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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Minor Vagrant Empty Minor Vagrant

Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:11 pm
Mission Details:

Ise and Toran had made their way into the center of the village, where they would start their second mission together. According to recent reports, a kid has been going around, desecrating buildings, as well as famous landmarks throughout Hoshigakure. Ise and Toran were actually staring at this kid’s ‘handy work’ at this very moment which was on the very front of one of Ise’s favorite restaurants in the village, which made the silver-haired Uchiha’s left eyebrow twitch with anger. To make it worse, it was graffiti of what looked like a Hoshi shinobi with bulging eyes and grotesque buckteeth. It was also apparent that for whatever reason, this kid didn’t like Hoshi shinobi either, or he was trying to be ‘funny’. But in Ise’s eyes, this … this was crossing the line, especially putting graffiti on the front of a restaurant that he came to frequently.

“When I catch this kid, I swear …” Ise thought to himself, tightening his right hand into a fist. The older Uchiha sighed and started to speak with his cousin. “Let’s spread out and see if we can find this little punk.” Isemori looked at Toran, not even explaining why he was upset. However, everyone knew that this restaurant in Hoshigakure was one of its best. Anyone who enjoyed coming here to eat would be just as upset as he was if they saw what was drawn on the front of the building, especially a Hoshigakure shinobi.

WC: 244
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:09 pm
Toran followed Isemori inside of the main city square of Hoshigakure, their second mission together wasn’t anything too special in his mind. Just some kid who seemingly had a thing for making elaborate paintings and pranks on people. It reminded him of something that sounded familiar, but he couldn’t really remember if there was anything like that inside of the shinobi world. Toran hadn’t come to the restaurant frequently, in fact he barely went to any restaurants, his parents sheltering him when his father had come home with a missing eye had scarred his mother somewhat. Not wanting the same thing to happen with her son more than anything. The Shinobi that they had made into graffiti wasn’t visually appealing, but Toran could see why the kid might be doing what he was doing. Or he was just being a little shit, something that Toran knew fondly of back when he was a kid.

“It's just kid Ise, probably no older than you or I. Who knows if this kid is just being a little shit or maybe he has something against our shinobi?” Toran remained the optimist in this situation. Also because he didn’t want to punch a kid who likely wasn’t even 12 years old. Toran didn’t share the same blazing passion that Isemori had for restaurants, but he was a bit upset by how it had made Hoshi shinobi look like idiots. But he wasn’t overly mad at anything right now.

“Well, the best way to do that is to use our tried and tested Shadow clones!” He said with a bit of pride. Weaving the hand seals immediately before watching as he made three clones with them. The three clones all immediately go around in search of the vagrant who had besmirched the restaurant that a lot of Hoshigakure civilians seemed to enjoy.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:17 pm
Ise made a ‘Tsk’ sound at Toran’s comment about their culprit, despite knowing that his younger cousin was right. That still didn’t really change the fact that he was upset about the graffiti being painted on the wall. However, Ise truly knew better than to actually cause harm to the kid that did this. Just as Ise was about to say something, Ise had heard a man screaming in anger about half a block away from his and Toran’s position. “Why you little brat!” Ise’s head immediately turned, seeing a bald middle-aged man yelling at what looked like a twelve-year-old boy with short brown hair and blue eyes. “Looks like we found our little vagrant. Let’s go!” Ise had said to Toran, taking the lead, practically sprinting ahead. As Ise was sprinting forward, The boy’s eyes met Ise’s and it was apparent that when this happened, the boy was afraid and started to make a run for it himself.

“You can try ya little squirt, but you won’t get away from me,” Ise had thought to himself while forming the hand seals as he ran to create two shadow clones of himself who had kept up with the real Ise’s pace of movement. Ise only made a slight glance at the shadow clones on both sides of him, signaling them to take the higher ground, while he would remain on the street. Ise figured that with the help of his shadow clones, he would be able to corner the boy from different angles, making him unable to get away. The boy that was still ahead of him dared not to look back, knowing full well that if he did, he would most definitely be caught by Ise. However, he did not notice the two shadow clones of Ise’s scaling the rooftops; managing to get ahead of him. By the time the boy had made it to the bridge, The real Ise used his Peacock spirit blessing to fly ahead of him, picking up way more speed than normal, blocking the bridge while the two shadow clones had blocked the left and right alleyways, and with Toran having been right behind the real Ise, there was now literally no chance for the twerp to get away.

“Did you really think that’d you would be able to get away like that?” The real Ise spoke to the boy, having a stern expression on his face, looking down at him. The boy was now shaking in fear, which made Ise sigh and started to speak once more. “Look, we’re not here to hurt you,” Ise had said, attempting to use his words gently, whilst speaking the truth. “However, your acts of vandalism had gotten a lot of attention, and not in the good kind of way.” Ise had continued to speak, his face being serious while his tone was calm.

WC: 477
TWC: 721
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:13 pm
Toran gave a small sigh as he knew why his own cousin could be upset in this whole entire thing. Even though he and his cousin acted differently he could tell that something would always bug him from time to time. Especially when it came to disrespecting people that weren’t close to him it seemed. Something that Toran would keep a keen eye out for just in case he were to find something that really did anger Isemori. However the sudden roaring of a man against a twelve year old kid didn’t really sit right with Toran, the kid was barely a year younger than he was, and yet he seemed to be scared of the old man hurling insults as the boy ran away from him. Isemori’s own comment still didn’t sit well with him as both would speed up towards where the Kid was. It wouldn’t be that hard to catch up since the boy in question wasn’t even shinobi trained. So it was easy to run towards him and catch up. Yet Isemori taking the lead made things slightly difficult. As he didn’t want to run too far and end up hurting the kid.  However Toran saw something that made him surprised, as well as curious about whether or not he could also try and copy it off of Isemori as well. But alas he was too busy dealing with keeping a close pace with the child in front of him that it made things difficult to concentrate.

When Isemori was able to corner the boy along with Toran. The younger of the two would stand behind the kid with a small sigh. He didn’t want to have to deal with any sort of physical violence to the kid of necessary. But when it came down to it he’d have to restrain him at least in order for the authorities to arrive. In which he’d give a small whistle for someone to go and grab the authorities in order to help out at least.

“You did make quite a show ya? However I gotta ask why kid? What made you wanna vandalize a simple restaurant?” He asked with a pinch of investigation going into the motive as to why the kid was even acting the way he was. Wondering what else this kid could potentially be hiding or if there was some type of cause that made the kid want to start vandalizing Hoshigakure grounds.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Ise's Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:17 pm
Ise waited to speak again, wanting to hear the younger kids answer as to why he vandalized the restaurant and other places around the village, whilst folding his arms. The little boy stood there, hesitant to answer, but eventually, he started to speak. “It’s because … It’s because I don’t like you Shinobi, okay!” the kid blurted out in a shout. Ise had figured that much, given the display of graffiti he had made, but what Ise didn’t expect was the boy crying at the same time. The look on the boy’s face was riddled with pain, essentially telling Ise that there was actually more to it than what he had actually said. In fact, It reminded him about how he had actually felt towards his own older brother in a way, at least pain seemingly looked similar from Ise’s viewpoint. Ise’s stern face had slightly softened, but only to the point where Toran had probably noticed it.

Ise had wanted to say something to the boy - tell him that he understood how he felt, whether he believed him or not, but before he could do so, the authorities that Toran had flagged down were already there, taking the boy into custody, as well as thanking the two Uchiha for not letting him get away. As Ise had watched the authorities take the boy away, a pang of regret had hit him hard where his heart was due to the fact that he was unable to say anything to the boy. “Ya know,” Isemori had started to speaking to his younger cousin randomly, “I thought he was just your average delinquent. However, he was just simply seeking attention. And honestly … I know that feeling better than anyone, especially when the one your trying to get the attention of the most, doesn’t even bother to acknowledge you …” Ise had said, the words coming out of his mouth coming from his own train of thought. Toran had known about Ise’s situation with Itsuki, however, he didn’t know the full story. Ise wasn’t even sure if he was ready to tell anyone the full story.

A grin had then formed on his face while he faced his younger cousin and said, “Well, that’s another mission done!” His words had changed the topic quickly, being intentional. “So, you ready to do some more missions together, little bro?” Ise had asked him.

WC: 399
TWC: 1,120

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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:49 pm
Toran cursed himself when he realized he had just flagged down the authorities. However when they actually came to arrest the boy Toran had decided to take matters into his own hands for this one. His first act was to place his hand out in front of him to tell them to wait a moment while th kid was crying. He needed to think of an excuse fast. In which he actually had a pretty decent one at that.

"Dont worry about the kid officers! He says he'll only go with me."

Too that he gave the boy a small nod before motioning for Isemori to hopefully wrap things up around here if possible. In which Toran would see the pang of guilt Isemori felt at the authorities arriving. But Toran only gave a small smile towards his brother while holding onto the kids arm gently. Heck Toran was barely taller then this kid, yet he felt so much older around the pre-teen. The kid only sniffles for a moment before Toran asked him a simple question.

"Why don't you like Shinobi? If I may be so inclined to ask you?" Toran questioned the kid. Looking back with a small glint of hope in his eyes that something would be answered today. Yet he felt the kid yank against his grip, causing Toran to let go before the authorities would arrive to hand cuff the boy. Toran only was able to read a few words come out of the boys mouth before he was taken into custody. Isemori jumping in certainly didn't lighten up his spirits. But he only nodded his head before wondering something else entirely. "Where do we go from here then?"

Exit & Claims!:

Last edited by Toran Uchiha on Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:54 am
Approved @ Isemori
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Minor Vagrant Empty Re: Minor Vagrant

Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:14 pm
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