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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Will work for wood Empty Will work for wood

Sun Apr 03, 2022 10:22 pm
Mission Details:

Another day, another competition.  The past hours or days had blended together among the ethereal fairgrounds.  Time seemed to hold less meaning as the spirits of spring and rebirth held the area within its green and pink clutches.  Still, such things are often of little consequence when one considers those filler days between the plot of one’s life.  Instead opting to simply enjoy what they have stumbled upon.  Todays big festivity was the of a wood carving contest.  Something Asahi likely would never have entered, and yet he’d seen his name listed on the roster.  Always one to get along, he would have hated to make the writer a liar, so here he was.  

He eyed the competition, and quickly learned that he must be in the amateur round.  The big and gruff men, bearded and flanneled like lumberjacks all sat in the back, watching the menagerie of characters like himself that walked awkwardly to their station.  There he found a large log, and an assortment of woodcutting tools that he knew for a fact he’d never used or seen outside a saw in his life.  He had some experience with difficult work in the way of smithing, but this was not that.  

Tying his blonde hair in a tight top knot letting it spill messily, he pulled his arms from his kimono and let the top half fall past his waste.  His kimono was a brilliant blue, his bare chest and abdomen obscured by tight linen wraps that covered him as though injured, even if that was far from the purpose.  Cracking his knuckles, his finger wiggled over the tools, blue eyes on the announcer waiting for the instructions.

TWC - 280
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Will work for wood Empty Re: Will work for wood

Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:05 pm
The rules where simple, create something from the wood provided, and then it would be judged.  Not only on finesse and skill, but creativity as well.  The man who looked like most of the other attendants to the festival spoke briefly before holding up a scroll.  With a roar from the crowd, he opened the scroll sending a loud BANG and fireball into the air symbolizing the start of the contest.  All around men and women grabbed their tools, and the grating of the steel on wood filled the air.  Soon the smells of sawdust and sweat accompanied the noise, showing that the contest was fully underway.

As for Asahi......the creative juices instantly dried up.  Blue eyes with as much information within as the clear blue sky gazed over the wood, tools in hand.  All around shapes began to take place.  Animal carvings, men, trees, intricate designs....what he had originally taken to be amateurs was quickly showing itself as artsy people who clearly had taken a hobby way to far.  How he had managed to be placed into this group he had no idea.  Perhaps he should not have talked himself up so much......this musing lasted several minutes until he snapped himself back into focus.  

Sighing, he reached down into his kimono and took a drink form a hidden flask.  His hands moved over the wood chipping away at the bark, attempting to find the art within.  Perhaps his inner artist merely needed the exercise before coming out....or something along those lines.

WC - 532
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Will work for wood Empty Re: Will work for wood

Fri Apr 15, 2022 12:57 am
It quickly became apparent that there was little chance he was going to be in any contention for the first place prize.  Despite the images thag danced through his minds, and the precision of the tools that graced his hands, he had no way of managing the middle ground of actually forming an object.  Soon he had tossed aside two logs, both ruined and marred by the inexpert strokes.  He felt his head drop back, the sunshine washing across his upturned face as he thought on what to do.  Even if this wasn’t anywhere close to his realm of expertise, his competitive spirit refused to allow him to throw in the proverbial towel.  

Taking another drink from the flask, and a new log sat in front of him, he looked about once again. Many of the contestants where close to finishing their projects.  The delicate and robust all on display.  Rubbing his chin, and wiping the sweat from his brow, his eyes found the large hourglass that symbolizes how much time is remaining.  There was only around 15 minutes left, and he was no closer now than he’d been when he started.  Sighing, he finally had an idea of how to compete.  It was abstract, but hey one had to do what they could.

Taking his tool he made very few cuts.  Opting to leave the bark in tact, and instead leave a singular branch hanging from the large piece. A single leaf flapping in the wind.   Smoothing out the top and bottom with a rough piece of sandpaper, he was pleased before sitting back.  Watching the last minute trickle by, and the large announcement let him know the contest had concluded.  All there was left was the judgment of the works.  The man who had started hopped off the stage and began making his way from station to station.

Each time he let out a little squeal of excitement and offered his praises and helpful critiques to the artist.  Not a negative word said.  Due to the path he had opted to take Asahi realized he would be the last one judged, a narratively appropriate coincidence due to his idea.  If he had been first or even last, he doubted his plan would work nearly as well.  The entire basis being off of surprise and wit rather than skill and ability.  Before long the time came, and before him stood the puzzled master of ceremonies.  

Before the man could ask his question, Asahi demonstrated the substitution technique, one of the few ninja abilities he’d bothered to learn from the kids about Tanbogakure.  The log he had crafted, and the one he used to substitute with were nearly identical as the puff of smoke vanished.  A long bit of silence, and then a lot more grumbles broke out………and that was how Asahi Yagami made no friends that day in the art community, but he did have some pocket change to blow afterwards.

TWC - 1024
Mission claims - 4K ryo, 20ap, 1x go go dango and Sakura candy

+20ap for max stats
+1000 words to

Last edited by Asahi Yagami on Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
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Ryo : 21270

Will work for wood Empty Re: Will work for wood

Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:34 am
Hello this thread is almost perfect the rate of ap acquisition is 2 for every 100 words when training with max stats so it should be plus 20 and not 10 ^^ change that real quick and let me know then I'll slap an approval on it
Hayato Yuki
Hayato Yuki
Stat Page : Frigid Blade
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 21270

Will work for wood Empty Re: Will work for wood

Fri Apr 15, 2022 3:59 am
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