its components.

‘Dear Yamato Tanaka, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sincerely, Yoi.’

Who was Yoi? And this seal that Yamato had no way of confirming was a teleportation seal to begin with, let alone safe? This was surely either a trap or a prank by one of his less serious colleagues. Yamato sighed. He went inside and poured himself a cup of tea. He sat next to the front window with the radiator in front of it. He had a book sitting on a coffee table, with a small piece of paper marking where he had left off. ‘The Best of Times, The Hearst of Times: A King’s Self-Biography’ the title read. It was an okay read. It didn’t capture him at the moment though. He looked around. Nothing did. He had no paperwork. He looked outside. Kids were playing with snowballs and building snowmen. He saw the last few packages get delivered. As the person delivering the post passed through the houses around his, he still held out a little hope that his door would be knocked on as well. He watched the letters get delivered for a few more minutes, sipping his tea, pretending to focus on reading his book. The delivery never arrived.

Yamato picked up the letter once again. He read through it. He checked out the seal, as if he could confirm what it did with certainty if he just stared long enough. ‘Best case scenario…’ he thought, ‘It’s just more work. Today, the one day I have the afternoon off.’. He sighed. He looked around. What was the worst that could happen? It couldn’t be much worse than his current situation, surely? ‘Still better than nothing, I guess.’. He sighed, closed his eyes and activated the seal.

His skin felt the air around him change in an instant. He opened his eyes and saw the scenery. He was in a small bakery. There was one other person in the room. "Hi?" Yamato oddly felt like starting the conversation himself, "Yamato Tanaka. From Tanbogakure. At your service. Are you a resident or did you arrive here..." he held the letter in front of him, "...same way I did?". He awaited a reply. On one of the counters, he saw a folded paper with something written on it. Yamato looked more closely. It said:

‘Sorry I can’t be there, setting up the festival. Please protect the shop. -Yoi’

Yamato pointed at the paper sign, then spoke again. "Hopefully Yoi is more trustable with payment than with showing up to meetings.".
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:15 pm
The day was cold as the peaks of the mountaintop the Cloud Village resided on were covered in snow. The wind was blowing hard and sent chills down the spines of every villager in it's path, snow having covered the streets causing the sounds of crunching ice to fill all along the air, as the wintery air found it's way into the open window of a well heated home. There was a heater set on high keeping the small apartment warm and cozy as a kettle of hot tea was slowly coming to a bubbly steam as the ashen haired ninja of Kumogakure Moyasu was on his bed enjoying a book while waiting for his tea to finish. It wasn't long, though, until he heard the annoying sound of a rising whistle as he got up from his bed to take the kettle off the stove and pour himself a mug. The cold that was coming in through the window didn't really have all that much of an effect on the fire Meijin as his chakra always kept him warm in the coldest of days. The heater was essentially just to not make him look like a loon if any guests were to come visit. The tea, however, was for him.

After having taken a small sip of the tea, however, he heard a knock at his door which was strange for him since he wasn't expecting any company. Going to the door he opened it to find that someone had stuck a scroll onto his door using string as he took it down and closed the door in order to quickly unfurl it and give it a quick read. 'Dear Moyasu Nokoribi... he read inside his head the contents of the scroll, all the while taking deep sips of his tea, as he wondered whether or not this was for real or a prank. He knew of no relatives or friends who stayed in this "Moon Country" and he couldn't even begin to imagine who or what purpose they would've needed to extend to a mere Genin like him. He unfurled the second smaller scroll that had been rolled up inside the invitation one and saw that a summoning seal had been imprinted just as the letter said it would be. 'Getting some major red flags from this... But it couldn't hurt to at least see where this goes. It's not like I can't get back... right?' he nodded to his thought like a true carefree gullible dummy. He would then finish the rest of his tea, leaving the mug on the table to wash later, and he then touched the seal and concentrated his chakra which caused him to be sucked out from within his apartment into the great unknown of the seal.

The first thing he felt was the air around him change as he found himself on the snowy streets of an unknown land right outside of a small and cozy looking building. His sense of smell tingled from outside of the building as he could smell the freshly baking breads forming from within and he looked around to see other buildings. Some of them were small and equally cozy looking while others towered and cast a shadow on the already darkened white covered streets. 'Well at least it's not a desert of lions, forest of tigers, or cave of bears... oh my why did I have that thought suddenly?' Amused he removed from his pocket a pack of cigarettes, getting one from within it's container, and put one up to his lips before flicking his thumb up in order to cause a small flame to appear along the tip as though flicking a lighter. He took in deep breaths, the end of his cigarette burning as he breathed, before shaking his hand free of the flame he had conjured and letting a breath out to allow smoke to softly waft into the dark and chilly air. "Well then... Time to see why I'm here." He looked at the bakery as though to enter it and than to his cigarette as he nodded in slight frustration. "Shit." He decided he would stand there and enjoy his cigarette just a little bit more before putting it out and stepping inside.

WC 718
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Wed Dec 15, 2021 11:45 pm
Slender arms wrapped around the tops of two chairs as the young woman heaved them down the empty hallway, taking them from one room to another in order to help clean up the Tanbogakure Hospital. She had made an agreement with one of the aspiring medics from Tanbo to help him restore the hospital to its former glory, and was currently working on keeping her end of the bargain by cleaning up the abandoned building. Her first step in the cleanup process was to make the hospital more organized by clearing up the pathways so they could walk through it easier. Her familiar, Kuro, was alongside her and helping as much as he could despite his lack of opposable thumbs.

It didn’t take long for her short legs to reach their destination down the hall, and Kuro pushed the door open with his large form so she could easily place the chairs down. When she made it inside and looked into the room she noticed something strange, something that was not there when she had left moments prior. "What do we have here?” Her soft voice spoke up as she walked over to the perfectly placed letter sitting atop the counter, dropping the chairs off to either side of it as she did so. Kuro followed behind her, his head cocked to one side as he too was curious about this strange letter that had a faint trace of gingerbread wafting from it. Then she moved her hands across the counter until her finger tips enveloped the note, flipping it over and looking at the emblem on the seal. It was a sigil she had never seen before, which ruled out Mikaela as being the one to leave it for her. She decided instead of waiting for the Senju to arrive that she should satie her curiosity and opened the letter, and Kuro barking next to her to open it also helped with her decision. Her lilac tinted eyes scanned the contents of the two pieces of parchment, while Kuro looked up at her expectantly.


Hikari’s eyebrows furrowed as she gave the letter a second read through and then turned over the summoning scroll, validating that it appeared to be real. Having seen a summoning scroll once or twice before when she was back home she thought they looked to be identical, as far as her memory could tell. She began to pace back and forth, trying to decide if she should accept the request from this Yoi person or not. What if they were dangerous and only wanted her to teleport to them in order to steal her eyes? It wasn’t an entirely far-fetched idea, until she thought about how impossible it would be for someone like that to be in the village, let alone the abandoned hospital.

“Should we do it, Kuro? Or is it too dangerous?” She looked down at her companion for assistance with this decision, his crimson orbs looked back at her as he all but shrugged his canine shoulders. “Gee thanks for the input.” He barked at her sarcasm before wandering over and nuzzling her hand as an apology.

After several moments of pacing back and forth the Hyuuga ultimately decided that the pros outweighed the cons about helping this mysterious person and she grabbed the summoning scroll. She focused her chakra into the scroll while Kuro put his paw over hers and did the same; then she felt herself being pulled into it until they were no longer in Tanbogakure anymore. Instead she was in a room with two other people and the scent of freshly baked goods wafted through the air, making her yearn for a taste of the delicious sweets.

The blonde man had just finished talking about Yoi hopefully being better at payment than attendance as he pointed at a sign from the man in question when they arrived, while the man with black hair had yet to speak up. She made her way to stand closer to the duo, with Kuro following beside her on the left, before she said, “Guess we’ll find out once he gets back. I’m Hikari Hyuuga and it is a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances.” Her voice was soft and a small smile danced across her lips as she looked between the two men, before her eyes caught sight of yet another person outside the shop, although this one was enjoying a smoke in the chilly air. “Looks like we have a potential fourth member outside.”

(WC: 760)
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
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Ryo : 216000

Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:28 am
Zunair was already off to a rocky start but could it get worse? He hoped he didn't have to find out as gazed upon the bakery with a man standing outside of it, smoking a cigarette. The mint-eyed Hyuuga studied the man. He had hair almost the same color as the snow and that's all he would know until he got a closer look at him. The man would then enter what seemed to be the bakery. 'hmm, an average height person here, let's follow him in there to see what's going on,' he thought to himself as approached the door to the wooden and stone structure. Seemingly slamming the door open, the warm temperature was a relief to the tingling feeling of the cold air. His cheeks and nose began to take a rose color as his body started to adjust to the temperature of the room. Closing the door behind him, he scanned the room and notice three individuals: a blonde man near the counter holding a piece of paper, the man that was just outside smoking, and a woman who he'd thought long had been dead.

"Hikari? Is that you?" Zunair began to question his eyes, but he knew that had to be her. From her small frame to her snowy-white hair, and the distinctive white-pearless eyes of the Byakugan. She was his elder cousin, as they were both from the main branch family as her mother, Yuki, and his father, Hoshi, were brother and sister. Since Yuki was the elder of the two, she was the Head of the Hyuuga Clan; however, her mother and father perished so his father became active head leader of the clan. Since knowing the feeling of losing a parent, after Zunair's mother died, Hikari was there for him when no one really was. Zunair always looked up to Hikari, she was such a kind person that would go out of her way for anyone but it was until the death of her brother, it seemed she disappeared without a trace from the Hyuuga compound so they thought she was dead. Losing basically almost all of his immediate family and then being suffered through his father's rigorous training regime as the sole heir to the main branch is what caused Zunair to become reclusive.

Shaking his head, he had to interrupt his thoughts, he ran up to the female Hyuuga, "where have you've been all this time," tears began to from the corner of his eyes. He remembered how she disliked the topic of people having fates but was it fate to meet again like this. He let a tear fall from his eye, slowly coming down like a small creek upon his rose-colored cheeks. Zunair huffed as he figured he will have time later to continue with his family reunion, so with a timid voice, he turned towards the others, "I'm going to assume we've all been summoned here for the same reason," that's when the blonde man named Yamato pointed to the paper on the wall. 

"So, we have to protect the bakery, well, why not enjoy some of the baked goods while we're here" the mint-eyed Hyuuga seemingly almost questioned as he moved to the display of assorted goods and treats. Picking up a muffin that had arranged blue and red dots covering it, slowly taking a bite out of it filled Zunair's taste buds with sugary sweets of strawberry and blueberry, a distinguished taste unformular to his taste. "Mmm, delicious," he said offering the trio to come over and try the goods. Whether or not they did, he would take a seat at one of the tables.

"Well, how long are we supposed to protect this bakery," Zunair stated resting his head on his propped-up hand, also motioning Hikari to take a sweet next to him so he could ask her about what happened those years ago.

Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:48 am

Yamato Tanaka

Post WC: 537
Total WC: 1604



Yamato realized the person he thought he was speaking to at first turned out to be a cardboard cutout of a mascot. Luckily, a silver-haired woman appeared shortly so not all of his words would get lost in the empty room. "Nice to meet you too, Hikari. Yamato Tanaka of Tanbo, like I said a second before you arrived.". He looked outside to note the figures that must have been their partners for the mission. A short time later, one of the two figures waiting outside had barged in, addressing the woman as if they had known each other for some time. "You two know each other?" Yamato asked inquisitively, "From the same village? Again...". He turned to face Zunair, "I’m Yamato Tanaka, from Tanbogakure. I didn’t pick up if I’ve heard your name yet.".

The job was already turning out to be a lot more social than the other plans Yamato had: playing chess by himself, playing shogi by himself, reading books, playing go by himself. In fact, if there was one more person after the man still smoking outside, it might have been to much at once for Yamato to handle. He did not manage social situations skillfully, to say the least. "Yes, the summoning letter? I am actually surprised so many others blindly trusted the letter. It seemed really sketchy. It was not a wise decision, perhaps, but I must admit I had nothing better to do anyway. What about you all?". Yamato also asked this to the smoking person, if he had come in at this point, "What brought you all here, during the holiday season? No family to celebrate with, no other jobs? Not judging of course, I’m on that boat myself.".

Yamato had only been in the bakery for a short amount of time, and there had really been no outside danger yet, but even the sudden need to socialize was a little bit too much for him, all at once. He found himself more nervous than when he had actually been under the threat of death on missions. "So… Uh… Weather’s so… Cold… Right?". He then heard Zunair invite the group to enjoy the baked goods, "Um, I don’t think we’re supposed to...". He brought out the letter to read it again. "I… I don’t think they’re meant for us. It would say on the letter, I think, if we were allowed to eat the things...". He looked around at all of the pastries and sweets. "No matter...", the smell filled the air, but all of the subtly different food would create waves in the wind so that Yamato would get hit by a new scent every few seconds, "How tasty… They seem… I’m sure they’re meant for… People… Not on the job...". He was hardly able to focus. This really was like a dream place. One Yamato had taken for granted until it had been pointed out to him. "I think Yoi should let us know when we will be done with our shift… Then we’ll be free to eat whatever we want, I bet… Oh the croissants seem wonderful though...". He turned to Hikari, "What do you think, Hikari? We shouldn’t… Right?".
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
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Ryo : 149000

Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:48 pm
The snow flurries that slowly fell from the dark sky above, joining with the snow that littered the ground and was already icing together into a slush, as a few of the flurries would float their way onto Moyasu's clothes. He watched the flurries as they floated all along the quiet and windless air as the smoke trailed upwards to mingle with them from his cigarette. After having spent a good few solid minutes enjoying the tobacco filled roll he took one last puff before flicking the cigarette away and walking into the bakery to see what was smelling so good inside. 'Maybe I can pick up something to take with me back home.' he though to himself as he stepped in to see three others hanging around inside. Not knowing any of them in the slightest he decided he wouldn't interact with them as he walked over to the display of goodies to see what all they had. He saw things ranging from cakes to croissants to donuts to bagels. However there were also a large variety of cookies all along the shelves which were one of the staple desserts in baking when so close to the holidays. They all looked as though they had been painstakingly prepared as he looked around again to see if he could pin the owner of the joint. While they had the look and smell down it was ultimately all about taste when it came to foods such as this.

'Guess I'll take a seat until the owner shows themselves.' He thus walked over to one of the vacant tables and sat himself down in what was a rather cozy chair as he was actually surprised by how warm the place was.

WC 291; TWC 1,009
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:58 pm
She was taken back a little as she realized the blonde man had been talking with a cut out instead of another person, like she had originally assumed the shape to be as well. It looked like the shadows were playing tricks on both of them. But neither of their words were said in vain and their conversation continued easily, with the blonde introducing himself as Yamato and reigning from Tanbogakure, the same village she was currently residing in. Her lilac hued eyes followed his gaze as he looked upon the two figures outside, her thoughts racing with questions about why they were out in the cold instead of inside with them. Hikari mused that perhaps they all were teleported to random locations in this little town and not one specific place, which made this meet-up more of a fated encounter than pure coincidence.

These thoughts were proven to be true when one of the larger figures ran inside, the door flying open behind him and bringing with it a gust of cold air. The petite woman gave a small shiver as the cold hit her exposed skin, the dress she was wearing did little to protect her. Her wolven companion nuzzled her shoulder to try and help her warm up. They would have looked like a strange duo standing next to each other; a 4’9 woman with her 4’0 tall wolf familiar would be a sight to behold for anyone, and could only be beat by the sight of her riding on his back. Being almost as tall as his friend made it fairly easy for the wolf to carry her on his back, coupled with the fact that her frame was slender and light.

Hikari’s eyes widened as they registered the figure in front of them, a man with black hair and pupil-less eyes, and just as he spoke her name she recognized him to be her younger cousin. As he ran towards her she met him half way, her arms extended outward into a hug to embrace Zunair. “A lot has happened since I last saw you…but wow, have you gotten taller? No fair, give me some of your height!” She gave a small pout before chuckling softly, her eyes lighting up at seeing a familiar face in this unfamiliar land.

The other Tanbogakure shinobi piped up, voicing what she had been thinking since she accepted the letter’s request to be summoned there. What had compelled her to be brought to this wintery land, when what awaited could have been a group of murderers? Was it perhas because Kuro hadn’t sensed any ill-intent from the scents drifting off of the letter? “To be quite honest I am not sure why I accepted when it could’ve been so dangerous. It had to have been my curiosity that got the best of me.” Her left hand ruffled her canine companion's fur, as it had also been thanks to his curiousness that she accepted the mysterious quest.

Moments later they were brought back to the main task at hand, as both Zunair and Yamato spoke about the treats and whether they should be nommed on or not. “I agree with Yamato here, I don’t think we should eat them if we were tasked with protecting them. Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of keeping them safe if we are the ones eating them all?” She moved closer to Zunair as she spoke, trying her best to coax him to not eat any of the delectables just yet. Then Yamato seemed to fall trap to the wonderful scent of the sweets, but had enough willpower to constantly push away from biting into them. Hikari had to admit that they did smell wonderful, especially the muffins. She was a sucker for a blueberry muffin, how soft the tops were and how the blueberries seemed to melt in your mouth…

Kuro lightly bit her hand as she was inching closer to the muffins, drawing her out of her entranced state. “Wait a minute…guys we have to resist the temptation to eat them despite how yummy they smell!” Hikari moved a hand to pinch her nostrils closed, helping to block out the tempting treats. “It would be stealing if we ate them and didn’t pay Yoi back, plus this is a job we were asked to partake in. As shinobi we mustn’t turn our backs on our code of conduct; a mission is a mission and we need to fulfill it once accepted.”

(WC: 756)
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Arathel Anbura
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:07 am
Zunair gave a sour look to his cousin as she began to tell them how they shouldn't be eating them and the ethics of being a shinobi. Was she already lecturing him? After all these years she's still bossy as ever. With Hikari around, it seemed Zunair began to fall back into his old personality: open, happy, and somewhat childish. With a huff and puff, "Okay, you're right," Zunair grunted out but he still finished his delightful muffin, he means, he already started eating it, why not finish it. Swallowing down the rest of it he would turn towards the silver-haired man, "good right?" he said giving him a thumbs-up, most likely giving him another lecture from Hikari. Zunair would stand and then approach Hikari again, "seems you haven't lost your touch about being bossy, but I will pay for it, promise," he said smiling and then looking at her rather a large wolf. "So, who's your friend," Zunair smiled at the wolf wanting to pet it but wasn't for sure if the majestic creature would allow him to.

Smiling that's when the door busted open, and in walked a man, well, what looked like some type of man. He had fox-like ears that protruded from the top of his head, a beautiful whitetail that flowed from his lower back. I bet it's soft, I want to touch it, Zunair thought as he examined his elegant white robe with what seemed to be red tassels and a blue undershirt. Cute for half-man, half-animal, Zunair thought as that man began to talk, "thank you all for coming and defending my bakery. Hope it wasn't too much trouble for you," he stopped as looked at all four of them as he moved flamboyantly around the room gesturing all of them towards the door. "Come, Come. I need you to defend my factory now while my workers have a celebration. I've there was a planned attack on it.

Zunair huffed at the half-breed as he followed him outside and watched him point down the snow-barren road that led to the factory. After getting used to the temperature inside the bakery, his face was slapped with a cold winter chill that he did not miss. Stepping into the well built snow, he then gazed as little people roamed the streets in preparation for their party and Yoi ran off to go help them. "I guess we better head to the factory." Zunair said as he began to walk towards his destination hopefully the trio would follow suit. Zunair is really starting to regret his involvement in this and the attitude of the man really rubbed him the wrong way.

Upon walking past the center of town, there stood a tall luxurious tree, covered in gold, red, and silver ornaments. The lighting on the massive tree could probably be seen from space but it still seemed to not be finished as the midgets seemed to be scrambling everywhere. Rows of tables filled with food and treats, all assorted. Zunair wondered why they would have warm food out in the freezing cold, he rolled his eyes as he approached the door, which was standing wide open and all the lights are how. Alerted, he wondered if someone was inside or if someone had forgot to close the door. Taking extra precaution, he activated his Byakugan and telling his elder cousin to do the same.

[TWC: 1752/2250]
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Tis' the Season to be Freezin' Empty Re: Tis' the Season to be Freezin'

Fri Dec 17, 2021 9:35 am

Yamato Tanaka

Post WC: 350
Total WC: 1954



Yamato was being swept in by the scent of the wonderful baked goods within the store, when Hikari spoke his name and caught his attention. "I hoped you’d agree. The wolf… Your familiar? What’s its name?". The smoking man also seemed to have finally joined the rest of them. He walked in and sat in the corner without saying a word, which irked Yamato. "Yamato Tanaka." he introduced himself yet again, looking at the white-haired young man directly, "What about you? Here for the mission as well?".

Soon after, their employer revealed himself to the group. He looked… Interesting, to say the least. Not like any man Yamato had met before. The Yamanaka appreciated finally being able to put a face on the man offering them money for their services, but the man’s behavior seemed sketchy nonetheless. It seemed this was already a finished job, and Yoi was hurrying them to do another one elsewhere. There would be hell to pay, if the animal-eared man refused to pay at the end of it all. "Very well." Yamato answered, both the mission, and Zunair confirming it. "I’ll be honest, that is the easiest job I’ve ever done since I’ve joined Tanbo.".

Zunair had a warning for the group, it seemed. Yamato took warnings seriously. "Battle might be in our near future." Yamato said. A second later, sounds of crashing and breaking could be heard from within the workshop they were standing in front of. "I think it’s high time we discuss some tactics. Anybody favor being on the front or the back? I have some basic training, and some weapons on me, but nothing too fancy I’m afraid. What do the rest of you offer in combat, if you don’t mind sharing?". He would listen carefully to all of the words being spoken, as their life might have depended on this information very shortly. Yamato took out two kunai, holding them between the fingers of his right hand, which he fashioned into a fist. "Who wants to go in first?" Yamato then asked. He didn’t seem particularly interested in it himself.
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