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Natsuki Sarutobi
Natsuki Sarutobi
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Ryo : 1500

Scars of the Past - Page 3 Empty Re: Scars of the Past

Wed May 25, 2022 4:40 am

The Uchiha before him were quick to divert blame, casting it to the Raikage before him. And while part of Komon was fully aware that Raikage of the past had their fair share of blame, he also knew that he’d played a part in the events himself. He’d bloodied his hands for the village on more than one occasion. Of course, it would be easy to blame the former lords of his village for his actions, but Komon knew the truth of the matter. He’d carried out these actions himself, and one day he knew he’d have to answer for them, be it this life or the next.

To Yurei however it seemed his focus was on the Kage of the world, Komon knew of his discontent with Hoshigakure and its villages structure, but it seemed the boy had grown weary of leadership in all corners the world since they’d last met. He was taking the sins of the many, and placing them on the few, a broken image of reality framed in a way which he thought he could fix.

They seemed fixated on the fact that he felt himself unworthy of redemption, but they’d misread him. It wasn’t himself he wished to redeem, or the raikage he wished to enact revenge upon. It was his village he wished to mend, and its victims ruins he wished to reconstruct. As Yurei had said, this was bigger than any of them, and bigger than any Kage too.

Still, he held no love for Maku. So when Yurei asked, he’d answer.

His name is Maku

He’d give an understanding glance to his friend as he spoke the name, thinking he knew the purpose behind the question, letting his words hang a moment before he spoke once more.

If that’s all I’d like to rest

He’d say, potentially excusing himself. If neither of the boys protested, he’d then hobble to the nearest room the palace had to offer, and lay himself on the floor.


WC: 332
TWC: 2026

Claiming: 20 Chakra | 10 + 20 = 30
Sukuroru - B Rank Toad - 1500 WC
Shagamu - B Rank Toad - 1200 from my 1212 remaining reclaim wc, and 300 from my 500 remaining thread wc. Throw the 200 remaining thread wc and 12 remaining reclaim wc away ty

AP Remaining: 400/400
*  Vigor:  40  *
*  Chakra:  10  *
*  Speed:  64 (+25)  *
*  Strength:  25  *

Last edited by Komon Hyuuga on Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Scars of the Past - Page 3 Empty Re: Scars of the Past

Wed May 25, 2022 11:39 am


Yurei gave Damon a slow and firm nod, shifting his eyes to Komon. His narrowed gaze took note of the tension coursing through the Hyuuga’s face. It was detached, and Yurei immediately noted the distance in his voice. Having grown up fiercely loyal to a village rather than facing the strife and constant tensions between leadership and the villagers themselves as Yurei and Damon had, the Uchiha could not blame Komon for shutting down in this way. This, accompanied with the strain of being at the site of a massacre, was easy to grasp.

When Komon uttered the words, Yurei closed his eyes, committing it to memory. Maku. He knew the name. Remembered it well. The now lightless, vacant slits in his mask gave Komon his blessing with a nod, allowing the Hyuuga to rest on his own. When the door shut, he turned his gaze to Damon, opening his eyes again. 

“Jemuzu,” he said. “I thought so.” Yurei bowed his head, placing himself upon the daimyo’s throne. A small chuckle escaped his lips. It was ironic. Every fiber of his being told him to kill Komon for what he had done. If not by his own actions, then for the complacency that allowed the actions of others. But he was no fool. What could a slave do against his masters? What could a man do against the might of Gods? Crusades based strictly on morality were fruitless. Had the Uchiha been held to the same standard, they would be dead. “So long as he stays on the right path, no harm will come to Komon from us. Treat him with the same scrutiny you would myself. I’m not interested in what he did or did not do. His servitude to us will be his penance whether he knows it or not.” 

His eyes fell to the blood stain pooled at the steps. “However, if Jemuzu lives...” His eyes fell to Damon, an unmistakable graveness to them. The silence hung in the air for a moment before Yurei continued. “Get some rest. Whether or not the storm passes, we move at daybreak.”

When the sun broke the sky and the storm, Yurei had ensured their arrival into Kamui.

WC: 352
TCW: 4434

-exit to Kamui-
Claims: 3465/3465 Koshukei Previous Claim Here
969/2500 Kagura
88 AP
+1 Blindness Counter
Stat Page : The Tengu
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 44150

Scars of the Past - Page 3 Empty Re: Scars of the Past

Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:59 am


Maku. The room fell silent as the words hung in the air. Damon recognized the name like one would remember a dream. There was once a Maku who had visited Hoshigakure, during a time when Damon had taken a step back from the activities of the village and focused rigorously on his training. He had breathed the same air in the same town as the man who ordered the annihilation of an entire populace. It felt different, having a genuine name to an otherwise distant adversary. It was no longer generalized as leaders and kage, it was a specific name and a specific person. It made their goal feel more real. There were people out there with lives who were more than just what their position held. But, that did not erase the atrocities these named people committed. The name etched into his mind, Damon would soon set off to search the building for supplies. Whether Komon believed in their cause or not did not truly matter in the end. Their goals would be realized one way or the other.

Yurei sat upon the very kind of throne that they looked at with contempt as Komon exited. “I could say the same to you.” Damon arced an eyebrow at the weary looking man sitting before him. “With the way you’re talking now, someone else might mistake you for a dictator.” He eyed him with concern. “Make sure you get some rest as well. I’ll take first watch.” With that, the raven haired Uchiha turned from the throne his brother sat upon in order to investigate their surroundings. The pressure in his head, whether from exhaustion, the overuse of his mangekyo, or the whispering in his mind, pulsated against his eyes. In an attempt to stifle the dull pain, Damon pinched the bridge of his nose with closed eyes as he walked down the cold, empty corridors of a graveyard.

WC: 319
TWC: 3149
--Exit to Kamui--
Claims: 900 words to stats, 4 to speed, 5 to strength, hitting max stats
Remaining 2249 towards 44 AP
2500 words to Susanoo to upgrade from A to S rank
Remaining 649/1750 words towards B ranked Singularity
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Scars of the Past - Page 3 Empty Re: Scars of the Past

Wed Jun 01, 2022 3:45 am
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