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Miki Satow
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sugar Baby
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Everyone needs a little Christmas

Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:43 pm

Candles in the window, carols at the spinet

Miki was finally able to relax; it was the day before the lighting of the tree; and all of her missions were complete. She was able to slip out of the hotel early that morning and find herself a pair of skates; the elves as she began to call them; weather she was politically correct for not, and they didn’t seem to mind the first time she referred to them as it; convinced her to no longer weather her normal kimono; but now she was wearing a simple pair of thick leggings, white in color with intricate details on long the sides of them; accompanied by a beautiful satin crimson red top, cut low but lined with fur across it; it also came with a hood; also lined with fur. Her hair was down curled and cascaded around her small frame. She bowed as she took the skates from one of the elves at the workshop; “I really do appreciate it. Thank you so much.” As she would begin to walk off in the direction that they had told her to go, she would stop to grab herself a cup of hot coco, it was candy cane flavored, like most things within the Moon Country Village at this point. She didn’t mind as she enjoyed the taste of candy cane – some days she wished it had a little more… Flavor though; as she had now been in Moon for several days; she was beginning to miss home.

As Miki traveled along the road way, passing houses and shops; her eyes glimmering through the windows as she looked upon all the different items on display. She found amusement in the village for sure; it was always different to go to another village and see what they had to offer. As she finally reached the outside of the town; she found herself on a trek through the snow, thankfully with her new found knee high boots that wasn’t a problem. She was more than prepared, save for the exposed shoulders of her outfit; everything was mostly covered and warm. Before she knew it her small trek found her the ice rink, it was outside; and still fairly early in the morning; she was sure to be able to get some training in, along with attempting to ice skate for the very first time. She grinned; sitting down on one of the stumps, untying her own boots; to place the skates on.

Having made quick work; she stood up carefully; shaking slightly at the knees – nervous; Konohagakure was a warmer climate; and it never froze like this country. This was surely her first time on skates; but she would attempt to make the most out of it anyways. As she pushed herself onto the ice; she would feel the wind push through her, however chilly it might have been wouldn’t have bothered her in her moment of feeling free.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 486
Total WC 486
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Hasn't snowed a single flurrybut Yoi dear we're in a hurry
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Sat Dec 18, 2021 2:58 am
Moyasu was having a great night. The night was coming up on morning yet was still cold and dark as the sky had every bit of cloud cover all across it's infinite expanse. Little flurries of snow was coming down gently onto the strange land the ashen haired man had found himself a short while ago as he had enjoyed for himself a few of the restaurants and bakeries that were located across the maze of a town, the snow only getting higher and the air getting colder, as his footsteps crunched loudly against the roads as he walked. While he was here for an undisclosed amount of time he had bought for himself a coat for even he was being affected by the cold as he had liked it's look: A black leather jacket with fur lined on the inside. Fur from what animal? He had no clue but he had bought it as a knee jerk purchase just to find something to keep himself warm and not look weird. He could, of course, have heated himself by consistently flowing his hot chakra within him but that would caused his chakra to ignite and flow and possibly cause more problems than they were worth all around him. After all if the... unique people of the town were to see a man on fire they'd either assume he was in need of help or he was endangering the streets and people.

Thus he walked, the delectable treats he had consumed earlier digesting as he walked in order to burn calories and provide more heat for his body, as he stepped outside the boundaries of the village for the first time to get a look at it from the outside. He walked for a little bit, every step providing a self made sense of accomplishment due to how he was trying his best to digest, as he came across what looked to be a skating rink... and some girl taking the opportunity to use it. Like the ninja he had met earlier for the missions he had completed not too long ago everyone he met and would meet was nine times out of ten going to be someone he'd never met before as well as people who were from completely different villages apart from his. He stood there and watched the girl for a bit, her experience clearly that of a beginner with how shaky and cautious she seemed, as he started to wonder about whether or not he should turn in for the night and most of the next day. He hadn't had sleep yet which was causing his eyes to slink and blink more often as he tried rubbing his eyes back into alertness. 'Well at least someone's had a good idea for their night. Maybe I should try ice skating myself soon.' he thought to himself as he watched the girl a bit more from a distance.

WC 490
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Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:44 am

Candles in the window, carols at the spinet

Miki was careful; but apparently not careful enough; as she slide across the ice she found herself at a loss of balance; she should had known better than to go skating herself; she felt her legs go up first; which caused her back side to come crashing down on to the ice with a loud ‘thud’; and cry of pain. She hadn’t noticed the on looker, the evening was upon the sky; as she groaned, attempting to get up, she would something ‘crack’ beneath her…. She gasped quietly; this is really what karma got her… Of course it would, of course she’d be by herself, or course her clumsy self would get into this kind of situation… But then again; perhaps it wasn’t the ice… Maybe it was her skate? She really didn’t want to the know answer, as she would attempt to lift up off the ice; only to slip back down.

At this rate I’ll be bruised all over.” She would groan, her body sore and unsure of the situation; as she made another attempt to move, she would hear another ‘crack’ sound, this one far more louder… perhaps the ice wasn’t ready to be skated upon… Or perhaps she wasn’t on the right side… The ice rink was huge, and the part she had found herself on was untouched. She began to feel a lot more nervous, unhappy with how she landed herself in the tight spot she was in now.

Her third and final attempt to get up, would land her down on her chest; staring towards the man who was quietly watching her… For a moment a spike of rage; she would quickly call out to him, not wanting to struggle any further; “Could you… Maybe come help me?” She would cry towards the man; the only hope being he wasn’t some kind of sadist that was getting off on watching her struggle for her life.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 321
Total WC 807
Total WC Needed 0000/0000
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Hasn't snowed a single flurrybut Yoi dear we're in a hurry
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:23 pm
Well the girl had found herself into something of a predicament. The kunoichi he had been watching skating to her delights had an accident and had fallen down onto the ice which had caused what seemed to be cracks forming across what had to be very thin ice. She was in trouble as the ashen haired man thought about how best to proceed with helping her. He couldn't activate his chakra else his body would heat up and only cause the situation to become worse. It was time to try something out that he hadn't had the chance to try yet. Cracking his knuckles he formed the proper hand seals with one hand while biting the thumb of his other hard enough to draw blood. He then brought his hand down to palm the snow at his feet and the result was a puff of smoke which formed all around his hand before softly disappearing to reveal a small snake which now was slithering it's way up and along his arm in order to rest comfortably along his shoulder. "Oh it'ssss you... What do you want?" the female snake slithered into his ear as Moyasu pointed towards the ice and to the girl who was now requesting for some help. "Ah. You might want to tell her to hold her breath." The small snake's eyes began to glow as Moyasu nodded in understanding of what was about to happen.

"Do me a favor and hold your breath! You're about to go for a light swim!" he shouted out to her as his chakra began to heat up around him and melted the snow into water. Luckily he was too far away from the ice to have any melting effect on it but the snow was providing his snake with just enough water in order for her to control it to her whims. The melted water from the snow started to swirl around Moyasu's body like a small twister, the heat of his chakra warming the water so that it wasn't ice cold, before the water shot forth from him towards the stranger at a slow and calm speed. The water took the form of a large snake that had opened it's mouth and was looking to gulp it's prey whole but at the slow speed it was traveling at once it did manage to reach it's target it would gently pluck her from the ice and slither it's way calmly over the ice back to the safety of snow. Upon making it to the snow covered surface his snake would relax it's chakra as well as himself allowing the girl to leave her lukewarm soak in order to plop down into the frigid pillow of snow. "There. Call me again when there'ssss a real emergenccccy, got it?" the man's snake said with a huff before disappearing once again into a puff of smoke.

WC 487; TWC 977
Miki Satow
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sugar Baby
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:27 pm

Candles in the window, carols at the spinet

Miki would nod; breathing in deeply as she closed her eyes, nearly terrified of what was coming towards her – she knew that it was snake, and the thought of it was enough she didn’t want to look at it. Within moments she was pulled under; placed before the man who had saved her, she heard the snake speak; which alone terrified her… She began to breath again once the snake disappeared once more… “T..Thank you.” She would state, her body shivering from the cool air as it blew around her. She would stand, removing the skates; “Suppose that wasn’t the greatest thought out idea.” She would laugh, her eyes returning to look at the man, “My name is Miki.” She stated, smiling towards him, “Thanks for saving me.” Her emerald eyes look at him… His appearance was strange… His hair, his eyes… All colors she wasn’t familiar with, compared to herself although now soaking wet.

What’s your name, if I could be so bold to ask?” Her eyes scanning around, she was freezing, but around him was slightly warmer compared to anywhere else, she decided to stay close enough to him to keep herself from going into hypothermic shock… She wasn’t sure how it was warmer, nor did she really understand… She had heard of people having certain abilities, heck she was even one of them… Perhaps this was a passive ability of his own? She wanted to question him, but at the same time she didn’t want to pry and cause her source of heat to leave her to freeze to death.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 263
Total WC 1070
Total WC Needed 0000/0000
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Hasn't snowed a single flurrybut Yoi dear we're in a hurry
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Tue Dec 28, 2021 6:38 pm
The jutsu had been a success in it's intended task: the girl had been saved from a near death experience only to be placed into an equally dangerous one due to the cold wind that continued to blow around them. Thoughtfully, however, he had allowed his chakra to continue flowing out as the heat that poured forth from his body had caused the snow for several meters around him to melt and reveal the crisp yet wet grass that lied beneath. The heat would surround the wet girl as he watched her pick herself up while giving him her appreciative thanks for the save which he responded with a warm smile. "It's not a problem, Miki. I wasn't about to let you turn into a popsicle." Even though he could tell that the heat bounding forth from him was helping her tremendously he knew it might not be enough especially as she got closer to him in a rather needy fashion. Thus he stripped himself of the jacket he had bought earlier off his shoulders only to place it around hers. Considering all her clothes were wet she was in need of something dry and considering the jacket was lined with warm fur he figured it was all the better to combat the biting cold.

"Feel free to use me for a fire as much as you like. My name is Moyasu and I come from the Cloud Village. Don't worry about me, by the way. I don't need a jacket to fight the cold." He would continue to allow his chakra burn as he said this, the temperature around his immediate area 23 degrees Celsius compared to the -12 degrees air that blew outside his area, as he took a look at the still softly falling snow flurries to watch them melt as they got close.

WC 309; TWC 1,286
Miki Satow
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Sugar Baby
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Fri Dec 31, 2021 12:54 pm

Candles in the window, carols at the spinet

Miki would smile and nod, holding the jacket tightly against herself, “It is a pleasure, and quite the god sent of meeting you, Moyasu from Cloud Village.” She stated, “I hail from fire country.” She would state, moving herself slightly closer to the man, the heat that radiated off of him was rather pleasing, she enjoyed it quite a bit. “I must thank you again, for saving me. And I must admit, that this heat thing you got going on… Is quite the interesting trick.” She would smile towards him, the warmth coming from his body even as close as they were, which was around 4 meters from each other at this point. She was unsure if it would be fine for her move closer, but this was a safe distance, enough to feel the warmth and hopefully dry off.

What brings you to this place?” She inquired, her emerald eyes staring at him quite intently.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 156
Total WC 1226
Total WC Needed 0000/0000
Active Skills
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Hasn't snowed a single flurrybut Yoi dear we're in a hurry
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:23 pm
Moyasu's mind wandered as he heard the word "fire country". Did this mean she was from Konoha? He'd never been there himself but had read about it in history books that the academy pounded him to study constantly. "Well I was just going for a walk around this strange village and just so happened to stumble upon you here." he said with a tone of kindness behind his words. "How about we continue this conversation out of this cold weather and get you dried up. I happen to know of a very cozy bakery not too far from here." He gestured to her to stick close to him if she so chose and would walk with her to the bakery he encountered when he had first landed in this strange place. It would be the place the two would spend the rest of the evening until eventually the time to return home came and picked them up.

WC 159; 1,445


Claiming Phoenix Flower (both C and B rank; 25% max stat disc; 1,125 wc) and Hangover Cure (E rank; 25% disc; 187 wc)
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Tue Jan 04, 2022 1:26 am
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Everyone needs a little Christmas Empty Re: Everyone needs a little Christmas

Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:09 pm
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