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Jugo Organ Auction

Niko Kazan
Cosplay Queen Saya
Satoru Jugo
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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Jugo Organ Auction

Sat Jan 01, 2022 11:03 am
Satoru had started the day with a delicious continental breakfast. It was by far the best scran he had the pleasure of enjoying since his departure from Kumogakure. Mask on – cane in hand, he made his way out towards the village auction house. A few days after arriving at the village – he listed 2 out of 3 Jugo organs in his possession onto the auction house with the auction commencing shortly.

The auction house had advertised the goods in the form of posters that had been plastered around the village. A handful of individuals stood on the streets leading up to the auction house, promoting the upcoming auction.

Arriving – Satoru entered before navigating to his assigned seat. Every seat had a paddle that corresponded to a number and in turn conveyed to the auctioneer a participants intent to buy. The auction house was very much full and it wasn’t long before the curtains parted and the organ auction began.

Jugo Organ Auction 045b972217b1ea1552545cded7af6e63

The auctioneer was an elderly gentleman – he was already on stage – an iced lung maintained by chakra was on display inside of a glass casing. It was presented masterfully – but was nothing more than smoke and mirrors as Satoru hadn’t provided the auction house with the real organs just yet. There wasn’t a guarantee that a buyer would be found at this establishment – nor that someone wouldn’t try to steal the organs during the sale and so instead he asked the auction house to display the relevant organs through reflective imagery which essentially entailed projecting an image onto a solid surface to create a realistic aesthetic.

Once the deals were concluded the Jugo would provide the auction house the relevant organs and they in turn acted as effectively an escrow service – the middleman for the buyer and the seller.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen – today we have a 2-item auction advertised across our isles. We have had a unique opportunity of procuring organs of Jugo descent. As some of you may know they incredibly rare within our world and hold unique properties. We have successfully validated the organs as being authentic – and we can confirm that they have a nature-based affinity as is to be expected. With the rarity of these organs, I would like to remind everyone that there is a reserve on these items – if the reserve in question is not met then the items will be withdrawn from auction. We will begin with the lung.”

“And the introduction out of the way – the bidding will commence at 50 thousand ryo with a minimum of 5 thousand ryo increments. So – do I hear 50 thousand?” the auctioneer with his index raised began looking around the room for any starting bids.

Place your bids, after 48 hours of no bidding progression the highest bid will go "once", with 24 hour gaps between "going twice" and "sold" stages.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:47 pm
Pinochio Pinochio showed up to the auction house bright and early. There were many things he'd learned to enjoy as a tough manly man of the village of kiri. One of his most recent forms of entertainment was gambling in all its various forms. With his missions currently all done and a bit of time between training sessions, he strolled into a seat in the very back of the building. It was probably the worst decision he'd had yet. Even with everyone sitting down, there was no way he could see what the heck was going on. With a stroke of brilliance, he'd simply stand on the chair, now looming high over the people in front of him. When he saw it, his eyes shot out of their skull... figuratively of course. Were it done literally, there would probably be new items to sell. 

His paddle went up immediately. 50k ryo?! That was NOTHING! He could send a call to Ai to bring more money if he needed. Goodness gambling was hecking fun! 

( bidding 50k)
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:27 pm
Niko was in the market for some incredibly legal organ gathering. This would be useful in manipulating his bloodline. He had read a little on the strong abilities of a jugo organ. This could be quite useful indeed. Seeing the paddle lift for 50k Niko would raise his own. 55k was nothing especially when he was expecting a promotion soon.

(bidding 55k)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:09 am
While normally she would find such things distasteful, lately Kikuko had found herself in the market for new opportunities to advance her shinobi career and study of ninjutsu. Thus, she found herself here in this situation- bidding for perhaps one of the more gruesome prizes she had seen on display in a while. Still, ultimately, she had to bury her moral scruples. She had come here for a reason, after all.

Raising her paddle, she would up the ante- raising a bid for 60k ryo.

(bidding 60k ryo).
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Ryo : 97200

Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Tue Jan 04, 2022 6:13 pm
Wow, it truly seems that the market for this organ is at an all-time high. This just showed Niko that this was a good one. He did not come here for nothing.
Flipping his paddle up he would cringe a little. His bonus is down the drain. Guess Niko really had to work on that promotion of his. His insufferable servant life would soon come to an end very soon.
(Bidding 65k)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:09 am
The auctioneer conveyed the highest bid at each occassion where the participants progressed the bidding rounds, before long and after a series of calls for 70 thousand, the auctioneer conveyed the instruction of, "65 thousand, going once!"
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:23 pm
"65 thousand, going twice!"
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:47 pm
(( Wont be around tomorrow to progress this so had to do it tonight! ))

"Sold, to number 301."

The display was quickly wheeled off before another organ was brought on stage, this time a Liver.

"Once again an organ of incredible rarity - Jugo. the bidding will commence at 50 thousand ryo with a minimum of 5 thousand ryo increments. So – do I hear 50 thousand?"

In the background - payment is sought by the auction staff from the participant holding paddle 301, Niko Kazan - once the payment his succesfully received, Satoru makes his way back stage, releasing the lung from the scroll that it was kept in before providing it to the staff who in turn give the organ to the participant situated in the adjoining room.
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:03 pm
Niko would make his way to the back of the stage. Preparing the outrageous amount of money that he was about to fork over to the man. Truly the organ must be rare for the bidding to have reached such a price. Though if it truly lived up to its rarity. It would be useful as a gift or an experiment. Niko would take the money out of his pocket. Which looked surprisingly scummy. Though as a working-class citizen he did not have the fancy spacetime money techniques that his sensei was supposed to teach. He would hand over the money wincing over the loss of his cash.

Watching the owner of the organ appear Niko would take note of his appearance as well as his unusual process of giving the organ. Niko had assumed it would be a bargain deal with the scroll as well. But I guess grabbing organs from people was not considered 'that' high society. Taking the organ in his hand he would then mutter to himself.

"The power of the sun in the palm of my hand." Niko would then turn to the man who gave him the organ. This could be someone worth knowing so he would speak to the man. Hoping to get to know him. Niko would hand the man a piece of paper with his other hand that held his address.

"We should talk sometime. You know I'm somewhat of a scientist myself." Niko would then leave the premises but not before sealing his organ.

(TWC 385)
Claiming this as well as the jugo organ sealed in the corpse storage scroll. and the loss of 65,000 ryo

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Kita Hajime
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Jugo Organ Auction Empty Re: Jugo Organ Auction

Sun Jan 09, 2022 4:04 pm
Approved up to this point!
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